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Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 7:18 pm
by The Traveler King
Before I got laid up in the hospital, I did some surfing on the web and came across these people who refer to themselves as Otherkin, human beings who claim to be the reincarnated souls of elves, demons, angels, dragons, vampires, and other creatures. There's even a dating website or two out there. I'm just curious if some of our other investigators out there have run into anyone proclaiming themselves Otherkin before?

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 8:40 pm
by KonThaak
No, but I have seen evidence that it gets a great deal more ridiculous than that. At least those claims I can sometimes tolerate and accept. I have great reason to believe that my wife was a faerie in a previous life, of the Seelie Court.

However, there are people whose claims become unreasonable and ridiculous. Claiming they fall under the category of 'Otherkin', they claim they have the 'soul of a vampire', or of a werewolf, or what have you...

Then, even worse IMHO, are the people who claim to be reincarnated dragons or faeries or whatever, then don't know the difference between real Fae and the cutesy things you can buy in the pics by Amy Brown, and all the faerie artists like her.

Sorry, but when they can't even differentiate between that and real faeries, they fail to hold my respect. (Don't take this as me bashing any of those artists... Many of them are quite talented. It's just that...real faeries, if you could see them, look more like ball lightnings than anything humanoid and winged.)

Anywho, this is one thing I would approach with healthy skepticism.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:42 am
by The Traveler King
More ridiculous are Otakin or Otakukin, supposed reincarnations of characters from Japanese anime, manga, and video games.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:54 am
by KonThaak
Dear gods above, below, and between... I should know better than to underestimate the power of human idiocy, I really should.

...sorry. For those of you who thinks that statement sounds a little...out of place for've never heard me behind the wheel of a UPS truck.

Though I work to save them, my tolerance for most people really isn't what I make it out to be.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 1:05 am
by The Traveler King
I'm sure Debunker would find this deliciously funny, "crackpots" criticizing other "crackpots".

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 1:59 am
by KonThaak
Heh, well, when you put it like that...

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 10:30 am
by Ron Caliburn
Yeah . . . let them think that if they want.

Just makes it easier for the real monsters to blend in.

The "cooler" we make these thigns, the less we understand how they hate us, how they want to enslave us , kill us and eat us.

Anne Rice, Role Playing Games, Angel, Spike, Blade, all that is just to make us get our guard down so the monsters can walk amoung us safely.

When we do that, we'll have the wolves living with the sheep and you know what will happen next.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:18 pm
by Holister
Greetin's From Maine

Its good to see that you haven't lost your sensibilities there Ron,
Specially with ER runnin' round.

About these nut jos ya gotta ask yourself, "How must it be like to be hopped up freakin' crazy, do these guys even see the same colors as we do. " Seriously, just last week I had to through some idiot into the local lockup for claimin to be the reincarnation of King Authur. The wacko was wielding a claymore and tashin' The Tasty Freeze insistin' that a dragon was livin inside the place.

Well, if it wasn't for the wack jobs who are about as grounded as street pigions our mundane lives would be rather dull.

Happy Huntin'

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:50 pm
by Shang Li
really depends on just "what" it is Mr. Caliburn. i cannot imagine doing field work without Okikan. just because fox spirits are mischievious and have been known to killpeople when cornered he should be killed?

Or perhaps you are saying that once someone has their feet on a path they cannot change it? (think about your past)

Those things seeking enlightenment should be aided, not killed (unless the choice is taken from us).

At the temple where i was trained a kyuuketsuki came to the Master seeking enlightenment. we gave it a room and made sure it could feed without harming anyone while it studied with the master. after about 2 years, having had gotten what he desired, the kyuuketsuki bid us all farewell and stepped out into the yard to apreciate the moonset and began to meditiate on his existance. the strangest thing about that one meeting the dawn is that we did not find a pile of ashes in the practice yard but, rather, a quite normal looking corpse.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 1:24 pm
by Holister
Greetin's From Maine

I can understand Ron's point of view as to "kill them all", but one can not hold the actions of a majority as that of the whole.
There are examples of what passes for "Good & Evil" in all things.
Look at Celeste, she's a vamp, but I would trust her. Same can be said for Bearshaman. We can't be so close minded as to persecute wthout presidence, or that doesn't make us no better than the Nazis.

I do agree that one should use extreme caution maybe ven a bit of suspicion, until that person or thing has earned your trust. As a ancient wise man named Earl that hangs out at The Brick once said;
"Trust is like a church window, it is easily broken but not so easily fixed. " Not bad for a preacher being three sheets to the wind.

Happy Huntin'


Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 2:47 pm
by Celeste Darken
Are we going to have this discussion again? Thank you for your vote of confidence, Mr. Holister, but beyond that, I shall not comment further along that line of thinking. As far as “Otherkin” are concerned, my view is neither one way nor the other. I have not met any yet. Just as Christianity, I am sure, contains truths and lies, so other religions and aspects of religions may as well. Who is to say reincarnation is true or false? Has anybody else on this site been killed and reborn? I have the killed part down; but I have yet to be “reborn.”

