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Retirement; its nice and all....but?

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 3:46 pm
by Holister
Greetin's from Maine

Howdy folks. Its been a heck of a long time since I been here. Maybe too long. Well I'm still alive and kickin', for the moment anyway. Just been enjoyin' my retirement from all the spook huntin' and crazyness that was my early days here at Lazlo. Come to think of it, last thing I had to deal with was a wendigo bout seven months ago. Been peaceful up here ever since, maybe too peaceful.

Honestly folks I'm going out of mind with the boredom or all "the normal" around here. Want to know what the highlight of my day was last week...cow tipping. That's right...the Randal twins went cowtipping out at the Johnson farm. That was the high point of the week.

I quess I shouldn't complain though. Its just that I look back on the past and part of me actually misses the crazy lunacy you fella's brought into my life. Other than that things have been as good as they can be. Got a third kid on the way {hoping for a son this time round, too many tea parties and can't play football with nothin' but girls}.

The Brick got remodelled last year and is now a family restaraunt here in town, so Kell's been real busy with all the new business. Molly is doing real well in High School; top 5% of her class. Still can't believe she is 16 now and is dating...eegghhhh. Still can't wrap my head around that one. What ever happened to my 5 year old fairy princess....*sigh* Well at least Todd is a descent kid, treats her right. And I have a 12 gauge at home if he doesn't {wink}. Sammy is in 1st grade, she started 2nd grade this year. *sigh*...I'm getting old.

Some days I think fighting a pack of werewolves is easier that being a parent these

We got a new dog. Sammy picked up a lovable mutt {shepard/irish wolf hound mix}. He's about 6 months now, the kids named him "Scout".

As for me, still the town sheriff...don't know why, but I keep getting reelected to the job each term. Guess nobody else wants the Got about 5 deputies now, some new crusiers. The armory took a hit a few years back due to a budget cut {it was either new cruisers or assault shotguns}. Even my gun safe is a bit empty these days. I'm down to a shotgun, .45 sidearm, and .30-06 rifle. Sold off the rest, havin' a family gets Got a new ranger tactical vest last year, thing is still in the box. Like I said...things have been real quiet up here lately.

Honestly I'm thinkin' of checkin' out a possible lead I heard wind of last week on the wire from Carter. Says there is some "strange things" going on over in Tarker Mill. Might get me out of town for a few days at best. If its nothing, it will still make a good weekend fishing

Well I try to stay in touch more, meanwhile you folks take care of yourselves.

Re: Retirement; its nice and all....but?

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 5:52 pm
by Holister
Greetin's from Maine

Well the problem in Tarker Mill turned out to be a werewolf. Haven't had to face off gainst one of those in a while. Realized what it was pretty quick and was able to lay a trap. Carter and I waited until the full moon, which also was an elcipsed blood moon. Needless to say this wasn't the best of plans I ever had. I don't know if this ever happened to the rest of ya'll, but that damn thing took hit after hit and just kept coming. Even the 12g 00 silver shot didn't slow it down. It was like a werewolf on streoids or something. Had to drop it in a pit, drop a car on it, and then decapitate the damn thing with a hydraulic spredder. Afterwards we just set the carcass on fire in an incinerator. Strange thing is that it never changed back into its human form after we killed it. Wonder who it was? Anyway, as a bit of friendly advise don't go hunting werewolves on a blood moon during an eclipse unless you are packing some serious firepower.

I would like to say its been quiet since then, but it hasn't. Some "thing" killed a couiple of hikers out in the northern woods three days ago. Whatever it is really mangled the bodies. Officially we are calling a bear attack, unofficially whatever did this is still out there somewhere and is one sadistic bastard. I will keep you informed once I figure out what it is.

Re: Retirement; its nice and all....but?

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 5:08 pm
by Holister
Greetin's from Maine

Well here it is bout a week fore Halloween and the ghosts & ghoulies have been poppin' up alot lately, more so than I would like to admit. Most are nothing serious just apparitions really. Had to deal with a Wendigo a few weeks past. I think I mentioned somethin' tearin' up a few hikers back earlier this month. Took me and my deputy Will bout a week or so to track it down. Had alot of help from a local shaman who gave me alot of insight into dealing with it. Never killed a wendigo before, have to say, I am not looking foward to dealin' with somethin' like that again any time soon. Since then though, its like I can feel like something big is comin' and its gonna happen soon. Hope its just nerves but I doubt it.

