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N.J. residents ask: Is it really a fat cat, or a black panth

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 1:23 am
by Ron Caliburn
N.J. residents ask: Is it really a fat cat, or a black panther? wrote:TRENTON, N.J. (AP) - Residents in the rural New Jersey community of Vineland are used to seeing wild turkey, the occasional deer and once in a great while, even a bear. But reports that a black panther has been roaming the woods have some people worried.

Residents over the weekend reported seeing a large black animal with a long tail walking through the fields and woods. And from the look of it, they don't think the feline is a well-fed pet, but a panther.

"I knew by the size that it was not a house cat. It wasn't a tiny dog. It looked like some kind of wild cat," said Zoe Paraskevas, who lives on Old Farm Drive in the Cumberland County city where the cat was spotted. She said she saw the animal in the field behind her house on Saturday and quickly snapped a picture of it.

"I just got chills. I said 'Oh, my God!' I just couldn't believe what I saw," said Paraskevas, who said the animal walked through the field for about 30 seconds before she lost sight of it in the woods.

Since then, Paraskevas, who said she first saw the animal in March, said she's seen the black furry animal a few more times, as have some of her neighbors.

Felicia Fiocchi said she spotted something in the field behind their house on Sunday about a quarter-mile to a half-mile away.

"I can't tell you if it was a panther, but I can tell you that it wasn't a domesticated house cat," said Fiocchi, who lives on the street with her husband and four children.

She's worried about the possibility of a dangerous cat roaming the woods and fields where her four children sometimes play.

Authorities, however, have not spotted the mysterious visitor.

A conservation officer from the Division of Fish and Wildlife visited the area three times over the weekend and found nothing to indicate a panther was in the area, said Darlene Yuhas, a spokeswoman for the state's Department of Environmental Protection.

"There was absolutely no evidence to indicate that there was a panther out there," Yuhas said.

Paraskevas said she was told by the conservation officer that the ground was too dry for the animal to leave paw prints.

Lt. Steve Cleveland from the Vineland police department said the idea of a black panther in the area was so unheard of that when the department first received the report, they thought someone was talking about the Black Panther Party - a political organization.

Despite that, he said the department is not taking the concerns lightly. An animal control officer has warned residents to keep a close eye on their children, and residents are advised to call authorities immediately if they see any large animal in the area.

This is not the first time a panther has been reported in Vineland, said Frank De Maio, president and founder of the Friends of Historic Vineland organization. He said Panther Road, which is a few miles from Old Farm Drive, got its name after a panther was sighted in the area decades ago. Local residents even erected a statue of a panther near where the sighting occurred, but the statue has long since been destroyed.

"They were pretty convinced that it was true," De Maio said.

Might be a panther, might be some other large predatory nocturnal animal.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 1:35 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
Well, I would check it out, but apparently I need to go save the fucking world. Again.

Can someone in proximity to NJ take a look and make sure my neighbors don't get eaten?

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 12:18 pm
by dym
Very touching Bert Boom Boom Turtle.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 12:50 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
You'll know the meaning of touching when I slice your fingers off in quarter inch pieces.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 12:53 pm
by dym
I can send you Natasha's hand - she has lovely fingers, I think - and the rest of the skin from her arm. You make a little puppet out of it! :lol:

You know, something to jack off with.... remember her by. :shock:

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 12:57 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Keep it. I don't need to sneak up on my hand to jack off like you do.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 1:03 pm
by dym
That creamy white skin and the way she moves when she walks - graceful, smooth, and as if her ass were grazing in the fields :lol: - is enough for you. I understand. She is a pretty one. That will soon change. You'll be the first to have the pieces.

Boom Boom, if you really cared about her, you would stop killing her.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 2:23 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Dym, you make it sound like our actions have any impact on the way you will treat her in your custody - just drop the charade.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 2:59 pm
by dym
In a way, you are correct. I mean, I am going to kill her. But your actions just determine when. ;)

If I wanted to torture her for the pure pleasure of it, I would just lock her in my dungeon and torture for the next 30 or 40 years. Unless I accidentally killed her or failed to let her heal up in between torture sessions.

If I wanted to kill her for the pure pleasure of it, I would just saw her head off in her beloved northern pines.

But that is not what I want.

It is not a charade, game, or otherwise not lethally serious thing we have going on here.

Nikolai Ivanovich will be dead by the end of the year. But until then, I have time to take apart his life while his head and ass are still wired together.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 3:55 pm
by Kei Nakamura
You know, since you had a disagreement with Koyla, you should have kept it with Koyla. You go after a researcher that I am working with on a manuscript, and that interferes with my own plans, and my own research.

But no, you have be as intelegent as you are. At least show some evidence that your head is something other than a hatrack. I am seeing to it that actions will be taken, both in this world and the next. You see the game works like this, untill I see "evidence of life", and that evidence shows her unharmed, Natasha has already been killed by you. You have no bargaining chip, untill I see proof otherwise.

Oh and don't look back, tovarisht, you may see some rather unfriendly people moving in on you.

Good luck, I have bets on how long it takes them to locate you, if it is not swift they will be upset about the losses - don't disapoint me ok?

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 4:39 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Let's ignore him - other than making sure the right folks in his governemnt find out about his excesses.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 4:44 pm
by dym
I am not bargaining anymore. Nikolai already said 'no deal'.

For someone claiming to be a scientist you are taking a lot of assumptions for granted.

I never had an argument with Nikolai. I just decided I was going to end him in the most painful way possible - destroy the only thing close to 'love' he has: his team. Before a couple weeks ago, I never knew of his existence.

Since little Natasha is the jewel in so many eyes around here, she had to be first to go. Besides, saving her for last would open me up to criticism for picking on a little girl without her defenders around her. Not that it matters, as I have so obviously demonstrated by having her not only arrested but put in The Hole. They could not guard her then, despite being aware of the threat, and they will not be able to later. I am in control of everything. You are in control of nothing.

Seriously, Nikolai knew something was sniffing her ass, and that is why he so sternly ordered her to keep her fucking mouth shut. He was doing the only thing he knows how to do: protect and lead his team. The problem is, he could not stop me even if she had kept her mouth shut. The best he could have done was put some time and space between then and now and hope for a break before I could strike. But, like I said, you ass lickers apparently never met the likes of me.

Keeping barking. I am going to start biting.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 4:51 pm
by Ron Caliburn
dym, I hope your petty little powerplay is worth your career and your life - it's probably already cost you both and it's just a question of how long it will take for the collector to get around to you.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 4:58 pm
by dym
See ya soon boss.


Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 6:10 pm
by Kei Nakamura
I look forward to it, hope you don't mind the drop in pay grade. Come pay me a visit some time, we can discuss teh fine art of playing games. You are a beginner, you show promise, but you started for too high of stakes and now your game will consume you.

You realy should not have done anything that inturrupted any of my research.