What is the Conspiracy ?

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What is the Conspiracy ?

Post by Contact_21 »

I'm not allowed to tell all, but I can tell you something. What I call the Conspiracy is a shadowy international organization that has been around a long time. They've gone by different names at different times, but their goal has always been the same: the accumulation of power.

They controlled portions of the Office of Strategic Services during World War II and got their hands on Nazi technology regarded only as rumors today.

They were behind the Kennedy assassination, leaving a trail of confusion with the murder of Officer Tippett, among other things. An eyewitness observed their hand gestures. A clue to their use of nonverbal communications when operating in public and private.

There have been rumors that the "management" of the Conspiracy has changed over the years, and that it may consist of two or more factions vying to be more powerful than the other.

They are evil but operate under a set of rules of engagement, which I think explains why I haven't been taken out yet. After my first few encounters with them, word came out that I'm considered a worthy opponent. That I should be respected and only approached one on one. I appreciate that, sort of.

No one knows how big the organization is. My own belief is that it numbers only into the hundreds and consists of a wealthy elite with some time on their hands. But they are very smart and not to be underestimated. Pathological liars, they can make up a cover story on the spot. The average person has no chance against them, but average people don't interest them much.

Our world is a kind of playground/battlefield to them and their money opens doors closed to most people, and to secrets only the truly daring would seek to uncover. Over the last hundred years, they have added a lot of secret and "lost" technology to their arsenal of magical artifacts. Rumor has it that they have a few brilliant scientists among them. All I know is, compared to the best technology the Lazlo Agency can get, they've got 10 times better. But their most damaging weapon is deception, with most people convinced they don't exist.

I'll be posting more of my encounters with the Conspiracy here. Fortunately, most of them are human, and I've helped a few leave this mortal coil but only in self defense. And they've made a few enemies outside of our organization as well. I just hope we can continue to keep them in check.

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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

I wonder if they were the folks connected to the incidents in Louisiana this year.

If so, even with thier rules of engagement, they can and will eliminate or discredit you.

Thier weakness seems to be they have to rely on humans and human failings. I was able to intimidate some information out of some folks.
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Post by VermisVictus »

I cant ge
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