detroit (localized) occurance? the Nain Rouge

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Joined: Tue May 02, 2006 6:48 pm
Location: Detroit

detroit (localized) occurance? the Nain Rouge

Post by Aaron »

Nain Rouge
A local creature or folk of nasty buggers that has been seen in this area for at least the last 300 years, or since the first French men settled here. And quite frankly one of which I have become slightly captivated which.

I have been looking for one for quite some time, from what I have heard/complied they are roughly child-sized no more then 4 feet tall, dressed or having a naturally dark brown to black furry/hairy body, a voice that mimics or naturally sounds like that of crow and a distinctly reddened face. They are known for there tremendous strength and other physical traits, bounding over light posts and displayed feats of nimbleness and high dexterity. Reportedly they are most likely sighted before a natural disaster or some other sort of calamity. It is assumed they are solitary creatures do to there being sighted individually.

I have come into contact with what I believe to have been one of these “nasty buggers” last weekend in Detroit near the corner of Lafayette and 6th , near old Corktown, or so I think, I might have been slightly lost at the time.

I really would like to compile my notes from that evening with other community users that might have had similar occurrences with similar creatures in the other old French occupied/ settled/ established areas and communities.

For example I have heard a good story or two of these buggers in New Orleans several weeks before that nasty flood, and well if something like that is going to happen hear I do want to be able to be prepared
Celeste Darken
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Choose your tone with care

Post by Celeste Darken »

You seemed hell-bent on portraying those on the History Books link as clumsy fools, ranting about your knowledge and their lack thereof, and yet here you ask for help. I myself can offer little, as I know little of Iraq and am not in the Detroit area, but I can give you some advice: be cautious when you send e-mails on this forum, as there is no guarantee that your tone will be interpreted the way you desire. And if I myself misread the intent of your advice, then I apologize. But my basic impression was you bit the hands that were offered in aid to those who asked for it, and then you extended your own hand and aid to those same people you previously bit. If such was your meaning, then do not act surprised if they ignore you.

We are all trying to do good here, and we are all on the same team. Miscommunications happen, but we continue anyway. Just be careful of what you say and do. In any case, there are those who can and will help you. Don't stab them in the back.

Celeste Darken
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