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Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 9:05 am
by A. Wesker
Well, it stands to reason that the police have recovered McNiel's body and are holding it down at the locale morgue. My suggestion would be to recover the body and destroy it. The last thing we need now is several groups of idiots, who evidently think to become the next sorcerer supreme or whatever it is this week, running after this "book of blood", killing and maiming whoever happens to get in the way at the time. Incineration has often proved effective.

A couple questions for you, Mr. Cicadas. Who has forsaken the N.E.F.O. and why? What exactly does your work as the 'sentinel' intell and how can we help you, if such is what
you wish?

I would you be of help to us Mr. Cicadas. Any more information would be helpful. Provided you drop the mysterious stranger act, which I'm starting to find a bit annoying. Questions answered with poetic phrase and ambiguity is not going to provide anyone here with the information here we need. The kind of informatin that keeps us alive in the field.

Altough we lack any serious information, we have enough for a good start. Weather or not Mr. Cicasdas would agree or prefer our asisstance, I plan to travel to Denver with Gothicfox and see what we can dig up.

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 8:12 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
How do you figure the police recovered it? Wouldn't it be more likely that whomever slaughtered all those people on the rooftop took the "Book"?

I'm all for incineration though. Although I think research is required before disposing of it once found. For all we know applying certain elements to it might trigger something unfortunate.


Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 10:35 am
by Gary Smith
Mr.Lovegroove. Suite a vos dernière annonce sur le ''BOOK OF BLOOD''. J'ai pu croire que ce suposé livre vous intérresse. J'aurrais de grande et importante information a son sujet. Car je suis un des seul survivant de ce cauchemard. Et pour les incrédule des évenement que vous avez mentionné. Et bien saché quelle son belle et bien fondé. Car j'en suis un témoin vivan et marqué.

On nous avais chargé de retrouver ce ''livre'' avec tou les moyen nésséssaire et imaginable. Mais nous avons été faite doublé par un autre groupe qui recherchais ce même objet. Mais ils non pas pu en ressortire vivant suite a notre rencontre en feu croisé et des évenements presque qu'inexplicable.

Si votre offre tien toujours Mr.Lovegroove. Je vous pris de me contacter le plus rappidement possible. Mais soyé assuré de l'auttentissité de cette objet et qu'il est très surprenent que quelle qu'un fais la recherche de cette objet ,qui selon moi devrait être détrui et non lu. Mais si cette objet me permet d'avoire une bonne retraite a moi et mes comparces. Alors soite.

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 1:38 am
by Moustapha Cicadas
Mr. Smith,

We know who you are.
We know who sended you in Denver (he is sending you a postcard from Mohave desert by the way) and we know you have the money.

What we dont’ know is what happened on that roof. Is it true that this “wizard” paid a bounty hunter to get the skin of the McNeil boy...

The Vigil lost track of the Books of blood in Toronto. He was seen there for the last time in the company of a man named Mansfield and both took the same flight for Denver. We are in the process of obtaining informations in this man. According to the members of the Vigil “squad” this bounty hunter is a complete riddle. Somekind of “ghost”that outbrained everyone ..even the N.E.F.O. it seems.

As for the “artefact”...

I’m sure that you understand that you have an engament to respect.

- 8 bodies were washed out of the helicopter
- 7 humans 6 males 1 female
- 1 non-human (Mandrillus sphinx), a primate of the Cercopithecidae (Old-world monkeys) family, closely related to the baboons.

The cause of death is the same for all of them... they drowned. Their lungs were filled with blood. . That’s in the police report.
This artefact...this ‘Vessel” must be in good hands as fast as possible.

Mr. Smith What makes you think that you can get away with this...

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 3:48 am
by Gothicfox
I gotta wonder if your making this up or not. Oh well, my leave is about up anyway and I'm going back to do real work again instead of sitting around twiddling my thumbs.

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 11:27 am
by Gary Smith
Cher Moustapha Cicadas.

Vous pouvez toujours savoir qui je suis .Mais vous ne savez et surtout ne saurrai jamais mon enplacement exacte a moin que je le désire. Voila la sertitude que j'ai envert tou ce qui m'entoure.

