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Unusual Paranormal Activity in the Portland Area

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 12:27 am
by Anthony
I currently host a show on 94.7 Fm in the Portland area. It's a late night show that runs for about an hour and normal I recieveone or two calls a night. However, in the last few days I have a huge influx of calls to my show. alot of them dealing with strange lights over the Hawthorne bridge and a weird power surge occuring around 2:30 am. Unfortunately many of my callers were drunk (it happened over the weekend) and I was not inclined to believe them. However, I changed my mind when several sober individuals called in and reported the same srory. On top of that they described a tall, thin "man" apppearing out of thin air. I have investigated the rumors and found out several homeless individuals are missing. Not so strange, I know. What is strange is that they left behind their few belongings and pet dogs. There are a few things that come to mind but do not correlate with the data I have. Oh, one other clue i have deals with a strange footprint in the mud. It is roughly 12 inches long, 3 toes and perhaps claws/talons. As I learn more I'll inform you. Any thought would be most helpful.

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 12:39 am
by Sean O'Neil
What time is your show on? I'd like to tune in.


Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 12:47 am
by randy_eh?
Please don't tell me Portland has supernatural tasmanian devils! I was doing a story awhile back about how a zoologist in San Diego brought a mating pair over from Tasmania. He thought they were a new breed. New breed they were not! Supernatural breed they were! They proceeded to puree the zoologist like a food processor and escaped. Last we heard they made their way into Mexico, where stories of such creatures coined "el diablo" wreaking havoc on the country side are not at all uncommon. Sources at the zoo, speaking under condition of anonymity, informed me that a team of highly specialized "problem solvers" did manage to kill one of them and its offspring. So, we can only hope that they put a stop to anymore being produced. But judging by the flood of similar stories all across central and south america, my guess is that there's lots of them now. In fact, one may conclude that central and south america provide a "native" climate for them. I truly hope they're not in Portland! Nasty, nasty creatures they are!

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 12:49 am
by Sean O'Neil
You want to find supernatural stuff? Head down to the Paris on Burnside, there are some crazy things going on down there.

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 1:03 am
by Anthony

To qoute you: Please don't tell me Portland has supernatural tasmanian devils! I was doing a story awhile back about how a zoologist in San Diego brought a mating pair over from Tasmania. He thought they were a new breed. New breed they were not! Supernatural breed they were! They proceeded to puree the zoologist like a food processor and escaped. Last we heard they made their way into Mexico, where stories of such creatures coined "el diablo" wreaking havoc on the country side are not at all uncommon. Sources at the zoo, speaking under condition of anonymity, informed me that a team of highly specialized "problem solvers" did manage to kill one of them and its offspring. So, we can only hope that they put a stop to anymore being produced. But judging by the flood of similar stories all across central and south america, my guess is that there's lots of them now. In fact, one may conclude that central and south america provide a "native" climate for them. I truly hope they're not in Portland! Nasty, nasty creatures they are!

First off, I do not believe that the Tasmanian Devils are at work here. It's to clean and quiet. There have been no bodies discovered or blood present where the homeless disappeared. If you wish to learn more listen to my show between 2am and 3am on 94.7 FM. (PST). As to our friend Sean, I really recommend you stay away from Paris on Burnside. The readings from my Magnitometer are high in that area. As well as the Saturday market, as I believe one or more witches to be present there.

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 1:08 am
by Cipher
Nah, I got the inside lead on Saturday market. It's a hex war. Seems there are two shops in the building across from Skidmore Fountain. The one upstairs has a bad location so they decided to put a hex on the other shop. Unfortunetly for them, the other shop had good wards. So the hex rebounded. You know what they say. You get it back 3 fold. Still, not a pleasant place to go. Found all that out while I was at the Thai shop there picking up a Sarong. 8)


Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 1:12 am
by randy_eh?

Consider Portland extremely lucky. Your description of the footprint (12 inches long, 3 toes and perhaps claws/talons) is what made me suspect supernatural tasmanian devils. They have a similar footprint.

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 1:14 am
by Cipher
hmm....could be mudman though.


Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 1:19 am
by randy_eh?
Cipher wrote:hmm....could be mudman though.

Mudman? Didn't Primus write a song about him?

