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Searching for...

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 4:32 pm
by Anthony
Simply put I'm searching for several items and information. I do not have a lot of free cash but I'm not poor either. Here is my list:

1. Quality body armor : be it Kevlar, leather or chain. I need quiet, fast and reliable.

2. Old and rare books dealing with Faerie and their ilk. While Powell's contains a few volumes, I'm sure there exists others. Relaible sources prefered over fanciful musings.

3. Techniques or supplies of iron bullets that Do Not harm a gun's barrel. I know not if such a thing exist. If not then replacement barrels for a .45 Model 15 Pistol. also any sources fro iron shot for a Model 37M Ithaca shotgun.

Please send all replies here.

Anthony Sears

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 7:42 pm
by Ron Caliburn
I can help ya with number 1 and number 3. PM me and we can make the arrangements.

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 5:37 pm
by Debunker
You both should seek help, usually when people look for these belongs they are usually disturbed and plan to hurt people for extreme emotional reasons (going postal mean anything to you?). Your gunning for a supernatural bear that doesnt exist.

rare books

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 10:51 pm
by Fiera
Well I'm not sure what area you reside in but here in PA I would suggest a new age bookstore named Bennu books. The owner is a cranky but well informed old man named Ben. if you drop by bring him some coffee and he may bring out a secret stash. If he doesn't have what you need he'll know where to get it or it doesn't exist

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 5:12 pm
by NCS

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 6:50 pm
by The Watcher In Shadows
I would recommend ... &prodID=11 it seems to relatively high end equipment and it carries many different styles and types.