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My Legacy

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 1:34 am
by Azrael
Greetings members of Lazlo.

You know me by now. I am not one to hide in the shadows for too long.

My rsence here is simple. I seek to slay the creatures that prey upon the innocent.

For over 400 years I have done that very thing. My legacy has not always been just or pure, as with any man, Itoo have had my short comings. I have faced my inner demons and buried them with my rage years ago.

Over the years I have had the privilage of mentoring other slayers who have only further spread the message that we are not cattle, we are men!

But I have not trained another for over a century. Time and the hazards of our path can both be harsh. Many like us die and others rise to take their place.

In this modern world, so is not the case. My time is nearly at an end. I know that when next I meet Menekhir, I will die at his hands. This I am certain. I do not fear my end though, I have delayed it long enough.

However, I still have much to teach, much to pass on to an heir to my my legacy, while I still have some left in these old veins to give.

I seek to mentor one of you. To inherit my legacy when I am no more. Accept, and I shall do my best to train you, not just in the ways of combat, but in the ways of wsidom, and the ways of knowledge.

I will leave onto thee the means to which destroy the unholy and the weapons needed to do so. Including my sword;
the rune blade Deathkiss.

Ponder my offer. I would hate for my legacy to be lost and forgotten, like so much sand on a beach blown away by the wind.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 11:14 am
by Kolya
Rune weapons are not worth the cost.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 12:47 pm
by Shang Li
May you find the peace that has so long been denied to you, Brother. You have earned it. The walk of long years can lie heavy on a soul, may you once again have the light heart of a child unaware of any darkness or taint.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 9:49 am
by Azrael
Your words are kind Shang Li. Im am affraid words aone will settle this dilema. My need fr a pupil is not mearly out of want, but of the most dire need.

It is best I divulge all that I am, and my inevitable fate.

Without a protege worthy to carry one my legacy, I will never pass through the Gates of St.Peter. My legacy, and all I have done would have been for naught.

Those hunters I have trained in the past, centuries ago, have all hunted well, and have died with honor. Much like a parent watching his childeren grw, live, and then die before his own time. Each student I trained, it wrenched my soul to see them leave me, knowing that one day they would be no more.

If I could confer my immortality to each and every one of them, I would have. Alas, that is my curse to bare, and no one elses.

I understand that many here do not trust outsiders new to these boards. That is all to apparent, and I have given you no reason to do so. Know that I am no monster, I am a hunter no different from you. A good deal of you have some degree of power, be it sight, magic, or power of the mind. Mine is that I can not die bnefore my enemies are slain.

If that makes me a monster unworthy of your society, so be it.

My loathing of the inhuman monsters that stalk the night
is aparent, I will not dare to conceal that fact. They are monsters,.... fiends that prey upon mankind without remorse. My hatred of these beasts is not my folley, but my strength and the fuel of my devotion to see them all destroyed.

If this make me a criminal not wothy of your society, so be it.

I have been berated, my cause made mockery, my purpose made folley. Yet I do not lash back. At this point in my life, words have lost their sting. Like most wounds, they heal, leaving only scars, that too fade in time.

I continue to offer whatever aid or knowledge I am able.
I ask nothing in return, but the finally comradery for an old slayer.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 10:46 am
by Shang Li
Your hatered is also what consumes you. As you pass through the decades don't you ever wish to just lay the hate aside? The determination to see your cause through, your unswerving loyalty to your cause, those things I admire. I have never understood why some hold onto such a bitter piece of the past when there are so many glorious things that pass so swiftly from memory.

Except when it is the inhuman speaking

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 11:11 am
by Celeste Darken
Azrael wrote:I have been berated, my cause made mockery, my purpose made folley. Yet I do not lash back.

Only when the humans speak. I offer well-meant advice and welcome, and I might as well withdraw a bloody stump. But you have mentioned your hatred for all things unnatural, and so I take no offense and watch from afar to make certain you do not become one of the very monsters you revile.

Luckily, my limbs grow back.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 11:16 am
by Kolya
All I ever suggested is that the things you say are things people filled with hate and irrational thoughts say. As Master Li and as I recall Celeste has suggested, you have to bring that under control, before it becomes a real problem.

Re: Except when it is the inhuman speaking

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 11:21 am
by Azrael
Celeste Darken wrote:Luckily, my limbs grow back.

Then how about your head, when I remove it from your shoulders!

You dare to slither out of your vile sewer to berate me VAMPYRE! I would easily set aside my personal crusade to see you burn! How dare you compare me to those abominations like you that I have slain countless numbers of! You are a monster, and souless corspe that refuse to die.

I warn you Darken, speak onto me again with blashpemy and you will be my next target!

Iam not the amateurs you have dispatched in the past. I have hunted your miserable kind for over 400 years, you are nothing new. If you wish to dance admist the light of a new dawn VAMPYRE, then I will by all means accomidate you.

I will tear our your fangs and display them proudly for all those here to see, that yet another monster has been laid low!

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 11:22 am
by Kolya
See there you go again.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 11:28 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
That's no way to make friends and influence people.

