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Re: Not at home

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 9:54 am
by Hannah
I heard the frightened cries of the cattle first.

The motion of the world around me blurred even faster as I moved to the top of a hill overlooking the Gruagach’s heard in a single bound.

Below me, I saw the cows milling around in confusion and panic. Lonely calves bawled for their mothers while bulls charged through the herd.

I couldn’t understand, the last time I had been here, Gruagach’s herd was the best-tended and docile group of cattle I had ever seen.

That’s when I saw them, sitting on top of the stone fence alongside the pasture.

In my mind, I knew what they were immediately, but I don’t know how I knew. They looked like young men, maybe boys, but they were so small that they each wore an inverted flower for a hat. They were pulling the smaller rocks from between the stones of the fence and hurling them at the cows.

They were the Buachailleen.

As I strode own the hill towards them, I remember the Gruagach telling me of how my mother had scared them off by throwing rocks at them . . . but I wasn’t in the mood to just throw rocks, I was angry.

Even though I left my target bow back in DC a month ago, it was in my hand immediately. The arrow was nocked, drawn and loosed in one action. A moment later, it wedged itself into the fence between the knees of one of the little imps.

“My name is Hannah Grant, you may not have heard of me, but I assure you, if you do not leave those cows alone right now, everyone will hear of what I do to you.”

The one straddling the arrow let out a frightened little squeak and immediately the foul little vermin scurried away. I was reminded of the barn mice when the lights went on.

Still, there were other priorities. I immediately waded into the field, clapping my hands and calling, trying to focus the cows and get them to calm down. However, the heard was large and quite panicked and I was making little headway.

That’s when I heard the dog barking.

Not just any dog.

It was Suzie.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 2:08 pm
by Grace
I thought all good dogs went to heaven.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 8:37 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Brutal wrote:In my experience dealing with the fay or one of the personifications of death usually doesn’t end well.

One should always be on guard in any such dealings.

One shouldn't have any such dealings. Nor will she, ever again.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 10:51 pm
by Hannah
It didn’t take long for my beloved border collie and me to organize the cows into something resembling a heard and drive them on to a cool spring so they could get a drink and calm down.

Once the cows were settled, Suzie bounded over to me and I greeted her with the biggest hug I could give her.

“I missed you girl.” She gave a happy little bark and I scratched all her favourite places.

I wiped away a few tears and stood up. “Do you know where Gruagach is?” An affirmative bark and a tail wag. “Take me to her.”

It didn’t take very long for Suzie to bring me to the Gruagach’s house under the tree. I laughed a bit when Suzie bolted inside through the doggie door. I should have known the best herding dog ever would stay with the best herdswoman ever.

I knocked gently as I opened the door. “Gruagach? It’s me, Hannah.”

Five years ago, my head had barely brushed the ceiling in this place, now I found myself having to drop to my knees to move around inside.

“Gruagach? Are you here?” The place was a mess. When I last visited the Gruagach’s home had been meticulously well kept. Now the twigs and branches that made her walls, floors and furniture had grown twisted and gnarled. Her kitchen was a disaster of dirt dishes and utensils. The place smelled like rotten fruit, instead of good earth.

“Back here I be.” Gruagach’s voice was unmistakable, but it was so different. It had grown softer, weaker.

I worked my way across the torn rug and crawled on my hands and knees to get through the opening to her bedchamber.

“Seeing you, happy makes me” I wanted to say the same, but she looked so frail and tired there on her bed. Her skin had grown pale and her limbs were as gnarled as the roots of her home.

She coughed. “Better days I have had, but better than most is today because here you have come.”

“What happened to you? I thought time doesn’t pass here.”

“Time matters not. In this land, being forgotten ends life.”

I leaned forward and hugged her as tightly as I dared. “I didn’t forget you.”

“Lie not to old Gruagach. Visit me not did you. Promise made you. Broken it was.”

Re: Not at home

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 1:16 am
by Hannah
I felt like I’d been shot in the gut. I wanted to stammer that it wasn’t true, I wanted to tell her how busy I had been . . . but what she said was true and there was no denying it.

She put one of her gnarled hands on mine. “Your fault it was not.”

“But …”

“Inside you, great evil took root. I came to you many times, but too strong for me it was. Kept you from dreaming of this place it did.”

“Thank you for trying to help me.” I looked around the broken down hovel that used to be her beautiful home. “Let me help you.”

I went out to her kitchen and began to arrange the dishes in preparation for washing them. To my surprise, as I stacked them next to the sink, the sink turned on and each dish took its turn diving into the soapy water. The dishcloth dove in with them, wiping away all signs of dirt before the dish then jumped out of the sink and into the embrace of a drying cloth. Once the dish was dry, it climbed up into the cupboard and stacked itself.

