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A question of Principle

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 3:40 pm
by Elijah Sight
While pursuing one of my scientific periodicals, I found reference to something called the "Yahudi Principle", which dictates that a person’s subconscious can cause impossible reactions in a human’s body.

Cited were cases in which an anemic gentleman had a dream of becoming a bodybuilder, and two weeks later had added 40 pounds of muscle to his frame, with NO exercise whatsoever.

An overweight woman dreamed of undergoing liposuction surgery, and lost 20 pounds by the end of the week, again with no exercise or other unusual physical activity.

We see something similar often, when hypnosis induces behavioral change through manipulation of the subconscious. This, however, is another ballpark altogether. Imagine the possibilities! Could the Lycanthropes' transformation from human to canine be, in fact, a psychological effect? Could vampirism be caused by ones mind, and be cured through hypnosis or other therapy? The implications are astounding.

Anyone who has personal experience with this phenomenon has conducted research regarding it, or anything else is encouraged to enlighten me.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 4:10 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Having dealt with enough monsters that wear human guise I must say that while some fo them could indeed really be human, a very large portion of them, including any werecritters and bloodsuckers I've had to deal with, at the end of the night weren't anything close to human.

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 11:05 am
by Ammendment2
There are forms of lycnanthropy that are purely psychologial, as well as vampirism that is really only a state of mind, however, like Ron I have encountered more than my share of things not remotely human. Mabey being human is a state of mind for them...

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 11:45 am
by Euclid's 6th Postulate
If this principal is indeed true that through some form of self hypnosis, individuals can tap into a subconcious power to control their own body in this extreme way, one can only wonder about those spiritualists such as Yogi's who have gained access to their subconsious through their consious minds. Is it possible to expand on this to gain actual concious control over matter and energy? Imagine a mere frail human mind being able to grasp the cosmos, move objects with his mind, manipulate light or temperature or gravity? If such a thing were possible, it surely would have been measured scientifically by now.

Euclid's 6th.

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 11:49 pm
by GhostSpider
While I've had no experience with vamps, the pack of lycanthropes my team and I encountered in Maryland two years ago had certainly lost what humanity they had a long time ago. If they had been human to begin with.

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 9:42 pm
by KonThaak
There are mundane forms of vampirism and lycanthropy... Some of these forms can be treated with medicines or psychotherapy, others just simply must be put up with. The supernatural forms, however, cannot be treated... In the case of vampires, there are the apparent group leaders, who give up their humanity for this power, and their subservients. Sometimes the subservients have presence of will to try to regain some of their humanity once their leader is killed, but this seems to be rarely the case, as the disease they've been inflicted with goes against most/all social conventions...

Now, on the subject of the's only with the power of the subconscious that some people can attain the paranormal feats we know of as magic and psionics. Only through total belief on the subconscious level can a person achieve these things... Belief is everything, and it has to be total. If there is doubt that you can perform these rituals, or spells, or whatever, then they fail, end of story.

Maybe being hypnotized would help the belief process of an aspiring psionicist, but I've witnessed that hypnosis only goes so far. I don't know that I'd trust my life to a mind-mage who had achieved his belief through hypnosis. At some point, the subconscious could wake up and say, "What the HELL?" Then, *poof!* no more powers.

In conclusion, I'm with the others, here. I seriously doubt that vampirism or lycanthropy could be cured by such means...

Re: A question of Principle

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 8:46 pm
by The Watcher In Shadows
Elijah Sight wrote:
Could the Lycanthropes' transformation from human to canine be, in fact, a psychological effect? Could vampirism be caused by ones mind, and be cured through hypnosis or other therapy? The implications are astounding.

Anyone who has personal experience with this phenomenon has conducted research regarding it, or anything else is encouraged to enlighten me.

I can tell by your mere suggestion of such things that you have never encountered such things yourself. Once you have seen the things a hungry were or vampire could do, and have to kill one in bloody, melee combat. Maybe THEN you can speak with some authority on the subject. But I will tell you one thing. If a vampire or were was ever a human they aren't anymore.

I believe this is one of those things you cannot truly understand until you have seen it firsthand. Scientific research and theories are not the same.

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:54 pm
by librarian
their may be bases for what the younge man says, but he has moved his idea into the wrong realm of usage. I think wat the younge man is trying to say is like the yogi of southern tibet who can dry soaking sheets in the middle of the winter with just the power they posses over their bodies, could such training if set into motion by a were or vampiricly diseases person. stop or reverse said transformation. My brotherhood has many reports of were creatures retaining their past memories to the point of killing a village down to one house and one family and once the beast was killed and regressed to its former self that it was the a member of said family. or a vampire who holds onto his old life and ways that he feeds off of other things and tries to help civilazation. but I do see were the younge man is going with this. it just needs focus not blunt beating for hs research and not melee experiance. because I am sorry but with out research of some type you melee fighters would still be hiting vampires with iron swords and wondering why it wasnt killing him.

Re: A question of Principle

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 3:40 am
by Elijah Sight
The Watcher In Shadows wrote:I can tell by your mere suggestion of such things that you have never encountered such things yourself. Once you have seen the things a hungry were or vampire could do, and have to kill one in bloody, melee combat. Maybe THEN you can speak with some authority on the subject. But I will tell you one thing. If a vampire or were was ever a human they aren't anymore.

I believe this is one of those things you cannot truly understand until you have seen it firsthand. Scientific research and theories are not the same.

Sir, I shall have you know that I do indeed have firsthand experience with such phenomina. Nor do I deny their existance, singular ability, or ability to maim and kill. I merely suggest that certain of these creatures may not have been warped by magic, or curses, but by their own overactive minds.

The subconscious as a transformant?

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 7:13 pm
by Rowan
Is adrenaline a part—however small—of this “circle,” do you think? Could lycanthropy—as the curse has generally been called—be a “subconscious virus”? In the case of what some sicknesses force our bodies through—actual physical changes—it wouldn’t surprise me.

Re: A question of Principle

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:04 pm
by Tms3
I do have to wonder about that... I have seen priests shamans and Acanest that can shape shift into animals... that could be part of the Were critter mythos. I have also seen cases where a "vampire" was nothing more then a vary Demented and desterbed person... The case of the Vampire cult in Kentucky that went down to Florida and murdered a family comes to mined..

That man was not a true vampire...... there are also the mortal Psi vampires that drain emotional and other energies form those around them. Also the loonies that are mortal yet drink blood for other Psychological reasons. They are often not dangers in fact I only know of one case in which it was dangers and that was the Kentucky vampire cult... The problem comes in could an true vampire by hiding among the wannabes??

the other fire I have is that the wannabes could form a true death cult that warships these fowl beasts I wonder if that is what lead the Kentucky cult to murder.