
A place to seek help, or to offer services, dealing with the paranormal.
A. Pendragon
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Post by A. Pendragon »

fate wrote:So much paranoia. Tell you all what, I will make the drop myself, so all you people can get a good look at me from the shadows. Now do you think I would place myself into mortal danger? I would think not. You will all see there is nothing to be afraid of.
I would expect nothing less then you making the drop.
Fear the night because the night doesn't fear YOU!!!
Something that I have learned in my life: The dead just dont stay dead.
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

fate. You give us a resume that tells us your primary job qualification is a willingess to do heinius acts of murder andbetrayal.

Then you ask us to trust you with our lives.

Do you not see the disconnect between these two statemens?

Besides, in your way of life, paranoia is what keeps you alive - so I don't think you should be criticizing us for that.
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Delta Sierra
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The Lord of Murder

Post by Razor »

Ba'al... THE Ba'al? The Lord of Murder? Aww, damn... not cool.

As for you, Fate, I would also like a copy of those files.

And at this point, I'm more quick to side with Celeste, because I've had dear old Uncle Sam try to kill me more than once. Gotta love the Remote Viewer programs that are still active even though the CIA supposedly shut them down back in '95.
Secrets and secrets, truth and lies, but which is which? Not knowing is the way to die.
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Post by fate »

I have an idea, Is there a coffee shop somewhere in the area? If so I propose that we all meet there and have a nice cup of coffee and I'll answer all the questions that must be burning in your minds. Mr. Caliburn you can even bring you guns if you like. If you would like to attend and travel is the problem don't fret I can arrange to have you brought out. What do you all think?
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Post by Razor »

Well, truth be known, I'm kinda stuck at a DoL facility right now, and its not exactly an open campus, so I can't just walk out. That, and when it comes to money, I'm kinda extremely broke.

As for coffee shops... well I don't know of any in the area.
Secrets and secrets, truth and lies, but which is which? Not knowing is the way to die.
Celeste Darken
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No coffee for me

Post by Celeste Darken »

fate wrote:I have an idea, Is there a coffee shop somewhere in the area? If so I propose that we all meet there and have a nice cup of coffee and I'll answer all the questions that must be burning in your minds. Mr. Caliburn you can even bring you guns if you like. If you would like to attend and travel is the problem don't fret I can arrange to have you brought out. What do you all think?

If I came, it would have to be at night. And I don't drink coffee. My "beverage of choice" would depend entirely on what you do. But if I come, Ron probably won't. And if he comes, I probably won't.
Death isn’t a state of nothingness. It’s a journey. What path are you forging?
Ron Caliburn
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Re: No coffee for me

Post by Ron Caliburn »

Celeste Darken wrote:
fate wrote:I have an idea, Is there a coffee shop somewhere in the area? If so I propose that we all meet there and have a nice cup of coffee and I'll answer all the questions that must be burning in your minds. Mr. Caliburn you can even bring you guns if you like. If you would like to attend and travel is the problem don't fret I can arrange to have you brought out. What do you all think?

If I came, it would have to be at night. And I don't drink coffee. My "beverage of choice" would depend entirely on what you do. But if I come, Ron probably won't. And if he comes, I probably won't.

Funny thing that. I suppose we trust each other enough to know not to mix.

I trust you are what you claim to be. You trust my intentions towards such a creature.

And no fate, I have no intentions of going to your meeting. I suppose you'll want us to sit round and sing the Name Game or something like that.

I still don't get it. You provide us with the laundry list of reasons not to trust you, then seem surprised when you ask us to trust you that we recoil.

If you did do us a favor, thank you for that, but a wolf is still a wolf, even if it did just kill the mountain lion sneaking up behind us.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
A. Pendragon
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Post by A. Pendragon »

Drop off the package as previously agreed upon. The time and locale have already been explained to you. Failure to comply could end up not good for someone....

... Feel free to guess who that someone is. Want to know what the SAS distance record is with a bolt-action rifle?
Fear the night because the night doesn't fear YOU!!!
Something that I have learned in my life: The dead just dont stay dead.
Freedom isn't as free as we have been taught!
Elijah Sight
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Post by Elijah Sight »

At the moment, I am inclined to agree with dear Mr. Caliburn. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, but it is our actions that are judged. And quite frankly sir, yours seem dubious at best. I myself find paranoia a useful tool in these circles. I advise my colleagues here to make the same of it.

That said, if any of our Lazlo Socialites here are planning to take Mr. Fate up on his offer of a personal meeting, I insist on going along. Safety in numbers, as it were. My identity is no secret, as those of you who've been my guests can attest.