Pour de ce qui est de cette hélicoptère. Et bien quand elle c'est éventré sous la préssion exercé par la grande quantité de sang qui ce retrouvai a l'interrieur de l'apparreille. Et bien je l'ai entendu ce lamenté juste avant qu'elle ne sède sous la préssion énorme. Car j'étais juste a coté de l'appareille et je les vu cracher les corps innanimé et ce ''livre'' que vous s'emblé chérrire. Pour vos inttention avec ce ''livre'' et bien jusqu'a ce jour,me reste inconnu et du même fais ne justifi pas votre droit d'être le futur et l'éjitime propriétaire.A chaque jours j'apprend de nouvelle chose de ce fameux ''livre'' et c'est pour nous une importance capital de bien connaitre ce que l'on désire vendre. Pour l'argent que vous parlez. J'ai aucune idée de ce que vous voulez parlé. Tou ce que j'ai vous le savez très bien. (si vous ditte que vous me connaissez)

Et pour Mr. Lovegroove,

Votre temps de réponsse de mon dernié méssage,me dit long sur votre inttention et soit disant grande recherche de ce fameux livre. Peut-être que qu'elle qu'un d'autre voudrait ce porté aquérreure de ce livre. Mais la somme n'est plus de 6.5 millions, mais de 9 million de dollards. Et je vous laisse a TOUSSE, une semaine a partir d'aujourd'hui pour me faire parvenir une réponsse car je trouverrais surment qu'elle qu'un prètte a payé le prix. Et soyé sure que mes comptactes me parle de long et en large de vous.

Ma mission n'est pas encore terminé. Et les dernière coordonée mr.Lovegroove tienne toujours. Pour une date que je vous laisse en déssider.

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 9:50 am
by Gothicfox
Ya know, I know you two got some tyrst deal going on here. But speak english for the rest of the english speaking people here. I only studied arabic for work related reasons and very few others.

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 2:58 pm
by Ron Caliburn
French, actually.

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 3:29 am
by Gothicfox
So he's using a dead dialect.

I'm kidding. :D

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 11:49 pm
by Moustapha Cicadas
Powerful forces indeed are at work here.

Here is what my research in Toronto lead me to conclude for now:

Charles Mansfield is 34 years old. He is a complete basket case. He spent most of is life in a mental institute in Toronto. He is a severe catatonic patient. Never speaking or responding in any way with anybody since is early chilhood.

As it turns out this Mansfield managed to escape from the Institute, found false passeport, made contact with McNeil and both left for Denver. All this in less than 48 hours.

How can this be ?

This Mansfield was “responding” to a Call, a summoning of some sort by a recluse tycoon in this reality and a powerful “warllock” in the occult world called Gregorius. He was onboard one of his biggest helicopter, a gigantic piece of flying machine. Mr. Smith was with at least four other mercenaries to ‘supervise” the deal with Mansfield. They came with Gregorius. Their contact was Mr. Winsap and their rendez-vous point was some archeological site in the Mohave desert.

Im still in the process of obtaining info on this Mansfield but i got to admit that he is a complete riddle to me. As for Gregorius...well. I should be able to tell you more about him very soon. In the meantime, I have some business to do in Montreal.

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 3:33 pm
by Mr. Lovegroove
Sorry for the delay but the N.E.F.O. folks are harder than I thought to confuse. So more precautions had to be taken. I had to go through the reports several times. I had to get confirmations and proofs from what I have read. If you though the 20 000 litters of blood where hard to swallow, well you had seen nothing yet.

To begins the ten bodies. A female bounty hunter highly wanted by the F.B.I., and by the way, the F.B.I. took the case but somehow the N.E.F.O. is playing strong political power so the case is going nowhere. Further information about this will be post later. So the female where slather by an axe and wounds show that she was also victim of an explosion. A retired policeman also victim of axe cuts, where found beside the first victim (on the exact location of the main entrance for the roof). Both where in possession of several weapons. Near that location, where found a serial killer named “The Gimini”. He was killed from a shot in the head. The weapon whom shot the bullet where nowhere to be found. The body was lying in a real pool of blood.

