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Have you Heard? There's a modern day Dr. Frankenstien!

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 11:18 am
by Phoenix
What do you think? Catchy title or what?

Some of you may be following bio-technology news where lately they have been using stem cells and 3-D printers to create new organ tissue or things like teeth.

With organs in particular there has been quite a bit of success in growing new tissue on what they're calling scaffolding. It's a very cold name for what it really is. You see what they do is take an old organ 'scrub' it of tissue and then grow new tissue on it. There is work in using bio-plastics for this scaffolding but it's not as easy as one might hope.

So it's only a matter of time before some mad scientist starts harvesting organs from the dead, recently dead or soon to be dead for thier own purposes, right?

It hasn't been in the news but it may be happening already. People have been approached to donate their bodies to science when they die by some shady individuals. Sources in Detroit claim that whole bodies have gone missing from the worst areas in town.

One must wonder what they plan to use for brains.

Re: Have you Heard? There's a modern day Dr. Frankenstien!

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 8:10 pm
by Athena
I know of an incident in the New York City area where homeless people were being abducted and turned into some sort of automaton. Devices were implanted into their heads not unlike the remote control systems found in RC toys. There is no engineering, medical or scientific explanation as to why these controls could have worked.

The perpetrator appears to have gotten away and remains at large.

Probably not related though.

Re: Have you Heard? There's a modern day Dr. Frankenstien!

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 8:41 pm
by Phoenix
It seems that way. Unless the incident you were referring to was just separate research for the same project. Though even that seems unlikely.

Re: Have you Heard? There's a modern day Dr. Frankenstien!

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 9:41 am
by Cybermancer
There is an Australian company called Humai that has been researching ways to resurrect the dead. However they claim the technology is still a long way off and aren't predicting anything like Dr. Frankenstien's monster for about 25 years.

There may be some mavericks working under the radar who may be farther ahead in their research or who are 'cheating' by incorporating poorly understood paranormal elements into their work.