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Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 5:57 am
by Heretic
I've picked up a few reports in my neck of the woods about zombies, walking skeletons, and whatever else that crawled out of a bad horror movie. Being not a complete expert on the arcane, I can only begin to guess what's behind it, but does anyone have any information on necromancy and what not?

Re: Necromancer?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 9:36 am
by arkaine
Heretic wrote:I've picked up a few reports in my neck of the woods about zombies, walking skeletons, and whatever else that crawled out of a bad horror movie. Being not a complete expert on the arcane, I can only begin to guess what's behind it, but does anyone have any information on necromancy and what not?

Necromancy is the act of conjuring the dead for divination. It dates back to Persia, Greece and Rome, and in the Middle Ages was widely practiced by magicians, sorcerers, and witches. It was condemned by the Catholic Church as "the agency of evil spirits," and in Elizabethan England was outlawed by the Witchcraft Act of 1604.

Necromancy is not to be confused with conjuring devils or demons for help. Necromancy is the seeking of the spirits of the dead. The spirits are sought because they, being without physical bodies, are no longer limited by the earthly plane. Therefore, it is thought these spirits have access to information of the past and future which is not available to the living. It has been used to help find sunken or buried treasure, and whether or not a person was murdered or died from other causes.

The practice of necromancy has been compared by some to modern mediumistic or practiced spiritualism. Many consider it a dangerous and repugnant practice. Dangerous because it is alleged that when some spirits take control of the medium they are reluctant to release their control for some time.

Necromancy is not practiced in Neo-pagan Witchcraft, but it is practiced in Voodoo.

There are two noted kinds of necromancy: the raising of the corpse itself, and the most common kind, the conjuring or summoning of the spirit of the corpse.

It sounds as if you may have possibly stumbled onto an actual full fledged Necromancer in your parts. Now it is also possible that a dark ley line nexus has suddenly popped up and just so happened to pop right on one of the many resting spots of the dead. I wouldnt rule Necromancy out completely but I would definitley investigate a little more into this matter. Normally if you hear of grave robberies and exhumed corpses and the such it usually does point to Necromancy.

Has there been rescent grave robberies before the zombies?

Are they fresh graves or ancient graves?

Please answer these couple questions and I will see if I can indulge you furthur in more information.

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 10:58 pm
by Willie Long
That could explain my crazy weekend.

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 1:03 am
by Heretic
Sorry about the delays there. Had to take some time to...relocate due to some other matters.

Anyway, there are plenty of dug-up graves. The county is severely lax on proper burial, so it's common for animals and natural circumstances to shed some light on the post-humous.

I don't regularly go skulking around graveyards, but the local undertakers have been working overtime to correct the problem.

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 5:36 am
by Heretic
Right. That little ordeal took a while. Rather difficult to clean out an infestation without blowing up a public cemetary, so I took the time to locate a fellow who specializes in exorcisms.

Turns out there wasn't any necromancy at all. Just a whole mess of entities of some kind (of which I'm highly familiar with). Of course, now I've got to find out where they all came from...