A helicopter was on that roof. A CH-47D Chinook cargo helicopter. The wheel seems to have been crush by the weight of that helicopter and his cargo. All, the interior, the roof, the floor, the walls, the commands, everything in the helicopter where covered with blood. It seems that somehow the blood, the 20 000 litters of blood was in the helicopter. A mystery is this to know how the blood manages to get there. For sure it was not transported there by the vehicle. The cargo door had been open releasing all the blood and 6 other victims, lungs filled with that blood. The owner of the helicopter, the eccentric billionaire GREGORIUS was among the victims. His pilot, two men, a woman and a mandrill… The two mans where not only twins but had the same DNA. Their upper a lower lips where sew together. The woman was found with several deep cuts, apparently by a scalpel witch was found among other chirurgical instruments lying in the blood outside the helicopter. Also found in the blood where a lot of books. It seems that the helicopter himself was a real library. Books of mythology, Archaeology, Astronomy, Ancient magic and ritual, Biology, Religion, all kind of religions. But among them two books where practically interesting. An authentic version of the NECRONOMICON and an old, very old version of the CORAN. All this went out of the helicopter with a huge wave of blood when the cargo door where open.

Not only how the blood manage to get there is unknown, the blood itself is a mystery. All the analysis made on the victims, objects, inside and outside the helicopter show that the blood had thousands and thousands of different DNA.

And finally, the last victim, the young Simon McNeil. His body where found several story below the roof. All and I mean all his skin where remove with surgical precision.

Approximately four other people where there that night, their lefts trace of their presence and their departure everywhere.

Yes my friends “The book of blood” is lost. And it means great danger.

Mr. Smith, you have my attention. I will change my location so the N.E.F.O. won’t get their creepy hands on me and I will contact you on this site.

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 3:49 pm
by Mr. Lovegroove
Mr. Smith, after a meeting with the peoples I represent, we are willing to raise the bet to 10 millions. We know that you are one of the best in your field and we hope that you will not try to play with our patience. Some other persons how also claim to have been on that roof are trying to contact me. Maybe you are lying, maybe not. Before closing the deal, if we have a deal, I will like to hear from those persons.

I am waiting…

Book of Blood

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 10:54 pm
by St-Jean Baptiste
Cher M. Groovelove, Dear Mr Groovelove,

J'étais l'un de ces 5 mercenaires, avec M. Smith, et notre mission était de "superviser" la transaction avec Mansfield. Quelque chose n'a pas bien été dans cette transaction ... Ce "Book of Blood" est dangereux !

I was one of the five merceneries, with Mr. Smith, how where supose to ‘supervise” the deal with Mansfield. Someting got very rong there ... This Book of Blood is dangerous !

book of blood

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 8:41 am
by m.chabot
Mr. Lovegroove

Je vous observe depuis quelque temps et votre histoire m'intrigues au plus haut points. Laisser moi vous donnez quelques indices de votre casse- tête

-L'hélico appartient a un excentrique du nom de Grégoirus.
- The Gimini la tête lui a exploser.
- L'hélico a écraser sur le poids du liquide.
- La parchemin sur la peau a disparut.
- le sac avec l'argent disparut

Besoin de mes service ou renseignement contacté moi.

Am looking at you for a while, I have clue for your puzzle. -hélico belong to Grégoirus he is a outlying. -Gimini is head was blow up. -hélico was crush by the weight of the liquid. -Parchement of skin is lost like the bague of money.

Contact me.

No news. No Book.

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 8:15 pm
by Gary Smith
Dear mr. Lovegroove.

Your time as run out. So from now on, the famous book is to sail to the bigest bider. So lest have fun!! Shell we. :twisted:

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 2:46 am
by fate
Mr. Gary Smith, Perhaps we can come too some monetary agreement for the “book of blood”. I was thinking somewhere in the ball park of 25 million. Name your price and you shall have it Mr. Smith.