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Who I Am

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 3:36 am
by Shang Li
Sit now and listen, my friends, for I shall now tell a tale of beginnings a tale of innocents saved, a tale of innocence lost.

Growing up in Kyoto in the 50’s was not easy for any of us. The damage caused by war, the occupation forces, the oni that crossed the veil to scavenge on the people they most hated at our weakest time, these are the things that I remember thinking of most as a child. I was raised in a temple to an outlawed belief structure, learning outlawed skills, and at the same time learning that the armies of man have never been the largest problem my people faced. My instructor was a stern but kindly man, scarred from battles of which he would not speak. Those of us in his care (all orphans of the war) were trained in the arts “Which have protected our people from man and much worse for generations”. Learning the sword, knife, spear, polearm, and bow came easy and natural to me. What was not so easy was the meditation, the rituals, and the lore that was learned then. This training went on from my 1st memory (I remember a man dressed in all green leaving me at a doorstep and saying “these men will protect you and teach you about such things as that.”)and still continues to this day. After 15 years of this training I was considered to be ready to take my 1st solo “duty” given to me by the head of the temple himself.

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 4:25 am
by Shang Li
This duty was to search the Shinjuku district of Tokyo for an oni that had been preying on strangers and travelers for an undetermined amount of time. I quickly bundled up my Dai Sho, and my shrine case and set out. For the first week I stalked the alleyways and rooftops of Shinjuku at night, finding nothing, seeing no evidence of anything odd, and getting no result. As I stalked through one alleyway a red fox with a silver mark between the eyes and at the tip of his tail stepped from the shadows boldly (for those of you unfamiliar with the habits of the average fox “bold” is not their normal behavior around humans) and sat before me. “You wont find him that way, silly.” I heard whispered softly. As I looked about and saw only that fox, I dropped to a knee to better look him in the eye. “Well then please correct my ignorance o mighty hunter” I said with the bile of sarcasm dripping from each word (oh had I known in my youth how foolish I was). The fox just looked at me and winked. “We Kitsune may not be mighty but if we were as foolish as you O Mighty Warrior, I would likely have been something’s lunch long ago.” The Fox Spirit then began to “refine” my training explaining how one must know about the rules followed by predator and prey in order to stop the ravages of such creatures. The next night I had exchanged my robes for the unclean garments and stench of saki that accompanies the most odious of the eta in the area. In this way I lured my first target to me.

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 4:41 am
by Shang Li
I was poorly prepared when a large muscular hand grabbed me up by the crown of the head that night. The oni that I had discovered was not the sort of being that I had expected. Instead of an imp I saw that the being was broad chested and muscular, bearing 2 oversized arms and 2 that looked withered and emaciated, its mouth, full of too many teeth that were all too sharp,was mounted in a head that seemed to grow straight from it’s sholders. As the shock of being manhandled in such a manner began to fade the beast threw me down the alley. “run worm. I want this meal to have some flavor, run and scream”. As I picked my self up from the alley and turned I saw that the thing had a limitless pool of hate and anger with which to power it’s attacks. Readying to draw my blades I attempted to turn my foe’s greatest strength into it’s greatest weakness. “Are you the one that dares to offer a challenge to me?” I whispered. I saw doubt flicker across the thing’s brow (I am certain that no “prey” had ever spoken to it so). “Will you flee me – a mere human – or shall I cut off your head and add another victory to the evidence of my supremacy?. I saw anger and hatred begin to grow in the things eyes. “Oh right I had forgotten the lesser beings, such as your self, flee whenever presented with opposition by a healthy adult.” At this the thing launched itself at me with a speed that I did not expect given it’s size and build.

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 5:15 am
by Shang Li
My blades both flew from the scabbards with a speed born of sheer desperation, blocking the demon’s first swipe with one of the large over-muscled arms. The force of the blow nearly took me off of my feet as I slid to a stop about 6 feet away. As the thing rushed me I fought desperately to center my self and my empty my thoughts. The thing made another attempt to strike me, this time with a powerful lunging punch, which I swept aside with a swipe of my katana – aiming a finishing blow of the wakazashi as my spin finished. To my surprise not only did the thing keep the hand it attacked with but as my wakazashi struck home (right in the liver and up through the spleen) it actually laughed. Spinning around to face me again the thing withdrew the wakazashi slowly and looked at it. “Lesser being??” it roared. “I will show you foolish hunter what happens when you try to fight a dybukk.” As it leapt from the ground to try to attack me I leapt myself – straight back away from it with only one blade in hand, and judging from the feel of stone at my back, out of alleyway. At that time I realized that I was going to die and steeled myself to at least die well. “I will enjoy wearing your corpse for a quite sometime fool” it said while gathering itself to spring. As it left the ground I realized, seeing how slowly the thing appeared to be moving, that my thoughts were gone, my spirit and my body no longer fettered with the chains of emotion. I left the ground to meet the fiend then, seeing its eyes widen as I began my own attack. The beast struck me as we flew past each other, a pain that blossomed in my ribs, and as we landed I felt the world begin returning to normal. As I rolled over where a lay I saw the demon turn and faces me with a great deal of fear in its eyes. As I pulled myself to my feet the thing attacked again with all the subtlety of a starved dog. As I spun away, my blade cutting a glittering arc through its side, I saw that our last pass did not leave my opponent unscathed. As I began to realize that merely drawing breath was becoming increasingly difficult, I determined that win or lose my first real battle would end on our next clash. Drawing my mind, body, and spirit together I drew a circle around myself with the tip of my katana. Then closing my eyes I made peace with my ancestors and prepared to join them. I felt a dark energy enter my circle as I allowed my training and senses do with my body as they would. Feeling myself begin to fall my arm arced out above me as I went prone, feeling little resistance, I then prepared for the inevitable counterstrike. A few moments later, when I dared open my eyes, I saw the oni’s body fade away into a pool of darkness that faded just like the mirage of water in the desert. I had survived.