As soon as the dishes had done themselves, I turned to the tattered curtains. With just a touch, they shook out any dust and mended their frayed edges. Soon I was working my way around the dwelling. Just by a gentle touch, the knotted tree limbs smoothed and the rug mended itself. Suzie even joined in the act, herding around Gruagach’s furniture so I could clean underneath.

In what seemed like no time at all, the entire dwelling had been cleaned top to bottom and looked as fresh and beautiful as it had when I woke up here five years before.

Smiling at a job well done I turned to tell Gruagach that we were done, only to find her standing there, smiling and radiant as a spring morning.

“Shocked, be not you. Strong is your will. By this act, strength you have shared with me.”

“I owe you so much Gruagach; if there is any way at all I can repay you. . . “

“Debt there is none. Teatime it is.” She must have seen the look on my face. “Worry not you should, trick this is not.”

“So is it safe to eat in Fairyland?” I sat down at the table as she set to producing her cups and saucers.

“Safe, always is. Consequences you should aware of be.” She set down the cups and poured water into a teapot. “Trick you, some might. Force you to stay, if you eat Fairy food. Human food this is. Keep it for visitors, I do.”

I nodded, watching how the pot began to steam immediately without a fire. “Sort of like Persephone?”

“Learning, you have been. Good.” She filled each of our cups. “In your mind, power is.”

“Actually, that’s what I came to you about. The gift of the Oak King – it stopped working.” I took the cup and saucer from her. “I need to know how to make it work again.”

“Serious problem you have.” She sipped at her tea and handed me a fresh buttered scone. “Does the gift work here?”

“I’m not sure, let me try.” I reached for air, just trying to summon a gentle breeze, but nothing happened. “No.”

“Strange, this is. Most powerful the gift of the Oak King is when in Summer it is used.” She took another sip of her tea. “Your pockets, in them what is?”

I reached into my pockets and pulled out the medallion, a sprig of holly, an arrowhead, a copy of Romeo and Juliet and a picture of Mom, Dad, Wie and me together. “That’s odd; I only had the medallion when I came here.”

“Meaning, all these items have. Important they are.” She lifted the medallion first “Know what this is, you do.” She held the photo. “Beautiful, your family is. Keep this may I?”

“Of course, how could I ever refuse you?”

Gruagach set the picture on the windowsill in the kitchen. Then she picked up the arrowhead and the book. “A part of your life are these things, know what they mean better than I, you do.” She handed these back to me.

“Gift of the Oak King, missing it is.”

Re: Not at home

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 11:45 am
by Cybermancer
In many cultures, ancestors are worshipped so that they persist and are not forgotten.

You may wish to remember Gruagach in your prayers. If you do not pray, than you can easily devise a small daily ritual to remember her with. Based on the revitalization she seemed to undertake from house chores, something related to hearth and home may be appropriate.

It could be something as simple as, "I do these dishes so yours may be cleaned as well, Gruagach." Nor would it hurt to set aside at least a single day a year to dedicate to her in some way. Actively inviting her to your dreams each evening may also be of assistance.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 12:51 am
by Hannah
Funny you should mention the dreaming thing. . .

“So it’s gone? Did he take it back?”

She shook her head. “Given, gifts of the Faeries are. Taken they are never.”

“Then I can ask for it again?”

She clucked disappointment. “Gifts of the Fae, precious they be. Those who take care of them not, cursed they be.”

“So if I don’t get it back the Oak King will curse me?” A nod. “With what’s been happening, I think it’s already happened.”

“Happened it not yet has. Gift you may recover. Until then, the Oak King’s magic you cannot use.”

“Do you know how long it’s been missing or who took it?”

She took my hand and rubbed her thumbs into my palm. “Gone for a while it is. Maybe a year, maybe more.”

“A year? But I was able to use it this fall.”

She reached over and picked up the sprig of holly. “Gift of the Holly King this is. King of the Waning Year he is. From Midsummer to Yule, his power is.” She placed it in my hand. “King of the Waxing Year, the Oak King is. From Yule to Midsummer, his gift protects you.”

“How do I get it back?”

“When the thief you have found, know what to do you will.”

We were quiet for the rest of the tea, but before I left to find Ankou to take me back, Gruagach had some parting advice.

“Death’s Carriage, not for rides is it. Visit me you can, when dreaming you are.”

