Old Ones

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Old Ones

Post by InTheDark »

I got an invitation to go to a luncheon sponsored by a "majic" circle. It was fun, I got a lot of good energy from it. I even met a nice person there for some private instruction, so to speak. It was after, getting ready to leave, that I was invited to a special meeting of the "old ones." By that, I assumed they meant fellow scorpios, as we are often refered to as the old souls. However, "Ty" sent me another email that I got today, saying what I must do to be ready for the meeting ritual with the old ones. It has nothing to do with astrology. I have to fast for three days, only drink water, and meditate three hours or more a day. I am not to smoke, drink, or engage in erotic arts. Does this seem strange to any of you?
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Doctor Boggs
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Re: Old Ones

Post by Doctor Boggs »

That does sound a mite odd if ya don't mind me saying so. Are you planning to follow through? Oh, and pleased to make your acquaintance :)
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Re: Old Ones

Post by InTheDark »

Thank you Doctor, pleased to make yours as well. I'm nothing if not curious, and yes, I'm quite aware of the saying "curisoity killed the cat..." but "Satisfaction brought it back." Presumably to be curious again and die, but alas that is part of our nature. So yes, I will be going. Now as to what these Old Ones are...I'm hazarding a guess to say some sort of spirit divinity. Ty hasn't told me all that much but that I'll be in for a suprise.
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Lord Shakar
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Re: Old Ones

Post by Lord Shakar »

Stay away from anything relating to "The Old Ones" they are a dangerous force of utter evil. I have dealt with their agents on other worlds. And if they are trying to work their plots on this world I may have to take action.
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Re: Old Ones

Post by InTheDark »

Okay, I had a call last night...and it freaked me out. Someone who called themselves Vog, or Yog...heavy russian accent...but it wasn't russian. It was like it couldn't form the right way to say our language. Anyway, I don't think it was human. I did understand what it was saying, though. It was talking about the winter solstice and how much power was to be gained. I'm pretty sure I can thank Ty for that call. I'm seeing him tomorrow evening. I'm not sure I should be doing this.
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Doctor Boggs
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Re: Old Ones

Post by Doctor Boggs »

Sometimes discretion really is the better part of valor, but if you're dead set on following through at least keep in touch in case you need some help. If there is something hinkey going on it could be worth checking into, long as you're careful.
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Lord Shakar
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Re: Old Ones

Post by Lord Shakar »

It is up to you but if this turns out to be a real cult of the Old Ones more specifically the Old Ones I am thinking. Be very careful and let us know what happens and if it is don't get to close to them after I hear of it. :evil:
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Re: Old Ones

Post by InTheDark »

Isn't human existance about overcoming adversity? I feel fairly confident that I can deal with whatever this cult is really about. Hell, if I can handle the Dalariens then any other ancient evils should be easy to spot and quench.
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Lord Shakar
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Re: Old Ones

Post by Lord Shakar »

Some things aren't meant for humans to understand and deal with.
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Doctor Boggs
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Re: Old Ones

Post by Doctor Boggs »

Well, I approve of your gusto, let us know how it goes. :wink:
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Re: Old Ones

Post by InTheDark »

Thank you Doctor...I appreciate your encouragement.

Lord Shaker...I don't quite agree with you. Some things are currently beyond humanity's understanding, but it's somthing to strive toward, not against. This past hundred plus years has allowed us to reach the stars...what will it be like in another century? I know I want to learn and understand. We don't live in a safe and stable world...we need to learn, we need to expand, and we need overcome...otherwise there won't be a "we."
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Lord Shakar
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Re: Old Ones

Post by Lord Shakar »

Trust me somethings Mortal man isn't meant to understand. It is best if they are kept out of this world and hidden in the dark corners where they belong.
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Ron Caliburn
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Re: Old Ones

Post by Ron Caliburn »

Old Ones, New Ones . . whatever they are, it's our world and we're going to kick them off.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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Re: Old Ones

Post by InTheDark »

From what I've been able to gather, they arn't exactly part of this world now, yet...whatever. They exist just beyond our world, in that ether-realm between the shadows and the asteral planes. I've always had a bit of a belief that ours wasn't the first technological civilization on this world... and the Old Ones have provided a glimpse of that for me.

They had access to much more powerful natural energies than we do. Ley lines were active in those days. They also had extreme forms to gather it. They did practice human sacrifice...and the pain gathering techniques that heightened the powers. I've been told that this isn't somthing to be concerned with here in America...but I wasn't born yesterday. Somthing is moving and working in the shadows and I don't like it.

This weekend will be an experience I hope to share with all of you. I've always found the best way to survive is camoflague...so looking the part of an innocent will surve me well. Wish me luck!
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Doctor Boggs
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Re: Old Ones

Post by Doctor Boggs »

Good luck
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Lord Shakar
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Re: Old Ones

Post by Lord Shakar »

Ron Caliburn wrote:Old Ones, New Ones . . whatever they are, it's our world and we're going to kick them off.

