A polite discourse on religion.
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 9:35 am
Let me start by saying that I know this is a touchy subject, but I do not intend to judge, merely discuss the views of any paticipant's chosen religion. If the topic or teh views expressed offend any of you I am sorry, but please do not post unless it is in the intrest of a serious and civil discussion.
1. Is the true purpose of all religions to channel energy to a powerful being "not of this earth" in the form of P.P.E. and prayers?
(I know that this is both true and untrue of shinto, the Kami are both a part of this earth and yet reside in a seperate realm)
2. Would a kind and goodly diety(ies) send a good being to eternal suffering, merely for not beliving a particular teaching?
(Irrelevant in my case, as for me there is no heaven or hell - only a cycle of rebirth untill enlightenment is attained)
3. Is it possible that the higher power(s) are actually creations of mankind, created and given power by the dreams and beliefs of our species as a whole?
(I consider this to be both possible and likely, in my travels I have found that phenomina tend to manifest in ways consistant with the local culture and belife structure - a clear tie between the local religion and the manifestation of supernatural occurances)
4. Why is it that evil seems to attract ruthlessly powerfull morons in general, while goodness tends to attract people of more limited means who approach the conflict more intelligently?
(Natural selection? Evil uses power to seduce those with a desire for it, those with out a great deal of power over others must be more cautious and plan better or be destroyed before they can spread thier message.)
5. Why is it that religions that preach peace, and the striving of good to overcome evil seem to automaticly consider other religions with exceptionally similar teachings (sometimes even as far as following the same path in slightly different ways) to be evil?
(A case of the leadership of the religions not wanting to have any opposition to their power?)
6. If the diety(ies) are good, why do they allow suffering and pain in the world while evil has no qualms with taking a physical interest in enforcement of their wills?
(The powers of good want us to find and understand the path they desire people to follow while evil only cares about the supremacy of their will\power.)
Last but by far not least.
7. Is there room on earth for goodly men of widely differing views to co-exist regardless of their religions?
(The tolerance shown on this board give me a great deal of hope that the answer is a simple "YES, Yes there is my friend.")
In closing I want to thank you all in advance for the maturity you all show in your responses, and the deep, awareness expanding thoughts that such a discussion brings when carried out in a civil manner.
1. Is the true purpose of all religions to channel energy to a powerful being "not of this earth" in the form of P.P.E. and prayers?
(I know that this is both true and untrue of shinto, the Kami are both a part of this earth and yet reside in a seperate realm)
2. Would a kind and goodly diety(ies) send a good being to eternal suffering, merely for not beliving a particular teaching?
(Irrelevant in my case, as for me there is no heaven or hell - only a cycle of rebirth untill enlightenment is attained)
3. Is it possible that the higher power(s) are actually creations of mankind, created and given power by the dreams and beliefs of our species as a whole?
(I consider this to be both possible and likely, in my travels I have found that phenomina tend to manifest in ways consistant with the local culture and belife structure - a clear tie between the local religion and the manifestation of supernatural occurances)
4. Why is it that evil seems to attract ruthlessly powerfull morons in general, while goodness tends to attract people of more limited means who approach the conflict more intelligently?
(Natural selection? Evil uses power to seduce those with a desire for it, those with out a great deal of power over others must be more cautious and plan better or be destroyed before they can spread thier message.)
5. Why is it that religions that preach peace, and the striving of good to overcome evil seem to automaticly consider other religions with exceptionally similar teachings (sometimes even as far as following the same path in slightly different ways) to be evil?
(A case of the leadership of the religions not wanting to have any opposition to their power?)
6. If the diety(ies) are good, why do they allow suffering and pain in the world while evil has no qualms with taking a physical interest in enforcement of their wills?
(The powers of good want us to find and understand the path they desire people to follow while evil only cares about the supremacy of their will\power.)
Last but by far not least.
7. Is there room on earth for goodly men of widely differing views to co-exist regardless of their religions?
(The tolerance shown on this board give me a great deal of hope that the answer is a simple "YES, Yes there is my friend.")
In closing I want to thank you all in advance for the maturity you all show in your responses, and the deep, awareness expanding thoughts that such a discussion brings when carried out in a civil manner.