Back 2 School

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Now that it’s January, will you come out of your room?

Post by Clarity »

_____Hi, Hannah. I don’t know why they attacked the crows attacked the woman, but I’m starting to get worried about the crows. They attacked a dog, and I think they’ve killed a cat. It’s getting to the point now that people won’t go to the old lady’s house anymore. Even the police seem to be staying away from the house.
_____Peter and MJ lost their mother too, right? Maybe that makes me an orphan, too. I don’t remember mine. Maybe I should go and see Peter and MJ? If they’re orphans, and if I’m an orphan, then maybe I can help them feel better?
_____P.S. Now that it’s January, will you come out of your room?
_____P.S. Again. I wish I could have seen you and given you a hug on “New Year’s,” but Mr. Ron seemed to think it best not to tell you that I was coming over.
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Re: Back 2 School

Post by Hannah »

Hey C

I wish I could have seen you on New Year's too, but dad's pretty picky about that stuff.

Yes it is January and I am out of my room. I did some exams at the school and they read the papers I did for Mr. Robinson. They say I'm pretty much caught up now, but after everyone talked about it, we decided I'd still only go to school part time and make use of Mr. Robinson to make up for all the stuff I've missed not going to school until I was 14.

I like this idea because I get to still go and see my friends and I get more time with Mr. Robinson. He shows me all sorts of neat stuff and helps me find answers to my questions.

Oh, I was kinda surprised after what happened over the Christmas break, but Peter and MJ are still at school. I talked with them about it. Peter doesn't think it was a mugging though. He says his dad had some enemies and that whoever killed his dad had intended to do it. From the way he talks about it, I think he wants to find this guy and rip off a few pieces. I hope Peter doesn't go and do something stupid, but I also hope this guy gets what's coming to him.


PS: That's really weird. Has anyone tried anything to scare the crows off?
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Hey, I have an idea!

Post by Clarity »

_____Hi, Hannah!
I’m really glad you’re out of your room, and I hope you’re feeling better, too. I’m sorry that Peter wants to hurt whoever killed his dad. But I’m even sorrier that his dad is dead. Hey, wait a minute! I just remembered, Mr. Ron was in the Blight on Christmas day, too! Wasn’t he? Maybe he saw or heard something? That would help, wouldn’t it?
_____P.S. Well, some boys from the neighborhood I’ve been staying at have been talking about shooting any crows they see.
_____P.S. Again. Tommy reminds me of that “Kevin” boy you told us about, Hannah.
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Re: Back 2 School

Post by Hannah »

Hey C

Great idea.

When he gets back tonight I'll ask him. At least if I'm still awake.


PS You mean K-Mann? How do you know a guy like that? Who are these guys you're hanging around with? Is everything alright?
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Re: Back 2 School

Post by Ron Caliburn »

The Blight is the Blight. There's a lot of nasty stuff that goes down in it all the time. I stop what I can see, but I can't see it all.

That night in particular, the only notable thing I saw was a werebeast sent to kill me.
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Deacon Ash-Shaytan
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Re: Back 2 School

Post by Deacon Ash-Shaytan »

Ron Caliburn wrote:That night in particular, the only notable thing I saw was a werebeast sent to kill me.
You saw what you wanted to see, Mr. Caliburn. It all boils down to that.
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Re: Back 2 School

Post by Lord Shakar »

Deacon Ash-Shaytan wrote:
Ron Caliburn wrote:That night in particular, the only notable thing I saw was a werebeast sent to kill me.
You saw what you wanted to see, Mr. Caliburn. It all boils down to that.

Deacon if you weren't there how can you comment on it?

None of us where there passing judgement isn't our job or anyone elses.
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Re: Back 2 School

Post by Deacon Ash-Shaytan »

The same way you can comment on this, I suppose. I wasn't judging him. I was commenting. The "notable" thing that he saw was something he was searching for. He might have missed something else because he didn't think it concerned him. Something that escaped his notice because it wasn't relevant to his personal safety. It could have been a small detail.

