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Trust is not a right

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 11:35 am
by Celeste Darken
fate wrote:So I am mistrusted on the grounds of being honest…how ironic.

Trust is earned, not given. Do you have any reliable references to go by? Consequently, I will not be at the meeting; there is a disturbing . . . matter of personal importance that has cropped up. Maybe another night, Mr. Fate.

Nor will I participate in the sides of whether or not to trust in Fate. We are all supposed to be on the same side, are we not? I once gave my credentials much in the same manner; there are those at Lazlo who trust me and there are those on Lazlo who would cut off my head. You all know who you are. Let's not waste our time barking like a bunch of dogs over an issue that, given time, would resolve itself naturally. Let's spend our time keeping humanity safe.

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 2:16 pm
by Greydawn
Miss Darken, we are not barking like dogs Mr. Fate and I are just getting to know each other is all.

Mr. Fate I await your answer to my question then maybe I my self would be willing to meet you and look at the information you are offering.

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 1:08 am
by fate
Mr. Greydawn to ask me if I faced down my own demons would assume I wanted to get rid of them. One would have to think I was a good man….Mr. Greydawn I have stared far too long into the abyss. I now seek to make penance for my misdeeds by doing what good I can before another young upstart decides my politics are not to his liking and remove’s me from this world. My demons are what drive me they show me what I have done and what I must prevent from ever happening again. My honesty may unsettle some but I live my life by a simple motto “Better to be hated for what you are, then loved for what your not.” I think we can all see the wisdom in that statement.

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 3:10 pm
by Greydawn
If that is the case then I would say you have beaten them for they no longer controll you or you would not feel the need for penance. I would never suggest forgetting your demons, we must all remember them lest we return to whince we came. Which for you and I that would probably not be a good thing.

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 3:26 am
by fate
I trust all the moving pieces are ready for tomorrow. Hopefully all goes smoothly and then everyone can relax.

I have uncovered a bit more information regarding the Namtar. All the men in the files…for a lack of a better word “golems” have been in charge of well armed radical paramilitary groups. Each one of them from a different location on the globe. With man power in the hundreds (150-600+). Perhaps someone with a bit more knowledge on Baal can answer this question for me. Does Baal have a history of raising army’s, and if so to what end? I think I already know the answers to this question but I wouldn’t mind confirmation of my suspicions.


Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 9:06 am
by Razor
I don't know about raising armies, at least in any confirming way, but I would suspect that Ba'al has done so many times in the past.

I also know that supposedly, way back in ancient times he left behind a 'host of mortal progeny'. Perhaps this might also be related to the Namtar.... but somehow I doubt it. Maybe somebody can look into it?

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 6:54 pm
by A. Pendragon
KonThaak - Just curious, how about me and you meet up after the drop/pick up and discuss the contents? Say later on around noon?

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 7:42 pm
by Holister
Howdy from Maine

Ya'll need one reason not to trust this guy, TAXES! Plus once I found out how many thousands of my tax payin' dollars wen into measuring the methane lethals of cow farts kind got my goat too. There is not any good reason to trust this Mr. Fate....and may I point out no matter how godd your intentions sir The to ruin is often paved with good intentions. I may be a redneck country sheriff from the back woods of Maine, but my town chewed up and spit out the bones of moe than enough of your kind; CIA< NSA< The Shop, Black Badge, FBI. Heck we got a 13 count ley line nexus (what ever that is) here that eats suits
for breakfast (and anyone else for that matter). I agree that the gov'ment gives with one hand, and stabs ya in the back with the other when ya not looking.

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 9:10 pm
by KonThaak
Sounds like a plan, Mr. Pendragon.

Currently, my people are looking into Baal/Ba'al, Nebuchadnezzar, and the blue-haze demon from another thread... If they have anything by that point, I'll let'chall know.

Mr. Pendragon, Mr. Fate... I'm coming armed. My runes are saying that there's going to be major trouble. Every time I've failed to listen to such warnings in the past have met with severe consequences.