“That would be easier, wouldn’t it?” I felt like a total idiot. Fortunately, Suzie didn’t care. I gave her another big hug and told her how much I was gonna miss her. I thanked Gruagach one last time and stepped back onto the path back to reality and to where I thought my friends and protectors were waiting.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 1:37 am
by Ron Caliburn
Only my daughter would think of bumming a ride off the grim reaper, let alone a return trip.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 10:01 am
by Cybermancer
She certainly has a gift for unconventional thinking.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 11:24 pm
by Shadowstalker
Cybermancer wrote:She certainly has a gift for unconventional thinking.

A trait she gets from her father, much to his dismay.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:09 pm
by Hannah
Well maybe if I could deal with some conventional problems for a change maybe I'd learn some conventional thinking.

Other girls my age have to worry about zits ruining their dates - but not little ol' me. I have to worry about an embodiment of my childhood nightmares stepping out of the dreamworld and throwing my boyfriend off a building.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 8:37 am
by Cybermancer
You know Hannah, when I referred to unconventional thinking as a gift, I meant it.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 5:48 pm
by Grace
Hannah wrote:Other girls my age have to worry about zits ruining their dates - but not little ol' me. I have to worry about an embodiment of my childhood nightmares stepping out of the dreamworld and throwing my boyfriend off a building.

Try having a boy come pick you up for a date and you're late coming out of your room to see him, not because you're still putting on makeup but because you're not done cleaning your guns...

Meanwhile, your dad is showing the lad around his own collection, chatting casually about how many people and in what ways he's killed with them.

And I still remember the times I noticed Da tailing us on my dates...

There's nothing like coming out of a school dance and looking around for the telltale signs of a scope before you'll let your date outside.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 9:43 pm
by Hannah
That's pretty bad alright - but at least your dad let them in the house.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 11:29 pm
by Shang Li
Is it that strange for a man to go through great lengths to protect what he treasures most?

Re: Not at home

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 9:53 am
by Cybermancer
When protection becomes smothering, the man will lose what he loves most anyway.

Wasn’t the Oak King Mr. Robin’s dad?

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 2:11 pm
by Clarity
_____Hi, Hannah. I thought the Oak King was Mr. Robin’s father? Does that mean if you ask for his power again, you’ll have to marry Mr. Robin? I thought you didn’t want to marry him? Or am I confused again? If you lost your powers because you didn’t want to marry him, isn’t that a good thing?

Re: Not at home

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 7:59 pm
by Hannah
If I had some other way to protect myself from the nightmare I wouldn't mind a much more normal existence - but my life isn't so I need to be able to stand up to things like it. Without these powers, I can't.

Its not that I don't have to marry Goodfellow, it's more like I have a stay until it's determined if there will be any direct female offspring of my grandfather. I figure we can find away out of this with the extra time - that or he'll grow sick of waiting and move off to some other mischief.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 7:23 pm
by Hannah
I just got an email from freerunner92 - Peter is alive and well!!

That's some of the best news I've had all year.

Now I just have to explain to him what happened. Any suggestions?

Re: Not at home

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 8:52 pm
by Robyn
Hannah wrote: Any suggestions?

Be honest. All things considered, he is likely to believe you or at least give you the benefit of the doubt. Tell him everything.

Perhaps starting with how you feel about him.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 9:01 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Let's not get too carried away with romantic thoughts here folks. The guy is a monster after all.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 9:22 pm
by Robyn
I'm afraid I don't share your prejudice agaisnt non-humans, Mr. Caliburn. I prefer instead to judge individual people based on their actions.

Actions in this case, that saved Hannah.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 9:32 am
by Cybermancer
Despite the assertions of my assistant, perhaps sharing everything is not wise at this point.

Your current location, for example.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 4:00 am
by Grace
I pulled night watch tonight. Just as well. Can’t sleep right now anyway. Besides, things always seem to go down at night.

This place is starting to look more like an armed camp than… well than what it’s supposed to be. I have to confess, I have mixed feelings about the whole thing. Crowds make me nervous. And there is a lot of freedom in the way I used to do things.

At the same time, it’s nice to know that there’s people who will watch my back. When I do finally get to bed later, I’ll sleep easier because of that. I’m not going to name off everyone who’s shown up, many who’ve been with us for some time now.

There was some new additions to the team earlier today. They had the courtesy to call ahead to let Mr. Caliburn know they were coming. There was an issue, however.

It was Shadowstalker and his team. Apparently Shadowstalker had some concerns regarding me. Not really surprising, really. It seems I no sooner earn one group’s respect and then there’s another showing up and the process starts over again.

I’m pretty sure it’s a Lazlo Society conspiracy to repay me for being an asshat and for my shenanigans when I first arrived. Fair dues and all that, I guess. Except this is serious and no one’s joking. People have been losing their lives and there is an air of mourning over the whole place.

