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The Dismemberment Killer

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 9:02 pm
by Father Arden
My group and I are being plagued by some sort of sadistic creature that has been dubbed the Dismemberment Killer. This is due to the fact that this thing likes to rip people apart, then using their body parts and other items to leave cryptic messages in code. This thing followed me from the town of Hunstville, Ontario to the haunted town of RavenRoost, Ontario.

The following notes are from my files, regarding facts of the RavenRoost killings:

May 4, 1996
Sheriff Kodiak arrives and tells us that there has been a murder behind the Ravenous Wolf roadhouse. It appears to be RavenRoost Police Department Deputy Trai Bennett.

Indeed, we found Bennett's mutilated body behind the roadhouse.
Some of her body parts had been arranged in rows: eye (I), vertebrate
(v), ear (e) // femur (f), ovary (o), lung (l), lung (l), ovary (o),
letter W from the roadhouse's sign (w), ear (e), dung (d) //
microscope slide with Y-chromosones on it (y), orange (o), uterus (u)
// 13th rib/Adam's Rib (a, r), birth control pills/drugs (d),
fetus/embryo (e), breast/nipple (n) [I've followed you Arden.]

The coroner, Alexander Durhoff arrives with the meatwagon and collects the body parts once the scene has been photographed. Nanook (our tracker and weapons expert) can find no marks on the wall of the roadhouse or around the sign. Anderson (our resident nega-psychic, and an RCMP forensics specialist) then did an autopsy and found 2" x 1" long finger marks on Bennett's body. She also found small scales under Bennett's nails. Her wounds suggested she had been ripped apart by something with claws, while still alive. I studied the scales but my results were inconclusive. Foxlove (an RRPD Deputy) runs the fingerprints through Interpol, with no success. However, he does find a case where similar prints were found at a murder scene in New York. Jack Rogers was murdered in an artist's loft on Jan 16, 1975. He had been ripped apart. Scarpelli (our computer expert) remembers hearing bogey-man stories about his as a child.

May 8, 1996
Anderson contacted the NYPD regarding the death of Jack Rogers in 1975.
The body was found on the roof of an artist's loft. Rogers was
reported missing on the 10th; he was discovered on the 16th when a
resident of a neighbouring loft say a horde of rats on the roof.
Rogers had been ripped apart; the only clues were large fingerprints.
No one else has ever lived in the loft, as it is now believed to be
haunted. We all requested permission from our various employers to go
to New York to do research that we felt may be connected to Bennett's death.

May 11. We arrived in New York and went to the local police precinct
where the captain gave us Rogers files. We discovered that his
ears, liver and heart had been removed and never recovered. We went and
investigated the loft, where we found some of Rogers' old paintings of
demons and monsters. When we climbed onto the roof, Anderson realized
that one of the walls is fake. Fuzzy Shoes (a huge hulking pyrokinetic whow orked as a clown) knocked in the wall and revealed wooden stairs leading down into the sewers. The stairs broke under Fuzzy Shoes' weight, but he maintained his balance. We found the remains of a magic circle and some old body parts arranged on a platform: (open space), rib (R), aorta (A), (open space), ear with the middle cut out (E) // cigarettes/nicotine (N), Ear (E), (open space) // (open space), dried type-O blood (O), refuse (R), (open space), ear drum (D) [Brave new world.]

We heard screams coming from farther in the sewers, and had to knock
down a blockade of bricks to follow it. We found a pack of hellhounds
munching on a derelict. We got into a ferocious fight with the
hellhounds, which also attracted the attention of a boschala. We
manage to kill them all wihtout any losses. Scarpelli though is taken to a hospital, and Stokes (our arcanist) hypothesizes that Rogers used the magic circle to call up monsters to paint.

