The "Book of blood" is lost!

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Mr. Lovegroove
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The "Book of blood" is lost!

Post by Mr. Lovegroove »

Apparently the “Book of blood” had been stolen from a group of mercenary during a trade on a roof of a Denver building last October. My researches just lead me there a few days ago. We are now in a dead end in the quest for retrieving this artefact and we need help. If you had or are in contact with this item, contact me immediately, your life is in great peril. Please take note that “The book of blood” is not a book.

A great reward will be given to anyone how can lead to its retrieval.
A. Wesker
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Post by A. Wesker »

I'm curious to know. What exactly is this "Book of Blood"? What danger does it present to the person who has it? Why are you interested in obtaining it?
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Before anything else, let me echo Wesker and ask why you're interested in obtaining it. Secondly, who are you exactly? And finally, what exactly is this thing?
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Post by Gothicfox »

Damn, and I wanted to add that to my comic book collection too.
Mr. Lovegroove
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Post by Mr. Lovegroove »

I represent a group of anonymous relic collectors. We look into countries, religions, history and myths in search of amulets, effigies, idols, holy objects, relics and other items bound with mystical beliefs. A few months ago we became interested in a relic called “The book of blood”. The events surrounding its discovery are as unusual as the relics itself. On October 15 2005, the police discovered on top of a Denver building what they came to call the “absolute inexplicable case”. 10 bodies where found lying into nearly 20 000 litters of blood. Expertise indicates that only a tiny amount of blood is from the victims found on site and that the circumstances of those violent deaths are completely different for almost all victims. Among them, a well know and very powerful activist. We know that this is where and when “The book of blood” vanish.

For evident reasons, I will not give any information regarding “The book of blood” over the internet. If your are serious and you think that the information belonging into yours hands are worth 6,5 millions dollars, send me an email.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

You're not exactly projecting an aura of trustworthiness. Few details, large reward, anonymity, warnings of extreme danger, and thus far none of the regulars have vouched for you.
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Celeste Darken
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Vampires and the Book of Blood

Post by Celeste Darken »

I have kept silent about this topic because I believed my thoughts had been adequately posted by others. But now I begin to wonder.

Mr. Lovegroove wrote:I represent a group of anonymous relic collectors. We look into countries, religions, history and myths in search of amulets, effigies, idols, holy objects, relics and other items bound with mystical beliefs.

I will agree with Mr. Turtle on this thought. Mob bosses could just as easily be your "anonymous relic collectors" as legitimate businesses or museums. It is not that we instantly think you are evil, but you do leave a lot unexplained.
Mr. Lovegroove wrote:On October 15 2005, the police discovered on top of a Denver building what they came to call the “absolute inexplicable case”. 10 bodies where found lying into nearly 20 000 litters of blood.

And what, pray tell, killed them? Or is that a part of the mystery for you as well as them? Should we presume that it was the "Book" that slew them in such a grisly manner, or should we consider it the work of others who want the book?

I must admit, my interest was definitely peaked at the mention of the "20,000 liters" of blood. Considering the normal adult human contains five liters at a time, the amount you're talking about is a veritable feast for a vampire. Be prepared to face them, if it was the "Book of Blood" that caused such a thing. Are you willing to indulge information? If you need help, we are more than willing to keep an eye out, but you leave though of us with no knowledge of the subject too little information to start with. Private Messaging is the most often used form when delivering sensitive information on this site, and it has thus far been safe. Consider using it to those who ask for information on this "Book of Blood."

And I am one who is asking.

Celeste Darken
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

20000 litres? You are aware how much that is? In addition to being the blood of 4000 humans, it's also a swiming pool sized container.

Quite possible the poor folks drowned in it.

