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Where are the russians?

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 1:59 pm
by GhostSpider
Alright, it needs to be brought up.

Where are Kolya and his gang? Its been awhile since we last heard from them, and damnit I miss talking to them.

Does anyone have any information on where they might be?

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 2:50 pm
by Scotty
how yall are?

en sasha was here he give me is cell phone number. i called im an no answer.

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 2:59 pm
by GhostSpider
Well, theres another voice we have not heard in awhile.

How's it going Scotty?

Shame you couldn't get in touch with Sasha.

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 3:07 pm
by Scotty
how yall are spidey? eeeeap i been builden up ma bunker. aint been huntin as much as i want ta but i gotta git noob under control and ma bunker dun. got sum leeds on at fella from up dare inna michegin. maud adjust ta da new laf pretty good. i take er up ta sent luis time ta time at dem shoppin malls up dare. jus soon as i git ridda dese mafucken zombies round ere she ken git bak to er normal laf. i reckon on bein a touch more noisey at at time an gitten inta mo adventures n shit. eww wee.

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 2:30 pm
by GhostSpider
St.Louis must be nice this time of year.

Glad to hear your doing okay Scotty. Hope you can get back to hunting more soon.

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 10:59 am
by Scotty
i hate citys all times a da year maself but ol maud loves da shoppin so a reelly dont ave mucha chois. yea an i kent wate ta start greasin mo zombies. day reltively kwiet at da moment doe so a have time ta fortafy ma bunker.

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 12:18 pm
by Kolya
I heard a slow and steady "pong" noise, some footsteps running, and then the sound of a curtain being quickly pulled back. Then I sensed someone next to me. Smelled really pleasant, soft and gentle. I tried to open my eyes, I tried to move my hands, but nothing moved. I was numb; I could feel my hands, and that was slightly traumatic. I heard myself grunting as I tried to move.

"Calm down," I heard a female voice say. As my eyes slowly opened the bright light over my head blinded me. "Calm down, soldier," she said.

"Well that's it, the enemy has captured me," I thought to myself. I needed to play their game until I could escape, which required me to fully open my eyes, regain my vision, and be able to move my limbs. But I had to be careful with my thoughts, too. Their psychics would be watching me constantly. I felt my finger wiggle.

"Time to replace the electrodes," the female said with a playful voice, more like she was talking to herself than anyone. Subtle but effective torture.

"Electrodes?! What electrodes?!" I screamed, only my jaw did not really move. I felt the adhesive peel from my chest and sides; they came off easily so I figured they had been attached at least a couple of days. I smelled rubbing alcohol and then I felt her wiping my skin where the electrodes had been placed. My vision was clearing up at this point.

"There," she said, still being playful, and tapping the last electrode unnecessarily. "Can you see me?" she asked.

"Only a bit," I responded. "Just a dark blob," I mumbled.

"Well, that's flattering, isn't it?" she said and giggled. "Be right back," she patted me on the chest. I heard her feet as she walked across the floor, and then I heard the sounds of small wheels rolling across the floor, some paper rustling, and then typing on a keyboard. "Back." She cleared her throat. "Hey, calm down. You're all fine. Just need to run some final tests."

"I know, that's exactly what I am afraid of," I thought to myself. The word final worried me.

I heard some glass jars tinkling somewhere behind my head. Then she sighed, sounding disappointed. "They recruit a drunk from the park to make this IV?" I felt her messing around with my arm.

"This is not good," I thought to myself.

"Relax, you're going to love this," she said, shaking my hand a little bit, and then I felt a sensuous rush of warmth flush through my veins, leaving nothing but a void in their wake. My consciousness faded to black.

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 2:57 pm
by Kolya
I do not know how much longer I was unconscious, but when I came to there was a doctor in the room.

"Ah, just in time! Just a few questions for you and we will be finished with you," said the cheerful doctor.

"Finished?" I thought.

I answered their questions truthfully knowing that they were checking me for lies. After the doctor finished questioning me the female approached my bed. I could see her clearly.

"Need anything?" she asked me.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Znaida," she said, tapping a little badge on her shirt. "Why do you look so suspicious?" she smirked.


She stepped to the side of my bed and put a small device in my hand. "If you need anything whatsoever, just press this button," she said as she moved my thumb over the button. "Ok?"

I am not sure what expression I had on my face.

"Just press the button if you need anything," she winked and closed my curtain. I could hear her walking towards the door.

"So does this release the colourless and odourless gas or just straight electrocution?"

"Just me," she called out through the curtain and laughed. The door clicked shut behind her.

There were only two items on the table next to me: a peel off calendar of pugs and a copy of Maxim (Russian edition). From the calendar a pug puppy stared at me from a basket. From the cover of the magazine Zhanna Friske stared at me. Standard magazine for men: (hot) chicks and terrorism. I flipped through the calendar and through the magazine but nothing seemed to be special about these items. I got out of bed and tried the door.


Time to act.

The door buckled under the force of my shoulder. A second run at the door ripped it clean out of the wall. My head snapped left and right, empty. Then Znaida emerged in the hallway to my left.

"Hey! Wait there!" she shouted. "Stop!"

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 3:38 pm
by Kolya
I was already on the move to my right. I could hear Znaida running down the hall, yelling at me to stop.