Do what you will with that information.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 12:13 pm
by A. Pendragon
Me and Konthaak will report later on today about the drop-off/pick-up. All went "ok".

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 1:02 pm
by fate
I don’t know if “ok” is quite the word I would have used. I’ll need some time to composes my thoughts…it all happened so suddenly I’m just barely starting to see things clearly again. I guess the runes where right. How could I have been so foolish.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 1:38 pm
by KonThaak
Heh, 'salright. We all think we know better at first. So who was that guy, anyway? Angry ex?

I'll let you start explaining how it all started...unless of course you'd rather someone else do it.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 2:15 pm
by fate
It all gets a bit fuzzy after I was thrown into the dumpster but I'll tell what I remember. All I can really remember right now is.......Yes thats it, I heard his foot steps in the snow behind me and as I turned...he tried to shoot me.....but I was able to knock the gun anyway got in a good punch to...but not before the bastard hit me with a grazing shot in the left arm. I think I shot him twice with is own gun but he was changing into something....the next thing I know I'm airborne and as I land I heard the loud clang of steel in my head.....I think that's when others came out to fight the beast. Everything goes black after that. There was something about the suit he was wearing it seemed so familiar.
Enough about that for now, what was that thing and who killed it?

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 7:44 pm
by KonThaak
I don't know. Never saw anything like it before... I knew Shadow's team was there, and Mr. Pendragon and I were there, but not together... I was a falcon on top of the building when it all went down. I knew everyone else was stationed, but I didn't know where...

I know I didn't kill it. I also know that before the dude turned into it, he didn't get a chance to try to shoot you. He had been under a pile of rags that I'd taken for garbage the K-Mart had thrown out the back, and someone had been too lazy to take it to the dumpster. As soon as he got out and started to move, I got a really bad feeling, and I shifted back.

I grabbed the gun that Ron had given me... I was hyperventilating, and my vision wasn't clear. Time seemed to be running in slow motion, and so was I. I hate that feeling... I brought the gun to bear on the guy, as he was bringing his gun up to you. The shot you heard fired wasn't him, but me, and it seemed to throw him for a loop. You did knock the gun away from him, while he was trying to figure where my shot had come from. That's when he got a shot off that grazed your arm.

To be honest, I knew better than to aim at him, because he was point-blank to you by then, and I was afraid of hitting you...

After you knocked the gun away, he knocked you away with about as much ease... I saw Shadow and his team seem to materialize out of nowhere, and I saw Mr. Pendragon moving, too. Figuring the main threat was being dealt with, I holstered the gun, grabbed Claw and dropped down into the snow next to you.

You were unconscious, bleeding from your head, and your neck was bent out of shape. I very carefully laid you out and cast several healing spells on you, and you started breathing normally, and you were just dazed.

That's when I heard someone--I don't even know if it was Shadow or Mr. Pendragon--shouting something to the effect of "Hey, little help here!" That's when I turned and saw what the guy had done to himself.

I can't even describe all of the monstrosity... I remember it was reptillian, and looked distinctly demonic, but what I remember more is that it was a strong telekinetic, and was holding his own against everyone else. He was also making his way towards us. I only had time for one spell before he'd be in range, so I had to make it good.

It was going to be my armor spell. Considering who his original target had been, the choice was clear.

With the words of the spell on my lips, I reached out and touched Fate's shoulder, and the invisible armor immediately covered his body.