Bu . . . uh . . where did they keep all that blood and why wanst there a swarm of flies that could be heard buzzing in the next county?
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Well if Ms. Darken is getting involved you can go ahead and PM me that information as well. And I agree with Mr. Caliburn, that is a ton of blood. I'd love to know how the news spun that one.
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Post by fate »

I represent a rogue section of what we shall call a “government sponsored program” dedicated to retrieval and exploitation of powerful supernatural forces. I and a few of my partners have chosen to remain silent until now but with my station within my agency crumbling I no longer see a reason for silence. I would very much like to not see this item or any other fall into our agency hands and believe me there looking. We would like to offer our help in the retrieval and safe keeping of this item, of this “Book of Blood”. Do not worry neither my partners nor myself wish to hold onto this item, I would much rather see it safe guarded with one of the trusted members of the society.

If this item is truly capable of what you say it is then I believe that the pool of blood might just be a defensive messier to keep those who shouldn’t be handling the item from doing so. Of course this is just speculation on my part until I can receive more information on this “Book” any information you could provide Mr.Lovegroove would be greatly appreciated. I would very much like to assist you and anyone else for that matter on this site with all matters “supernatural”, you would be surprised how helpful I can be though my involvement must at least for the time being stay rather limited.
aut vincere aut mori=Either to conquer or to die
A. Wesker
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Post by A. Wesker »

I'm still interested in information regarding this "book of blood" and how you think it may pose such a threat. It would behoove you to give us such details before we would commit our lives to such a deadly task. As you have already stated, ten people have already lost their lives due this item.

That being said, I'm interested in helping locate this object before any more loss of life occurs, and I request that you PM me whatever information you have on the matter. Specifically, I would like to know everything you have on this book. No how far fetched or trivial. Anything may well save our lives.

Also, I'd be interested in the details of your research and how it led you to that roof top in Denver, as well as information regarding the persons who possessed it at the time.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Mr. Wesker, I have a theory, I am guessing that the item itself (although probably the source of the blood) did not cause the deaths in of itself. My guess is that something attacked the people on the rooftop and slew them in order to claim the item for his/her/itself. Although the item in question is undoubtedly dangerous, my guess is that it is unlikely to have killed those individuals itself.
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A. Wesker
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Post by A. Wesker »

I won't disagree with you there Bert. Someone had to have taken the book after the murders. Weather or not the committed those murders is still to be seen. I find it rather unconventional for a person or persons to use a swimming pool full of blood as a murder weapon.

My opinion: the book killed them. Rather, the ten people on the roof top used whatever information is in that book and it was beyond their means to control. Alot could of happened up that night.

Now it's our job find out what and possibly put a stop to it before anymore people are killed.

Which, again, is why we need more information on what we are dealing with here. I don't fancy myself swimming in a lake of blood due in part of my own ingnorance of this book.

Mr. Lovegroove, when you get the chance, send me all that you have. It would be very much appreciated.
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Post by AdamaGeist »

Honest question to put out here...

Concidering the different applied backgrounds of each and every person here on Lazlo, exactly why would anyone publicly draw attention to a specific relic of this nature to the board as a whole?

And then add to that the cryptic hints and pieces of information actualy given. Nothing about the appearance or history of the item, but a mass of information about the tragic and bizzare aftermath of it's dissapearance. Nothing mentioned as to it's nature or abilities, but a huge monitary offer for people who try and track it down. And am I the only person who threw up warning flags at the statement that the item is not actualy a book?

The fact that he puts the item's name in red text is practicaly overkill. I'm much more curious at this point in Mr. Lovegroove's ajenda and plans than the existance of this item.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

I agree wholeheartedly Adema, this entire thing is highly suspicious as I pointed out earlier.

And Mr. Wesker, the main reason I don't think that the "book" committed the slayings itself is this line here "...and that the circumstances of those violent deaths are completely different for almost all victims." Most tools aren't that multi-purpose, had they all died of the same exact thing I'd be more inclined to think it was the work of the Item in Question.
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Mr. Lovegroove
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Post by Mr. Lovegroove »

First of all, I represent a group of anonymous relic collectors. Plain and simple. And as great collectors we are willing to pay this amount to retrieve that artefact because this is what we thik it worth. Still plain and still simple.

