A matter for investigation

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A matter for investigation

Post by Sidious »

I've stumbled accross this earlier in my research. If you happen to be in the vacinity of texas i suggest you take a futher look. not quite the paranormal but still requiring investigation.

"a man only sees what he wants to see, when he's in his mind where it is what he wants to be, living in a world where he's safe from reality wont you take a chance on this night and follow me."
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Okay, noww that really gives me the willies. How could anyone in their right minds do that sort of experimentation.

Don't they know what they could unleash upon themselves and the world in general?

I noticed the mentioned Canadian grant agencies. Maybe our Canadian Memebrs should see if there's some sort of conenction up there.
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Celeste Darken
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Humans as monsters

Post by Celeste Darken »

Ron Caliburn wrote:I noticed the mentioned Canadian grant agencies. Maybe our Canadian Memebrs should see if there's some sort of conenction up there.

If they're still alive. The fact that they had a "tame" werewolf running loose didn't help matters.

Speaking of taming, I was rather taken aback by the title of the article. I watched it in preparation of plans to sedate vampires, thinking I could find a way to defend myself if they came after me.

Instead, I get a lesson on just how cruel humans can be, too.
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Post by Shadowstalker »

Unfortunately as evil as some of the things we hunt are most cannot compair to the evil Man is capable of. This is why some of the worst supernatural threats used to be or are directed by a human and even they sometimes pale in compairson. You just have to look at our history books and you can find any number of dark chapters there, events that are glossed over because the details are to horrific. But let us not forget that humans are also capable of great deeds of Good and that is why most of use are here to stand agianst Evil wherever its origin.
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Post by KonThaak »

I watched the whole thing with my wife. She laughed it off, saying the guy's probably already dead, if they got the funding anywhere. After all, he *guaranteed* that "nothing could go wrong".

Here's my take on the situation... This was posted about a year and a half ago, meaning that it was originally posted longer ago than that. The speaker in the video affirmed that they already had a "batch" of vampires being created right now, and they'd be ready for the public "soon". I know I've been living under a rock when it comes to the news, but if they'd succeeded at something like that, and gotten them out to the public, the news tycoons would've had a hayday, and even those of us living under rocks wouldn't've been able to escape hearing about it. Likely conclusion: They've been shut down, or their pet vampires (no offense intended to Celeste; for reasons I'm about to go into, I think they're a completely different breed of vampire) would have made big news.

Here's my take on their vampires... It seems obvious to me that the vampires in the video are not the same vampires that many of us have come to know and fight. This raises a number of interesting possibilities... Just as modern science and medicine gained a great deal of insight from the immoral and unethical testings and experiments from Nazi Germany, the damage here has been done, and there is a wealth of information we can glean from it. If these people are still in business, we go in, expose them, and shut them down, one way or another. In the meantime, here's my biggest hypothesis about their findings...

The genes they stumbled on may or may not have been there originally; it'll pry be impossible to ever find out whether they're natural or were implanted long ago. What's important to note is that while their genetic vampires lacked any form of paranormal abilities, other vampires inarguably possess them. In a process I'm not even completely familiar with, a human with dark intentions makes a pact with some dark force or other, and becomes a master vampire. Through a long and probably painful process, they can create subservient vampires, secondaries and wildlings, to do their bidding for them or whatnot. Offset groups of vampires, such as the Dead Moons and certain strains of vampiric entities in Europe and Asia, usually come from when lesser vampires, for whatever reasons, make pacts with darker forces than what created their Masters, gaining more powers and independence from their now-former Masters.

If the findings in the video are correct, then there's a great possibility that the entities that generate master vampires do so with a minimum of effort on their part. Bring out and enhance these genes in the human, rob them of their soul, and replace it with your own dark energies. Those energies would be responsible for the immunities against normal weapons that vampires possess (and would explain why most vampires share a number of vulnerabilities and weaknesses with dark spirits), the extra-sensory abilities, and the paranormal abilities such as shapeshifting and whatnot. To create underlings, the Master then turns around and does much the same thing to others, altering them on a genetic level, robbing them of their soul, and replacing it with the alien entity's dark energies.

If this is the case (and judging by what I know of vampires and what I saw from the video, this seems likely), then there may be a way to reverse vampirism. The most difficult part would be replacing the victim's soul, but if someone could get into their data to find out what they did to the genes, exactly...then, ladies and gentlemen, we may be standing on the brink to having a cure for the previously incurable.
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Post by AdamaGeist »

A further note on the impossible...

Most of the mental issues they stated that humans were incapable of doing but come easily to vampires are nothing of the sort. Granted, mentaly tallying high-level prime numbers doesn't come as an easy task, save for Savants, but the statements about accepting of higher-level quantum theory and the inability to accept dual answers to visual issues (or any other issue for that matter) is not a 'Vampiric' trait. The fact that most people cannot is not a genetic inability, but rather a issue of mental training. Most people are taught from childhood that there is only one right answer to any question, and for that matter what most of those answers are. That teaching limits the averadge person throughout the rest of their life, perminantly binding them to a set pattern of answers. Only by giving up one's dependance on what everyone else conciders 'solid ground' can you accept the fact that nothing is truly solid, only solid by perspective.
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Wasn't the initial individual a high functioning Autistic? Might be related to the counting capability.

