Agency and affiliate aid requested by Federal Agent

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Sean Ryan
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Agency and affiliate aid requested by Federal Agent

Post by Sean Ryan »

I have been reading this board and following the goings on of this Agencies members for some time, for I needed to know the level of knowledge of it's participants. I must say, after 10 years of investigating the supernatural and occult [A brief history of mine is in the roll call on the other part of this board (and a short period of time compared to some of you)] I have not seen a more clustered group of knowledgeable individuals. And it is with this in mind that I come to you for some aid.

I am sorry to say that the time I have at this juncture to provide information is short (I have a meeting with some new additions to my team), fortunately I don't have much to provide in the way of information.

For the last six months I have been investigating certain, forgive me, crimes against young people, and I have hit a dead end. Of course one of the first places we look into finding information to catch perpetrators is missing persons reports. However, of the five victims we have identified, not a single one matches any missing person within the age range we have. We have identified areas of operation of the perpetrators and again are coming up with absolutely nothing. Another frustrating point in this case is we are CERTAIN that the perpetrators and the victims have come in and out of the country at least twice, and we are unable to determine how they are getting in and out of the country.

Therefore, the previous agent in charge of this case has handed it over to me, he knows of the existence of the supernatural and after a 7 year investigation that has spanned 4 agencies in the U.S. and 8 other law enforcement agencies worldwide, he had determined that, while we do not know where, there is something that can only be explained as the supernatural going on here.

This happens to be an area that I am not very familiar with, utilizing magic and other supernatural means to travel, nor where these people are coming from, as we are also 99% certain that the victims are in no way related to the perpetrators. So we cannot even identify the victims and trace any paths forward or back. I leave it to you to advise me and hopefully find out quickly where this scum can be located and the victims released.

Special Agent Sean Ryan
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Post by Kolya »

If you can identify the victims have you interviewed the famillies? There is likely a pattern there, somewhere. Typically there is a place where the perpetrator finds his prey that is in common with every crime. Since you know the AO, narrowing it down might be easier.

How are these guys getting in and out of the country? Magically, walking across the border, flying, driving, tunneling?

The international dimension is extremely worrying, and makes things a lot more complicated. The French just busted a baby selling ring based in Bulgaria. Cowardly Leon is working on a freakshow cult, and my team has been working on human smugglers as well.

Find out where these guys are going, who they are talking to, and all this - follow those leads and paths.
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Sean Ryan
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Post by Sean Ryan »

Unfortunately that is our primary problem, is as of yet, we have been completely unable to identify the victims. We have gone over innumerable missing persons reports, runaway reports, children kidnapped by other parents, everything and have hit a dead end at every turn. We have looked through as many international databases as we can get our hands on and have come up empty. If anyone has any ideas as to how we can try and track our victims I would love to hear it.

Furthermore, magical travel is something I am not at all familiar with. My experience into supernatural investigation has never had me run across that particular area. Is there any method of tracking magical movement, direction etc? Any assistance would be great.
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Post by Ammendment2 »

Only with close contact. I have tagged 'casters before, and most of the usual techniques work. Have a good forensics team comb most likley crime scenes. Then use, scince they have been available to federal and local police, a psychic to try a trace on any hair or detrius that might have been left behind by he perpetrator(s). Hair usually works best. Have a means of close contact trace available if you happen to run into them in person. I find that the ultra-condensed GPS emmitters work best, but Radiated dye works in a pinch and can easily be delivered by a paintball gun or airsoft pellet. Then, even if teleportation is involved, and they appear elswhere on this earth, you can track their movements.
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Sean Ryan
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Post by Sean Ryan »

Radiated dye huh... well, I will keep that in mind should we ever manage to ever confront one of the perps and manage to keep an eye on him for that long. How does the radiated dye work exactly to track magical transportation (teleportation)? Unfortunately, I am still stuck without any information on where they might be hiding. The worst part about this is that we have crime scene phots taken by the perpetrators. The photos are so generic (white painted walls, grey carpet, no windows in the apartments are ever shown) that it could any number of thousands of standard apartments across the country. The one minor psionicist I have on my team has managed to get no read so far on the location via any forms of remote viewing. Does anyone know if there is a method of shielding from that? Or possible problems based on actual location? I hadn't thought there was and remote viewing was always a great way to locate criminals in the past but it's just not working this time. If anyone happens to run across these pictures or picks up any even remote leads that might help me please share anything that may assist us.
Jake E.B.
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Post by Jake E.B. »