Well I hope you folks are doin' well and got this upcoming Halloween in the bag.

Re: Retirement; its nice and all....but?

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 4:03 pm
by Holister
Greetin's from Maine

Well, here I am posted twice in two days. Reminds me of the ol' days. Anyway I am making a quick post because this was odd.

I found a damn Huldre in my cellar last night skulking around. I thought it was a raccoon again, but nope. Why is it odd, those lil' critters stay in the north woods and never are dumb enough to enter a known lair of a larger predator. I can say this for the bugger, he was either very brave or incredibly stupid. I will go with the latter cause the thought of Huldre getting brave kinda don't settle well with me.

Oh, I got it with my wood axe; simple and to the point. I'm sure Burt would have made a "burying the hatchet" joke in there somewhere.

Re: Retirement; its nice and all....but?

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 4:11 pm
by Holister
Greetin's From Maine

Had a noise complaint from this guy just outside of town named Jarivs Kopek. Guy lives out in the middle of nowhere squared and could have given Bert lessons in government paranoia but it made me wonder..."Noise Complaint". So I went to check it out last night with with my deputy Will.

We followed this most god-awful wailin', the kind that would make your blood run cold and the hairs on the back of neck stand straight to the old Silent Rest Cemetery {ironic huh}. Turns out the wailin' was a damn banshee. I have to admit I never saw, none the less heard, one of these before, and I don't think it was happy to see us either.

So after the several rounds I shot at it and the half dozen or so Will let off, we decided to run back to the cruiser and it chased us {off course}. We got into the car, locked the doors and in the confussion I hit the high beams switch by accident and the sirens went off. Well I chalk it up to dumb luck, but it chased the damn thing off. So the good news is that we chased it off and lived to tell the tale; the bad news is we are goin' back there tonight to see if it is still out there. Better prepared this time.

Wish us luck; somethin' tells me we're gonna need it.

Re: Retirement; its nice and all....but?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 6:30 pm
by Holister
Greetin's From Maine

Well we went back to Silent Rest last night. Sure enough that ol' banshee was still hangin' round. Fortunately we did some research this time round so here is a much deserved thanks to my good collegue Carter. Anyways we found it just hoverin' round the cemetery in the moon light goin' from tomb to tomb. If I didn't know better I swear the ol' girl was searchin' for something. That gave me an idea.

We did a lil' quick research and with Carter's help me and Will were able to discover the reason why the banshee was there. Turned out this banshee was the spirit of a young woman who lost her child bout 100 or so year ago due to a fever. She died shortly after of the same illness. Turns out the reson why she was hauntin' the cemetery now was after the last round of storms a branch smashed through the roof and destroyed her son's crypt. Knowin' this we were able to repair the damage best we could and lay her spirit to rest again. We went back today to make sure the damage to the tomb was also repaired. Work should be done by tomorrow hopefully.

Well it goes to show ya' that sometimes even horror stories can have a happy endin'. Well until next time.

Re: Retirement; its nice and all....but?

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 1:24 pm
by Holister
Greetin's From Maine

Well I thought everything would be quiet until Halloween, guess I was mistaken. Ya'll remember a few posts back I mentioned a Huldre in my cellar. I had hoped it was a one time thing. Turns out I was wrong, suckers are gettin' bold now, and with Halloween right round the corner I'm just a bit concerned.

So last night I headed out to "The Dead Tree" which is supposedly where these things have their lair. Sure enough there it was amongst the gnarled roots of the tree, a hole that just disappered off into the depths. Nothin' but blackness and what looked like old bones ....and teeth.I shuddered to think what they were the remains of, seein' I know all too well what Huldre eat.

Without much thought I first tossed a flare down the hole, follwed by a second. Lil' bastards don't like light so much, so that should of been one heck of a wake up call. I then tossed down three sticks of TNT taped together next and lit the fuse. I course ducked for cover and heard the dull "thoom" from underground. Once the smoke cleared I could see that the openin' was closed off but good. Afterwards I headed back to town for a cold beer and some BBQ wings.

I would love to think that I sealed them up for good or at best killed them off, but I got my doubts. Those things are like rats, where there is one, there's always more. I just hope it keeps those lil' buggers busy for awhile. Well at least there won't be any missing children this Halloween, not on my watch.