Ba'al was also a Mesopotamian fertility god/godess, hermaphroditic in nature, and with a bloody dogma. Remember, if you will, the Prophet Elijah's showdown with his prophets. My namesake witnessed them slicing open their eyelids to simulate tears for their god.

Mr. Pendragon, I request permission to survey and reconnoiter the dropoff site myself, in addition to whatever security measures you have enacted. Again, safety in numbers, as it were.
"Only the mad destroy themselves and all that they have wrought. But only the Phoenix lives forever."
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Post by fate »

I will make the drop as requested myself on foot and alone.

Mr. Caliburn the reason I divulged so much information was to show you that I can be honest and trusted. I’m sorry that you misconstrued my intentions.

Celeste Darken, Funny how you’re the only one to even partially acknowledge my offer. If you would like to meet I would love to ask you some questions about your……”condition”. I can give you my word that you will be safe and free from harm, and really what would someone like you have to fear from me. I’ll even bring the “wine”, red I would think….any particular vintage? I feel we may be kindred sprits, even if only in there mistrust of us. Though one of us may have lost there sprit long ago.
aut vincere aut mori=Either to conquer or to die
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Offering someone's blood to a vampire?

Still not winning any points.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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Post by fate »

Mr. Razor I would be happy to supplies you with the files as well….where should they be sent? Same location?

As for the rest of you, you’ll all see there’s nothing to worry about.
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Post by Razor »

Feel free to send the files to [email protected], or if you wanna do the cloak-and-dagger thing...

Send them to San Marcos Tx. Find the Wal-Mart in town, and then look for the nearby furniture store. Go across the alley, farm supply store. Put it under the second riding lawnmower from the left. They never move those things.
Secrets and secrets, truth and lies, but which is which? Not knowing is the way to die.
A. Pendragon
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Post by A. Pendragon »

Elijah Sight wrote:UPDATE:
Mr. Pendragon, I request permission to survey and reconnoiter the dropoff site myself, in addition to whatever security measures you have enacted. Again, safety in numbers, as it were.
Not a problem friend.
Fear the night because the night doesn't fear YOU!!!
Something that I have learned in my life: The dead just dont stay dead.
Freedom isn't as free as we have been taught!
Celeste Darken
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Blood offering?

Post by Celeste Darken »

Ron Caliburn wrote:Offering someone's blood to a vampire?

Still not winning any points.

Points are for ballgames. And we're not playing ball.

fate wrote:Celeste Darken, Funny how you’re the only one to even partially acknowledge my offer. If you would like to meet I would love to ask you some questions about your……”condition”. I can give you my word that you will be safe and free from harm, and really what would someone like you have to fear from me. I’ll even bring the “wine”, red I would think….any particular vintage? I feel we may be kindred sprits, even if only in there mistrust of us. Though one of us may have lost there sprit long ago.

The meeting would have to have some benefits for me as well, of course. I will send you a private message.
Death isn’t a state of nothingness. It’s a journey. What path are you forging?
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Post by Greydawn »

Oh how the young trust so easily. I am new to the board but even I would use more cation when meeting with someone such as Fate which by the way I have no belief in.[/quote]
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Post by Shadowstalker »

I will point out that to call the way they are dealing with Fate "trusting" is streatching the definition a great deal. Most are giveing him just enough rope.
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Post by Greydawn »

True, but Miss Darken is the one willing to meet with him. Sure she is strong but as I have read she has let emotion controll her rather than to think things through. This in mind I say "trust" with the meaning of willing to meet with someone who has already made it clear he is only intrested in his own agenda. And if you took offence at my statement I apologise for I meant no such thing. It was only meant to make people think and therefore be safer in their dealing with those unknown to them.
There is a time for life and a time for death, Find the balance.
Celeste Darken
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No decisions yet, Greydawn

Post by Celeste Darken »

Shadowstalker wrote:I will point out that to call the way they are dealing with Fate "trusting" is streatching the definition a great deal. Most are giveing him just enough rope.

But what he does with that rope is up to him. Let me remind you, Mr. Greydawn, that "willing" and "doing" are two entirely different matters. I like to keep my avenues open; I have few enough as they are. But nothing has been decided yet. I intentionally placed that if in my message about meeting Mr. Fate. Besides, I will have my own terms should the meeting come to pass. If those terms are not met, there will be no meeting.

I may be young, but as you said, I am also strong. In more ways than one. And unlike most of the members on this form, I will not grow old. Age may bring experience, but it also enfeebles faculties. Let there be a parity between the two, and then there shall be progress.
Death isn’t a state of nothingness. It’s a journey. What path are you forging?
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Post by fate »

Mr. Greydawn, I welcome you to this cloak and dagger game. However I ask you Mr. Greydawn, what grounds do you have to judge me? Have I wronged you somehow or has the paranoia of the rest of the society poisoned you against me already, even though you have yet to speak a single word to me? I would hope that a man of wisdom and experience would do better then that.

