Gun help in Vegas

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Dante Andel
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Gun help in Vegas

Post by Dante Andel »

Okay as I mentioned else where on this forum I would have to be going to America to drop off some artifacts, family heirlooms or junk that my Grandfather was holding onto for some of his old colleagues. Well here I am near enough at the end of my delivery boy errand.

Well I wont bore you all with my fascinating adventures in the world of delivery, instead I come here asking if their is anyone here who is in or near Las Vegas at the present moment who is particulary knowledgable with guns more importantly an old Winchester rifle, Least I think thats what it is.

My Grandfather done some tests with the gun and it seemed to shock him with its range and accuracy and some other stuff, I wasn't paying that much attention to him as I was busy doing the accounts for his business. Anyway as it just so happens the guy that I was ment to be returning this weapon to has passed on and his wife didn't realy want it so I was asked to return it to my Grandfather. So Gramps is going to be pretty annoyed as his friend never got his gear back before dieing.

Anyways thats all in the past and after having a look over the gun and decided I should try a little research into the weapon while I'm over here and would most appreciate someones help in this matter as I don't know the first thing about guns. I'v already found one intresting thing out bout the rifle but I don't really want to mention it at this point as I haven't put enough research into it and would probably be totally wrong as to what it is, if it is anything at all.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

I know a few experts out that way who might know something. Heck, I think I can find one who might do some work for free, just as long as he gets to handle an old and unique weapon.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
Dante Andel
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Post by Dante Andel »

I'd be more than gratefull for any assistance one of you friends could offer Caliburn.

Once there have been some tests performed with the rifle I will post what was found out about the rifle if it does seem to have anything supernatural about it or if it is just an old gun that has aged extremly well.

Personnaly prefer if it was the earlier but if it does prove to be the later it'll just go to show that things back then were designed to last.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

I'll PM you a couple of contacts.

It's also quite possible that the owner of the gun took rally good care of it. This does not mean not using it, but is more about proper maintence. Guns that don't have a lot of parts that move while firing suffer a lot less wear. Likewise the lower pressure cartidges of the day produce less strain.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
Dante Andel
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Post by Dante Andel »

Thanks for the contacts Ron, sorry its taken me a bit longer than I expected to reply and put up what I found out bout the gun, the people I'm staying with although nice don't really know when to keep certain things quiet. Been getting messages from people I don't know asking if I could contact a dead relative or friend, which I can't do but that’s getting away from the original point of this post so I shall refrain from going into a rant about it.

We did find some weird things out about the gun. though the first one isn't really in how it performed as a weapon, the first was that when one would aim the gun at a target if they looked on the barrel of the rifle you could see what would best be described as a tattoo but for metal. Now this "tattoo" so to speak is only visible when one is holding the gun in the aiming position even if you knew where it was thats the only way you would be able to see the symbols that appeared on the barrel, they sort of disappeared from any other angle.

The second slightly weird part about it is that although the Rifle itself is a variation of the 1895 Winchester its been modified so that the clip can take ten bullets instead of the basic five. Out of all the records I could find I can't find any Model 1895's designed with a ten bullet clip all had five so that part was added on later most likely.

Well apart from those two things nothing really out of the ordinary so a bit disappointed on that front on the other hand I got to actually fire a couple of rounds and had quite a fun day. Though if any one knows how to get the "tattoo" effect I'm all ears.
Ron Caliburn
Posts: 6915
Joined: Mon Jan 24, 2005 7:09 pm
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Ah well, can't score a touchdown on every pass.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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