Thill next time guys.

Re: Retirement; its nice and all....but?

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 8:16 am
by Razor
Jeez, Ben.

Sounds like things have been crazy busy out that way.

Got your PM btw and replied. - Thinkin' maybe you might need a bit of backup out at Maine.

Also, I still have most of the 'surplus' I purchased from you back around 2007. Do you want me to bring some extra toys to play with, or do you think you have all the heavy metal do you need?

It's been pretty quiet in my neck of the woods as well, except for lately. Exorcism of sorts, which was fun times. We really need a sarcasm font.

OHHH, and come to find out a local Bed & Breakfast in my town is haunted, and I had no idea. I mean, other than an eerie feeling when I would travel by it, and an increased level of curiosity.

Supposedly the TAPS team did an investigation there. Supposedly. I'm having a hard time finding the requisite info though.

Re: Retirement; its nice and all....but?

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 2:12 pm
by Holister
Greetin's from Maine

Nice hearin' from ya' Raz. Its been way too long. Glad to see ya' stayin' busy.

Well things were quiet last night, say for some vandalous kids with way too much free time, TP, and eggs. Some high schoolers tried eggin' our place so I turned the sprinklers on and hit the ground with my taser. It was fun watchin' those punks wet themselves and lie their twitchin'. I arrested them of course.

As for the "non-conventional" activties thing were pretty quiet. Can't tell if that is good or bad, sort of reminds me of the quiet before the storm. I can only wonder what is gonna happen tonight. So I'll keep ya'll in formed.

Re: Retirement; its nice and all....but?

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 1:43 pm
by Holister
Greetin's from Maine

Well another Halloween has come and gone. Sorry I didn't make a post yesteday, I needed the rest. I have to say as long as Halloweens go, this one was mild. Folks up here take Halloween seriously, so it is a busy time for the town. Festival, parade, trick r treaters by the drove....its quite the sight to behold. Also gives the "SupNats" a chance to mingle. Fortunately nothing bad happened, and only one body turned up in the hedge maze up at the lodge, but it looked like its been there for awhile. Waiting for for the autopsy report on that one. Preliminary report looks like a heart attack.

Sam payed me a visit again this year. Had the Jack-O-Lantern lit, candy bowl full (full sized bars none of that "fun size" crap), and the lights turned down low. He looked satisified, took a Snickers, nodded, and left. Can't wait til' next year.

Well, until next time folks.

Re: Retirement; its nice and all....but?

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 11:22 pm
by Holister
Greetin's from Maine

Well things were pleasantly quiet today. The last of the Halloween crowds have moved on, all accounted for. No kids went missin' and no property damage what so ever. Not a bad Halloween season. Spent the day kickin' back and goin' over cold case files for somethin' to do.

Right now I'm enjoyin' an ice cold beer and watchin' the local news. The more I see what is happenin' in the big city, makes me grateful for my small town life, despite all the wierdness. Its my home, and I gotta protect it.

Well Sammy is callin' for daddy, so I gotta go. Until next time Lazlites.

Re: Retirement; its nice and all....but?

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 11:45 am
by Holister
Greetin's from Maine

Well here it is Friday already. Hard to believe it's been nearly a week since Halloween. I would like to say its been quiet, but I would be lyin'. There has been a lot of spiritual activity around the area (sorry, I don't do it has been peaceful for me at least. The local LS Anex guys have been busy though. Thankfully its been peaceful hauntin's and alot of paranormal investigation type stuff. Keeps them out of my hair.

Carter did come to me this mornin' about somethin' a friend of his from
Arkham sent him. Somethin' about some unknown mummy that the guy got from Egypt. Says strange things have been goin' on since the guy unpacked it and put it on display. Says there've been at least three unexplained deaths in the Miskatonic Museum; a security gaurd, a junior curtator, and a night janitor. I figure that I might go for a drive down there with Carter and check this out. I have seen alot of strange things in my life, but a cursed mummy is a new one. At least that I can shoot.

Well I will keep you guys filled in...

Re: Retirement; its nice and all....but?

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 10:05 am
by Holister
Greetin's from Maine

Howdy folks, how's it goin'? Well now I do believe I have just bout seen honest to goodness living mummy!