Secondly, we do not think that it have some king of “power” as some mentioned. But we know that some group may believe so. We heard that a French group calling themselves the NEFO ( Nouvelles Eglise des Forces Occultes) are deeply interested in the relic and rumours stipulates that there are not very friendly when it comes to negotiate. This is why we post the treat warning.

And for the roof incident my assistant in Vancouver will send me copies from the police and coroner reports. I expect to have more information on the relics itself by the end of the week.
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Post by Gothicfox »

Sounds like an intersting gig. The 20k litters of blood is a bit hard to swallow considering, but everyones already pointed that out. I got some leave coming up, maybe I'll check up the highlights of the 'occult' world and see what I can add to the mix.
Celeste Darken
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Mr. Cicadas, I presume?

Post by Celeste Darken »

Why don't we ask the newest member of the boards since the "Book of Blood" was mentioned? What say you, Mr. Cicadas? Would you care to enlighten us on the subject?

I tend to watch those that join the forum. And I have a justifiable interest in those who would proclaim their profile with the likes of:

Location: Addis Ababa
Occupation: Sentinel for the "Book of Blood"
Interests: Early version of the Qur' an and The Satanic Verses

I suggest you explain yourself.

Celeste Darken
Moustapha Cicadas
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Post by Moustapha Cicadas »

I don’t know exactly who you are Mr. Lovegroove but it seems to me that you are messing with powers that are being inevitably destructive of one’s health and sanity.
Remember that this “relic” that you should call the Books of Blood, was once a living and breathing “Grimoire” that walked among the most powerful peoples of this world and beyond. But most importantly, Mr. Lovegroove, remember this: “Every body is a book of blood; Wherever we’re opened, we’re red'.

Moustapha Cicadas
Fifth Sentinel
The work of the Vigil his done. They have forseken The N.E.F.O. Now I shall begin the work of the Sentinel. : “Every body is a book of blood; Wherever we’re opened, we’re red”.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Very nice catch Celeste.

Could you be any less cryptic with your information Moustapha? Research isn't my forte'; putting holes into and blowing up things is.
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Post by AdamaGeist »

Let's see how this all stacks up so far, shall we?

First, we have someone that starts off giving a criptic warning/cry for help. When asked, he follows it up with a story that realy gives very little information, but would draw the attention of those looking for power, or money, information, or even just to protect others.

We have further evasion as to the item's nature or appearance, but an attempt to downplay it's own potential, after making such an outrageous claim as to what happened when it vanished. Am I the only one that is curious as why noone's heard of the story where this swimming pool of blood appeared suddenly, with a few corpses added in?

And finaly, the topping to the cake, a new person with his own and very much admitted tie to this whole afair...

Need I go on?
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Ignorance is not bliss, it tends to lead to a quick death around here. So far we have quite a bit telling us what we don't know but need to find out and a pair of suspicious new individuals whom we know nothing about.

I know I don't need to say it, but I will anyway. Everyone stand clear til we know what in the name of all that is good and holy is going on.
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Post by fate »

I find I must agree with Bert. I find the whole situation very suspicious. In fact I’m half why tempted to take a team out to Vancouver and see if I cant stir up a bit of info for us, maybe find this roof top Mr. Lovegroove speaks of. Also Mr. Cicadas could you possibly shed any light on this subject, I mean no point in playing coy at this point as a self proclaimed “sentinel for the book of blood”.
aut vincere aut mori=Either to conquer or to die
A. Wesker
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Post by A. Wesker »

Well, Mr. Cicadas, you seem to be a bit more willing to share information this "Books of Blood". What is this relic supposed to be? What is its past and where did it come from?

I'd also like to know how you figure into all this? Apparently you a student of religion and the occult as well as a self styled guardian or protector.

Honestly, what is it that you know that we don't? Anything and everything you know about this subject would be greatly appreciated.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Has anyone come up with anything new? Its been 9 days since anything has been added that sheds the tiniest fraction of light on the situation.
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Mr. Lovegroove
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Post by Mr. Lovegroove »

Since Mr. Cicadas and friends revealed themselves time had become very precious to me in my quest for the retrieval of “the books of blood”. Before they succeed and close this site for good I will tell you what exactly is that magnificent relic. But before going any further you need to take one thing in consideration. This relic is highly claim by powerful organizations, and I mean powerful. I took all the precautions needed before posting anything on this site so I would be impossible to locate. And because you post replies and you are reading those lines on this very site, I highly suggest you do the same.