I hit the stairs at full speed and covered the three levels in no time. I cruised down the hallway beyond some plants on the window sills, administrative workers, and perhaps an office or two. The two guards at the door became rather wide-eyed as they saw me barreling for them at full speed. They stepped quickly out of my way as I hit the door and spilled out onto the sidewalk. I ran into the nearest alley where I could sit down and catch my breath, and formulate a plan. However, I did not have much time. They would be one me faster than stink on shit.

"Hey, you need some help?" a raspy voice from behind me asked. I spun around to see an old man, grotesquely disfigured, wearing a white smock - or it was once white, as it was now covered in grime and gore.

One eye bulged out noticably from his face. It was enlarged, bloodshot, and all around it was yellowish pus. It rolled down his face, the crusty streaks suggested this was a chronic problem. His cheeks were sunken as if the skin wrapped tightly around the bones of his face. His lips were extremely thin and riddled with scars, creating strange and ugly folds in the skin. It was like his mouth was sewn with flesh.

"Yea, I need help," I replied.

He smiled understandingly, revealing some fangs and handful of other teeth, all brown and black. "This way," he said, pointing into one of the apartment buildings. We climbed the stairs up to the second floor and entered a dark apartment.

"I've been here before," I said, recalling the only operation in my entire career which haunts me.

"No you haven't," the old man said. "Lay there. You don't have time to argue with me." He pointed at a slanted metal autopsy table. I climbed up on the table and I heard an electric saw power up and some words but I could not understand them.

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 4:54 pm
by Kolya
"No!' I blinked as I rolled off the table to see Znaida laying on the ground near the door of my room, the curtain ripped off its holder. She was groaning, holding her wrist.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I heard Sasha's voice shouting at me from the side. He slid into view, scooping the young nurse up off the floor.

I was groggy. "What are you doing here?" I demanded harshly.

"Came to give you a ride. You check out today," he responded.

I looked at Znaida. "Going to be alright?" I really expected her to be in much worse of a condition. Perhaps I had not gone full bore knowing somewhere in the back of my head that she was not the enemy.

If looks could kill.

I began preparing to check out of the hospital and resume my regular duties of running down evil arcanists and whatever else that happens across our little corner of reality.

Znaida was there with the receptionist when I was signing out. Znaida had ice taped to her wrist; I could see her knuckles were severely swelled. She asked, "What did you see just before you threw me across the room?"

"A memory."

"Must be a really bad one."

I scoffed, slightly.

"Tell me about it?"

"Not today."

She inhaled as if she were going to start speaking.

"Not ever."

I hoped I had just waken up from a horrible dream. But how can I really be sure?

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 7:55 pm
by Willie Long
By returning to the hospital and going back to the apartment the old guy pointed out. See how reality compares with your memories.

Regardless, jack, it's a relief to hear from you.

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 9:48 am
by Kolya
Believe me, good to be heard.

And, yea, I need to go back to that apartment. A few things I have to line up first. I can't go back there alone.

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 4:40 pm
by GhostSpider
Well, whatever the case, its good to see you alive Kolya.

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 8:44 pm
by Willie Long
Kolya wrote:I can't go back there alone.

If I didn't stick out like a sore khuy, I'd be right there with you.

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 11:47 am
by Kolya
Willie Long wrote:
Kolya wrote:I can't go back there alone.

If I didn't stick out like a sore khuy, I'd be right there with you.
I know (on both counts). Thanks.

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 12:45 pm
by Natasha
Ugly word...

But that's ok, we have first snow in Piter! Yay!

Back to work....

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 3:01 pm
by Hannah
Hi Naty!

Y'alld idn't invite me over fer a snowball fight!

When we get some snow here, you should come by - though I gotta warn ya, I throw a pretty mean slush ball.


PS: Who's the woman Kolya visited?

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 4:51 pm
by Natasha
Interesting that I have to actually invite you. I go to Department of Defense and fill a form saying "she's coming on this day, leaving on this date, and I promise she will not become a burden of the Russian Federation" or something silly like that. I never actually had to do it, but it has to be done. Well, just don't aim for my head :mrgreen:

Her name is Tanya. I know they have a history, but don't know the details. They're for Kolya to share... or not.

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 7:44 pm
by Hannah
Hi Naty,

I promise I won't become a burden on tha Federation or anythin' like that.

I just want a place ta hang out until Pa ain't so mad


PS: Is this Tanya girl mean like that with anybody else?

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 1:39 pm
by Natasha
By the time all the paperwork is done I think he'll not be made any longer. Anyway, if you can make it during a school break, that'd be awesome, but only if you really like cold!

I never met Tanya before. From all I know, she doesn't really talk to anyone.

I think Kolya is forcing the issue with her because she's young woman who's given up. But that's just my opinion.

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 8:32 pm
by Hannah
Hi Naty,

I don't think I can travel during the break this winter, maybe in the summer. But I hope I can visit y'all then.


PS: I think Pa and Kolya are a lot alike, they hate ta only help someone halfway.

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 9:55 pm
by Willie Long
Natasha wrote:Ugly word...

:? "Thumb" isn't an ... my friend fooled me, didn't he?