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A warning to those investigating

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 2:47 pm
by DarKnyht
Just came across this story today. Thought I would post it to see if anyone here was involved or knows anything.

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 3:15 pm
by Holister
Greetin's From Maine

First of all those "kids" were stupid vandals who got busted for being stupid. They weren't legitimate folks like us here at The Lazlo Society. Personally speaking as a sheriff in a small towm, I have had my fare share of these Ghost Huntin' types that were no more the trouble makin' vandals. Heck, had three last month that got themselves good and deaded while up at The Chamberlane Manorhouse.

Ya see its folks like that who only work against our good name, making what it is we do sound like a pile of horse shit.

This post should be a warnin' gainst little turds like that we in law enfocement will prosecute you sorry butts and hangs your asses up by your buster browns.

As for the rest of yall true hunters, keep huntin'.

Now thats some good comentary right there, an I don't care who ya are.

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 3:29 pm
by DarKnyht
Were they vandals, or were they a group bravely fighting a supernatural creature and wasn't believed by their local officer?

We all know that most of the stuff we fight don't stick around afterwards, and things can get a bit on the noisy side in the midst of a battle. Heck, I don't have that much combat experience, but I have be instructed by others to use a fire extinguisher to combat a summoned fire elemental before. I have personally seen the creatures digest items and leave nothing behind up leaving this mortal plane.

You seem to be quick to take the story at face value just because they are young. The truth is only those "kids" know the truth of it, hence why I was asking if anyone knows them or anything about what happened.

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 3:34 pm
by Holister
Buddy, Im in law enforcement, I can easily enough get the 411 on the whole incident. This is just a couple of kids havin' a good ol time at our expense. It incidents like that only discredit legit investigators like the rest of us.
Sides, Think you might be just too quick to defend them kids.

Been there before

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 3:44 pm
by DarKnyht
Perhaps, but that might be because once upon a time I was one of those kids. What I fought that night still scares the hell out of me. No one wanted to believe me and my friends stories either. They told us that we were just talking non-sense and making things up, and that if we were telling the truth there would be evidence of our story.

I would guess that most of us started out in a similar fashion. We didn't start dealing with what we deal with because we want to, but because if we don't no one else will.

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 3:50 pm
by Holister
Ok, that's tragic and all, but ya can not just bury facts because your own personal emotins are gettin in the way. Like I said, Im in law enforcement, Ill get the facts, and get back ta ya. But before you start clamin conspiracy, you gotta be able to get the facts, 'valuate credibility, and seperate personal feelin's from the truth.
Its all part of what we do for a living, be it investigatin crimes, or the paranormal. If every time someone yelled out ghost and we went runnin to check it out, The Society would be a laughin stock.

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 4:09 pm
by DarKnyht
I am far from an expert at laws in my state let alone another, but as far as I know officers are generally not too keen or allowed to loan out evidence on their open cases to outside people. But then, I might be wrong or you might have some weird power of persuasion to convince them that you need the information. If you do manage to get it, I would love to hear the story that you use to explains why you need it.

But this is all getting away from why I posted. If this was a something one of us was involved with, hopefully they will post the details. If not, then no sweat and the kids are on their own unless one of us wants to get involved.

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 5:09 pm
by Holister
Oh opened a can of worms.

First...these juvee's didn't exaclty perfrom some black ops mission on behalf of some unknown greater three letter organzation.
They were delinquents lookin for a good time.

Second.....The only only that might have their file closed to veiwing is the minor due to age only.

Third...the others will be charged for a misdameanor..a 415 at least or a 460 at worst.

Fourth.....either case means that the incident is public record for any tom, dick, and harry to investagate if they want.

Fifth...cops share information all the time, its how we get the job done genius. gonna keep pressin my buttons now boy. Sorry bout this, but I don't like no nuttins' tellin me my job. Thats right.

For the rest of yall...Happy Huntin'.


Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 11:46 pm
by DarKnyht
Well again I do not profess to be a legal expert, but from the following information I can dig up in just a few hours from the police and lawyers I can track down. (note most of this is cut and paste but try to stay with me here.) Just for grins I asked about my rights as a citizen and the rights of a law enforcement officer. I understand that these might not apply to you in your location, but these seem to be the norm for most places.

Question: "Does anyone know the rights of someone trying to get case reports?"

"Law enforcement agencies are public agencies, so citizens are entitled to view what is deemed by law to be public record. The bad news is that some states such as Indiana makes investigatory records of law enforcement agencies exceptions, and thus, closed records (meaning they won't give them to you). See section IC 5-14-3-4 for an example of this exception."

Question "What is the limit of law enforcement information sharing?"

"Law enforcement officers can request information pertaining to a case. However, such inquiries must be approved by their department and the information would have to be cleared and released by the answering agency."

"He would have to request that info though his department, to their department, and have to show a need to know it. He can not just ask and find out about cases. Now two officers at a bar talking may share stories if things are not to be keep secret for a reason"

"The access to every information must be documented and authorized by the head of office. If there is a violation, the person liable can be charged with infidelity in the custody of government documents under the Penal Law."

Now I don't want to be mean or tell you about your own job. God bless you for your service, but I really do not think you can produce the results that you are claiming unless you can fabricate a really good yarn of why you would need the investigation report. You might be able to BS the story out of the officer if you lived near him and took him out for a beer, but as a stranger I don't think it is going to happen. It is not worth the time or risk to you.

You are probably correct, it is not going to be a big deal in court and it is most likely the offense you described. Hell, chances are really good that they are guilty and deserve whatever they get. When I posted this topic, it wasn't to decide guilt, it was an inquiry as to if someone here might of been there and might have known the events that are not being reported. I find it odd that they are accused of taking property, but the property is not mentioned as being found on them when arrested. Then again, that might be part of the investigation report not part of a public record.