Cover up of real mermaids!

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Ron Caliburn
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Cover up of real mermaids!

Post by Ron Caliburn »

'Mermaid' baby facing surgery

LIMA, Peru (AP) -- A Peruvian medical team is preparing for pioneering surgery to separate the fused legs of a 9-month-old girl born with a rare condition known as sirenomelia, or "mermaid syndrome."

Milagros Cerron, who has fused legs but separated feet, is one of very few people in the world with the condition, doctors say.

A team of doctors will attempt to free her legs from each other on February 24 at one of Lima's charity hospitals for the poor, said lead surgeon Luis Rubio on Thursday.

"This is a child that has her own personality," he said in an interview with the Associated Press. "Her relation to her surroundings is good. She babbles words. She is enchanting and is a wonderful joy."

The girl was born in the mountain city of Huancayo, 125 miles (200 kilometers) east of the capital, Lima. Almost none of the children born with this condition survives more than several days because of defects to their internal organs, Rubio said.

Although most of Milagros' internal organs are fine she has just one kidney. None of her major organs will be part of the operation, Rubio said.

Rubio said the operation is expected to take five hours and will be performed by a team that includes trauma surgeons, plastic surgeons, cardiovascular surgeons, neurologists, gynecologists and a pediatricians.

The child will need future operations to properly rotate her feet forward and to reconstruct her genitalia, Rubio said.

Nice work. they are using a bunch of medical jargon to disprove the existance of Merfolk.
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Joseph Darkhold
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Post by Joseph Darkhold »

I have seen this kind of cover up before. if you have any contacts in the medical profession, I would suggest they keep an eye out for patients who have been diagnosed with Porphyia: The Vampire Disease. It's described as a hereditary disease that causes the body to fail to produce enzymes needed to produce heme, the red pigment in your blood. symtoms include extreme sensitvity to sunlight to the point of severe skin damage, shriveling of the gums giving the teeth a fang-like appearance, and the recommended treatment is large quantities of, you guest it, Blood.
Sounds like a vampire cover up to me.
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Post by Cipher »

hmm....Joseph is right. But the baby is from Peru. They gots lots of pollution there. Well, that and the eat Guinea pigs. ::shrugs:: Just calling it as I see it.
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Does the prophya thing include an allergy to silver and sunlight?

Anybody else got a list of so-called "medical" maladies?
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Joseph Darkhold
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Post by Joseph Darkhold »

Ron Caliburn wrote:Does the prophya thing include an allergy to silver and sunlight?

Anybody else got a list of so-called "medical" maladies?

I'm not certain about silver, but one of the syptoms of Porphyria is Extreme sensitivity to sunlight to the point that that the skin starts to burn badly, "recorded cases" include subjects who have had their lips and noses burned off by extended exposure to sunlight.
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »


High chance of albinoism?
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Joseph Darkhold
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Post by Joseph Darkhold »

I haven't heard of any albinism cases, but it reminded me that in some cases the subject began to grow vast quantities of hair all over their body's, sort of like Lon Chaney's wolfman but this was pretty rare. So Porphyria can include wolfmen and vampires
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Post by ShadowsLight »

try looking up birth defects related to radiation, ive seen documentories on children born near the testing location of the A bomb after WW2 they had some fetuses in jars i saw a 'mermaid' one that looked like a hammer head shark a 'cyclops', the eye was even in the center of the head and a few others that I couldn't figure out what they were but they didnt look like anything in a earthly evolutionary chain.

Suposedly they all died at birth, knowing asain culture, deformed children are often killed at birth, I'm not so sure. Theres also a birth defects called harliquin (sp?) theres a light down the center of the kid one side deformed the other 'normal'. . most die at birth
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this is crab

Post by Razor »

hay this is crab using razors profile to reply.(the admin is taking its sweet time to get me in) any way, like he posted in our vamp experience, i am deformed. i was born that way. i have had 3 reconstructive surgeries. but the point of this reply is to let Ron know about grady stiles and others like me... thats right im not alone. it is an actual syndrom that not many kids are born with, actually about 55,000 to one. the name of the symdrom excapes my mind at the moment but i do know that the "street" name for it is lobster claw syndrom. in some cases has brought supernatural strength(but not in mine unfortunatly) to the said hand, hightend senses, and hightend reflexes. grady stiles was able to bend 3/4 of an inch rebar with a flick of his wrists. although both his hands and feet were "different" he could swim and run much faster than a normal man. but in the same boat with me gives addicted pesonality disorder and anger managment problems. plus he had schitzophrenic disorder. me to but not as bad as he did. so there is a birth defect that can be coverd up. the crab people.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Porphyria is a real disease, I know a young woman with it. I would be willing to wager that some tales of Vampires are linked to people with it. It goes give them a severe sensitivity to sunlight and a craving for blood which is linked to a chemical their bodies do not correctly produce and thus has a severe lack of and it is found in: Human blood.

OTOH having toasted a number of actual vampires I can see why someone might confuse them; however sufferers from Porphyria do not have mega strength, mind control, special weakness to wood or silver, etc. etc.
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Post by Holister »

Lest not be forgettin' LYCANTHROPY folks, people been sayin thats just some mental disorder....I ot one thing to say to that, I know I wasn't shootin silver bullets into
some nutcase thinking he was Clem The Dog Boy ya know.
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Post by KonThaak »

There are numerous medical anomalies and maladies that mimic many supernatural phenomena. As Bert pointed out, Porphyria is a clinical problem that, while being farely uncommon, is not as rare as you might think. Yes, these people need blood to survive; no, it doesn't have to be fresh, or even come from the living.

A lot of these people are decent enough to get the blood they need from the fresh meats in the supermarkets and whatnot.

Again, good to hear from you, Ben.
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