I agree Ron.
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Doctor Boggs
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Re: Old Ones

Post by Doctor Boggs »

I was sorta hoping for an update by now, any word on InTheDark?
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Re: Old Ones

Post by InTheDark »

Sorry for the delay, I just got back last night and had to get some much needed sleep. I don't have time to go into too many details right now, but sufice it to say I have been through a lot the past week. Still have a bit of follow up work to do, particularly in regards to a talisman I received while I was down there. Trying to figure out its proporties. I should be able to do that at least. It's made of black silver, and shaped like two overlapping eight pointed stars with a ruby centered in one and an emerald in the other. There's a latch on the back that can seperate them, but I am not going to do that just yet.
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Re: Old Ones

Post by InTheDark »

Well, Ty is in the hands of DG, so he's not a problem anymore. Took a while to track him down...almost could admire the guy, he's quite talented--good charisma. Quite resoursefull, but also quite devoted to his "gods." I tried finding out more about that talisman, but it seems to have vanished. I thought it might have been stolen, but I keep "seeing" it so I think it's only hiding.
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Deacon Ash-Shaytan
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Re: Old Ones

Post by Deacon Ash-Shaytan »

From the sounds of it, and by the way I read your signature, this "Ty" was a trusted friend, only you learned he wasn't quite as forthcoming as he should have been?

You see this "talisman" wherever you go, but it's "missing"?
Someone has to man the "reality check station" around here, and it might as well be me.
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Re: Old Ones

Post by InTheDark »

Yes, it's missing. Only it's not quite missing. I think it's possessed, enchanted...somthing like that. Even when I had it out in the cold it stayed warm. I also had an odd craving for it, a compulssion to open it, but didn't. I think when I was able to resist it, the thing faded out -slipped into another plane?- and is trying to get me to pursue it.
Lord Shakar
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Re: Old Ones

Post by Lord Shakar »

I would suggest you distance yourself from this cult. It sounds like its full of bad news.
Walking between the Shadows, you come to expect the unexpected.
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Deacon Ash-Shaytan
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Re: Old Ones

Post by Deacon Ash-Shaytan »

I think there are a few people here that feel the same way with swords and guns. :roll:
Someone has to man the "reality check station" around here, and it might as well be me.
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Re: Old Ones

Post by InTheDark »

I've taken care of the cult. I don't want to go into too many details, but the thing troubling me now is this "ghost talsiman" thing. I've tried to do some ritual cleansings, cut off my connection to the thing...but it keeps coming back. I go a day or two without noticing it, then when I go to reach for my phone or alarm or remote, I brush it, see it momentarily, then it's gone when I look back at it. This morning when I saw it as I was putting away my toothbrush I saw it again...and this time the ruby holding it together was missing. I wanted to examine it again, but it was gone. The thing has a life of it's own.
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Re: Old Ones

Post by InTheDark »

On another note, has anyone heard from Dr Boggs recently?
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Doctor Boggs
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Re: Old Ones

Post by Doctor Boggs »

Right right, sorry about that, I got caught up in some other things and forgot to check in. Which is odd considering I was curious how things turned out with that talisman business... and it sounds like things aren't very good.

Whatever else that thing is, clearly it's a nasty piece of work, be careful now.
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Lord Shakar
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Re: Old Ones

Post by Lord Shakar »

Objects with a will of their own tend not to be good news.
Walking between the Shadows, you come to expect the unexpected.
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Re: Old Ones

Post by InTheDark »

No, objects with a life of their own are not good...

I woke up in the middle of the night with the thing laying on my chest. It left a small burn on my skin, which has faded throughout the day, and kind of got my blood boiling. The lynch-pin is still gone, but the thing is still joined. I've never seen the two sides seperated.

There are small runes around it, but they dont' stay still, so I havn't been able to sketch them either, and it doesn't help that the thing fades in and out. The most I've been able to see is a wheel spoke with infinity symbols radiating out from the ends...four lines overlapping equidistant with a circle around it and eight infinity symbols with a > on top of each one. So it's using somthing half-way readable at least, but it eludes me what it's for. I also had a dream about Ty last night, but I doubt it meant anything--probably just wishful thinking...
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Deacon Ash-Shaytan
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Re: Old Ones

Post by Deacon Ash-Shaytan »


That's remarkably convenient. But if you really believe in that stuff, are you sure it was a "burn" and not something else?
Someone has to man the "reality check station" around here, and it might as well be me.
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Re: Old Ones

Post by A. Pendragon »

Your doomed!
Fear the night because the night doesn't fear YOU!!!
Something that I have learned in my life: The dead just dont stay dead.
Freedom isn't as free as we have been taught!
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