May 16, 1996
RCMP Inspector Kyle King calls Anderson and tells her that the Dismemberment Killer (as he is now known) had struck again. The reporter Chris Johnson was found in his cabin by a member of Good Home Realty, coming to find out why Johnson hadn't paid his rent. When we arrived we found Johnson's body on the kitchen table. Blood was everywhere, hundreds of empty bullet casings littered the floor and there were bullet holes on all the walls and the ceiling. Some darker blood was also on the ceiling. The door had been kicked in. Chunks of flesh—not Johnson's—were scattered across the floor. Johnson's blood is type O, but the rest is type AB+. The flesh is probably human and red skinned. This time the cryptic
message had been nailed to the wall, the hammer left buried in
Johnson's skull. Johnson was alive while he was eviserated. The
message read: jaw bone/eat (E), left hand (L) // drain cap (D), eye
(I), aorta (A), brain (B), lung (L), package of oatmeal (O) // patch
of dog fur (D), panties/underwear (U) // Molson beer cap (M),
acorn/oak (O), bloody left hand print/red (R), testicle (T),
molar/enamel (E) [El diablo du morte]

A second message had been written in blood: "One by one, I kill for
fun. Two by two, I come for you."

Nanook couldn't find any tracks except for the realtor and Johnson; he
thought the killer flew. Johnson had been dead for four days.

When Nanook returned home he found that his dog Lightfoot was missing a
patch of fur.

Aug 10, 1996
We got a call from Kodiak. The Dismemberment Killer had
struck again, this time killing a local artisan named Beatrice Bernard
and Nanook's dog Lightfoot. The message left reads: neck tie (N), left
arm (A), finger nail (N), #2 written in white chalk and a clump of
orange hair (O, O), left knee (K) // spider web (W), eggs/oval (O),
the words 'six feet' written in charcoal/under (U), Lightfoot's head
(L), an arrow pointing down formed from four fingers/down (D) // heart
(H), part of a triangle drawn in yellow crayon/angle (A), aorta/valve
(V), Lightfoot's right ear (E) // brain (B), left ear (E), right ear
(E), plastic letter N (N) // letter N made from blue and yellow Lego
bricks (N), Lightfoot's left ear (E), two ribs crossed like an X (X),
big toe from right foot (T) // eye (I), an N made of intestines (N),
scrotum (S), herbal; tea bag (T), esophagus (E), apple (A), driver's
license (D) // eye (I), nose (N) // two blue pencil crayons lain
straight beside each other (TWO) // splotch of white paint (W),
eyetooth (E), eyetooth (E), right knee (K), skull (S) // Lightfoot's
eye (I) // colon (C), orange (O), Lightfoot's brain/muscle (M), E key
from typewriter (E) // left hand with fingers spread and thumb on
palm/four (F), acorn/oak (O), Lightfoot's right forepaw/right (R) //
T-bone steak (T), baseball cap/hat (H), E made of toothpicks (E) //
loonie/one dollar (ONE) // Lightfoot's eye (I), Lightfoot's nose (N)
// two drinking glasses (GLASSES). [Nanook would have been next.
Instead, in two weeks, I come for the one in glasses.] They took
pictures and dusted for prints; the prints matched those already on file.

At this point int ime Stokes has been killed by a water elemental, and Nanook is incarcerated in an insane asylum.

Aug 22, 1996
Before leaving for a special assignment, Briar (another RCMP officer, and the only one in our part who wore glasses) left a note in his house for the Dismemberment Killer, telling him that he would be gone for a few days (we don't want the Killer to give up, we wanted to set a trap for him).

Sep 2, 1996
When we arrived back in RavenRoost a response to Briar's message was
waiting for us: plastic doll's eye (I) // power saw (SAW) // plastic
letter U (YOU) // arrivals sign from air port (ARRIVE) // #2 made from
grapes, picture of crescent moon drawn in yellow crayon (TONIGHT) [I
saw you arrive tonight.]