The relic was born in the famous haunted location on 65 Tollington Place. In using a young medium called Simon McNeal, The parapsychology unit of the Essex university claim to have recorded proofs of life after death. Apparently young McNeal had looked himself naked in a small sterile room where hundreds (maybe thousands) of entities had comes to wrote they thoughts, they dates of birth and death, they names and they torments on the walls, ceiling and floor of the room. Even certain dead celebrities had come signed they names. But Simon McNeal turn out to be a young artist in search of glory and success. Without knowledge of the university team, he had concealed small graphite sticks under his tongue and had written everything by himself. Beings from the other side, angry by this outrageous act, manifested themselves for real and fulfill they vengeance by punishing McNeal and transforming him in they books of blood. He had become they testaments, they biographies, a book make of and wrote with blood. A book of blood. Each millimetres of his body was now carved with meticulous scripts.

He was last seen alive by a private detective hired by us entering that building in Denver. We now know, gracefully to the police and coroner reports, that Simon McNeal is no longer alive. I will post a resume of those reports as soon as possible.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

So they carved up this shmuck's body while he was still using it and now his corpse is missing?
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Moustapha Cicadas
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Post by Moustapha Cicadas »

You are indeed extremely well informed Mr.Lovegroove.

The McNeil case seems to hold no secrets for you.

Simon McNeil was a fraud, a cheat and...
"The dead set their vengeful hands on his fresh skin."
"He was to be used to record their testaments. He was to be their page, their book, the vessel for their autobiographies. A book of blood. A book made of blood. A book written in blood. They wrote on him from every side, plucking out the hair on his heads and body to clear the page, writing in his armpits, writing on his eyelids,writing on his genitals, in the crease of his buttocks, on the soles of his feet."

The boy survived ...his mind was gone but that was not a great loss. His body, however, was treasured and protected by a powerful organisation called N.E.F.O. "...and after a time, when the words on his body were scabs and scars, the N.E.F.O. would read him. They would trace, with infinite respect and patience, the stories the dead had told on him. The tale on his abdomen, written in a fine, cursive style. The testimony in exquisite, elegant print that covered his face and scalp. The mantra on his back. The ancient spells on his hands and the dark omen on in shin. They Would read them all, report them all, classifie them all, every last syllabe that glistened and seeped beneath their fingers.

Before long, "The Books of blood " were requested by powerful mages and arcanists throughout the world to be examined and scrutinised. The N.E.F.O. made a lot of money out of it. They established a cell called "The Vigil" only to follow The Books of blood whereever he was invited. A "world tour" that paid back with tons of money and tons of priceless informations on countless sects, cults and meaningful personas of the occult scene.
The work of the Vigil his done. They have forseken The N.E.F.O. Now I shall begin the work of the Sentinel. : “Every body is a book of blood; Wherever we’re opened, we’re red”.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

That explains why everyone wants the thing (for in truth I don't know if he could be called a person at this point.) It also explains all the danger surrounding it.
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Moustapha Cicadas
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Post by Moustapha Cicadas »

The work of the Vigil his done. They have forseken The N.E.F.O. Now I shall begin the work of the Sentinel.

Mr. Burt, Every body is a book of blood.

You know what they say about turtles...

They dont run and jump in front of the cannon like rabbits....They tend to survive.

My advice to you... turn back...go home. If you dont have to be involved with this artefact...stop questionning. Live your life...its good life...why waste it.

But if you absolutely want to be implicate...

I guess i could use some help from an "underdog" to locate The Books of blood
The work of the Vigil his done. They have forseken The N.E.F.O. Now I shall begin the work of the Sentinel. : “Every body is a book of blood; Wherever we’re opened, we’re red”.
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