My first time

Accounts of personal experiences, especially from those who hunt the supernatural. We offer this space in hopes that our members can hear about, and learn from, the exploits of others.
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My first time

Post by Jack »

Years, ago, while I was still in the service, there were rumors of a Top Secret "supersoldier" program. I didn't believe it at the time, and didn't much think about it either. That was, until I was overseas (not saying where, this forum may be monitored by the powers-that-be) a bit more than a decade ago when my squad and I were out on patrol in hostile territory. Long story short, one by one the my mates were killed gruesomely. Almost like that film The Predator ('cept this weren't no jungle). I was the only one left. And then it came for me. I unloaded an entire clip into the son of a ***** and it kept on coming, it must have had some sort of body armor on, I thought. it hit me and knocked me into a tree, scrambling for a weapon as I had dropped my rifle, and my pistol holster had been ripped off by the force of the blow, the first thing I found was a thick branch. Luckily I found it before it was upon me, I clubbed the thing in the head, and as it stumbled backwards, I noticed it's body "rejecting" the slugs I had pumped into it not minutes before. My left hand went for the shovel I had strapped to my backpack, and before the thing could react, I swung with both hands at it's head. Satisfied at having caved in the thing's skull. I was able to rest. I broke radio silence (which in hindsight may not have been the smartest thing to do), and requested help. Before I was even done with the call it was back on it's feet, glaring at me menacingly, the guy on the other end must have thought I had tweeked as I screamed about a monster that couldn't be killed, it lunged, I brought the shovel up at the last second and it impaled it's chest on the end, but it kept coming until the wooden shaft of the shovel reached the thing's heart.

I used to believe this was the product of a supersoldier program, but years of experience with these creatures has opened my eyes to the supernatural. Either way, the government is hiding what it knows. And it's our job to protect humanity at any cost.

There's a man in a gray suit giving me the evil eye in here so I have to go.
Just because I'm paranoid, doesn't mean they're NOT out to get me.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Ya never forget your first time, no matter how much ya want to.

Of course the Gov knows more. They have more resources than we do.

The question is, what exactly is the Gov gonna do?
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
Agent D
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Joined: Wed Feb 02, 2005 2:10 am

Post by Agent D »

They are going to do what they always do,try and see if they can make money off it, Or use it to defeat there enemies.But good thing you made it out alive to fight the good fight.
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