Corner o’ Stories

Accounts of personal experiences, especially from those who hunt the supernatural. We offer this space in hopes that our members can hear about, and learn from, the exploits of others.
Eilonwy Solstice
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Joined: Fri Jun 22, 2007 3:48 pm
Location: When I can help it, in the sunshine.

Unfortunately, I’m not fit to investigate the matter

Post by Eilonwy Solstice »

Unfortunately, I’m not fit to do any kind of investigation on such a goal, and Ron never expressed any interest in the matter. “Better” in what way, Ben? It certainly brings comfort, I’ll give you that; but if it’s false, then it could lead to some dangerous altercations in any attempts to “reassert” the soul of the individual; there’s always the chance that they sold it.

As Celeste, I thought I had irretrievably lost my soul much in the same way of a stolen—and then abused—credit card: it was no longer “mine,” though many people tried to prove it otherwise. And for that, I’m grateful, as it eventually led to my regaining of it.

Shang—I’m open to any ideas that you have. Please tell me, whether here or by PM.

Cyber, what does your experience tell you about me?
Sometimes the only thing to be done is to feel one’s way through the darkness.
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Re: Unfortunately, I’m not fit to investigate the matter

Post by Cybermancer »

Eilonwy Solstice wrote:Cyber, what does your experience tell you about me?

Only what I can read here, Miss Solstice. Your own words and the accounts of others are all that I possess. Direct evidence is lacking.

You appear to be honest and compassionate. You garner the trust and compassion of others easily.

Even when you reprimand someone, it is in the softest terms possible.

You are also capable of standing on your own and have a vision that more than makes up for a lack of sight.

I don't know if you're human, I would have to examine you directly to make that determination. But you are a good person.
This account used to belong to someone else. Now it's mine. My first post on this board begins here.
"The strong polish their fangs,
While the weak polish their wisdom."
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Re: Corner o’ Stories

Post by Robyn »

How does one know if they have a soul?

How would you quantify and measure it?

How is it defined?

If we cannot answer these questions, the task of determining where a persons soul goes when they are turned into a vampire and perhaps other forms of undead as well, will be impossible to answer.
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