He--you--were awake by then, awake enough to see it bearing down on us, so I grabbed out Claw and bolted for it.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 9:05 pm
by Shadowstalker
Yeah things went from strange to major frag up in short order there. As KT said I was there with some of my team, When I first noticed the guy he was human but with some nasty intent, next thing I knew he was behind fate with gun aimed at the back of his head, my people and I started to move KT took the first shoot a little chancy but it worked out Fate reacted goodthing you remember your days before being a suit, fate and attacker exchanged blows and shots the attacker nailed fate a with a solid hit sending fate reeling, the next bit was a little weird. First off the bad guy used some kind of an injector, he put it in his neck then he started to change, his aura was the first thing I noticed It was no longer human then there were the obvious changes and to make things worse he starts using TK to a lethal effect but there was something else going on as well. Between my team myself, Pendragon and KT I think we shot him no less than 30 rounds but that is not what finished him there at the end he basicly self Imolated. I found the injector later and I'm haveing it checked out as we speak.

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 3:11 am
by fate
I remember now. The whole thing seemed like a dream, all a haze of voices and shadows. I must thank all of you for the help, I wouldn’t be hear now if it wasn’t for all your efforts. Especially you Kon Thaak with out your spell’s I very much doubt I would be living. If there is anything any of you need you have but to ask,

Now on to more concerning matters. The man who attacked me…he seemed so familiar, his face, the way he executed his mission, how he knew about the drop…MY GOD! How could I have been so stupid! Did he say anything? Anything at all? Before I make any rash statements I need to look into this matter a bit more, however if I am right in my suspicions then I believe we are all in grave danger.

I’m very interested in the results of your lab work Shadow, pleas let me know as soon as you come up with something. It could help me get to the bottom of this much faster.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 12:17 am
by Shadowstalker
Ok all sorry I didn't post this sooner but was waiting on secondary conformation of the results my own and the labcoats. First the tech it is a combination of synthetic hormones and enzemes but they are like nothing anyone has seen before, one of them seems to exibit propertys like adrenaline others seem to be simalar to neuro tranmiters the labcoats don't even want to guess what these would do if injected into a human but they suspect it would be both toxic and addictive for starters. Oh they also say the injector likely held six doses and there was only one left. So I am led to belive that our wouldbe hit man ODed, just a theory but at this point it makes sense. Now for the strange stuff this stuff had a aura of magic to it and it was of a very dark sort at that by doing an Object read on the injector I saw the Hitman's last hours, he was sent to elminate Fate and had been told to use the injector only as a last resort and not to use to large of a dose. Fate I think you may have some explaining to do.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 1:19 am
by fate
I’ll start from the beginning, as would seem appropriate. About two months ago, a new directive came from the original director, it read as follows.



All senor agents in the field will be reassigned immediately to conduct observation and information gathering on varies members of the Lazlo Society. We feel the individuals that follow may posses an extremely valuable working knowledge of the supernatural phenomenon we have been experiencing of late. Some may even be in league with these monsters.

Shadowstalker= Agent Fate
Celeste Darken= Agent Loki
A. Pendragon= Agent Apollo
KonThaak= Agent Bogyman
Ron Caliburn= Agent Saint
Bert_the_Turtle= Agent Godsend
Willie Long= Agent Bruser
Elijah Sight= Agent Brush

A passive observe and gather mission has been activated, be prepared to terminate and retrieve all assets upon command.

We studied and observed your actions for about three weeks, then all of a sudden we were recalled and told new argents were to be assigned to the mission. This struck me as odd considering the agents he chose had less then a year in the organization. Not only that, the agents in question hadn’t been seen in months. That’s when I began digging deeper into what was really going on. Before I continue, you should all know the information I’m about to revile will bring you all in for the long hall. I’ll continue once I have confirmation from those who wish to see this thing through.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 1:26 am
by Ron Caliburn
If someone has been watching me, they best get ready to watch their ass.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 1:36 am
by Holister
Greetins' From Maine

Glad I ain't on that list. Guess I paid my taxes on time. 8-)

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 1:38 am
by Ron Caliburn
2 months ago . . . so in the lead up to the various Halowe'en messes we cleaned up.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:02 am
by Shadowstalker
Do I have to repeat myself Spill it Fate.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 3:52 am
by fate
I response to Ron statement, yes before and during Halloween. Truth be told we were responsible for some of those situations.