We then began to set our trap for the Dismemberment Killer. At our
disposal was ESP (our private investigation agency), the RCMP Taskforce assigned to track doen the DK, Agent Jaspers of CSIS and friends
of mine from the RCX—Agents Ken Nesis and Di Vination, who also
bring a 12-man PERT team (Paranormal Emergency Response Team). (The RCX is a special branch of the RCMP that investigates the paranormal. I've been a member for years, and though our existence is supposed to be a secret many people invovled int he secret war against the supernatural already know about us, so I don't feel guilty for admitting we do indeed exist.) We decided to set the trap at the old Pacader Farm. We set up video monitoring all over the farm. Foxlove acted as Briar's shadow, never leaving his side. Spotlights were set up, and Briar stood out in the middle of a field, surrounded by blazing bonfires. Everyone took up positions around Briar. The PERT team called in a sighting of a guy on a big black horse (the Erl-King, who always appeared when people were about to die). Vination felt a
spell being cast. Tension mounted as everyone waited. Then Vination
felt something coming. Ronin (a dog) began barking. The PERT team called in, something was attacking them. Then all electrical equipment stopped working. Nivation said it was very close as Ronin turned tail and ran. Suddenly Briar crumpled to the ground and the Dismemberment Killer (who had flown in invisible) appeared. It appeared as a twenty-foot tall red-skinned demon with no face. It was surrounded by a blue glow that Foxlove thought was an invulnerability spell. A furious battle erupted. We aimed mostly at its wings and head, and Tak (a huge Japanese ex-Triad assassin) threw a kawanga at it to hook it. When it took off, it actually pulled him 25 feet into the air. We continued to fire at its wings and it dropped back to the ground as eight zombies walked out of the trees. The Killer actually picked up Briar and began using him as a club. Newman (a former student of mine) shot off its hand, and Briar dropped into a bonfire from which Foxlove pulled him. Fuzzy Shoes used his telekinesis to throw a 600 pound rock into its knee, ripping off that leg. It took massive amounts of damage as the we and the assorted law officers poured bullets into it and even threw dynamite at it. Fuzzy Shoes ended up eviscerating it with his chainsaw, splattering its guts all over the field. Foxlove tried stabbing it with the Druid Needle (something he found in the deep woods years earlier). It reacted badly and he was physically shocked. We managed to drop all the zombies, and in a fit of irony, Fuzzy Shoes delivered the killing blow to the Killer by throwing Briar into him. When it is over, Jaspers and the RCX agents swore the RCMP task force to secrecy.

Briar recovered, but suffers from migraines for the rest of his life.

Sep 15, 1996
Andi (my naturally athletic partner), Foxlove, Scarpelli, Madison (another pyrokinetic) and Takashi answer a call from Kodiak.

Inspector Kyle Mackenzie King (Keith's brother, long story) and a sick looking Kodiak are waiting for them at the high school. King send Kodiak home with a Mountie to drive him, then handed us over to Agent Jaspers of CSIS. Jaspers took us to the art room where Mrs. Danza the art teacher had been murdered. Another message had been left for us: eye (I) // aorta (A),
brain/mind (M) // nose (N), ovary (O), toe (T) // piece of dress (D),
ear (E), apple green pencil crayon (A), inner ear/ear drum (D). [I am
not dead.] Jaspers thought it may have been Nanook, possibly possessed,
possibly just out of his mind. There were no prints.

Sep 17, 1996
7:01 am. Anderson and Briar got a call about a murder at the Kiwanis
meeting hall. Jaspers escorted us into a room splattered in blood and
paint. The victim had been painting a sign for an upcoming bake sale.
A message had been left on the floor: eye (I) // femur/white (W),
painted letters ILL // stomach (S), painted letters EE // blond
hair/yellow (Y), painted letters OU // eye (I), painted letter N //
aorta (A) // foot (F), painted letters EW // painted letter Y, both
ears (EARS). [I will see you in a few years.]

This night the entrie town was attacked by vampires. They had actually infected the milk at the old Pacader farm with a vampiric agent that infected those that drank it. Both Madison and Scarpelli were infected in this manner and we had to stake them. The town was wiped out (except for a few survivors. My group were rescued by the RCX, and everyone was pressed into service.

Now, the town has been rebuilt as a resort by a large corporation. Anderson, Nanook, Briar and I have beens ent back as part of an RCMP detachment to be the law inthe town. And the Dismemberment Killer has reappeared: On Dec 30 2004 we were called to the local Lodge. Two rows of objects had been left in the snow in front of the main hall. the Lodge owner Stumpy White thought its some kind of sick prank by teenagers. The objects were: watermelon rind (W), dog's ear (E), Wormington's leg (L), used condom (C), orange (O), the painting (M), a leather jacket with an eagle on the back: it is currently lying on its back so the eagle is not visible (E)’ and a human brain (B), ankh (A), dog collarbone (C), santa figurine: Kringle (K) [Welcome back.]

