Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

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Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Hannah »

Hi Everyone

I managed to get the CAS to let me use te computer at the shelter for a little bit to let you know what's happening.

Last night the police busted into our house and dragged us out into the wind and rain of the storm. They put dad in a van and drove off. They put me in a police car and took me to this CAS shelter. They won't tell me what's going on, though I thought I heard the police say something about Wie. It was so hard to hear with the wind and the shouting and my ears were still ringing from the flash-bangs they used.

I'm so scared for Dad, I don't know what's goign to happen to him. They won't answer any of my questions about Dad or about Wie. Can someone go see if she is okay?


PS: If they put dad in jail does that mean I have to go back to the compound?
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Diemos »

Don't panic. We are stuck in this safe house at the moment, but one thing I have learned on here is that this group protects each other.

If no one else can help out, we will come up there and bust you and your dad out. We already have a death sentence on us, so what is a little jail break on top of that?
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Bearshaman »

Hannah. Where are you? We..I will come and rescue you. Then I will rescue your father. You can trust me. I am your friend. Where is Wie located? I will rescue her too.


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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by BraveSirRobin »

Current assassination targets, a compromised lycanthrope, and if you count me, a drunk geek who apparently pissed off some kind of loa... yeah, we're gonna be real helpful. :roll:
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Willie Long »

Hannah wrote:I'm so scared for Dad, I don't know what's goign to happen to him. They won't answer any of my questions about Dad or about Wie. Can someone go see if she is okay?

I can tell you a little about the legal side, sweetie. He's going to stay in jail for a few days until they release him or get a warrant. If they get a warrant, he'll be held until he makes bail or until the trial starts.

PS: If they put dad in jail does that mean I have to go back to the compound?

Naw. They're going to keep you in a shelter until your father gets out or they can find another relative for you to live with. Holister is gone, I haven't heard from Bert in ages... maybe they'll let you stay with KT.

If they get in contact with Compound Dad, don't let them take you to him. Tell your caseworker about what happened to you there, and they'll keep you in the shelter as they start investigating the compound. If nothing else, the ensuing lawyer fight will give me enough time to come up with a better plan.
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Shadowstalker »

Add me and my team to the roster of people willing to help.
Hannah, I will try to be by as soon as I can to get you somewhere safe. Rose is heading to check on Wie. I have some folks looking into what is happening with your dad, and hope to have a few answers soon.
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Willie Long »

Bearshaman wrote:Hannah. Where are you?

Behind me, you green-lettered motherfucker.
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Shadowstalker »

Willie, please we don't need anymore hostility than we already have going on here.
Bearshaman, I think this is called a thanks but no thanks situation. If you are back in control of yourself wonderful, but last anyone heard you were not in control of your actions. So stay clear of Hannah.
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Please be kind, Mr. Willie

Post by Clarity »

_____Yes, please be kind, Mr. Willie. Remember, that’s Eilonwy’s font color, too. I don’t understand why he can’t get his own color, but if he wants to use hers, that’s his business. Oh, and do you want me to try to come down, Hannah? Or do you have enough help already?
_____P.S. Maybe Grugach can come and help you.
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Shadowstalker »

Grugach? I had a bad feeling that was who you were talking about Clarity. It is up to Hannah to decide, but I would be careful letting Grugach near Hannah. I doubt she would do anything to harm Hannah or yourself Clarity. But she is under the same idea Hannah's wouldbe Prince is. That Hannah was promised to him, and should go to him. If that were to happen Hannah would be taken from Her father, her friends, and her home all because of a misundestanding.
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Prof. Rosecrest »

Hello everyone, I come with good news, and bad news.
The good news is that Eilonwy is ok in spite the recent attempt on her life. She is still not awake but she is still showing improvements.
For Ron, the lawyers Shadow sent, have hooked up with Ron's lawyer, and say they have a good chance of getting him released. When the police raided Ron's house they ignored several of Ron's rights. So there is a better than average chance of getting Ron out on Bail.
For Hannah again the Lawyers are setting things up to get her out of the local Family services hands, and into a more friendly arrangement.