What I’m about to tell you is highly classified information and the reason I believe the attempt on my life was made.

My organization recruits young psychics and trains them in battle field conditions. We are known only as GREYBEARD. Back in 1977 one of our biggest suppliers of young psi’s, known as MK ULTRA was shut down, after that we were forced to go out and recruit psi’s from colleges and other places of higher thought. All of the psi’s were willing volunteers, most of them are still on with us today.

Upon farther investigation in to these new agents taking over our assignment, I discovered that some senor members of greybeard had resurrected the MK ULTRA project and were using it to brain wash some of our psi’s into assassins. There intent was to send them to the members of the society as “friends” your standard plant op. They were to get in close. Make you trust them and the whole time they would be completely unaware that they were truly supposed to harm you, thanks to the brain washing. I believe the intent was so that those of you with psychic powers wouldn’t be able to sense there true motives because even they wouldn’t know them selves. There end state was to acquire all information and object’s supernatural and to offer you all spots in our organization, if your answer was no, then that’s when the assassination program would come forward.

After finding all this out I acted as swiftly as I could to stage an insurrection. I started low with the scientist in charge of the program. All dead within a day. Then to middle management, dead within the week. Then the director himself, I personally choked the life out of him, after several hours of torture. After that, all those that were left rounded up all the brainwashed psi’s and we began deprogramming. At least we thought we had them all. The events of the 9th clearly state other wise. That could only mean I now have a rouge faction within my organization, people who wish to continue with the original plan. This places all those on the list in grave danger.

What puzzles me as well as troubles me, is this injector Shadow found on the man. I never came across anything that said they would use a chemical stimulant. I must look into this further. I hope I have answered most of the questions you all have.

Shadow please continue your lab analysis of the injector and its chemical compound. If you come up with anymore information inform me immediately.

Please everyone be careful there may be know way to know if you have one of these brainwashed psi’s on your had until it’s to late.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 9:53 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
fate wrote: Bert_the_Turtle= Agent Godsend

Man it was fun giving that Joker the slip. Never send an Urban agent to follow someone in the great outdoors. By my reckoning he was lost in the NJ Pine Barrens for 3 days.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 10:07 am
by Shadowstalker
So you were trying to get intel on me, so did you learn anything useful or not I'm curious.


Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 10:14 am
by Razor
That injector... did it also have chemical markers in there that were natural, but easily reproducable.... but with enough skill to make it so that the body would not recognize it as synthetic?

Did anybody get any blood samples from this guy? Did they check his genetic sequences, and in so doing kept Triple-Helix DNA in mind? I know of a drug or set of drugs similar to this that the CIA and Naval Special Projects have used on their RV'ers and weapons grade psions. I'm wondering if this isn't the same, or something along that lines, exactly.

BTW Fate

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:03 am
by Razor
Btw, Fate... did you ever get that information package sent to me. If so, do you think it has been comprimised? I haven't had a chance to check the dropsite yet. If anything, still feel free to send it to [email protected].

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:23 am
by fate
All the agents were pulled from the surveillance mission sometime ago, so no worries about being followed. At least not by my men. All information gathered on the society members is in my personal possession and only I have access to it. Oh and yes Godsend sends his regards Bert.

Mr. Razor I did not get a chance to send the information to you and fear that if I do you may get wrapped up in all this as well. I can’t be certain my personal files have not been compromised. If you need any information perhaps you can sway Shadow into sending you some.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:28 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
fate wrote: Oh and yes Godsend sends his regards Bert.

I feel a little bad about it now. It was one thing to strand him in the middle of nowhere. It was another to jam his radio so he couldn't call for help either. :lol:


Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 12:44 pm
by Razor
Well, as for getting wrapped up in things... I've been bored of late. Being neck-deep in this stuff doesn't bother me. Besides, I was just looking forward to the background file info you have offered on yourself, and really... what information you can provide on Greybeard, if at all possible, but if not, I understand. Perhaps later.