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 1:26 am
by Cipher
no...that was a coyote/bugs bunny dedication I think
Because everybody knows.....MUD spelled backwards is DUM

serious though, my information shows that mudman is not anything to be toyed with.

What i'm told is it's roughly about 8 feet tall and incredibly strong. Seems to only hunt on extremely foggy nights. I'll see if I can find the police report on the last series of casualties he was reported as doing. Hmm, casualties would mean that they all survived. Ok, the last set of deaths he was responsible for.

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 11:42 am
by PSC27
The guy who appeared out of thin air, might have been a mage. My guess is gargoyals. Though, the ones that I've dealt with have been nice to complete megalomaniacs. Rather like humans!

Also, you said they had dogs, correct? All of them?

what's up?

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 12:05 pm
by randy_eh?
PSC27 wrote:The guy who appeared out of thin air, might have been a mage. My guess is gargoyals. Though, the ones that I've dealt with have been nice to complete megalomaniacs. Rather like humans!

Also, you said they had dogs, correct? All of them?

Megalomaniac? As in the KMFDM song? What's up with all the music references in this thread? :?


Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 12:43 pm
by PSC27
Megalomaniac? As in the KMFDM song? What's up with all the music references in this thread?

Please stop posting this tripe here.

RE: Music references

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 1:57 pm
by randy_eh?
PSC27 wrote:
Megalomaniac? As in the KMFDM song? What's up with all the music references in this thread?

Please stop posting this tripe here. shrink did inform me that I have a tendency of making light of situations that really make me nervous. It's a kind of "defense mechanism" he tells me. Although when dealing with the supernatural, I feel that it does come in handy. But I'm not about to tell my shrink that...he'd have me locked up!


Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 4:01 pm
by Cipher
Well, I was listening to my police scanner today. Not good. I must have called it down upon us. Turns out it was incredibly foggy last night. The weatherman today was saying it was worse than San Francisco ever gets. Anyways, they had a cop on the scanner calling a code 30 (officer needs help - emergency) apparently a patrol officer had lost radio contact last night when he was patrolling in Milwaukie, OR. near Elk Rock Island. During low rain conditions there is a land bridge that you can walk across. There had been a report of a 10-91c (injured animal) so the cop (Phil Lancaster) went to check it out. I guess they found his body this morning. His patrol car was missing a door and the engine block was about 20 feet behind the car. Lots of empty pistol casings were found at the scene. It appears that besides his entire ribcage being shattered the attacker decided it would be a good idea if Officer Lancaster could see what was going on behind him(read head completely twisted around on his neck). Odd thing was, nobody heard the gunshots, no tracks were found, and why didn't the police station think it odd that he didn't check in? Something wicked this way comes indeed. Perhaps if Sean and Anthony are willing to check this out I can snoop around for some more details.


Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 7:02 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Couldn't be a Mothman, those things kill the dogs.

Some kind of ghoul?

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 7:08 pm
by StVincent
This news from Portland seems most troubling-Although the fact that it was the Hawthorne Bridge makes very good sense that was one of the most Magically active places in the city when I was in college there nearly a decade ago- Check at Powells on Hawthorne; the main store I know is bigger but the clerks on Hawthorne normally know what is going on. I am suspecting a Mage or Witch possibly demonic, Perhaps gathering an army? no one woould notice homeless missing inones and twos and there are many courious buildings in Portland where you could hide people (especially if they no longer need to eat or breathe). I am sorry but I am far to laid up at present to be of any use to you in a fight but I will help with reserch and will try to contact friends I have in the region-
Lux Venti St.V


Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 10:06 pm
by randy_eh?
Cipher wrote:...Anyways, they had a cop on the scanner calling a code 30 (officer needs help - emergency) apparently a patrol officer had lost radio contact last night when he was patrolling in Milwaukie, OR. near Elk Rock Island...Perhaps if Sean and Anthony are willing to check this out I can snoop around for some more details....

Hmmm...this truly sounds fascinating. Perhaps I need to schedule a trip to Portland. I hear you guys have keno machines in every bar...yes, I think this is the making of a great story!


Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 10:17 pm
by Cipher
come on over, I'm sure Anthony and Sean would be happy to give you the guided tour. Let you check out the Micro Brews too. Maybe give you a tour of the Shanghai tunnels

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 11:18 pm
by Anthony
I'm extremely sorry for my delayed responses to your helpful post. I've been a busy man here recently. I was called by the police (by a friend) regarding Ciphers earlier post :
Well, I was listening to my police scanner today. Not good. I must have called it down upon us. Turns out it was incredibly foggy last night. The weatherman today was saying it was worse than San Francisco ever gets. Anyways, they had a cop on the scanner calling a code 30 (officer needs help - emergency) apparently a patrol officer had lost radio contact last night when he was patrolling in Milwaukie, OR. near Elk Rock Island. During low rain conditions there is a land bridge that you can walk across. There had been a report of a 10-91c (injured animal) so the cop (Phil Lancaster) went to check it out. I guess they found his body this morning. His patrol car was missing a door and the engine block was about 20 feet behind the car. Lots of empty pistol casings were found at the scene. It appears that besides his entire ribcage being shattered the attacker decided it would be a good idea if Officer Lancaster could see what was going on behind him(read head completely twisted around on his neck). Odd thing was, nobody heard the gunshots, no tracks were found, and why didn't the police station think it odd that he didn't check in?

This seems to be a different case altogether but equally disturbing. I am researching possiblities. The mudman theory presented by Cipher could easily relate in this case. I'll post an different listing for this case.

As to the Hawthorne case, I have some new developments there as well. I talked to a homeless woman whom claims to have seen the tall, thin man. Shje said that a friend of her's heard his name being called. She heard nothing but followed him. He began to run towards the bridge, seemingly incrediablly happy. What happened nexted caused her to flee in terror. She saw her friend run up to an very thin individual and hug him/her. He then began to scream in fear and pain. He seemed to suddenly go limp. She took off as the "man" looked at her, with per her description "Eyes out of the Depths of Hell". She lead me to the spot (after much discussion and money) in which this happened. Of course the Portland PD had already trampled the site earlier. I used my magnitometer and got a slight reading. Hard to say if from the bridge or left over signature. I took several pictures of the scene. Unfortunately this posting does not support graphics. I found only one other strange clue. Several plants in the area had strange black speaks upon them. As if wilted or blighted. i also have a special friend by the name of Opie. He is a man of subtle gifts, though he pays for it by being burdened with the being Autistic. I help his mom take care of him, and he works at the radio station. He was very disturbed by the bridge last night, as I drove him home. I think that it is time to call in some help. Sean and Randy if you wish to do so post a reply. As to St. Vincents' suggestion. I do not know if an army amassing is what is happening. however, a witch or warlock may be behind this. i have a few mystical contacts. I'll check in on them. In the mean time, any one know if any Hunters are in the PDX area?

flight confirmed

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 12:04 am
by randy_eh?
I'll be flying into Portland on Saturday...I'll email you guys my itinerary...besides being a reporter, I think you'll find my other talents useful to this investigation.

God Speed,


Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 12:20 am
by Anthony

I await your arrival. I wish to thank you in advance for your help. I'm in the midst of research as I type this. No word yet from my contacts in the mystic arts.

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 3:12 am
by StVincent
Your Eyewitness makes me think that this maybe some type of Psycic Feeder a creature that preys on Humans but leaves no bones; I will try and check in my books later today for Information on those type of creatures I also agree that you are facing two very diffrent Supernatural problems May Light protect you and all who go with you St V.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 1:08 am
by Anthony
I fear that the Light may not be enough. I recieved several calls to the radio station last night of missing friends. Some were college kids out to have a little fun. Another was a homeless woman known and liked by many. What disturbed me the most concerns a particular call I answered this evening. Not to my show or by the Portland PD. Rather to my personal cell phone. Opie's mom called saying he left the house early this morning (aka predawn). She asked him where he was going, and he said to see Da. She was disturbed because his father died in a car accident over six years ago. Before she could say anything he had rushed outside. She ran out after him but he was already gone. He had not returned as of 7 pm this evening. I hope Randy gets here soon tomorrow, but tonight I look for Opie. Suffice to say, there will be no show tonight.