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 7:36 am
by KonThaak
That's...amazing. This would be the first recorded time I know about that a Dybbuk has spoken to anyone/anything.

And you lived to tell us about it! You are amazing. Had a Dybbuk been my first encounter with the supernatural, training or not, I'm sure I wouldn't be here to talk about it.

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 7:46 am
by Shang Li
not as amazing as you might think. remember that i spent 15 years being trained for combat with the supernatural (between 8 and 16 hours a day 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year).

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 5:32 pm
by Willie Long
Close, Jack. That was too close.

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 9:05 pm
by Crosshair MT
I guess my deallings back home helped me with my first encounter with the paranormal. It was with a Dybbuk, but I have had to deal with people who make that look like a walk in the park.

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 11:09 am
by mossburg1000
this story reminds me of my first encounter with a Vampire, it was a bloody street fight, i was so high on coke and pain killers. I think i would have been dead if i wasn't so hopped up. It's a really f*cked up story...a really sad f*cked up story. when i get time I'll tell you guys what happen

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 11:36 am
by Holister
Greetin's From Maine

I remember my first encounter with the supernatural, it wasn't that long ago either. You see I was raised like any other American good ol' boy. I didn't believe in that stuff, until it literally came up and bit me in the ass.

It was late one summer night back in late August last year. I was out huntin with my dog Duke, when he suddenly caught wind of somethin.
Thats when the woods went quiet, I mean that erie something just ain't right type of quiet. Then suddenly somethin jumped me from out of the night and took off. It clawed my side pretty good. By the time I got to my feet Duke had already bolted off after it.

By the time I was up and movin I heard the sounds of Duke engaged with somethin, big. I drew my .30-06 and bucked off two good shots, one in the things shoulder, the second in is backside. It just howled, leered at me, and charged. I let off three more shots that I know for a fact hit the damn thing,
but it just lunged at me, and kept running back off into the night.

Turns out that night I had the displeasure of running into the Cove's own Beast of Bay Cove Road.
Some oversized hellhound or some thing. Still out there too. Waitin for a second shot at me. This time though Ill be reay for it, and I think ol Duke wants a second shot at that beastie too, ain't that right (woof). Good boy.

Well that was my first encounter with supernatural, and it was far from my last as yall know.

Well yall have a safe Solstice
and Happy Huntin'.

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 11:11 am
by KonThaak
I've already posted my first real encounter here.

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 1:45 am
by Shang Li
the thing to remember -1. if it likes to deal with or eat humans it has been here before and somewhere there is information about it. 2. if it has a body the right sort of physical attack will kill it. 3. if ti doesnt have a body then it is vulnerable to be entrapped and or banished.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 4:24 pm
by Shang Li
Okikan, the kitsune who had helped me for so long had been destroyed by my own hand, yet another peaceful being destroyed by my hand due to my failure. Loyal to the end in ways unlike any I had ever experienced, even among my lord's most loyal retainers. It was teh way he died, his words that had finally roused enough will for me to regain my own body. The dark energy that filled me had flickered around him like a black flame, his very spirit being peeled away as it was being consumed. "My friend would not do this to me, please wake up." He said while he writhed in torment. As hard as I tried I could not stem the flow of energy that was slowly stripping away Okikan's very essence. "Do not worry my friend....I know this is not your doing." Okikan said as what little remained of him smouldered and twiched beneath my gaze. "Inari protect hiiiii..." Was the last thing I feared I would ever hear of him, his spirit disolved in the flow of darkness coming from me.

This was just the last of the destruction, the terror, I had sown over the last decade. Villages emptied, all inhabitants slain all the way down to the livestock and pets, while I was forced to watch, a passenger in my own body - unable to stay my hand. (the wailing and screams as I took them eac, starting always with the youngest, always as slowly as possible, haunts my darkest dreams once again) Temples and monastaries set to the torch, always after chaining the doors, my mind screaming in vain with terror as I realized that I was recieving strength from the tortured screams of the monks and priests within, from the wrath of each shrine's attendant kami, shortly before I devoured their essence as well.

