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He who shall be named has risen again

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 3:56 pm
by arkaine
It has been brought to my attention that you are once again infecting my fair city with your fodder! I have dispatched a variety of your minions and my trail has lead me to the Lazlo forums. It seems that no matter how many of your kind I stake your all seeing eye yet looms before me.

I am close to deciphering the Viscara text for I feel it holds the true nature on how to destroy your kind once and for all. As long as the tome is in my possession you filthy bloodfeeders cant even lay a hand on my human existence and I have but one suggestion for you, and only one! far far away and never bring your diseased sickness to my holy grounds again. The state of Ohio and Old City Marion has suffered your villany long enough and it is time for vengeances hand to grasp your neck. Your once non-corporeal self will be brought into the sun and scattered like the dust of ages past.

I now, for protection of the rest of my collegues shall release the true name of this demonic essence, so they may take the nescesarry precautions to create protection spells themselves:

Delshere 'Amondrakar

or as you who know his infamousness "Drakar the Voiceless Scream and traitor to the Vampiric Order of Maelstrom"!!

My collegues and friends beware this creature for the legends are true! He wishes to bring an end to daylight forever and I fear if we do not band against him we will be graced with eternal darkness and Armageddon shall fall before our feet.

If you find any information on this vile creature please post it so the rest of our kind can use the knowledge to bring this demon to justice!

The Black Priest

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 2:12 am
by Ellie
Well... that's a bit more dramatic then usual for this board.

I guess my only question is, do you really think he's got internet access?

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 10:01 am
by arkaine
Ellie wrote:Well... that's a bit more dramatic then usual for this board.

I guess my only question is, do you really think he's got internet access?

Last night at exactlly 11:34 pm I recieved an email message from an annonymous sender. I curiously opened it and saw there was a lengthy file attatchment included. After downloading the file my video program popped up the disembodied face of a one Drakar onto my screen.

He mocked my post and mocked my "futile" attempts at scaring away his kind. He cleverly stated "Mankind is not meant to be feared mankind is meant to be fearful"......He also stated that he has residences in all major cities from New York to L. A, and that NO ONE is untouched by his childer.

It is not wise to underestimate these creatures, for just as a pedophile's now have access to millions of potential victims with internet access, dont think that a more intelligent creature isnt using this maddness creation for there own subterfuge and wickedness. Oh yes that is correct, it is quite easy for our fanged friends to pickup drivethru right from the gothic websites and chatrooms.

I personally have investigated a few of these profiles and have found that vampires are living in the open undaunted by there secret ways. It is now a popular thing with teenagers today to be obsessed with the mysticism of the vampyr, however caught up in the fantasty until the reality happens. Bloodsuckers are luring teenagers and adults from cyber space with the mere tap of some keys, and it doesnt help these 24/7 Internet Cafes are a breeding ground for there mayhem.

Drama........this post is meant to be dramatic for the sake of saving your life Ellie and saving our brethern from these creatures. Never underestimate the darkness for when your light source fails you, death looms ahead.

The Black Priest

PS: Please post your own accounters with these creatures and tell us if your cities are being overun by these overpopulating bastitches.

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 10:08 am
by Debunker
Hmm... All we need now is a dinner to go with this theatrical show. I appreciate your dramatic penmanship and flair for getting attention, but your asking for attention in a very inappropriate manner.

I would suggest finding a hobby that allows your express both your creativity and your obvious need for attention that wont get the ”easily misguided or confused" populace worked up and get themselves in trouble.

I know I dont have to remind anyone that there are no such things as secret supernatural vampiric cults and Drakar is a cologne, not the voiceless scream.

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 10:20 am
by Kolya
I still have not met a vampire, but sounds like an interesting challenge.

Either road, we had a discussion about vampires a while back.

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 4:32 pm
by arkaine
Debunker wrote:Hmm... All we need now is a dinner to go with this theatrical show. I appreciate your dramatic penmanship and flair for getting attention, but your asking for attention in a very inappropriate manner.

I would suggest finding a hobby that allows your express both your creativity and your obvious need for attention that wont get the ”easily misguided or confused" populace worked up and get themselves in trouble.

I know I dont have to remind anyone that there are no such things as secret supernatural vampiric cults and Drakar is a cologne, not the voiceless scream.

It is ill praddled busy bodies such as yourself that gets us into trouble. If you find the matter of supernatural paranoia as a hoax or dramatic footnotes than i suggest you pick a diffrent forum to dottle in. I have dealt with facist men of science all my life and I can handle there stuborness to factual data, but when it comes to the common white trash of america who belives in false things such as idolizing Nascar and sports involving balls I draw the line.