Now for the bad news. :(
For Eilonwy the obvious is as I already said. She is still not awake, and someone tried to kill her.
For Ron despite the Lawyers efforts Ron is still in Jail. They say there is more foot dragging than normal. Add to that there is a witness, and a video clip that provide very solid evidence that Ron did in fact try to strangle Eilonwy. I don't beleive for a second this is true.
Hannah in her efforts to escape from the police during the raid not only, Assulted several officers. She apparently also burned one of them. Obviously the police didn't find any obvious means of how she did this, but it has raised a few eyebrows. She is also being given a full exam both physical, and mental. They are looking for evidence of abuse.
We will help Ron, Hannah, and Wie get through this.
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Willie Long »

Prof. Rosecrest wrote:So there is a better than average chance of getting Ron out on Bail.

"Better than average" is still very bad for him. I called over there as a company representative and got a cop who loves to run his mouth. He listed all the reasons why my company's services would not be required: Ron's a flight risk because he has no job; he has a record of arrests and mental illness; and he is charged with a capital offense.

Unless Ron's lawyer sticks his ring in a lantern every morning before he goes to work, or the judge is going through a real nasty divorce, I think he's screwed.
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Hannah »

Hello Everyone

I don't have long . . . they don't know I'm using the computer.

I don't know why they won't let me use it, they let the other kids here do it.

Christine is here too, how weird is that?

Anyway, they've been having doctors poking and prodding me and asking me questions and they seem to want me to talk about Dad a lot. I'm trying to make sure they know how great a guy he is but they keep changing the subject on me.

I'm glad to hear Wie's okay but I don't understand how they can think Dad hurt her like that, especially since Dad and I were out of town on Saturday.


PS: Do you think Grugach is coming to help me? I'm okay so she should help Dad or Wie first.
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by A. Pendragon »

You know, if need be, we could once again bust you out of a bad place. It wouldnt be the first time.

Let us know if that is what you want.
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by DarKnyht »

I don't have a lot of time, on a blackberry and roaming charges are quite expensive here. My laptop battery decided I didn't need my laptop and incinerated it (last Sony product I ever buy, and last time I ignore a recall because I need equipment).

However, I wanted to remind everyone that anyone can pull the site up and read the posts here so I would suggest discretion. Also, wanted to also say that I will contribute whatever I can to help (although for the time being it is very little).
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Grace »

I terribly sorry to hear that Mr. Caliburn has been collared.

His presence on this board and his freedom out in the world have proven to be a boon to many. So his absence and incarceration are unfortunate.

I would offer the names and numbers of several expereinced lawyers, but it seems the legal side is already well in hand. It is doubtful, in any case that he would wish their assistance or mine in this matter.

Good luck Miss Hannah, I know it can be rough for a young lady to be seperated from her father. Hopefully it won't be permanent. In any case, there seems to be no shortage of those willing to assist you. Hopefully the support of your extended cyber-family will bring you some comfort in these difficult times.

Oh, and Mr. Bearshaman (if that is really who you are-for some reason I have my doubts),

Hannah won't be standing behind me at anytime as she would with Mr. Long.

But I might be standing behind you.

Just something to think about.

Have a nice day.
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Ron Caliburn »

Hey everyone.

I don't all know what's going on, 5 minutes before they were going to take me to my arraignment they came and told me that all charges were dismissed and I was free to go.

Still trying to sort out a lot of things, need to find away to get Hannah back and the hospital is apparently seeking a court order to prevent me from going there.

Thanks those who tried to help, keep ready, still might need it once we find out what is going on . . . but something tells me this was just meant as a warning or just a skirmish to see what's what.
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by mrloucifer »

Ya know I'd help out ya mate... but I'm up in the middle of bloody nowhere chasing this... thing that looks like Hellboy.

