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Re: Not at home

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:48 am
by Grace
Hannah wrote:I don't want to hide

I don't want to think about who's alive or dead

I don't want to wonder if I'm next.

I just want to go to school, hang out and be a normal kid.

What did I do to wind up with this crazy life?


Life sucks and then you die.

It sucks that you were forced into this life by decisions made by adults. Some decisions were made for you before you were even born. You're powerless and frustrated and your life is in danger. So is the life of someone you love very much.

I'd just like to point out to everyone this is exactly why I don't get involved with anyone. Even if they chose to live this life with eyes wide open, sooner or later they'd end up like poor Hannah here.

Then they find they don't want to hide.

Then they find they don't want to think.

Then they find they don't want to be next.

Then they just want to be normal.

But by then it's too late, isn't it?

Sorry all of this had to happen to you, Hannah. I hope you survive long enough to decide to start making your own destiny.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 1:17 pm
by Holister
Thorne you are as cheerful as ever; stay missing.

Nem, this lil' lamb is suffering. I know how she's feeling. I could only wish I could be there for her and Ron right now. I kills me that I can't, but I only hope Hannah is still safe and that Ron gets his man this time.

I still have no idea why someone would do this; no one human anyway. My money its either the doppleganger or Khavik.

Good Luck Ron; Hannah, hang in there lil' lamb you have friends here.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 1:30 pm
by Grace
Holister wrote: Nem, this lil' lamb is suffering. I know how she's feeling. I could only wish I could be there for her and Ron right now. I kills me that I can't, but I only hope Hannah is still safe and that Ron gets his man this time.

When I said that I was where she is right now, I meant it. It's not that I lack sympathy for Hannah. I do lack understanding as to why anyone would place someone they love into that situation. And it's not that I'm blaming Mr. Caliburn. He rescued his daughter from a bad place. It was a reasonable thing to do. But her whole life, Hannah's destiny has been bought by others. But now she's the one left trying to cover the checks.

It's not fair and it ain't nice and there's nothing any of us can do about that. When she's ready, Hannah will take control of her own destiny. It might not make things better for her but at least she'll be the one calling the shots. And that can matter.

Holister wrote:I still have no idea why someone would do this; no one human anyway. My money its either the doppleganger or Khavik.

Good Luck Ron; Hannah, hang in there lil' lamb you have friends here.

The motives for murder are as many as there are people to commit it. You may have trouble accepting that a human might be responsible but I do not.

Still, I share your sentiment in wishing Mr. Caliburn luck.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 1:46 pm
by Holister
You don't know Ron the way I know Ron; no "human" perp would have ever have gotten remotely close without ending up in a body bag.

This has to be the work of "Not Ron" or Khavik, or heaven help me, both again. The only other guy that could have done that is dead and buried.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 1:48 pm
by Grace
Holister wrote:You don't know Ron the way I know Ron; no "human" perp would have ever have gotten remotely close without ending up in a body bag.

This has to be the work of "Not Ron" or Khavik, or heaven help me, both again. The only other guy that could have done that is dead and buried.

You are making assertions based on emotion rather than logic.

The fact is that we don't know what happened. And worse, without violating Mr. Caliburn's wishes, there is nothing we can do to get additional information nor to assist.



If we allow ourselves to become overly emotional.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 2:19 pm
by Holister
Emotion rather than logic? Me & Ron we go way back. Heck we are the two oldest members still posting. You don't know squat, you are an alledged "hit man" for hire, hell for all we know you did it wise guy?

Re: Not at home

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 3:12 pm
by Grace
Holister wrote:Emotion rather than logic? Me & Ron we go way back. Heck we are the two oldest members still posting. You don't know squat, you are an alledged "hit man" for hire, hell for all we know you did it wise guy?

You've gone from saying nothing human could have done it to accusing me of doing it. You have become irrational.

The last time you became this emotional and irrational, you were possessed.

Now is not a good time to become vulnerable to possession, Mr. Holister.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 3:22 pm
by Holister

Re: Not at home

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 3:23 pm
by Holister
I was never possessed; get your facts straight.

And can we keep on track here. This is about Ron & Hannah.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 4:03 pm
by Grace
Holister wrote:I was never possessed; get your facts straight.

And can we keep on track here. This is about Ron & Hannah.

I see.

And this?

Holister wrote: Hello Gabriel. It is good to see you again after all this time. I though we may have lost you to that insufferable druid. I see that imprisonment has not quelled your lust for carnage. I do so hope you are enjoying the "gifts" I have sent you. Those amulets were not easy to come by.

A hacker?


Extreme bipolar disorder?

None of the options are helpful nor do they lend you credibility. If you have an alternate explanation, then by all means.