D.C. is a big place, and I bet Caliburn can't be everywhere in the "Blight."
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Re: Back 2 School

Post by Lord Shakar »

There is a big difference in my commenting on the Fey. and your snidely (That is how it comes across to me, at least). That someone is only seeing what they want to see.
Walking between the Shadows, you come to expect the unexpected.
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Re: Back 2 School

Post by Deacon Ash-Shaytan »

Lord Shakar wrote:There is a big difference in my commenting on the Fey. and your snidely (That is how it comes across to me, at least). That someone is only seeing what they want to see.
I took the liberty of bolding the crux of the problem. Just because it sounded that way to you doesn't mean I'm obligated to follow through with that interpretation. My meaning was entirely divorced from your take on it. I was not being snide. I was making an observation, based on my experiences, neither praising nor condemning. People see what they want to see. You see a ghost here. I do not. But the fact of the matter is, neither of us have a monopoly on point of view or opinion. To say who is wrong or right is entirely subjective in matters like these that lack evidence. Here, I daresay you would be in the majority of seeing a ghost, and many people will therefore say you are right. However, if I took that same video to a university or some such place, the opinions would likely be turned.

Now, in the link I mentioned in my previous post, and in several other posts made by you, I could make the assumption that you are a brazen, narcissistic megalomaniac bent on what is perceived as your own "omniscient power."

But I do not make such an assumption, because I have no facts and because to make such an assumption based on such meager proof is both asinine and demeaning to the both of us. I have a dear friend who claims all that you claim, with the sole exception of this additional prerequisite: he requires cannabis in order to be properly induced into the realm.
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Yep, everything’s fine . . .

Post by Clarity »

_____Hi, Hannah!
_____Yep, everything’s fine. I met Tommy and a bunch of boys a little ways from the cemetery. They had a box of matches and big, rectangular cans that smelled really bad; I had to hold my breath. They said they were there to get rid of some ghosts, and I asked if I could help. They laughed and agreed. Reggie and Tommy were part of one team, while the one I was in was led by another boy named Gull. He thought he saw something at the other side of the cemetery, so we checked it out. We didn’t see any ghosts, but I think there still might be something evil there. Gull and the other boys suddenly grabbed me, and I tried not to hurt them, but they stopped when I accidentally broke Gull’s arm.
_____P.S. I guess the ghosts decided to go somewhere else, because after I helped them get to the hospital and went back, I still didn’t see anything.
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Re: Back 2 School

Post by Deacon Ash-Shaytan »

Err. :?

What do these boys do all day, Clarity?
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They smoke strange cigarettes . . .

Post by Clarity »

_____Mostly they smoke these strange cigarettes. They asked me if I wanted one, but I said I didn’t. Ethan didn’t smoke, so neither will I.
_____P.S. I don’t think smoking the strange cigarettes is good for Reggie. He coughed a lot.
_____P.S. Again. Oh, and one time Tommy pulled out this huge sword from his back pocket and used it to cut “TH” onto a car. I stopped him when he tried to cut the tires.
_____P.S. Again, again. I don’t think he liked me stopping him. He looked really mean, but nodded and smiled funny when Reggie took my side.
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]Wait, Clarity . . . you said Tommy had a “huge sword?”

Post by Eilonwy Solstice »

Wait, Clarity . . . you said Tommy had a “huge sword” he pulled out of his pocket? How big was it?
Sometimes the only thing to be done is to feel one’s way through the darkness.
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Re: They smoke strange cigarettes . . .

Post by Deacon Ash-Shaytan »

Clarity Grace wrote:_____Mostly they smoke these strange cigarettes. They asked me if I wanted one, but I said I didn’t. Ethan didn’t smoke, so neither will I.[/i][/color]
Perhaps you should reconsider hanging out with these people, Clarity.
Someone has to man the "reality check station" around here, and it might as well be me.
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It was huge!

Post by Clarity »

Eilonwy Solstice wrote:Wait, Clarity . . . you said Tommy had a “huge sword” he pulled out of his pocket? How big was it?