Opie lives in the North west section of Portland. In reality a mere 1/2 mile from the Wilamette River. From there it is a little over a mile to the Hawthorne Bridge. Should St. Vincent be right and it's a psychic feeder then Opie is in trouble. He seems to have the ability to sense the supernatural(mainly ghost and what not). I have looked up what I can since reading St. Vincent's post. I have no info in any of my literature. So I'm bringing my special "friends" along. I had Opie's mom call the PD and they are looking as well. Say Autistic and they get a moving! I just hope we find him healthy and well.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 1:40 am
by Cipher
still working on the F.B.I. from my side. I'll let you know when I have the info you need.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 3:17 am
by StVincent
I am sorry I was...delayed; I fear for Opie as well the evidence seems to point more and more toa varation of the "Lorrana" aka the weeper. a melovlent spirt who leads people to there deaths here it seems also to feed. The happy running to it (and Opies seeing da' ) seems to suggest that the spirt takes the form of a beloved person to the one enthralleed although others who have perception see it for what it is I am very glad you are taking friend Approching it alone is sucide. Although there is a very remote chance that the persons that it has fed on might be "found" inside it and recalled top life although I doubt unharmed. the fact that it is feeding so often is also distubing perhaps I should start gathering allies to come and assist

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 12:24 pm
by Anthony
It has been a very long night. I am extremely lucky to be here today. I had left before St.vincent's reply. I had contact a few friends and Jamie (God bless her) was the only one who came along. My special "friends" are the other tools I use in the gritty end of our trade. Jamie is a relatively young witch (white) who has a missing friend (one of the college kids). We headed out towards the bridge in search of Opie.

The fog was light last night and we split up a mere thirty feet. Then I heard Opie's voice. I felt as if I should have been estatic but Jamie snapped me out of it. That and I recognized something was wrong. It was if he was speaking from a tunnel. We then saw the "man". A thin, skeletal being with greyish black skin. It's eyes seemed to glow with a reddish fire and it's mouth was a circlular opening with needle like teeth. It then rush foward. Jamie hit it with something, I really wasn't paying attention (though I should have). Instead I was pissed off. I pull my .45 Model 15 and fired some of those special friends I was speaking of. They all connected. I should state that as I was firing, it did manage to cover the distance between us. It smack me hard, and would have done so again had Jamie not been there. She whollaped it with another mystical spell. It then (at incrediable speed) took off towards the bridge. As we ran after it (after holistering my pistol) we both heard "Be gone till I call thee again!" By the time we got there, only passing cars were visiable. The only other thing present on the bridge was Opies' backpack. I am going to get Randy from the airport. Perhaps the three of us can get this "mage" and stop anymore disappearance. I told Jamie to protect herself, and not to be alone as much as possible. I checked on Marissa (Opie's Mom). She began to wail when she saw Opie's backpack. St.Vincent, does this discription fit the Lorrana? Let me know.

Dr. Anthony Sears

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 2:06 pm
by StVincent
Or something very similer; you of course understand that stories vary- but the constent's are here: the voice of one longed for and the proximity of water seem to fit. Since you have access to mass media I would suggest telling everyone to avoid going alone in the Hawthorne area-Simply because of the disapperances (in my experience it is better to tell them as much as they can deal with and leave out the details.) Those who are more "aware" may feel the danger allready as Opie did intially. You will need allies Might I suggest the Rose King? he normally does not leave his own area but it does not hurt to ask. You may also wish to find a reliable Medium -unfortunatly the one I knew in that city is gone. If she can contact the victims well at least you will know if not it may be therotically possible to restore the victims once the Creature is vanquished. I am courious though about 2 things 1. The voice you heard saying begone- which may mean this is a summend creature - and 2. how did it respond to physical attack? you said you shot it with a special bullet and hurt it correct? If so I am guardedly confident the majority of victims may still be alive- If you wish more help let me know Iam wheelchair bound but not without friends St V

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 7:55 pm
by Xian Zhang
humbly yours,
Xian Zhang

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 10:18 am
by Cipher
I concur with St Vincent. You should make haste to speak with the Rose King. He might be able to provide you with information and some form of protection against this unknown. I'd suggest looking for him in the most obvious spot.