I would appreciate you not poking fun at mine and the rest of the Lazlo societys life works...and I truely hope that you havent offened any of the "secret supernatural cults" that do dwindle on this site such as poking fun at there names For YOU sir may find YOURSELF turned into a designer cologne!!

"Scent of Hungry Flesh"


Ps: Watch out that the dinner to go with the drama...isnt YOU

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 4:34 pm
by arkaine
Kolya wrote:I still have not met a vampire, but sounds like an interesting challenge.

Either road, we had a discussion about vampires a while back.

Well I pride myself on being quite the know all when it comes to the Vampyr and there societies and the such. If you have any questions or need anything as far as data please let me know and I will dispense what I can onto you.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 5:39 am
by Heretic
Vampires, again? My own hometown is relatively vamp free, except for the wannabes, because of the sheer number of Jesus freaks. Kinda hard to prowl around when there's a cross hanging from every neck or casting a shadow on the street.

Of course, one of my contacts claims she can import some gear and assorted gizmos that are supposed to be top-choice for the professional vampire hunter. She didn't give any details other than they're perfect for the psychic and arcane-gifted.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 8:53 am
by arkaine
Heretic wrote:Vampires, again? My own hometown is relatively vamp free, except for the wannabes, because of the sheer number of Jesus freaks. Kinda hard to prowl around when there's a cross hanging from every neck or casting a shadow on the street.

Of course, one of my contacts claims she can import some gear and assorted gizmos that are supposed to be top-choice for the professional vampire hunter. She didn't give any details other than they're perfect for the psychic and arcane-gifted.

Sounds like you come from a small little town. Vampires tend to flock towards bigger areas with more obvious prey to feed on with little chance of being caught. However once in awhile a small town will get pegged as a quick feeding ground and the local police will start a two year investigation searching for a serial killer only to stand dumbfounded holding there manhood and grasping at air.

If you do ever have Vamp trouble or need anymore information I would love to help you out. Obviously if you have a "friend" who has access to slayer equiptment and the such theres little use for my expertise there....however I have been known to have access to a few "unique" articles of mysticism that can take care of some of the bigger nastier Master vamps who have no problems drinking holy water, sun bathing and sticking your cross where the sun dont shine.

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 12:39 am
by KonThaak
...I realize that this thread has been dead a long time, and probably with good reason...but people like this "arkaine" really, really anger me.

His ilk always throw about the supposed word of Jesus, and think they have all the answers...and are sure to rub your face in it every chance they get. Damned fundies think that God only works for them...

I've been a heretic from the church since I was 12, when I started realizing that the church spewed love from one side of its mouth and hate from the other...and it's been a long, HARD road from there. Their kind say that we pagans took the "easy way out", but they made good and sure that "easy" was about the *LAST* thing it was. Sure, it's easy to turn your back on the faith you grew up with; it's easy to be told you'll go to Hell and that God hates you for your decisions; it's easy to watch the self-absorbed so-called Christians look down their noses at you.

For what it's worth, I became a druid because I wanted to follow in the footsteps of Christ, to heed his messages instead of his miracles (and nothing else), to bring light to this terribly dark world, overrun with negativity, corruption, and monsters...

And now your kind have followed me here, bringing your "O NOEZ TEH DRAMA!!! ALL UR CHILREN WILL BE SUCKED ALIVE!!1 DO0M IS COMING! REPENT! REPENT! REPEEEEENT!!!!"

Debunker doesn't strike me as the kind of person I'd normally get along with, but I'd stand next to him in telling this guy to take his overzealous self and get the hell out. Those of us who use this board already know about the threat of vampires; we didn't need this sad cry for attention to make it clear to us.

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 1:06 pm
by Damian Magecraft
perhaps we should exchange discourse...I happen to know a (ahem) few "phases" these creatures are less than fond of...and in exchange for promise of aid (should I require it) I could teach them to you...

Yours in the eternal struggle
Damian Magecraft

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 2:59 pm
by KonThaak
It's doubtful that "arkain" is still around. If he's alive, he hasn't made his presence known in a thankfully long period.

As for the eternal struggle, know this: If you're posting here in the Lazlo Society's main forum boards, we are ALL struggling against the threats of vampires, werewolves, demons, dark spirits, fallen angels, and everything else that would threaten the innocents. You would find quite a few who would help you if you need it, and ask little or nothing in return.

If you come looking for help, it would be very, very unwise to spurn any members here... We are a free and open society, dedicated to helping those, such as ourselves, who fight the encroaching darkness.