August 21, 1955

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Ron Caliburn
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August 21, 1955

Post by Ron Caliburn »

The Kelly-Hopkinsville Encounter

Just a reminder to us all that even simple folk and simple weapons can triumph.

Hopefully we can help keep incidents like this from happening in the future though.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Wow, alright, either that was some crazy ass encounter or they brew some really good (or bad) moonshine.
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

There were bullet holes from the shoot out and neighbours saw strange lights in the sky.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

I know it. It just seems incredible by even my scope of experience.
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Well hopefully it stay sout of your scope of expeirence.

The Kelly-Hopkinsville encounter was one of the driving factors behind my folks deciding to fortify.
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Post by Kolya »

Reminds me of a story, during Soviet times.

I cannot remember it the details exactly, however... something about a UFO landing on a street corner and talking to the kids. The whole town had the same story for the news reporters, but the story was censored by the Soviet authorities.

Maybe I can dig it up...
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Interesting. I hadn't heard about that.
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Post by Kolya »

The KGB had a UFO/alien casebook as thick as my skull, no, thicker. Type "Soviet Union UFO stories town village" into your favourite search engine, you might find some online. Not the highly classified ones, of course, but some interesting ones nonetheless.

None of us are free enough to actually search the archives ourselves at this point. Maybe some time in the distant future :)
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

So much for the birth of Russian democacy.
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Post by Kolya »

Yea, we got a long way to go...
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

You'll get there someday.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

"You can't kill the truth. Well you can, but it always comes back to haunt you."-Ivanova from Babylon 5
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

And it's our job to find that truth. It's out there, waiting to be dug up.
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Post by Razor »

Alright Mulder.
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Pop culture . . . so overated.
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Post by Razor »

Lol, sadly enough I used to watch X-files all the time.

Now I just change the chanel.
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

It was all a ploy.

The governemnt wanted the public to think that it was in control of a variety of alien phenomena.

It wanted to discredit serious researchers.

It wanted the pulic to be pacified.
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Post by Razor »


Kinda like how Independance Day and Signs and a few other films are actually preparing the population for either a publicly announced First Contact or... well a worst-case scenario. I'm thinking its the latter.
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Add Aliens and Aliens vs Predator into the mix.
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Post by Razor »

Oh yeah!

Then you gotta add some of the games like Area 51 (new version) and such.

Also, I think they're preping the public for weapon's grade psionics to be declassified too. I've seen an upsurge in psi-related games hit the market in the last two years. Second Sight, Psi-Ops and a few others. I know that Remote Viewer programs have been getting a little exposure of late too.
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Post by Shadowstalker »

Another thought is they are filling the world with pop images to blame for an up surge on weirdness reported. You know so they can point to this or that and say that someone just got the Idea of fill in the blank from here.
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Post by Razor »

Yeah, true as well.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Let's not get crazy here guys. The Almighty Dollar still reigns supreme.
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Post by Kolya »

go petrodollars....
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Whatever it is, it's our duty to make sure the world is ready for it.
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Post by Kolya »

sometimes I think it would be easier just to let them live in ignorance.. easier to kill a demon than convince the debunker of what he just saw...
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Post by KonThaak »

Easier? Yes and no. If everyone knew about the paranormal threats that lurk out there, then maybe people would freak out less and help out more.
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Post by VermisVictus »

I just found two more versions of this encounter.
The first is claimed to be an article from the local newspaper, the Kentucky New Era, dated August 22, 1955. The other is apparently based on later investigations.
Some interesting bits of the story:

1. Both versions say the small humanoids appeared to be wearing or covered in metal, or "nickel plated". The second version says they were actually luminous or glowing. The second story says when one of the humanoids was hit with a shotgun blast, it sounded like metal.
The description "little green men" was added at some later point by the national media.

2. The men claimed to have fired four boxes of .22 shells during the encounter. A neighbor says he heard shooting, but could only distinguish about four shots. How far away did he live?

3. Version one says local and state law enforcement was accompanied by two military police officers. Version two says four MPs. This was obviously seen as a big deal to have called in state police, local police from two counties, and call in the military. Granted Fort Campbell is only about 15 minutes away. But was the military standing by for a situation like this to occur, especially that late at night?

4. The first version says the two cars with the family did not return immediatley to the scene, but waited until the law had a look around.
The second version seems to say the family returned with the law, and also mentions they had a newspaper photographer with them. Where are those photos?

5. The first version says the law found no tracks, only bullet holes.
The second version says a luminous patch of grass was found where one of the humanoids was shot off a fence, but "Apparently, no samples were collected." Why?? Wouldn't that be considered forensic evidence? No pictures were taken of it? I bet those MPs were curious about it...

6. Even after the humanoids appeared again around 3:30 a.m., the next morning the two men left their families at the scene to drive to Evansville, Indiana, over an hour away. I don't think I could leave my family for awhile after an encounter like that. Whatever business they had that morning must have been very important.

7. The second version says "Morning brought various investigators who conducted an extensive, but fruitless, daylight examination of the farm."
What happened to that luminous patch by the fence?

A very interesting story. I believe there is some truth in it.
But like any other investigation, you have to sort thorugh the pieces to assemble the real truth.

I have to see something like this with my own eyes to accept it as 100% fact, and even then I have to do a double take.
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Post by VermisVictus »

I cant ge
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