Now the thing is stalking us and toying with, continuing to kill and leave us these messages. We thought we had killed it once, but it is back. By one of the newer murders we found what looks like a shed human skin. It also appears that this thing can move incredibly fast. We have seen video tape from a security camera pan across a guard, and in the 2 seconds it took to pan back, the guard had been ripped to pieces.

Has anyone else out there ever faced such a creature? How can we predict where it will strike? We're worried that eventually it will come back and try to finsih the job on Briar, but it is so fast that we wouldn't see it if it tried. Not until Briar wa slying dead at our feet!

Father Arden

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 7:07 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Geeze, I've never scene anything like that.

Whatever it is, it seems to haveinduced to settle a score specifically with you and yours. I suggest you look for what you did to attract its attention, that might help you find out what you're dealing with.

Incidently, in cases where I know nothing about what I'm dealing with, I like to carry a wide variety of ammunition, all of it preferably blessed.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 2:28 pm
by Father Arden
Ron Caliburn wrote:Geeze, I've never scene anything like that.

Whatever it is, it seems to haveinduced to settle a score specifically with you and yours. I suggest you look for what you did to attract its attention, that might help you find out what you're dealing with.

Incidently, in cases where I know nothing about what I'm dealing with, I like to carry a wide variety of ammunition, all of it preferably blessed.

Well the damn thing has struck again! Yesterday we were all at the police station, standing around the front room drinking coffee, munching on donuts and Egg McMuffins. Anderson was talking to Briar when suddenly she was drenched in blood! Briar looked down stupidly at the ruin of his right shoulder where his arm used to be. Calusari (our new psychic sensitive) feels suddenly so ill that he throws up from sensing evil. We called an ambulance and rushed Briar to the hospital. Anderson (who has just discovered she is a latent psychic) prays to be able to help Briar and she manages to do some psychic healing. Examination reveals nothing on the security tapes (in one frame he had an arm, in the nect he didn;t), no footprints, no fingerprints but there are bruise marks on his ribs. The wound is ragged, as if the arm had been twisted and torn off with great force, leaving only a small nub. In the ribs we found what looks like a thumb claw. It appears to be from a Physignathus cocincinus, more commonly called a Chinese or Green Water Dragon (a 2-3’ aquatic lizard). (

As we were standing out in the hallway discussing this Anderson had a clarivoyent image of Torgov’s pop disappearing. (Torgov is an archaeologist). She turned to look at him just in time to see his can of Coke vanish from his hand. At that exact same moment both Anderson and Calusari felt violently ill. We noticed that the pop can was now sitting on a chair down the hall. This has freakedus all out (especially Torgov) as we know the damnable thing is definitely toying with us!

We don't know why it didn't kill Briar, but we are now expecting a message to be left for us soon, incorporating his missing arm.

father Arden

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 6:06 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Now take what I'm saying with a grain of salt, since I only really know how to kill these things, but it sounds like whatever it is can hop in and out of this reality at will.

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 5:23 pm
by Father Arden
Ron Caliburn wrote:Now take what I'm saying with a grain of salt, since I only really know how to kill these things, but it sounds like whatever it is can hop in and out of this reality at will.

We've considered that possibility, and its a rather frightening one, since we can't really think of any way to fight that...

Father Arden

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 5:31 pm
by Joseph Darkhold
A device that can moniter the magnetic field in the area might help.
I've had some experience with dimensional activity and I have found that dimensional activity seems to warp the magnetic field in a localized area.
So a portable device with a warning tone might help

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 5:32 pm
by Father Arden
Joseph Darkhold wrote:A device that can moniter the magnetic field in the area might help.
I've had some experience with dimensional activity and I have found that dimensional activity seems to warp the magnetic field in a localized area.
So a portable device with a warning tone might help

An intererting idea...

Nanook, you listening?

Father Arden

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 5:35 pm
by Nanook Hunter
Father Arden wrote:
Joseph Darkhold wrote:A device that can moniter the magnetic field in the area might help.
I've had some experience with dimensional activity and I have found that dimensional activity seems to warp the magnetic field in a localized area.
So a portable device with a warning tone might help

An intererting idea...

Nanook, you listening?

Father Arden

sounds like a good suggestion but magnetic feilds usually mess up the mechanics of watches, and mine was working fine.
how bout yours Arden?