I do believe in my previous message that I may have mentioned somethin' bout it. Well this is the jist of of & Carter, Arkham, Miskatonic Museum, cursed Egyptian mummy. Now for what you did not yet hear.

Well turns out that friends of Carter was attacked the night before, but fortunately he managed to survive and was able to tell us what was going on. Unfortunately he died that next night of "mysterious complications". That is the doctor's way of sayin' that he was scared to death.

Honestly, at first I just couldn't believe that a 3000 year mummy was up, walkin' round, and killin' people. {I know right, after all the crap I have seen, a livin' mummy is where I draw the line}. But it didn't Carter long to find out that the mummy was a former follower of some guy named
Nyarlahotep, which to him seemed like a big deal, to me though it was all Greek, well mabe Egyptian. Anyhows, we tracked down the mummy to a jilted junior professor that was recently canned by the museum after he had a "difference of opinion" with the head of the museum.

Long story short, it was a story about revenge with a killer mummy as the murder weapon. The guy was controllin' it with some ancient scroll and of course sent it after me & Carter. I have never fought a mummy before, so it was a learnin' curve. Carter fared well though against the wacko controllin' it.

Here is some useful facts when fightin' a mummy for ya'll.

1) Bullets DO NOT work!

2) Punchin' them, not them.

3) When they hit back, they hit back HARD!

4) FIRE....the old stand by. Damn thing goes up like kindling.

And thats how ol' me beat that damned thing, I set it on fire with a jar of museum jar juice and a lit candle. I reckon that the museum may be a tad upset that we destroyed a valuable museum piece in the process, but they can bill me. Damn mummy.

Anyways, Carter got the scroll back from Mr. Wack-a-do, and I tossed it on the fire. I wasn't riskin' that scroll raisin' another mummy from the dead. In a nut shell the cops caught the guy and locked him up in Arkham Asylumn (and threw away the key). As for for Carter and me, we got back safe and sound last night, and I am posti' my story here for ya'll now.

Guess that wrapsup this story then...

Re: Retirement; its nice and all....but?

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 9:13 am
by Holister
Greetin's from Maine

Well here it is, Friday the 13th. Hard to believe that is seemed like I was just worrin' bout halloween and here it is two weeks later already. Well I would like to say its been clear sailin' up here, but evil never takes a holiday and neither do we I reckon.

We last night we got a call at the station bout a cow that blew up over at the Cuthbert farm. Figured a "splodin'" cow was worth checkin' out so me and Will drove out there for a look. "Sploded" cow was an understatement. From waht Hank Cuthbert told us his cow went ill, fell over, and just blew apart. Seeing' ol' Hank there with his 12 gauge made me realize it was more than a sick cow. So me and Will loaded up with the shotguns {I got my Streetsweeper out of storage for this one} and headed out. You won't believe what we found..

After bout two hours we found this thing that resembled a three foot squid like critter feeding on a stray dog, it was suckin' the blood right out of it. Needless to say we opened fire and blew the snot out of it. I still feel bad for the dog. Once we were sure it was dead rounded up all the parts and tossed them in the incinerator over at the wreckin' yard just to sure.

Well I though it was over, till' we got another call from ol' Hank. Turns out three more of his cows "went sick". Well I'm off again, this time I'm just bringin' the flamethrower. Looks like its time for a BBQ.

Re: Retirement; its nice and all....but?

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 11:40 pm
by Holister
Greetin's from Maine

Well if that don't all; supernatural parasites from some god awful Hell dimension. Damn things reminded me of that burrower thing Cee and I faced off against years ago, cept these things were bigger, nastier, and had a taste for beef. Well from whay I know bout em, a bunch of these things came through The Veil and infected the cows, bout a dozen or so head. They grow inside the host then just explode out in what I'm guessin' is their adult stage, which are when they are the big squid looking things.

Will and I had to call in reinforcements and had to use a flamethrower on these buggers. They didn't take kindly to 00 shot any, but fire, man fire really did the number on these things. They just burnt up like they were filled of gas or somethin'. Anyway, we managed to kill em' all, and to be sure we had to quarentine the poor guy's farm. So after a two day investigation and thorough search of the area it looks like we got em' all.
I sure as hell hope so, those things were mean.

Well just wanted to keep ya'll informed. Maybe you'll think twice fore taking a bite of that burger next time, know I will.

