Damned Mosquitoes

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Damned Mosquitoes

Post by Geronimus »

From my Journal:
Jan 21:
Plagues of flying insects.. it got warm here for a few days and I'll be damned if a mess of mosquitoes were all over everybody...
If I didn't know better, i'd have thought that a passive-aggressive vampire was trying to annoy us to death.

January 23:
It got really annoying. Tonight, while I was making my quarter night sweep past the cemeteries. The mosqitoes were out. I don't think I can recall having mosquitoes be so thick this early in the year before. But it is a pretty warm winter; for New Orleans standards even.
Now I'm itchy and I got some kida flu. I think it was from the bites.

Jan 26: I'm waiting to see if the Funky Asian Flu 6 kills a few more people, but there were 3 deaths last night. the flu hits the elderly, the homeless and kids pretty hard. But some of them were in good health (until this flu) too. I fel like hell. I've seen nothing exciting or unusual.

Jan 27: it's official, I'm sick with Asian Funky Flu 6. Every damned joint in my body is in pain... I don't think I'm gonna be able to make my normal patrol, as I would be pretty useless. The hospitals are friggin worthless, they haven't got a vaccine to cover this sucker and they won't give ya the good stuff for pain. I guess I can't blame them though, there are too many junkies who'd abuse this around here just to score a cleaner hit. Ugh, i hate it when the only thing on tv is infomercials and syndicated re-runs of Friends.

Jan 28: Yep, it's official, the flu has killed an average of 3 people almost every night since it started. I think I'm through the worst, and can work; but I don't feel like I'm capable of being nice about it. And when I'm done, I'm gona walk to the neighborhood where the last few victims of the flu lived. it's just 3 blocks away. I noticed a pattern in the areas when I started putting numbered push pins into my wall map of the city, it made a perectly straight line towards mine.

Jan 29: The sun is up and I'm very lucky to be alive. I don't know who or what created this abomination, but it was a kid... a beautifull, angel faced kid of about 8 years old with the cutest little set of fangs. It almost had me. I was passing the cemetery when I heard this woman screammin' "Lord Jesus! No! Jesus!" like it was the end of all creation; and for her, it was. By the time I get around the corner, the woman is lying there with her neck all ripped up. I saw the kid. I friggin saw it and something in my head said "protect it" and I tried my best to. Maybe it was instinct, maybe it got inside my head, I don't know which at this point. But, i picked the damned thing up and ran like hell. It was cryin' and everything... screaming "No! Mommie!! Momie!!", totaly had me suckered... then something happened. Something unexpected, on it's part anyway. I came into view of a church where I knew the night janitor, he's a buddy of mine that sells me pain killers that he gets from the VA hospital where he works on weekends as a volunteer. (What? Do you think you can just keep ending up in the hospital over and over all beat to bloody hell before somebody starts getting suspicious and decides to tell the police about your "tendency for injury"? Ever try to tell a doctor that you need maximum anti-biotics because those bites and tears are from a disgusting walking rotting zombie? It's a one way trip to a psych ward.) He opend up the door and the kid freaked out big time. the little bugger cold cocked me and I was down. Luckily, Andy (the Janitor) was able to figure out real quick what was going on and snagged the little freak by the hips. Andy is a much larger guy than me, he held that kid-thing out at arms length so well that the little demon couldn't do anything. he bucked and shook, but Andy swung his arms high and slammed it's face hard into the holy water basin. And if it had been a regular child, it would have popped it's head off. I owe the Church one water basin. I grabbed Andys' broom and kicked it in the center, snaping it in half. I held up the stake and Andy, the guy is frigin psychic or something, swung the kid up and impaled him perfectly on the wooden spike right as I was thrusting it upwards! That's it, it was over. I'm standing there with a bloody child vampire on a stick in a church five hours before services start. I helped Andy clean up and get a quick substitute for the water basin. Father Mark was not happy about the basin, but he seemed to understand that it was not meant in malice.
Still, I was really distubed by this, and started to freak out; but Andy was able to ease that with some coffee and a long conversation about "doin' the right thing for the right reason" or something.. I'm fuzzy on what he said but it semed to make things easier to deal with. Anyway, I'm home now, the Mrs is getting ready for work and I am gonna get some shut eye before work. I think I'll take a night or two off and se how this flu progresses. By the way, there was only one death reported on the news this morning, the police say a woman was mauled by a dog Near Cemetery No. 2 last night.
There be monsters here...
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Damn, I hate it when they are kids, it always messes with me too.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

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Post by DevilNuts »

you need to get some Lariam(R) or some doxycycline and start wearing bug spray.

since the beginning of recorded history, malaria has been the number one killer of man and its becoming more prolific. if you dont protect yourself, those mosquitoes will kill you faster than any vampire will.

that was one good thing about being in the Corps, there was always more than enough free doxy to go around. now that im on my own, i have to buy my own or stop hacking around in the jungle... but thatll never happen. just be careful for those crazy third-world diseases, they will end you.
- Devilnuts: Proudly hunting zombies since 2005
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Post by KonThaak »

Man-eating lions (as mentionned in another post, in another part of these forums) and other vicious animals... Vampires, lycanthropes, and other supernatural baddies... All of them put together do, indeed, pose a much lesser threat than our original and constant nemesis and predator: the virus.

Mother Nature will always have a way of making herself known... Just like the roaches, we've yet to find a way to permanently end the threat of the virus...and just like the roaches, every time we invent a new way to kill them, they mutate and evolve a bit further, adapting to the new menaces.

We're approaching an age where common influenza will become an epidemic the proportions of which will make the Black Plague look like a minor outbreak...but hopefully, not for a while, yet.

And yes, it is always tragic when the buggers are children... I've only had to deal with that once. Hope never to again... That's not a story I'm proud of, or want to go into detail on.
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