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Night of Lost Socks.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 7:31 pm
by Eric Eland
I am back from looking for Holister and everyones lost socks, cant wear shoes with only one sock, and my car keys, they have been gone for a while, I think I magicked them into nowhere.

I knew I was going to have to go looking far away for them, so I got my important exploring stuff and put in my exploring backpack, 10 feet of rope, coiled, warm gloves and ski mask, extra shirt, bandages, enchanting herbs, magic cards, the new ones look so cool, two Hershey chocolate bars, small can of cheese pringles, and thermos of jasmine green tea. I also packed my big flashlight with newly charged batteries and exploring hat, and one of my mis matched socks so I could cast a spell and locate the other one, and one 2002 quarter, Ohio founded 1808 birthplace of aviation, poor condition.

I walked down to the laundromat, because my car keys are missing, and went in, it smelled like clean clothes, and was hot. The large lady at the counter was reading a book, I went over to the super sized dryers, the small ones up front were no good. They have large see through fronts, but they were plastic so its okay. I got out my exploring hat, strapped it over my head, and turned the little light on, then I put my quarter in the slot, five minute dry cycle, climbed in and closed the door.

It was dark, but my light showed a staircase leading down, old creaky wood, splinters, bad. It was dark everywhere, except where my exploring hat lit up, and all of that was scary, wrong. There were little wooden buildings nearby, but they had broken glass windows, so I didn't get close to them.

I walked around for a long time, looking around for the socks, they were not under any of the stairs, so I walked up some of them. The first one I took was a nice small set, light blue, that ended in a funny wood ceiling, but there was something different about it, not a normal wood ceiling sky, so I walked through it, came out in a room with balloon wallpaper, and a carousel light, I could smell fresh air, lots of stuffed animals, there was a crashing water sound, soothing, but no socks, so I went back through the floor, back in dark ceiling sky world. Walked around for a while before finding another staircase that I thought I should try, this one was all decorated and looked like something from the a movie, so I went up it. I came out in a room full of clothes, so I looked around for socks, success! In one of the drawers there were lots of colored socks, with gold lettering on them, DT, funny, I don't know any DT, but I took some anyway. I looked around outside the clothes room for some white socks, because mine are all white, didn't find any, just a bunch of other rooms filled with lots of stuff, and huge windows and some doors outside, didn't take them though, too much glass, but there were lots of lights outside, and it looked like I was way up, tall buildings everywhere. Back through the clothes room, down the stairs and more walking around in dark place, took some stairs that were clay looking, came out in a room that was in bad shape, it was really dusty and empty, made from bricks of dried mud I think, windows with no glass, no socks, back the way I came.

I was getting tired of walking up stairs now, so I decided to take my sock and cast a spell to find the other. I got out my herbs and sock and started drawing patterns and chanting and making magik happen. I was working for a while when I sensed something coming, magic creatures. They were short, and didn't look good, gnarled and mean and carried lots of stuff. They wanted to know what I was doing here, I told them I was looking for missing socks, and they got mad and said everything here was theirs, and then tole me to give them my stuff. I didn't want them to take my backpack, so I had to stand up and mess up my spell so I could yell at them, and when my head band light was turned at them they all yelled and scrambled away from it, then they got really mad and pulled out weapons! I decided this was a bad time to cast my sock finding spell, so I grabbed my sock and backpack and ran. The little monsters were chasing me, and I was getting tired from running, so I turned around and threw a little shocking spell at them, I goofed it up but my light caused them all to jump away. I was happy for a little bit, but then I sensed more things, and saw a whole bunch more monsters coming, whopse. So I turned and started running again, but there were a lot of them coming from everywhere, so I started casting spells as I ran, its hard to do, and I made a fireball shoot off into the sky and it exploded like fire works on a staircase.

I thought they were going to corner me but then I saw two animal people coming towards me, one looked like a human cat person, dressed like those posters you see from that war a long time ago, and the guy was kinda wolf like. They charged at the monster things, so I turned to help. There were a lot more of the monsters now, different kinds too I think, and we were going to be surrounded. The wolf man with the funny words, like Dr. Who, said he couldn't see an way out, my little light was not bright enough I guess, so I created a sunny ball, and when I did all the little monsters ran away or jumped into their clothes like turtles. The two creature people were happy that the monsters were scared, and told me to follow, before we left I took the socks off one of the turtled monsters, and we ran off.

The creature people introduced themselves, the old dressed cat lady is Tabby, she knows a little magic too. The wolf guy is Rom, he likes dancing or something, I don't know. We talked about where we were and why I was there, they didn't seem to know anything about the socks, but I'm not sure yet, they may be hiding them. They said I should leave before the sun comes up, and I was tired anyway, I hadn't even had time to eat yet, so I gave them a chocolate bar and pringles, ate the other bar, and we found the stairs I came in. I said bye and they said see ya around and I went up through the wood sky. I came out of the dryer I went in, there was a different person at the counter, and it was close to morning. I went home, sad that I couldn't find the lost socks or car keys. When I got back I took my keys out of the door lock where I left them for safe keeping, and went to bed.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 8:43 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Eric, had you posted this a week ago I'd say you went crazy.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 11:46 pm
by Shadowstalker
Eric I think at the first chance I get I need to talk to you?

Talking to shadows.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 1:14 am
by Eric Eland
K, I am around, talk to me whenever.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 7:36 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Haven't heard from Eric since March.

I think we should all leave a sock out for him in case he comes back.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 10:24 pm
by KonThaak
Eric's a good guy...and a competent mage. I think...he pry just got busy...or he was turned off from the site by this or that...or whatever...

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 10:38 pm
by Shadowstalker
We have had a few go missing this past year. So who is first on the list of people to find, and who wants to help look?

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 3:28 pm
by GhostSpider
Got my own people to find, but I wish everyone else luck.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 4:44 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
We should investigate the Dreamscape and Nightmare King.

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 10:53 pm
by Shadowstalker
Bert get in touch with me, and I will see what I can do about getting Tabitha in touch with you.

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 11:58 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Great. I'm just off the coast of Costa Rica right now.

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 12:02 am
by DroopyDawg
Bert_the_Turtle wrote:We should investigate the Dreamscape and Nightmare King.

The who and what?


Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 12:15 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
The Dreamscape is similar to the Astral plane. Its where all the dreamers link up when they sleep.

Someone else can explain it ^__^;;

Re: Night of Lost Socks.

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 1:56 am
by Cowardly Leon
Thanks Eric.

Now I'm scared to do my own laundry.

Re: Night of Lost Socks.

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 8:32 am
by KonThaak
We haven't heard from Eric in a long time, either...

But we get to welcome another . . .

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 11:47 am
by Eilonwy Solstice
But we just did from someone else. Welcome back, Leon.