So staying on topic . . . if these “Otherkin” prove to be no menace to Humanity, they have nothing to fear from me. But if some sword-toting fool claiming to be Beowulf starts causing trouble in my area, I’ll be seeing if “reincarnated” blood tastes any different than my regular palette.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 3:17 pm
by Holister
Nice hearin from ya again there vampirella. Anyone ever tell ya you got to lighten up a litte bit. So your a vampire, big deal, I killed a 14 year old kid in self defense. I guess that makes me a killer get over it. People here try and offer their helpin hand to ya, and you go into ubber defensive I a vampy mode. Give it a rest and start letting some of us in. Trust me, it helps.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 3:23 pm
by Kolya
Easy. We are all the same team.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 3:25 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Gargoyles? You mean living statues?

As in Living Rock?

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 3:30 pm
by Holister
No, not living statues. REAL gargoyles, a sub race of demons that the statues are based on. Large, winged beasties that like caves and underground areas. They are big, tough, and vicious. I can provide the details. Had a problem with one in Bangor a couple of weeks ago.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 3:32 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Ooooh, ok. I was wondering why you mentioned my name. I was trying to think of how we were gonna immobilize 'em long enough to use Masonry Bits and Jackhammers.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 3:48 pm
by Holister
Otherkins are just kooks that need professional help. The help that comes at the long end of a tazer shot, or maybe a traq rifle at 50 feet. *-)

Sorry about the Gargoyle reply Bert, wrong post, I thought I was on The SoCal post. I gotta stop drinking before 5 on my day off.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 3:53 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
I was wondering how it ended up in this topic too, haha.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 3:53 pm
by Kolya
Lycanthropy is a legitimate mental illness.

It is the ones that actually change that I worry about.

Murder, too?

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 3:58 pm
by Celeste Darken
Holister wrote:Nice hearin from ya again there vampirella. Anyone ever tell ya you got to lighten up a litte bit.

Yes and no. The goths I . . . hang out . . . with would be the “no” part. But Sifu Long and others here on this board have encouraged me to . . . “live.” But let me just make a little distinction that might help explain my . . . brooding.

There is killing, and there is murder. You have killed in self defense; so have I. But have you murdered, my friend? In cold blood? For no other reason than they breathed?

I have.

Have you entered your house with the intent of tearing out the throats you find there? Have you murdered your father, laughed in perverse glee as your mother shrank back and begged for mercy . . . calling out to god, calling out to anybody for help, and then broken every bone in her body? Have you hunted through your home, murdering young children and babies alike, all cousins and family, just because it brought you pleasure? Did you then defile and tear apart two of your older brothers just because they were trying to buy time for their younger cousins, ages thirteen and four?

I have.

Have you hunted those that escaped and proceeded to squeeze the life from them? Did you then hunt down the rest of your extended family and friends one by one, and after torturing them in mind and body . . . after depriving them of what they held most dear . . . after defiling them in ways that would cause men like Charles Manson to cringe in horror and disgust, slaughtering them like cattle afterwards?

I have.

Those are the sins that I have committed. Those are only the beginnings of the sins I have committed, Mr. Holister. And I have done so much more. That is what I have to deal with. Those are the memories that I have been so lately recalling.

I hope you understand my dilemma when I seek forgiveness, Mr. Holister.

And why I fear what else I may learn. And why I am with Mr. Caliburn on the “no mercy” wagon. Some night . . . I will die, very likely from one of the true heroes on this board. I will not care. I may even welcome it.

Unlike Caliburn, however, I will not do the deed myself. Not when I have the chance to make amends, as little and as too late as it may be. I have been given the gift of Free Will back. And I shall not squander it.

But in the meantime, that is what I struggle with: murder, not killing; extortion, torture, and others. The list goes on. I have not fallen back into temptation since I regained my Will. And I do not plan to. But I would like to think I am helping to rectify what I have done in some small way.

So, indeed yes, Mr. Caliburn. I deserve death. Nor will I begrudge the person to administer it to me. My only hope is, when I leave the world behind . . . my legacy of helping humanity may somewhat negate my legacy of evil. And this is the reason I . . . brood, Mr. Holister. I appreciate your attempts to be lighthearted, but . . . it doesn’t work for me.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 4:15 pm
by Holister
You just can't go on that way though vampy. It ain't right to go on basin' who ya are by the sins ya comitted then basin the rest of ya life seeking redemption for it. Hell, we all got our skeletons, some of which I won't mention here.
Try being less a savior, and just try being more human, you know, one of us ya tryin so hard to save.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 8:52 pm
by BraveSirRobin
The Traveler King wrote:More ridiculous are Otakin or Otakukin, supposed reincarnations of characters from Japanese anime, manga, and video games.
for a guy who claims to have been to another dimension, you're certainly failing to grasp the full implications of the theory of infinite worlds.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 9:14 pm
by Shang Li
Ms. Darken, the past is done those things cannot be changed or undone. The future has not gotten here, and there is no way to ensure that any of us will be here when it arrives. What we can do, Ms. Darken, is make sure that we are who we want to be remembered as now, right this second and take advantage of every minute of every day that we live in our own attempt, not to redeem ourselves, but to make a difference.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 9:26 pm
by KonThaak
Ron Caliburn wrote:When we do that, we'll have the wolves living with the sheep and you know what will happen next.

