I'm still alive

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I'm still alive

Post by Razor »

I'm still alive. Updates?
Secrets and secrets, truth and lies, but which is which? Not knowing is the way to die.
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Re: I'm still alive

Post by GhostSpider »

Isn't that an update right there?

Good to hear your still with us man.
Konrad Andreas is at peace. I am something new.

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Re: I'm still alive

Post by Razor »

Good point. I meant updates with what's going on abroad.
Secrets and secrets, truth and lies, but which is which? Not knowing is the way to die.
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Re: I'm still alive

Post by Shadowstalker »

Heh, I guess this as good a place as any to say hi again, and that I and my team are also still alive.
Glad to see you are still around Razor.
As for a update? Well as I said my team, and I are still alive, but someone, or something? Has been trying rather hard to alter that status. Particularly in my case it has seemed.
I will add details later.
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Re: I'm still alive

Post by GhostSpider »

Need any help, Shadow?
Konrad Andreas is at peace. I am something new.

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Re: I'm still alive

Post by Sheyblade »

Can't say much either, other than, "I'm still alive" also. A few of my irregulars have ben prowling around, sniffin for news. Same old thou. There does seem to be somethin up, but we're all not sure what. Something about something big and something expensive being broken, but its being hushed up.
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Another update . . .

Post by Clarity »

_____Another update is I found Ethan!
When my dreams and visions help people, it’s not a burden, it’s a good thing.
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Re: I'm still alive

Post by Sakura »

I'm still alive too... if you could call the world I live in right now living.
To see a world in a grain of sand,
to see eternity in an instant...
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