After discussing it with Mr. Caliburn, we agreed it would be best if I met Shadowstalker for coffee someplace else. What was left unspoken was that it would be better for everyone that this meeting happen away from Hannah if things went south.

Always a possibility when LEO’s and outed hit-persons meet.

He wasn’t what I was expecting. Asiatic features but green eyes (all the best people have green eyes). Handsome in an exotic way (no, I’m not getting distracted Mr. Caliburn, just making observations). And he was a gentleman.

“Ah so we finally meet the great and mysterious Nemesis,” He extended his hand in greeting. “Nice to finally have a face to pair with the name.”

I can’t say I was so happy about him having a face to pair with my name. Then again, so many people are learning what I look like here, I may as well start up a fricking facebook page complete with photo album. I accepted his hand and shook. “Great and mysterious? One would be tempted to use such adjectives for you... Shadowstalker, is it?"

He chuckled good naturedly at my response. “Yes I do suppose I play some things close to the chest myself. Not that it is a big secret, but as we now know a name for you, mine is Raphael.”

Right. Everyone knows my name is Darcy now. I’ve been known to go by Steph as well. The me from three months ago would shoot current me in the face.

Unless I got the drop on that bitch.

“Would you care for a drink? I think we should discuss a few things, and try to settle any issues you maybe worrying about.”

“Glad to meet you, Raphael.” I’ll be honest. I wasn’t exactly thrilled. He was being well mannered and didn’t act like someone about to slap cuffs on me. So I decided to be polite. Accepting the seat, I said, “Tea if you please. Juice or even plain water if there's no tea. Everything else is pretty much poison in some way."

I actually wouldn’t have minded a stiffer drink but I’ve been trying to stay sober. At least until this whole thing is resolved one way or another.

Raphael returned with the tea. I sipped it while I listened to him explain that he didn’t approve of my recent actions in Chicago. But then I began to relax as he went on to say that he wasn’t going to fault me or arrest me. “I’ve been hunting monsters now for a while. Some supernats, and some all too human, and I understand some things can't be just arrested, and put in prison. Some just need to be put down.”

Frankly, I was expecting a lot worse. Probably would have deserved worse. It’s actually surprising me how forgiving you Lazlo folks are.

You really know how to make a gal feel welcomed.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 12:39 am
by Slayer
Why cant things ever go smooth?

Khavick had arranged an exchange in which he would get Ron and Ms. Solstice in exchange for Hannah. The first problem being that Ms. Solstice was not able to get to the meet in time. Due to this major problem, Nemesis step up to fill in for her in disguise. The second problem being that no one trusted the blood sucker to hold up his end.

Things have transpired at the exchange that I think you all should know. I don't know any details yet, but for right now things do not look good.

Ron and Nemesis entered the church for the exchange. The others were each tasked to keep watch from various vantage points in order to make sure that if the leeches ran and took Hannah with them we would follow them back to their lair.

I was posted up on the roof of a near by building, watching the alleys that ran along the left side of the church. Things were quiet and I thought perhaps that the exchange was going as well as could be hoped.

Then there was an explosion from inside the church. I don't know what caused it, but it was powerful enough that the entire building collapsed. I never saw anything leaving the area, so I assume that everyone was still inside when it collapsed.

Shadowstalker immediately began to search the rubble for survivors.

I am sorry I don't have any more information at this time, but I had to bug out when I heard the approaching sirens. A heavily armed man being found near the site of a recently blown up building was not the kind of thing that would have helped anyone.

I will update you all once I have convered with the others and have some solid facts on what happened, but the police presence at the scene is just to high right now.

I am sorry.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 11:05 am
by Joe Smith
I have a questions - was Nem wearing a black leather jacket?

Re: Not at home

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 1:00 pm
by Brutal
Slayer wrote:Why cant things ever go smooth?

They usually don't no sense in whining about it now.

If my services are needed feel free to contact me through the usual channels.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:36 pm
by Slayer
Mr. Smith, As a matter of fact she was. She was complaining that it did not match anything she had to wear.

Brutal, I will keep that in mind.

Re: Not at home

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 2:21 pm
by Holister
Just got back from one funeral, don't quite fancy goin' to anymore. Has anyone got the 411 on this incident?

Re: Not at home

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 5:36 pm
by Technocrat
Joe Smith wrote:I have a questions - was Nem wearing a black leather jacket?

You know, Nemesis wanted me to build her a custom made jacket. But I wasn't able to take the commission.

Joe, you didn't build it, did you?