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 5:38 pm
by Father Arden
Nanook Hunter wrote:
Joseph Darkhold wrote:A device that can moniter the magnetic field in the area might help.
I've had some experience with dimensional activity and I have found that dimensional activity seems to warp the magnetic field in a localized area.
So a portable device with a warning tone might help

sounds like a good suggestion but magnetic feilds usually mess up the mechanics of watches, and mine was working fine.
how bout yours Arden? know, in all the blood and screaming I forgot to check...

Father Arden

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 5:42 pm
by Nanook Hunter
Father Arden wrote:
Nanook Hunter wrote:
Joseph Darkhold wrote:A device that can moniter the magnetic field in the area might help.
I've had some experience with dimensional activity and I have found that dimensional activity seems to warp the magnetic field in a localized area.
So a portable device with a warning tone might help

sounds like a good suggestion but magnetic feilds usually mess up the mechanics of watches, and mine was working fine.
how bout yours Arden? know, in all the blood and screaming I forgot to check...

Father Arden

i will see what kind of toy i can come up with to see if that idea is right. thanks for the idea.

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 5:46 pm
by Joseph Darkhold
Always glad to help

Good Luck and Good Hunting!
Joseph Darkhold

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 5:28 pm
by Ron Caliburn
If the magnetic thing works, couldn't it be possible to hook up the sensor to a powerful magnetic field generator. I bet it woul do somethign really funky to the bastard as he was halfway between realities.

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 11:14 am
by Cowardly Leon
I know this might be a stupid idea but if that arm was 'on' in one frame of the video and 'off' in the next maybe you have bigger problems than something that can slip in and out of reality or is cloaked.

Maybe it's just that fast.

Many writers of fiction have come up with the idea that if something lives on an accelerated level, running between the ticks of the clock as it were then it would be invisible to far slower creatures, like how a hummingbird's wings are a faint blur to us.

Think about this logicaly though. The amount of energy needed to maintain that speed must be phenominal. Like how fighter jets technically have only about 20 minuites of fuel before they have to return for more. Check around to see if there has been mysterious thefts of large amounts of food in the region.

There's also the possibility that this... thing may not be in this state of acceleration all the time. Like how a cheetah is the fastest land mammal but it doesn't always run. This also has the fuel limitation so you may be working with a zone of attack. An area that it sticks to where it can retreat to before it gets tired. It may have more than one lair.

My ideas may be a little silly and have a lot of guesswork but let's face it there is a lot of freaky stuff out there that make this one seem tame.

Keep your tail covered

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 9:47 pm
by Munin_rob
Kodiak you say? i used to live there - not much to do there other than over react. a thought for you - maybe someone nabbed some chemicals from the coastguard base and pumped em into the station. you might want to check out mile 11.5 on rezanoff headed toward chiniak on the right - a really freaky fella lives there (lived there?) and sound like the kinda crap he used to think up. (oh ya he was decent at pulling feed edits on closed circut TV as well) the other thing you might want to look close at is the local cannery workers (lots of superstitious ones there that might try somethin weird with a bear claw or 2)

good huntin and i hope you catch the person doin it so folks can put aside all the mumbo jumbo (or get me some proof to send in - i got some good lab acess)

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 2:43 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
I don't know if you've resolved this or not, I'm thinking if you had you'd have mentioned it here.

Now, assuming this, thing, is moving at incredible speeds the most direct response would be to slow it down. I'm drawing a partial blank right now, but there is a non-lethal, highly adhesive substance that can be used to create barriers. I don't know how difficult it would be for a Supernatural Menace to rip through it, let alone one that can move faster than film, but if you could apply enough, it might just get gummed up enough that you'll stand a chance at killing it, or if not at least slowing it down enough to catch it on film (speaking of which I'd bring in some high-speed cameras if I were in your shoes.) I'm saying cover the walls, floor, ceiling, and string up barriers. If it tries to barrel through you'll know it. If it still manages to bypass your trap mostly unnoticed I think it would be safe to rule out Blinding Speed.

*Edit #1* So far I've yet to find a picture, movie, or better description of the polymer-based superadhesive agent or "sticky foam" I referenced above. I'm gonna keep looking.

*Edit #2* This gives a little information about Sticky Foam

This Lists a Few Problems with Sticky Foam and mentions a Mobility Denial System:

And this site gives more information on the MDS which sounds promising in its own right: