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Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 4:25 am
by Razor
I happen to know an irish elder priest that might shed some light on this. I'll ask around... and find me some cold wrought iron.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 10:40 am
HAHAHA Iron has no effect on me.....

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 10:57 am
by AdamaGeist
Alright, I'm in a pretty toothy mood right now... I'm going to go eat him.

Anyone got anything to say before I do?

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 11:04 am
by KonThaak
Watch out for the gristle.


Sorry, had to be said.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 11:11 am
eat away, you will feel my wrath

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 11:22 am
by AdamaGeist
Kid, the worst thing I'd get from you is indigestion. I've SAT on things more threatening than you. I swear, either we have a rather retarded monster on our hands, or the traditional 'Internet Troll'. You know, a worthless bag of skin that has nothing better to do than to harrass people on chat forums.

The good news is, either way, noone will care if I kill him.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 11:28 am
You fear my power

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 11:30 am
by Ron Caliburn
NAIN ROUGE wrote:You fear my power

Well your breath is pretty bad, but nothing really to be scared off if you have a MOPP suit.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 11:35 am
by AdamaGeist
And right there, we got our confermation. It's a troll.

It may take a while for the information to circulate, but for everyone here, just ignore Reddy here. Unless he actualy shows up at your doorstep, granted... at that point you shoot him in the face.

Seriously tho, the biggest hint was the refrence twards that Rifter rag... Like anyone in their right mind reads a magazine that talks about sci-fi wars in an alternate dimention and takes it seriously. Geez, some people's children.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 11:40 am
by Ron Caliburn
Rifter? Never heard of it.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 12:46 pm
Ron.... I'm coming to see you tonight.

You will scream.

Adama, you dare call me a troll. You will pay for you insolence.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 12:53 pm
So cavalier attacking mortals. So much coward's courage. You have left too many clues, and your own arrogance, I know who you are. If you want to attack someone, come for me. I know PANDEMONIUM quite well, I have been there before. One question to you maggot, do the Arch-Dukes know you are here, or were you chased out like the worm you are?

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 1:05 pm
Ah. Grim is it. Imbecile I am my own King! I bow to no Arch Duke! I was ordained with these powers upon my birth in the court of King Brian of ....

HMMph Anyway. You do not want to dance with me Grim, I'll cast you back to your hole and have my very good friend THE GREAT JYN, place your sorry heap in a bottle for 1000 years.

Has anyone have the courage to treat with me??

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 2:08 pm
You just dug your own grave "mortal". We have nothing to fear from you. You like to play with fire, I am fire. Hellfyre flows through my very veins. I was half interested in yu boasts, maybe you sent by the ARch-Dukes, but I see you are just "damaged goods". I will leave your fate mortal in the hands of othet mortals. I have other true demons to deal with.

Cross my path though little man, and you WILL know what playing with fire truly is.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 2:16 pm
by Holister
Greetin's From Maine

Oh great, Hell just belched us up some additional backup, we're saved. What the hell are you doing back GRIM?

You know we should just let the ahlf crazed demon and the wee-man wanna be just go at it, and then off em both. Frankly Im not impressed with either. Seriously, we got more bad guys runnin' round than WWII Germany. If I wasn't under 4ft of snow and ice right now, Ild hop a flight and kick both their sorry asses, feed the left overs to Duke, and let my attack rabbits handle clean up.

Get the point, both of you, WE DON'T LIKE YOU! Go away now, shoo, your villages called, they miss their idiots.

Happy Huntin'

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 3:20 pm
Mortal. I was at Queen Antoniettes beheading. I helped with the great plague of marseilles..

Mortal. You will find out how mortal I am. I serve No one.

Do you know who that is???


Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 3:24 pm
by Holister
8-O - CooKoo....CooKoo.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 3:30 pm
by AdamaGeist
Actualy, Holister, if Arny here can annoy Grimmy this well, I think I'll give him quite a bit of appriciation. Go, Reddy! Piss off that flawed and broken weapon!

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 3:33 pm
by Holister
I not so concerned about GRIM, its more fun to taunt the new nut (censored) wack job whose about as grounded as a street pigion. I want to make him cry.....B-(.....

Is that wrong? 8-)

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 3:37 pm
Hollister, your lack of faith is fantastic. Town Sheriiff, gun smith. Your feeble attempts at enforcement will have no bearing on my wrath.

You will be added to my list.

I come at the behest of the southwest wind.


Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 3:39 pm
by Razor
... I wish.. oh how I wish I had an ignore button... omfg!

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 3:48 pm
by Holister
NAIN ROUGE wrote:Hollister, your lack of faith is fantastic. Town Sheriiff, gun smith. Your feeble attempts at enforcement will have no bearing on my wrath.

You will be added to my list.

I come at the behest of the southwest wind.


First off genius its spelled HOLISTER, it not like my name is shown with every post, oh but its is.

Second, your list, shoot, get in line tiny, I ll start quakin' in my boots when I start to give a rats ass.

Third, you want to come up here to pick a fight wacko, I send ya a bus ticket. Ild enjo kickin' your sorry dumb ass up one side of the street and back down the other.

Finally, Go play in ruway traffic at Ohara. I here those jet engines won't falter a bit if jump headlong into one. I just want to see if thats true.

Somebody shoot this wak job before he hurts himself.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 3:52 pm
Ladies and Gentelman, Boys and Girls......

Now that I have everyones attention:

This is my gauntlet i throw down to you pigs.

At the stroke of midnight, as Ron is falling asleep, I will make my way into his little bubble. He will see me coming but will not have it in him to stop anything I do. You see, Ive been watching you all for quite some time. I am going to bring you all into the fold. You thought it was funny to talk about my antics up in saginaw, thought I was merely a prank, punk kid with nothing better to do. You've had villians on here before but not one like me. You have no idea of my background and like scared children you mock me. We all know though that jest is a form of jealously, jealousy is a form of hate and Hate is nothing but good old fashioned FEAR.

Will you rush to Rons aid? Hes mine already. You all better look me up and find out what I'm all about. When you do find out exactly what I am, you will know that I am to be feared.

And you must make a friend of fear and horror.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 3:55 pm
by Holister
Ah, what...did you say something tiny. I was too busy not givin' a shit. 8-)

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 3:57 pm
All pigs and cracker jack cops will pay the price. After I tear Ron apart, I'm coming for you.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 4:27 pm
by Holister

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 6:26 pm
Your breath is foul Holystyer

You reek of fear and chowder. I shall wash your mouth out when its your turn to suffer.

After Ron's nightmare binge.

Clocks ticking ronnie

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 6:31 pm
by Michael T
If you think you are so tough to take out Ron, I say you are no better than any other parisite. You are taking advantage of what something else has done to weaken Ron. Now like a hyena you are moving in to feed on a weakened foe. Try to prove your worth and pick some one that the nightmare Ron has not been working to weaken. If you want to play games I welcome you to try them with me, I will teach you what it means to be in fear and pain.

On to lighter subjects Any one want an amulet to help ward off things like this? I found a nice little place of power that I tapped to make a good number of them. And have been hitting afew dragon lines at the appropite times to make more of these charms. Also to make sure I have some extra "batteries" for emergencies. KT I have some thing in mind if you would like some extra protection for the house. PM me if you would like it.

Michael T.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 6:35 pm
Michael T wrote:If you think you are so tough to take out Ron, I say you are no better than any other parisite. You are taking advantage of what something else has done to weaken Ron. Now like a hyena you are moving in to feed on a weakened foe. Try to prove your worth and pick some one that the nightmare Ron has not been working to weaken. If you want to play games I welcome you to try them with me, I will teach you what it means to be in fear and pain.

On to lighter subjects Any one want an amulet to help ward off things like this? I found a nice little place of power that I tapped to make a good number of them. And have been hitting afew dragon lines at the appropite times to make more of these charms. Also to make sure I have some extra "batteries" for emergencies. KT I have some thing in mind if you would like some extra protection for the house. PM me if you would like it.

Michael T.

You dare think that a mere charm can weaken the DUKE of Derry and Dunleavy? The host of the Great Jyn of Persia, weakened by a trinket? Imbecile! I am going to drag you all down for this !!!!

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 7:03 pm
by AdamaGeist
He does have a point...

Anyone have a Seal of Solomon? That's the thing you realy need to deal with Djinni.