He kicked me a new Arse the other day and I'm itching for round two.
There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Ron Caliburn »

Understood Lou . . . if I didn't have pressing needs here I'd be helping you ready for the rematch.

For those wanting an update, when I got home a couple of things were obvous - first the swat team and the later evidence team hadn't been to concerned with not leaving a mess. Second, they hadn't bothered to properly secure the place afterwards. Just left doors open and lights on for the last few days and nights.

So what hasn't been busted up has been cleaned out.

The hospital got their restraining order, I'm not allowed on hospital grounds because the nurse that saw "me" choking Wie and the rest of the staff are frightened I'll finish the job.

Hannah they are giving me all sorts of run around on, but currently the bottom line is they need to do some interviews with me, make sure my criminal record is appropriately clean, check that I have a sutible source of income and confirm that there is a good place for her to live. Uphill battle to say the least.

I am of a mind to find where they have her, walk in, take her and skip town.

But you know it won't be that easy.
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Grace »

Mr. Caliburn,

As you know, I officially 'owe you one'.

So if there is any assistance I can offer, please feel free to let me know.
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Shadowstalker »

Damn didn't even think to have your youse checked on. Someone is playing a freaking game, because normal S.O.P. should have been that your hose should have been secured, if for no other reason than the evidence team may have wanted to take a second look at a later time.
If you wouldn't mind I can have some people there to help with clean up, and to help replace some items?
Oh the lawyers I asked to help you out are more than willing to continue to help, not only with any lawsuits, but also with efforts to get Hannah back.
They are already looking into the Restraining order the hospital has, but that may be the least of your worries. Rose, and Rain will be makeing regular visits to see Eilonwy, and will keep you informed Ron.
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Ron Caliburn »

Yeah, this whole event was a message.

They even made sure my roomate the first night was dangerous enough to make sure our disagreement over who got top bunk was a lot closer than I would have liked. Their way of saying they can end me if the want.

Now they have Hannah and Wie where I can't protect them. Just their way of telling me to behave or it's not just me they are going after.

The guy who came to tell me I was sprung was the same one who lead the raid on my shop and on my house. He handed me Pyopas' buisness card again and told me to stop by during buisness hours sometime or the situation might "deteriorate further."

So apparently I'm being boxed in for something.

I think it's time I find out what.
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Willie Long »

Don't go alone.
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Ron Caliburn »

I think going during office hours should be fairly safe, whole building full of witnesses.

'sides, they had me over the barrel for most of a week without finsihing the deal - tells me they are more interested in what I can do for them.
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by GhostSpider »

If you like Ron, I can check Hannah out of her current "arrangements" and she can stay with Shang and me.

I know you don't trust me, and Hannah doesn't even have to stay near me, she can hang with Shang Li.

Just an option.
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Ron Caliburn »

They have both Hannah and Wie where I can't help them. They are smart enough to make sure there are two widely seperated objectives, telsl me they are smart enough to know if one gets rescued to make the other suffer in shor order.

I need a better option.
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Willie Long »

Spider springs Hannah, I guard Loni, and you don't have to go to Pyopas with cap in hand.

Ron Caliburn wrote:So what hasn't been busted up has been cleaned out.

Not everything. Check your P.M. box.
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by GhostSpider »

Spider springs Hannah, I guard Loni, and you don't have to go to Pyopas with cap in hand.

Sounds like a plan to me.
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Shadowstalker »

Actually We can improve things and see if Rose can move Wie to a differant Hospital. One where Willie and others can keep a closer eye on her at all times.
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by BraveSirRobin »

I advise extreme caution to everyone more directly involved in this. Keep a very close eye on Hannah. That little firebug incident she had could easily be like chum in the water for sharks like my dad, and their idea of recruitment usually involves a hood, some rope, and a nondescript utility van. Hopefully this Pyopas guy is keeping her under the radar, but keep an eye peeled for MIB types just in case, ok?
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