Pychic Healer involvement?

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Tabloid Hound
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Pychic Healer involvement?

Post by Tabloid Hound »

Hey gang, I found these two articles and wanted to say that I’ve seen this type of news before, and I believe this man owes his life to a Psychic healer.

'Dead man' leaves hospital, relatives say
29-year-old mistakenly taken to morgue after being hit by car

N.C. - A man who was hit by a car and mistakenly declared dead is out of the hospital and continuing his recovery in a rehabilitation center, relatives said.

Barry Green was hit by a car the night of Jan. 24 as he walked home after buying beer.

Green, 29, was examined on the scene by paramedics and a medical examiner, declared dead and his body taken to a morgue. There, 2½ hours after the accident, the same medical examiner detected signs of life. He was hospitalized.

Family members said Green was released from Dukeland Hospital late last week and was in a care facility in Wilson. Family friend Abdul Ahmed said his progress has been slow but promising.

Green suffered a severe head injury, broken leg and is paralyzed.
“When you call his name he can understand you want to talk to him, and when he looks at you he knows who you are,” Ahmed said.

Two of the four paramedics who treated Green were fired and their credentials suspended, though the credential of one has been reinstated pending an administrative hearing. The other two were ordered to take remedial training. The medical examiner was not disciplined.

Article #2

Mystery surrounds 'dead man' found alive
Questions haunt town and officials who nearly took his life

N.C. -Barry Green stepped out of the darkness so suddenly that the car that hit him didn’t even leave skid marks. The impact sent his shoes, socks and the unopened beer in his hand flying.

Green came to rest on U.S. 401 alongside a trash-strewn ditch, where he was examined by paramedics and declared dead.

Over the next 2½ hours, the bloody body with a gaping head wound was zipped into a black vinyl bag, taken to the morgue and slid into a stainless-steel refrigerated drawer.

There was just one problem: Green was alive.

Two weeks after that shocking discovery, the 29-year-old Green clings to life in a hospital intensive care unit, paralyzed.

No pulse or signs of breathing
Anguished family members have listened in horror as officials described the many missed signs and miscues that led to the error. They and others in this rural tobacco community northeast of Raleigh are left to wonder how something like this could have happened — and whether it has happened before.

“Something ain’t right with that,” said R.J Hendersen, a high school classmate of Green’s. “I thought they were supposed to try to give mouth to mouth or the shock at least till they got to the emergency room. That’s where I thought you were pronounced dead at, not on the scene. ... Not on the street.”

On the chilly night of Jan. 24, Green and a pair of friends showed up at the Ingleside Grocery about 8:45 p.m. to pick up a few tall-boy cans of Natural Ice to take back to his trailer down the road. Green never made it.
According to reports from state troopers and the Franklin County attorney’s office, 36-year-old Tammie Jackson did not have time to stop her car before it slammed into Green as he tried to cross the highway in front of his trailer.

Randall Carney, an off-duty paramedic, was on the scene at 8:54 p.m. and found no pulse or sign of breathing. Blood had formed a foot-wide corona around Green’s skull.

Medical examiner at the scene
When county paramedics Robert Kilner and Katherine Labell arrived moments later, Carney told them Green was dead, but asked Kilner to double-check. Kilner replied that his determination was “good enough for me,” according to Carney and two firefighters. Kilner told officials he could not remember saying that, but doesn’t deny it.

By the time paramedic Pamela Hayden arrived at 9 p.m., Green was covered by a white sheet.

Although the law does not require the medical examiner to go to accident scenes, Dr. J. R. Perdue showed up half an hour later and began examining the body, lifting and twisting Green’s broken right leg, rolling him over and inserting a gloved finger into the gash in Green’s head.

“That’s more than I need to see!” Labell shouted.

When Perdue opened Green’s jacket, several firefighters holding a tarp to shield the body from onlookers noticed what appeared to be an in-and-out movement in Green’s chest and abdomen.

“Doc, is he breathing?” the firefighters heard Kearney ask. Perdue told Carney that it was just air escaping or moving around inside the body.
Paramedics put Green in a body bag and drove him to the morgue in nearby Louisburg. There, Perdue examined the body a second time. He took a blood sample, lifted Green’s eyelids and sniffed around the man’s mouth for alcohol.

'Like a frog leg jumping in a frying pan'
Hayden, who had accompanied the body, thought she noticed twitching in Green’s right eyelid. She asked Perdue if he was sure Green was really dead. Perdue responded that the twitching was a spasm, “like a frog leg jumping in a frying pan.”

“I don’t feel good about this,” Hayden told colleagues, according to the county attorney’s report. She asked Perdue again if he was sure Green was dead. He reassured her. The body bag was zipped back up, and Green was placed in the portable morgue unit, where the temperature is kept a few degrees above freezing.

Green probably would have remained in the stainless-steel container had state Trooper Tyrone Hunter not arrived around 11:20 p.m. and asked Perdue to help him determine the direction from which Green had been struck.

This time, Perdue observed slight movement. He could not find a pulse in Green’s neck, thigh or wrist, even with a stethoscope. Perdue summoned paramedics and an electrocardiogram, which was able to pick up a faint heart rhythm.

Family members who have kept vigil at Green’s bedside say his eyes flutter at times and he shows signs he recognizes those around him. It is unclear whether his paralysis is from the accident, or the handling of his body afterward.

Officials fired or suspended
Within days, Carney, Kilner, Hayden and Labell were all suspended with pay. The state’s Office of Emergency Medical Services suspended Carney’s and Kilner’s credentials, citing “a lack of competence to practice with a reasonable degree of skill and safety.”

Carney and Kilner were fired; Hayden and Labell were ordered to undergo remedial training before coming back to work. Carney declined an Associated Press request for comment, and the others did not respond to messages.

Dr. John Buffet, the state’s chief medical examiner, said that Perdue did everything the law required of him and that there are no plans to censure the 34-year veteran.

“He went because he was informed that a man was dead as a result of violence or trauma,” Buffet said. “He did not come with a doctor’s bag and a stethoscope. He came with a pencil and paper to get information.”
Perdue told the AP: “I am not in any shape form or fashion responsible for pronouncement of death. ... Obviously, I’m in sympathy with the family. My heart goes out to them, and my prayers are that this person recovers.”
The family has retained an attorney.

Elaine Hickman, who lives two trailers over from Green’s, said she thinks people should focus on the miracle of Green’s survival. In fact, she asked, who’s to say the paramedics weren’t right, and that Green did not come back from the dead?

“It could have been the Almighty,” the 57-year-old woman said. “He has the last say so.”

While it could have been the almighty, I have reason to believe from other stories I’ve read that it was a psychic healer who intervened and healed him enough so that he would live. I don’t know it could have been, perhaps an onlooker at the scene, perhaps a medic, but whoever it was, you have my gratitude for helping him. You obviously put yourself in danger of being caught in the act and I’m sure you chose to retain the privacy of your special gifts. I only wish there were more like you in this world.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Good to see this story, like it's subject, is still up and kicking.

Incompitence? A miracle? Some dude with the power to stop death? There's no way for us to be sure from here.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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Post by Debunker »

The man's just got a strong will to live guys, there is nothing here that says otherwise. Stop making something out of nothing.
Elliott James Tobias III
AKA: Debunker

"The truth is indeed out has been pointing it out for centuries."
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