My dear Celeste Darken, you have but to ask and I shall deliver whatever it is you want, information, equipment……….wine? The time and place are your’s for the choosing.
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Post by Shadowstalker »

Fate its like Ron said you kinda set your self up nobody is going to trust you staight off under nomal conditions with some of your admissions it will take a great deal longer.
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Post by fate »

So I am mistrusted on the grounds of being honest…how ironic. It must be true what they say “ignorance is bliss”. So my question is this, what dose that make knowledge in this situation?
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Post by Shadowstalker »

No the truth is knowing to much or to little can both get you dead it all depnds on what you do or don't Know.
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Post by KonThaak »

First off, my apologies for going AWOL for so long. I am still here and kicking; it's the Hell season at UPS, so don't be surprised if I go several days in a row without checking this...

Second off, I think I will go to the meet-point myself. My runes said something's going to go wrong.

They also said that the perpetrator will be an unknown force. It seems that when the shit hits the fan, it seems it won't be Fate who's to blame.

So Mr. Pendragon, Mr. Sight, myself, and one who's volunteered through PM's will be there...

(To those who've spoken to me through PM's about this, I apologize for not responding. I didn't really have the time to make this post as it was, but it's kinda important, so I did it anyway.)
I am not A bitch...I am THE bitch. And to you, I'm MS Bitch.
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Post by Greydawn »

Mr. Fate it is not that you have wronged me or anyone i know. It is simply that I have a problem trusting those that work only for their own agenda. I mean no insult to you by not trusting you, but I have learned from past expieriances that someone who looks to be open about their past deeds is also hiding their true motives. Maybe I am wrong about you, but i would only use the utmost caution when dealing with you or anyone else that was as open about past deeds as you have been for even truth can be used to hide their true motives.
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Post by fate »

I highly doubt there will be any trouble at the drop site. Who else but our selves knows its even going to happen, unless you suspect one of the society members…..lets not all get that paranoid. I’m sure everything will go fine, I mean do you think I would really drop the files myself if I wasn’t sure.

Mr. Greydawn you speak as if you’ve hid your motives more then once. Wisdom speaks from experience, right Mr. Greydawn.
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Post by Greydawn »

Haven't we all Mr. Fate, but when i hide mine it is usually from those that are trying to harm the innocent, not those protecting them. Sometimes you have to get close to the monster to stop it. If it knew your true motives then you would never get close enough to stop it.
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Post by fate »

"He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster, and if thou gaze long into the abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee." Friedrich Nietzsche

Something like that Mr. Greydawn, Know thy enemy know thy self?
aut vincere aut mori=Either to conquer or to die
Crosshair MT
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Post by Crosshair MT »

I have not spoken up on this disscusion yet, but I feeel I must. Where I am from the goverment and all the secret branches and operatives made one very wary of trusting them at all. Even if they saved you in a very convincing manner with all the right moves and songs to normally sate your paranoia. And as several people have pointed out you have admited to a very shady means of trying to prove your self to us. I personally hope you are sincere in all you have related, does this mean I will trust you? Or meet with you? Not a chance in hell.

Too many times we have seen the old good cop bad cop game used on people, and this story reeks of it to me. Again I will take a wait and see stance on if you can be trusted. I do hope that this is the case with you, But with the story you posted in this thread I will do so from the shadows and with several weapons at ready. Please don't take this as a insult to you, only a fool would take any one at thier word. Espeacially with the posting not long ago on the demon that was on the board taunting people with a friend's life hanging in the balance. This is reason enough not to be immideately trusting of any one on these boards with out word from some one you already trust to confirm the person in questions standing.
There will always be a reason to fear the unknown, fear is a good way to ground yourself in reality, or at least the part of it that leaves you sane. ( Funny term for those of us that deal with the supernatural.)
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Post by Greydawn »

Fate wrote:
"He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster, and if thou gaze long into the abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee." Friedrich Nietzsche

Something like that Mr. Greydawn, Know thy enemy know thy self?

I have seen the evil of demons, monsters, and men. I have found that the evil of demons pales in comparison to what mankind is possible of, but mankind also has the same capacity for good. the differnce is that man and even men turned to monsters such as Miss Darken have a choice as to whether they coose the path of evil or good. I have been on both sides of the battle so I guess you could say Yes I have seen the evil within myself and I have beaten it.

I pose this question to you Mr. Fate, have you seen and beaten the evil that resides in yourself, or do you hide from it and continue to fight for good?
There is a time for life and a time for death, Find the balance.
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