If you wish to keep things 'on track', then I would suggest you refrain from baseless accusations. I suggest you get your emotions under control and start trying to be constructive.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 5:12 pm
by Holister
I am trying to learn what I can about the actual crime from DC homicide. I don't know how long that will take, but I will exhaust every possible channel in order to find out what is going on and who is responsible.

Man I wish the other guys were still around. KT and Bert were alot better with these situations than me. If any of you guys are out there and can see this, we need your help. Ron & Hannah need your help.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:11 pm
by Grace
Finally, an attempt to be constructive. Hopefully the trend will continue.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 10:04 pm
by Hannah
Stop it!

Stop it!

Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!

Stop fighting about this.

This is all bad enough without you tearing strips off each other.

This is supposed to be a Society, not a fight club.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 10:07 pm
by Grace
My apologies, Hannah.

I shall endeavor to play nicely.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 11:58 pm
by Shang Li
I wish I could do or say something that would make it better child. For as much as some feel I am well spoken it is times like this that words fail to convey what a simple hand on the shoulder can express so well.

I will try anyway, as poor a comfort as mere words may be.

Rest now child, do not fear
For those you know
Those you hold dear

Hush now child, do not cry
He faces unknown foes
Not afraid to die

Be at ease now child, take your rest
While his heart beats he will protect you
In the ways he knows best

You have friend here, friends that will literally move mountains to help you and Mr. Caliburn. no matter what may happen remember that when your burden becomes to great there will always be those here to help you in whatever small ways they can.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 10:04 am
by Holister
Master Li!? YOUR'RE ALIVE!?

Re: Not at home

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 1:24 pm
by Kelly
Welcome back Master Li. Your presence on the boards has been sorely missed. I do hope that you plan on sticking around, and maybe stopping by for some Tea at The Brick with me & Ben.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 3:26 pm
by GhostSpider
Welcome back Li. Good to hear from you again.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 7:46 pm
by Hannah
Thank you Master Li.

I've been moved again. More people I don't know, more places I don't know. I'm not allowed to go out side except when they move me. I have to hide in the trunks of cars or under blankets in the back seat.

Please, does anyone know what's happening in DC?

Re: Not at home

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 8:17 pm
by Grace
I don't know.

I'm not really sure your father would approve me poking around in his business.
But since when have I ever worried about other peoples approval?

Re: Not at home

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 8:35 pm
by Hannah
At least can someone find out if someone cleaned up the house . . . I don't want my mother just lying there.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 8:36 pm
by Grace
As you wish.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 12:31 am
by Holister
I believe that the police would have processed the crime scene and brought your mother's body to the city morgue by now. As for cleaning the house, I have no idea.

God I feel sick talking about this.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 2:17 pm
by Grace
I don't think it would be revealing too much at this point to say that the police had cordoned off the area and the place was under surveillance.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 2:32 pm
by Shang Li
If it has not been done it shall be.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 2:55 pm
by Grace
Shang Li wrote:If it has not been done it shall be.


Re: Not at home

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 2:57 pm
by skeptic
I think he means surveillance.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 2:59 pm
by Grace
skeptic wrote:I think he means surveillance.

Ah well, I can assure everyone that it has already begun. Although the police are being unusually blatant.

To scare others off, perhaps?

What I found at their home...

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 7:15 pm
by Grace
As per Hannah's request, it is my unpleasant... duty(?) to relay the following information.

I will try to keep to the facts as I perceive them and I will try to leave out my own conclusions for now.

Sarah's body has been removed from the scene. The house has not been cleaned up.

Sarah died fighting.

The struggle occurred only in the bedroom. There were no signs of forced entry.

There is a good deal of blood. I cannot tell you whose with certainty but I suspect Sarah's. Especially since most of it was where the body was laying.

There was a lot of movement at the scene after the fight ended. It is hard to be absolultely certain but my gut tells me that someone moved the body after the fight but before the police arrived. I have no idea why.

I suspect Sarah either knew, or thought she knew who killed her. The perpetrator got into her bedroom without any physical evidence of struggle or pursuit. It is unlikely that struggle began until after the killers intent was made known in some manner. By then, it was likely already too late.

When I was there, the scene was cordoned off by police and there was a cruiser present. So I was forced to sneak in last night.

Those are all the facts as I know them. I was going to present them in story format but this way is quicker. I may still relate last nights experiences later on but it seemed important to disseminate this information as quickly as possible.

Also, according to Hannah's request, I will be investigating this matter through my available contacts. I don't expect to turn up much but I will try.

Hannah is worried about her dad, that is why she wanted to make all this information available to all of you despite my recommendation she keep it quiet. I have decided to respect her wishes in this matter, despite my better judgement.

Good luck everybody.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 11:17 am
by Kelly
Poor Hannah. Such a sweet kid to have to go through all of this. I remember when molly lost her mother. Why do these things keep happening?

If I ever got my claws on the SOB that would do something like that I would tear them to pieces and let the vultures have the rest.

Has anyone heard from Ron at all?