Good way to make enemies though.

So tell me, Azrael: Decapitation: Fatal or Non-Fatal?

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 11:28 am
by Shadowstalker
You are the only one threatening and berarting right now, I and others only suggest you rein in your rage, or it lead only to your own end. This is not a threat only a observation, as rage can blind even the wisest man.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 11:33 am
by Kolya
There is no one here against you, unless you want them to be.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 11:42 am
by Azrael
I see that the VAMPYRE has unleashed her thralls to deal with me.


She is a nosferateu, one of te undead! She is an abomination that preys upon the living to substain her miserable existance.

I will not sit idle while such a creature is allowed to raom the streets of this world. If this undead seeks penance, then let it come at the edge of my blade and may God have mercy upon her.

I await the VAMPYRE's reply, I see that she has slithered back into her wretched, filth filled sewer where she belongs.

I caution you all, one of you has been turned by this thing to side against humanity, his fate is sealed. Do not make the same mistake. Thralls are worse than the monsters I slay, for they comit their betrayal of their own free will. Make you walls to protect her then, I will only tear them down.

Where have you gone Darken, your tounge is not so sharp now when confronted by a true opponent. Provoke me again VAMPYRE, and it will be the last thing you ever do!

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 11:56 am
by Kolya

My Last Post to you, Sir

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 11:57 am
by Celeste Darken
My, my. And I thought I had anger issues. I’ve offered my views, and you have rejected them, Azrael. One last bit of advice, and you won’t hear directly from me again: rein in your temper. In less than a decade, I have learned to control it to a degree, when you have not even the slightest inkling to do so in your touted 400 years.

So be careful. Menekir will use your rage and impatience against you, I can promise you that. If my offer of advice causes you to seethe with barely repressed fury, how will an open threat and taunts affect you?

Good luck with your hunt.

For the sake of taking my own advice, I think I will leave it at that.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 12:05 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
No man posessing such hatred as yours could ever accomplish anything good and lasting. For anything they try to build will be tainted, and corrupt, and eventually crumble. Any legacy you establish will be similarly tainted. Any good you accomplish will eventually be turned towards the dark. You alienate people whom should be your allies, including Ms. Darken.

Your hatred is such, that you can not fathom that perhaps one out of a billion vampires might end up like Cee, with free will and repentant for that which was done while being controlled by something nigh unresistable.

I wouldn't worry about completing your task without someone to take over your legacy; I can guaruntee you aren't passing through St. Peter's Gate. You're going to hell, and the horse pulling the carriage that takes you there is hatred.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 12:16 pm
by Kolya
When you became a poet, Bert?

I love that pearly gates crap :P

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 12:20 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
I've been listening to Master Li too much :lol:

Isn't an ex-soldier allowed to wax poetic occasionally? haha.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 12:23 pm
by Kolya
If they gave you a skirt on your way out :lol:

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 12:23 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Haha! Bad Kolya! Bad! :lol:

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 1:02 pm
by Azrael
I see that my warning fell upon deaf ears. The hunt begins anew Celeste Darken. I am coming.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 1:06 pm
by Kolya
Azrael wrote:I am coming.

Keep that kind of stuff to yourself.

My imagination is too overactive.

This is my fight

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 1:07 pm
by Celeste Darken
Leave this to me, Ben, Bert. I started it.

I will finish it.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 1:22 pm
by Kolya
I really hope you do not kill him.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 3:05 pm
by Natasha
I think she would not, unless he not know when to say 'uncle'. Or whatever that stupid game is...

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 3:10 pm
by KonThaak
celeste...despite what kolya says...proceed with caution, good luck, and I will take any news of victory as good...

the world...has too damned many fundies already...not just christians but atheists wiccans taoists and all manner of others... we don't need more among our own ranks.

"for god is love and love is god and all who abide in love abide in god and god abides in them." all who love live in god by the words of christ. not just christians muslims jews pagans easterners...or even the breathing.

strike him down in the name of justice... ive heard far too many who spout gods name in vain and twist the teachings of christ into a message of hate...

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 3:17 pm
by Natasha
Kolya hates him, I know this, but he will be dead without Celeste having to do it. None from us will be sad, we just worry if she kills him, someone might use it against her. People can interpret anything anyway they want.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 3:46 pm
by Greydawn
Am I to understand that your legacy is one of hatred and death?

And here I thought I might have a pupil for you for I am to bury to train one that has asked for it, but I try to teach understanding to those I teach for with out understanding one cannot truely hunt evil.

So I will send him to one more deserving. Mr. KonThaak when you have recovered I have a friend who would like to learn to hunt that which preys on the innocent.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 5:37 pm
by Kolya
He has been an intolerant little prick from the start, misunderstanding us for people that are somehow defenders of evil or something. I would just rather not one of us take him out as that could somehow be turned around. Especially if that somone is Celeste. I am not interested in a war starting around here over her.

Sometimes a vampire has to do what a vampire has to do . . .

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 5:42 pm
by Celeste Darken
Me neither.