I believe I know who is behind your problem and it will be very difficult to confront them for it sounds like they are time traveling. Like ufo's these people are operating in different countries. They come and go as they please like ufos do and there appears no way to stop them. Unless you can time travel there will be no way to track these villains. Even if you're able tag them with reatatve diy you would not be able to track them for thayed Be in a different time. I whod check the children's DNA and do a correlation search for the family that it comes from. Your databases probably is not up to the job but it's worth a try. I heard a tale about a man a couple years ago, he was arrested for insider trading nobody can figure out how he took $800 and made 300 million. There was no record of
this man from anyplace or any country. His only claim was that he was a time travel from about 200 years in the future. The things that one can do with such technology is definitely mind-boggling. You report makes me think that someone from the future is disposing of people from the future in to the past, are present. I may be wrong but it is a possibility that you should not overlook.
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Post by Jake E.B. »

You may be right. Nune of us are truly what we seem to be but to standby when someone might have information about something bad would be wrong too. My speculations might be wrong but at least I gave them so they can do with it what they will. There's a difference between rushing blindly into a strange building fully armed for someone that you do not know to giving the little knowledge that you might have. Which one is truly the setup?
There's absolutely no inevitability as long as there's a willingness to contemplate what is happening.
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Post by Kolya »

I have some FBI contacts in Anchorage. Obviously they are not telling me anything one way or another. If he is a fed, then fine. If not, then they have already opened the case.
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Jake E.B.
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Post by Jake E.B. »

I hope he is who he says he is for his own sake because it's a serious crime to impersonate a federal officer even on the net. We'll just have to wait and see if he posts again.
There's absolutely no inevitability as long as there's a willingness to contemplate what is happening.
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Post by Kolya »

Are we confusing this post with Elijah Sight's call for help?
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Jake E.B.
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Post by Jake E.B. »

Someone probably should go to help Elijah Sight but I'm a pon out of place and am in no position to offer help.
There's absolutely no inevitability as long as there's a willingness to contemplate what is happening.
Sean Ryan
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Post by Sean Ryan »

If I was doing work in the field or anywhere where compromising my identity would harm the investigation, disclosing what I have disclosed would never have crossed my mind. The fact of the matter is, that I am working on one of the worst cold cases of my career (and I have seen more than my fair share of cold cases) and I could think of any other recourse I would have taken it... And to end the suffering of the victims and to end this case I would leave the Bureau and go rogue if that is what it meant... but the fact of the matter is that that is not the case at this point in time. I have tossed every available law enforcement resource at this and come up with nothing. This case was given to me due to my ability to see past the norm and find things that are normally not evident and my own experience with the supernatural/occult. I am left with no other possible course of the perpetrators... this must be a supernatural manner... they would not be able to move about as they are without tapping into some ability or skill that allowed them to pass borders without crossing one of the trip lines we have set up coming here.

We have recently stumbled across some evidence and a trend pointing us to the West Coast, so that is where we are heading next. We believe that that is the base of operations for our perpetrators. We hope that now that we may have narrowed it down to one side of the country that we might be able to track them down more readily.

So this is where I'll leave you, give me something that gives me some indication of how this might be being accomplished and some way to track them down and end this all now. Any assistance I may be able to offer in return would be more than happily given. How could they be moving around and how can I find them. I find myself without anyone of the expertise of moving on the pathways of magic, is there anyone who may be able to tell more?
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

If ya do decide ta go that rogue route, I know people.

Have you checked with international missing people authorities? See if any of the victims came from overseas?

BTW: I can move pretty much undetected through the borders of America when I choose to, and I have no supernatural powers. I could probably bring people with me if I chose to, though I only tend to bring objects.
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Delta Sierra
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Post by Kolya »

Sean Ryan wrote:So this is where I'll leave you, give me something that gives me some indication of how this might be being accomplished and some way to track them down and end this all now. Any assistance I may be able to offer in return would be more than happily given. How could they be moving around and how can I find them. I find myself without anyone of the expertise of moving on the pathways of magic, is there anyone who may be able to tell more?
You're pretty much screwed. Teleportation is teleportation, puffs of smoke, dematerialise and rematerialise. Hard to track without tags.