Worse than wolves living with sheep... Most wolves can coexist peacefully with their prey, contrary to popular belief. They oftentimes act as protectors, guarding the prey species from other predators, and they go and hunt other prey creatures. They also oftentimes help play with and raise the herd's young.

When life starts getting tough and other food starts getting scarce, the entire wolf pack disappears for upwards of a few days at a time, leaving "their" herd seemingly defenseless. This makes the herd jumpy, 'cuz they start realizing that now, not only are the wolves not protecting them, but that the wolves have become their predators now, too...

When the wolves come back to attack those they protect, they usually only go for the elderly, injured, or ill, thinning out the weakest in the herd, never attacking children, pregnant ones, or any members of the herd strong enough to help fight against the more tenacious predators.

In this way, wolves prove that not only are they not the monsters most people assume them to be, but that they have a strong sense of morality almost completely unheard of in nonhuman animals native to our world.

That's a helluvalot more than most monsters would give us...

As for whether or not any members of those monster genuses can be trusted...they have to prove their trust on an individual basis. My philosophies and morals forbid me from attacking any living entity without just cause, so Ben, no need to worry about me randomly hatin' on every monster-type that shows up...but that doesn't mean I have to trust every sharp-toothed non-human who shows up, smiles that evil smile, and says, "Yeah, I'm a good guy..."

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 10:11 pm
by Bearshaman
KonThaak, just have to say...WOW! :shock: Very impressive.
As for Celeste, you say that you murdered your family. Was it you, the true you, or your master, controlling you?

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 10:32 pm
by Shang Li
Why does everyone in this country seem to be so fast to condemn and so slow to accept and forgive? (and no i am not saying to automaticly trust anything that says "i'm a good guy") what i am saying is judge a being as an individual, and if they are trying to reach enlightenment they deserve out help from the rest of us. if the being is capable of reasoning they are capable of attaining enlightenment.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 11:15 pm
by KonThaak
Shang Li: There is a difference between distrust and condemnation. I distrust; I distrust just about everyone. I've been hurt a few too many times to trust even regular people to do what they promise they'll do.

This society breeds an entirely different specie of people than the east. We put a great deal of emphasis on the importance of individuality, then turn around and judge on a grand scale, and criticize anyone who acts outside the box. Hypocritical? Most definitely.

It's something even I've had to come to get used to.

Bearshaman: Thanks, but I'm not done yet.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 11:21 pm
by KonThaak
BraveSirRobin wrote:
The Traveler King wrote:More ridiculous are Otakin or Otakukin, supposed reincarnations of characters from Japanese anime, manga, and video games.
for a guy who claims to have been to another dimension, you're certainly failing to grasp the full implications of the theory of infinite worlds.

Actually, this goes right back to my argument as to why I find many peoples' claims to be otherkin ridiculous... Perhaps there are infinite worlds out there, including anime/manga/video game worlds. Perhaps there are people here who are reincarnations of people from those worlds. However, the very fact that they're ignorant enough to flock to names like "otakukin" tells me that these people don't, in fact, know what they're talking about...and is kinda insulting.

Outside Japan, people have this crazy notion that being an "otaku" is acceptable, and that "otaku" means "fan".


"Otaku" means "house", and the implication made about people who are called "otaku" are that they are insane, and will stalk that which is otherwise easily accessible. Anime and manga are in such great abundance in Japan that it's considered incredibly stupid to be as huge of a fan of such things, and in all honesty, it's rapidly becoming that way the world 'round.

The fact is, being an "otaku" is a very UNdesirable thing...and just as I believe that otherkin should know better than to believe that faeries are tiny humanoids with butterfly wings, if there are reincarnations of Japanese anime/manga characters, I should think they'd be insulted to be called "kin of the insane stalkers".

Just my two cents.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 11:40 pm
by BraveSirRobin
I always heard otaku defined as literally meaning "in another's house" but your point still stands. :?

I just resented the implication that so-called Otakukin were any more ridiculous because they were reincarnations of fictional characters. Rather more ridiculous is the idea of anyone who's faced shapeshifters and the undead, let alone a dimension hopper, being willing to write anything off as "mere fiction".

Am I saying I believe in Otherkin, let alone Otakukin? No. Am I saying I believe 100% for certain that they're wrong? Also no. I tend to lump them all together with therianthropes in the "who's to say either way" category.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 11:40 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Whoah there KT. Don't you know that using reason and logic are fightin' words? :P