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Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 10:32 am
by Ron Caliburn
So yeah, what with today's date and all, I decided I'll be out patrollign the haunts tonight (and was last night too,and the night befor ethat, but that's just me). I know the rest of y'all do some researchign and what not, but I'm interested in knowing if any of you hae anything special planned tonight - just in case one of those cosmic coincidences occurs.

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 10:37 am
by Kolya
Business as usual. Then again, Russia has 11 timezones. Plenty of time for stuff to go down..

Stay safe.

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 11:48 am
by AdamaGeist
I hate to say this, but it's rather neccisary.

It's just another day for the supernatural. I can't attest to what humans might do on this date, but it doesn't mean anything particular to anything non-human.

The only reason anyone brings anything significant to this date is because they made up a number to fit in the gap for the prophecised number of the beast, and then they used that made-up number in that Omen movie a few decades ago. You know, the one that's remake is being released today.

Keep an eye out on cultists, they probably will be pulling crap today. They are rather gullable and willing to believe in anything, after all. But don't worry too much about today.

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 12:04 pm
by Kolya
AdamaGeist wrote:I hate to say this, but it's rather neccisary.

It's just another day for the supernatural. I can't attest to what humans might do on this date, but it doesn't mean anything particular to anything non-human.
For a lot of us, humans are the majority of our opponents.

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 4:08 pm
by AdamaGeist
Kolya wrote:For a lot of us, humans are the majority of our opponents.
I realise I forget that fact from time to time. For myself, I've never concidered humans as anything more than an annoyance. But because I realise that fact, I did follow through and comment as to the cultist end of this.

I have to admit I overheard somthing particularly stupid today on the radio. A woman was attempting to induce labor in hopes that she would give birth to the Anti-Christ.

When you hear somthing like that, and understand things as I do, it's easy to dismiss humans as potential threats. But I do admit they can be, and often are. I was not wishing to downplay the threat of human folly, merely point out that this is mainly a human socal event, rather than anything of greater significance. This is not 'one of those cosmic coincidences', in other words.

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 6:03 pm
by Kolya
AdamaGeist wrote:
Kolya wrote:For a lot of us, humans are the majority of our opponents.
I realise I forget that fact from time to time. For myself, I've never concidered humans as anything more than an annoyance. But because I realise that fact, I did follow through and comment as to the cultist end of this.

I have to admit I overheard somthing particularly stupid today on the radio. A woman was attempting to induce labor in hopes that she would give birth to the Anti-Christ.

When you hear somthing like that, and understand things as I do, it's easy to dismiss humans as potential threats. But I do admit they can be, and often are. I was not wishing to downplay the threat of human folly, merely point out that this is mainly a human socal event, rather than anything of greater significance. This is not 'one of those cosmic coincidences', in other words.

Certainly I would not argue against anything you have said or suggest you lack an understanding of the situation. However, I usually feel the need to point out that I think that it is important to not forget the importance of humans in this world in which we find ourselves.

The problem is that it is not all human folly. Some humans are truly gifted with very potent powers and intelligence. And these social events sometimes have very unhuman roots.

We are just as diverse as humans

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 7:39 pm
by Celeste Darken
AdamaGeist wrote:I hate to say this, but it's rather neccisary.
It's just another day for the supernatural. I can't attest to what humans might do on this date, but it doesn't mean anything particular to anything non-human.

I don't know about that sentiment, Adama. I think we are just as diverse as humans. Some of us may indeed try to draw on mystic forces or wreak mayhem because of the "omens" various numbers may bring. On the other hand, many will likely stay in their lairs; many demon hunters and such will be out hunting. Halloween may be the same way: some evil creatures may believe there are mystic forces waiting to be tapped on all "Hallow's Eve," while other supernaturals will remain in hiding, if just to avoid the sudden population of demon hunters. Of course, that is just my opinion.

By the way: welcome back, Kolya. It is good to see another veteran return. For a while, I believed Mr. Caliburn to be the only survivor.

Celeste Darken

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 12:35 am
by Ron Caliburn
Ya know, I am more than a little ammused by the thought of superstitious demons.

Now if only I could get them to start telling scary stories of the Ron Caliburn that lurks under their bed . . .

Re: We are just as diverse as humans

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 9:47 am
by Kolya
Celeste Darken wrote:By the way: welcome back, Kolya. It is good to see another veteran return. For a while, I believed Mr. Caliburn to be the only survivor.

Thank you.

I know how it feels to see a familiar name again after a while.

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 9:48 am
by Kolya
Ron Caliburn wrote:Ya know, I am more than a little ammused by the thought of superstitious demons.

Now if only I could get them to start telling scary stories of the Ron Caliburn that lurks under their bed . . .

Perhaps they do! At least the one that was lucky enough to get away..