Starting points are always the same: ping your contacts and I know the Bureau has a lot of them, ping the police reports up and down the coasts.
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Jake E.B.
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Post by Jake E.B. »

How they are doing it is a good question and I gave you two answers. They can be true magic users, using the dragon lines that crisscross the globe to travel on. Have the children ben found near any sacred spots like burial mounds, churches, monuments, underground rivers, caves, old buildings, Bridges or airports. If they are magic users they would be limited in what they might be able to do according to the level of magic knowledge and power they might possess. Their understanding of the quantum world that surrounds us all and on whether or not they are linked to a supernatural being. The other option is that their normal people using an abnormal device. Depending on the sophistication of the manufacture of the device it could look like anything from a pen with five dials or a wristwatch to a brooch. In any case they work on the same principle which is the interaction of neutrons with the quantum phome inside the device causing a radiant casimir effect. The device could have up to 32 different effects, teleportation being only one. The device will only have a limited time frame that it will function which I estimate would be about 52 days after which the filament would have to be replaced. At that time the user would be vulnerable. Exposing the filament to oxygen also makes it inheret. Beyond this I cannot extrapolate except that by either method there is a likelihood of insanity for who would believe if they had not experienced it themselves becides anyone that use's this type of power from evil purposes is definitely disturbed. I wish you good luck in your hunt but with this if your perps don't want to be caught they probably won't be. Then again this might be a completely normal situation and the villains will be apprehended.
There's absolutely no inevitability as long as there's a willingness to contemplate what is happening.
Sean Ryan
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Post by Sean Ryan »

The biggest problem is that we have found NONE of the children. The first victim we isolated about 6 years ago we estimated to be approximately 11-14 years of age at the time so if she is still alive than she is between 17 and 20 now. The next victim (of a total of five) should be between 15 and 18 now depending on how accurate we are gauging their ages. If we could even find one of the victims we would be in much better shape.

I got some word from my highers yesterday that they are considering closing the case due to lack of evidence and lack of progress. This may fall down in our annals as one of the cases we may not be able to solve.

I, however am having a distinct PROBLEM with this. So I'm going to put this out there, I need some freelancers to look into some areas for me. I'm funding this myself and I already have one guy who is working directly with me, but if anyone wants some extra cash give me a shout.
Joseph Darkhold
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Post by Joseph Darkhold »

Where on the west coast will you be going?
I may be able to provide some assistance in the form of knowledge and supernatural experience, and perhaps physical assistance as well...depending on where your going of course.
"Ex Ignorantia ad Sapientiam, e Luce ad Tenebras"
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Post by Ammendment2 »

If this is on the up-and-up, I have permission from my orginization to assist, being somewhat of a PR representative for our group. I can also provide weapons on-site for those of us that cannot transport over state lines. Simply send requests and I will acquire. If this is indeed a snowjob, I can also assist society members to re-locate to safer climes...
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Sean Ryan
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Post by Sean Ryan »

It is on the up and up as you so eloquently put it. We had followed some leads out to San Francisco and from there managed to get pointed north. We're just outside of Seaside, Oregon right now. The psionicist on my team is getting some form of residual impressions that the victims and the perpetrators were here at some point in the recent history. This is all very new to us, we have never been this close.

Beyond that it has come to my attention that one of the victims has surfaced and is going to come to us and provide us the information we need. She's in D.C. now and I need someone to escort her out here, and this is a job I don't want to leave to the good old Virginia farmboys because I am afraid they are going to spook and she is going to run or they are going to screw it up somehow.

As for travel issues, all expenses, pushes past airport security or anything like that can be provided if any of you need it. Just tell me when and where and what name you happen to be operating under. I'll get TSA to look the other direction.
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Post by Ammendment2 »

I'm en route from Indianapolis- should arrive in the am.
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Post by Ammendment2 »

Posting this while the car req goes through. I should be in Seaside in under 2 hours, and meeting a local contact there. A message for me can be left at the All Tide Up surf shop on the boardwalk there.
Good? Bad? I'm the one with the gun.....
A. Pendragon
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Post by A. Pendragon »

I can be stateside in 72 - 96 hrs. I am in Britain, but I will be glad to get to see the states. I "hunt" by trade and am a former "spook" or agent.