_____I’m sorry about forgetting to tell you how big it was, Eilonwy. It was huge! Not as big as Mr. Ron’s sword, but at least seven inches.
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Cgeck your private messages, please . . .

Post by Eilonwy Solstice »

Oh . . . Clarity, remember that chat we had? I think we need another . . . check your private messages, please.
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Re: Back 2 School

Post by Hannah »

Hi Everyone

Clarity, I think those boys are trouble and you might want to stay away from them. Now I sound like Dad talking about Peter.

I Just wanted to catch up everyone. I'm still doing the tutoring part time, since it works so well for me. Not much eventful has been happening at school.


PS: Well there was something, When I opened my locker today a long stemmed rose fell out. No card or nothing, just the flower.
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Re: Back 2 School

Post by Hannah »

Hey Everybody, welcome to Spring!

I wanted to give everyone an update on what's been going on with school too. This tutoring thing and going to classes part time has been great for me. I've been able to catch up on so much . . . it's sometimes like I never missed anything from when I was little.

That being said, I do sometimes find myself not knowing stuff I really should or saying things that makes everyone look at me like I'm from another planet. My friends (I still can't believe I can say that) are okay with it though. They know me well enough that they don't think I'm a freak . . . well not a bad kind of freak anyway.

The tutoring is going really well, Mr. Robinson gives me lots of stuff to read and takes me on an adventure every week. Sometimes it's an art gallery, sometimes a museum, sometimes we just go and eat at a restaurant that serves food from another country, we even went and helped out a soup kitchen for a while. He's told me that because I was kept away from so many things that define what it is to be human that I should spend some time experiencing them all. Every now and then he'll ask me to tell him what I've learned, and when I sit down and try to put pen to paper about it I always find it's way more than I thought.

Peter and MJ aren't around school that much, they take a lot of days off since their father was murdered. Peter more so. The way Peter talks about it, he wants to try and find the guy that killed his dad and get revenge. I tell Peter he should let the police do it, but Peter tells me the police don't understand. He says the police don't care because to them it just looked like some black guy in a bad neighbourhood getting gunned down. Peter things that this was a purposeful murder, that his dad had enemies. I'm kinda worried Peter will get himself hurt. MJ is worried too.

My friend Michelle is acing all her courses as usual (I'm so jealous). It's like she has a calculator built into her brain or something. With Christine not hanging around the school to make Michelle's life miserable Michelle is smilign a lot more. She still doesn't talk to many people other than the teachers and me, but at least she's not having to spend all her time watching her back.

I feel really good that I was able to help Michelle with her problems. Heck, i even felt good when Clarity and I got Christine away from that strange man-monster in that place they put me while Dad was in jail.

I know it's kinda weird, I mean I don't have a licence to drive yet even (though I get my learner's permit this week - stay off the sidewalks!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: ) but I think I know what I want to do when I'm done school. I know Dad is gonna freak out when he reads this, but I think I'm going to be like him, finding people in trouble and helping them out.

Anyway, that's all for this thread, I got a few more I want to update.


PS: I haven't had one of my spells since October. The doctors think that maybe it was stress related because of the transition to a new way of life.

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Summer Camp

Post by Hannah »

Hi Everyone,

I haven't written in a while because I've been so busy. First it was the wrap up of the school year, but before I even had time to stop my head spinning, I got a summer job.

I'm an assistant sports educator at an overnight camp for kids. I'd tell you which and where, but dad would have a fit. But I spend all day outside teaching kids all kinds of fun games and sports and stuff. At night I sleep in a cabin with a bunch of other girls to help keep their nightmares away.

It's been a lot of fun and, like dad points out, it's keeping me out of trouble. I'm especially enjoying teaching archery. I hadn't ever picked up a bow before this summer but now I'm in the gold almost every time, even though I put my shooting mark back an extra 25 yards. I guess all my time on the shooting range with dad has given me an edge.

Anyway, I need to go, I'm meeting Peter downtown today. I haven't seen him in about three weeks now.


PS: Peter told me he's found some clues about who killed his father.
I will be who I chose to be.
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