As for a cure for vampirism . . . that's great. But it needs to be as rapidly administerable as a stake from my crossbow if it's goign to be practical. Keeping a vampire caged and restrained long enough to properly cure it is an invitation to escape and mayhem.
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Willie Long
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Post by Willie Long »

KonThaak wrote:The most difficult part would be replacing the victim's soul...

And if the soul never left?
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

What if its only corrupted? Then the question becomes "How does one purify it?"
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Post by KonThaak »

If it's only corrupt, then purifying it is easier, but either way, as Ron points out, time consuming. It is possible to detain and contain a vampire post-staking, by sealing them in a ring of salt, in a cage lined fully with holy symbols, but nothing's foolproof, I would suppose... Still, if it can be done...
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

I guess it depends on any number of factors. Saving *a* vampire might be doable. Saving all of them would be impossible and trying would be foolhardy. Saving a Master would be insanity. Saving one of his flunkies might be doable.
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Post by KonThaak »

I'm not exactly suggesting we save all vampires, or try to save even Masters. Masters are, after all, as I pointed out, people who willingly went into this. However, Celeste can't be the only one who wants to become human again...and there are a lot of people who become unwilling servants of Masters.

Shall we try to set up an intel team to figure out where their BoA is/was, so we can send in a strike team to get the data from their experiments?
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

I wasn't suggesting you were.

Anyhow, any thoughts to how it could be accomplished? Purifying Vampires that is.
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Celeste Darken
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No other way I know of.

Post by Celeste Darken »

Bert_the_Turtle wrote:Anyhow, any thoughts to how it could be accomplished? Purifying Vampires that is.

By killing them.
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Re: No other way I know of.

Post by Ron Caliburn »

Celeste Darken wrote:
Bert_the_Turtle wrote:Anyhow, any thoughts to how it could be accomplished? Purifying Vampires that is.

By killing them.

I know I'll hate myself in the morning, but I agree with Celeste.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Well, that's obvious.

I'm thinking ahead a few generations though. If a basic process could be discovered future generations might be able to refine it to the point it could be done more safely than combating them. Its a pipe dream but one with enough potential benefit that it warrants some effort.
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Celeste Darken
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No hate, please

Post by Celeste Darken »

Ron Caliburn wrote:I know I'll hate myself in the morning, but I agree with Celeste.

No, you should never hate yourself in the morning. Especially since we're making such progress.
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

I think it might be best if I just bite my tongue on this one.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

You two are bickering like an old married couple.
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Celeste Darken
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I'm not biting either

Post by Celeste Darken »

Only if divorced or separated. The image of Ron chasing me in endless circles around the table with a stake in his hand would convince any judge to see to that.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

True, though thank you for that mental image. Made me laugh.
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

What about her chasing me around the table with a frying pan?
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Haha! Ok, you guys should start your own comedy duo.
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Celeste Darken
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Not a frying pan

Post by Celeste Darken »

Pardon? A frying pan? Were you raised in a cult, or in the fifties? How about a car instead? No, that wouldn't work, either. I'm working on being a bit less pacifist, and I suppose being raised in a cult equates being raised in the fifties. Living in those bomb shelters and all.

But thanks for finding humor, Bert. Even if it wasn't intentional on my part.
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Re: Not a frying pan

Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Celeste Darken wrote: But thanks for finding humor, Bert. Even if it wasn't intentional on my part.

The pleasure was all mine.
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Post by KonThaak »

Guys... Purifying vampiric souls, if they had their souls still intact, would be a fairly simple process, for the most part, if a bit time-consuming. That's not my issue. The biggest pain of it would be trying to do it in time with their bodies being purified.

My issue is getting the data to fix their bodies, and return their humanity... Celeste, since this could potentially benefit you, someday, more than many of us, I'd think you could take this a bit more seriously.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Reports have trickled to me of, "perverted" vampires. Vampires that for one reason or another when created came out different. I'm not speaking of the Strigoi either.

From what I've heard they aren't tied to a Master but aren't animalistic like the rejects the Master's creations sometimes create.

Anyone have any knowledge about this? A vampire-like creature that's halfway between man and monster.

Might be a more reasonable goal to shoot for; to start at least.
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Post by Shadowstalker »

Yeah I've seen and heard reports of such things truth is I think someone had a post somewhere here on this site detailing such a person thou if I remember the tale correctly the individual in question came to a bad end.
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Vampires, Strigori, perverted vampires, heartless vampires . . .

Whatever. Just make sure we can stomp 'em back to where they came from before they harm anyone and I'm happy.
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Crosshair MT
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Post by Crosshair MT »

Back home a group of less than reputable egg-heads came up with a drug that caused wild mutations in the users and was very addictive. I vaugely rember something similar to this occuring but the "vamp" was killed by the local P.D when they charged the officers responding to the incident at a local gas station.

I may have to check into this to be sure these lons are not on to the same formula in a different form. I would hate to go hunting those types again. I kinda like being semi normal for a change.
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