Re: Current Affairs

A place to seek help, or to offer services, dealing with the paranormal.
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Re: Current Affairs

Post by D.E.U.S. »

Attention all members of the Lazlo Society.

We do apologize for our current state of affairs, but with the current tragedies at home and overseas, our resources have been strained, and one of the things that has been lax is our ability to communicate on this forum. We sincerely regret this, and hope to correct this in the future.

However, we wish to convey that our facilities are still fully operational, and are capable of offering our services to anyone requiring them. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any future needs. Also, those currently in our care may still contact us at our regular facilities.

We thank you for your patience, and look forward to our endeavors in the future.

The Department for the Equalization of Underprivileged Society
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Thank you for letting me stay in that house . . .

Post by Clarity »

_____Thank you so very much, Tammy.
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Re: Current Affairs

Post by Razor »

Could you please refresh the collective memory on what those services are?
Secrets and secrets, truth and lies, but which is which? Not knowing is the way to die.
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Re: Current Affairs

Post by Malakai »

D.E.U.S - you broke our deal. Now you will pay for that mistake.
The rest of you Lazlo-ites.. Hi.
Are you prepared to dance with the devil in the pale moonlight? :twisted:
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Re: Current Affairs

Post by DarKnyht »

Can I second Razor's question? Somehow I managed to miss out on D.E.U.S.'s intro
“Whoever starts out toward the unknown must consent to venture alone.” - Andre Gide
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