Let me know if you need me to come out.
Fear the night because the night doesn't fear YOU!!!
Something that I have learned in my life: The dead just dont stay dead.
Freedom isn't as free as we have been taught!
Sean Ryan
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Post by Sean Ryan »

Mr. Ransom, PM me and get me a description of yourself so I can tell her who she needs to be looking for. She's scared witless right now and it is only after alot of convincing that she has decided to step forward. Appreciate your help with this. Apparently she is not with the group of individuals who are doing this (escapted?) right now and hasn't been for about two years.

Mr. Pendragon, please feel free to meet us in Oregon, I can have my driver pick you up at whatever airport you decide to land in and escort you to us. I think someone with your varied skills could be useful. We got a major lead when we recently found a large shipment of merchandise coming in related to the crimes coming into the country, so we have an idea of a group who may know something about this, but I don't really have any infiltration specialists. I also happen to have some files on the cults you have been investigating (was in Europe investigating one a few years ago) that I have read about elsewhere on here.
A. Pendragon
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Post by A. Pendragon »

I will landing at the main international airport in Portland in 48 hrs. Flight 143B. Arrival time 4am your time 2 days from now. Dont worry about my "luggage". I have my own means of getting it through. Let me know privately how I will be able to ID your driver.
Fear the night because the night doesn't fear YOU!!!
Something that I have learned in my life: The dead just dont stay dead.
Freedom isn't as free as we have been taught!
A. Pendragon
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Post by A. Pendragon »

Posting from the plane. I am over New York and should be at the airport in a few hours. I need to know how to ID your driver.
Fear the night because the night doesn't fear YOU!!!
Something that I have learned in my life: The dead just dont stay dead.
Freedom isn't as free as we have been taught!
A. Pendragon
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Post by A. Pendragon »

I booked into the Hyatt @ the by the airport. Room 1452. I will be here for 48 hrs and then head home. If you want my help contact me within 48 hrs or I will be going home.
Fear the night because the night doesn't fear YOU!!!
Something that I have learned in my life: The dead just dont stay dead.
Freedom isn't as free as we have been taught!
Sean Ryan
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Post by Sean Ryan »

I'll have him pick you up in the morning. My driver is a scruffy looking guy of Southern persuasion, he will be wearing Jeans, a plaid shirt and a John Deere hat, about 6'2". He will be escorted by another of my men, a shorter
also moderately dressed individual with straw colored hair, about 5'6" and speaking with a British accent. I hoping that our witness will be arriving in the next few days and we have made decent headway at an infiltration opportunity. I may have found (while legitimately registered) front of a church that is being used to smuggle this contraband into the country. We are hoping that this may be lead we have been waiting for. Interested in becoming someone interested in finding "faith" and "peace of mind?"
A. Pendragon
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Post by A. Pendragon »

Interesting plan of action. Always the easist, pretending to be one who seeks "the truth". Keep in mind though, if these people are as smart as they appear to have been over the yrs, then they will know this as well.
Fear the night because the night doesn't fear YOU!!!
Something that I have learned in my life: The dead just dont stay dead.
Freedom isn't as free as we have been taught!
A. Pendragon
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Post by A. Pendragon »

I have made it to the inside. I cant tell you how I am contacting you all. They very well could be watching these boards. Fellow agent, there is definately something amiss in this group. Very very very amiss. They seemed very interested in me once I told them I was a former SAS Boatman. Wanting to know what type of missions I have run. Where I have been deployed, etc...
Fear the night because the night doesn't fear YOU!!!
Something that I have learned in my life: The dead just dont stay dead.
Freedom isn't as free as we have been taught!
A. Pendragon
Posts: 409
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Location: Britain (formerly Camelot)

Post by A. Pendragon »

Well, I hope they havent gotten to you on the outside. I will remain here for a day or two longer.
Fear the night because the night doesn't fear YOU!!!
Something that I have learned in my life: The dead just dont stay dead.
Freedom isn't as free as we have been taught!
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