Having had just awoken to my own mind, finally having controll over my own limbs I sat contemplating the blade of my wakazashi, the beauty of it's keen edge, the white silk wrapping that would soon be dyed red, the single drop of blood rolling slowly down the edge of teh blade toward the silk from the tip where it met my flesh. Having no second I knew that I would have but one chance to redeem my honor. I paused for a moment trying to burn the image before me into my memory so that I could join my ancestors with honor.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 12:45 pm
by Shang Li
"Some samurai you are, throwing your life away with so many unpaid debts." came a soft voice from behind me. "I came to kill a monster who walks in the florm of a man, now that I have found you, I find instead a weeping youth about to throw his life away."

"Just leave me be, the monster will be dead soon enough, my foolishness created him and my death will see to it he causes no more harm." I replied, trying to focus on the task at hand. "I have killed many men, women, children, even my closest friend - all without any cause at all. My crimes deserve no less than death, painfull and slow."

"Perhaps," the voice replied to me "but if you commit seppuku now, who will pay your debts? Who will make restitution to the families of the fallen, who will complete your Giri?"

"There is no repayment of such debts, let me pass on with at least the knowledge that justice has been served upon me." I replied.

The man stepped in front of me and kicked away my wakazashi faster than I could blink. "What makes you so arrogant to thing that your one life would be justice for the death of so many? I am Ashikaga Genjuro, and if you think your life is just payment for that of my brother and my daughter, you are sadly mistaken. You will not avoid justice so easily as that."

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 4:59 am
by Shang Li
Another vilage burned, so much blood, why can't any of them stop me?

The little girl, have to rescue the little girl.

You will kill me then Mr. Holister.

Isn't the way the bay frames the sunset, and the sunset frames the sails just beautifull?

Will I ever be able to come back, master?

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 10:59 pm
by Ron Caliburn
I think Shang is regressing a bit too much here.

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 2:01 am
by Shadowstalker
Dwelling in the past to much I think, bad idea normally worse in his case I feel.

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 2:09 am
by Holister
Why does Master Li want me to kill him? Come to think of it, why is it when people want to die, they suddenly feel that I am the resident Jack Kavorkian :shock:

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 2:11 am
by Shadowstalker
May have something to do with becoming Death there for a while, or he feels you would actually do it?

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 2:21 am
by Holister
Oh..thats just frickin' great. The most respected man on the boards thinks I would blow him away if he wanted me to.

Shangi Li - "Hi Ben"

Holister - "Hi Master Li"

Shang Li - "You know Ben, could you do me a favor and use that shotgun there to paint the lanscape with my inner most thoughts? "

Holister - "Why sure Master Li Let me do that right now for ya'. (BLAM, click, BLAM)"

Shang Li - "Why thanks Ben. "

Holister - "No problem Master Li, KT was feelin' depressed so it was on my frickin way. "

Good lord guys..I don't shoot my pals!!! :mrgreen:

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 2:30 am
by Shadowstalker
Ben I did not for a moment think you would, but from a cultural stand point it is as an honor to be asked to second for a man when he commits ritual Suicide, meaning he has a fair ammount of respect for you. If I am understanding things right that is, but I wouldn't blame you if you decline. I don't think I could do it either if he asked me.

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 2:30 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
While I believe that everyone has the right to choose their own time and method of death; few people are responsible enough with it to be trusted with that privelidge.

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 2:43 am
by Shang Li
So sorry about the confusion my friends. I have many years of memories that have been brought back to the forefront recently, and it seems that not keeping a tight focus on a task at hand is causing me to "take a trip down memory lane" I belive is the american phrase. I awoke this morning, in my basement, and realized just how poorly I dealt with my actions in the past, and just what I must do to lay such things to rest. (Why can't hunters have more pleasant memories? Of all the memories returned only the ones of my wife and son do I want.)

How long was I incoherent? (I was hopeing that posting them would "get them off my chest" and allow me to put them back in teh past where they belong.) It has been many decades since Hideoshi's most honerable ancestor took me in and taught me the way move on and set things right.

Mr. Holister, I do not yet seek that service from you. If I do come to Maine asking for such a favor, please remind me to be certain that all of my debts have been paid. (That is all I have really been waiting for for years now.)

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 1:25 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Holister wrote:Why does Master Li want me to kill him? Come to think of it, why is it when people want to die, they suddenly feel that I am the resident Jack Kavorkian :shock:

Bloodbane came to me with a similar request.

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 11:50 pm
by Holister
Ditto. Contacted me two nights before he died. He regreted not being able to have that last drink with me at The Brick. I wish I could have done more to help the guy.

Asiakaga Hideoshi wanted the same thing to; me to take him down and bring him to justice.

Its good to know people can come to me when the want to die. I should just go into the assisted suicides for hunters racket.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 11:01 am
by Shang Li
that does not sound like the Hideoshi I know, unless he was trying to bait you into playing his "game". Such an unshakable arrogance was a part of why I could teach him no more, and is also why I am as distant from him as I can arrange to stay.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 12:09 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Don't worry, if I need help putting myself out of my misery, it'll be an open invatation to all.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 2:40 pm
by Deathblaster
Taje it easy on the Loretab, Li.