Re: Retirement; its nice and all....but?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 4:30 pm
by Holister
Greetin's from Maine

Well an ol' friend of mine just sent me a new toy, an here it is not even even Christmas. Just got a new. 50 BMG AMR complete with scope and matte black finish. I almost cried...almost. I have to tell ya, I sure as hell miss havin' some decent fire power around here ever since I had to sell off most of my old collection. Now I just need to call up Ron and place an order for .50 caliber silver

Well time for some target practice, hope I'm not rusty.

Re: Retirement; its nice and all....but?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 7:48 pm
by Holister
Greetin's from Maine

Well I got some shootin' practice in earlier today; bout an hour or so. I have to say did not have much ammo for my new toy, so I got some practice in with my .30-06 and my sidearm. Good thing too, turns out I am a bit rusty with the .50 caliber. I can't have that now can I. Well its a good thing too, cause acordin' to Calhoun he says that he's been seein' something flyin' round up near the quarry lately at night. Says he saw it last night carryin' off a full 8 point buck. Well I figure I will go check out the quarry tomorrow and see for myself. Sounds like a gargoyle, but round here who can tell. I keep ya'll posted.

Re: Retirement; its nice and all....but?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 8:38 pm
by Holister
Greetin's from Maine

By the way, anyone still in contact with Ron, or maybe Hannah. I tried his old number but it didn't work. Need to reach him to see if he is still in the "guns & ammo" business, if not I may have to go to another guy I know just outside of Tarker's Mill.

Re: Retirement; its nice and all....but?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 11:23 pm
by Holister
Greetin's from Maine

Well just got another call from Calhoun. Says something just tried breakin' into Clem Hatcher's barn. The two of em went to check it out and they found the side of the barn all clawed up and one of his cows all mutilated. Deputy Utah was first on the seen tonight and reported in to confirm it. Officially we are declaring it a bear attack, unofficially Rourke said the claws had to be bout 9 inches long and that he saw the shilouette of something large in the night sky flyin' off heading northward, same direction as the quarry.

Guess tomorrow is gonna get here a bit faster than I expected.

Re: Retirement; its nice and all....but?

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 11:46 pm
by Holister
Greetin's from Maine

Well it took two deputies, a few explosives, and that new .50 cal I got, but we stopped that gargoyle over by the quarry. It didn't look like it'd been there all too long, heck would of herd bout it before now. Anyway, we got the sucker, an it weren't easy I'll tell you that much.

To break it down, I needed Rourke's help to track it down. Once we got to the quarry about sunset we found the cave where it had been holdin' up in, so Will and I set up some charges round the openin' while Rourke kept watch. It was a short wait. It came out of the cave and we opened fire; Will and Rourke with a couple of .30-30's and me with my .50 from a sniper position. We held it in down hittin' it more times than I could count until finally it was in position for us to hit the detonator.

Once the smoke cleared we saw that we got the sucker. Since nobody was using the cave or the quarry we just left well enough alone. Tomorrow I will have Will go back and post a "No Tresspassing" sign. I just wonder why all this activity has been happenin' lately. Strange is what it is, just damn strange. Haven't seen this much activity since, well since 2006-2007. I just hope it tapers off soon. Gonna run out of ammo if it doesn't.

Re: Retirement; its nice and all....but?

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 10:45 am
by Holister
Greetin's from Maine

Well its been quiet so far this week, knock on wood. Guess even SupNats takes a few days off for Thanksgiving. Speakin' of which, Kelly's doin' her annual Day Before Thanksgiving dinner over at The Brick. Somethin' she does to give somethin' back to the community. So if any of ya'll are up our way, feel free to swing past and stop by. We ghot plenty to go round.

On the business end, there is somethin' I want to check out, but its probably nothin'. See a regular down at the harbor, name of MacIntire said that while he was out fishin' the other night he saw somethin' big swimmin' near his boat that "wasn't no fish Ben." I figured heck, might just be a dolphin or shark, and he said "Wasn't any shark Ben." So I figure I may have to go take a look, or just send Will to go in my place. Why you ask, fine I'll tell ya'll, I got a bad case a Thalassophobia; which in laymans terms is a fear of the sea. I haven't been in the ocean since I was 9. I figured it's kept me alive thus far, so then are goin' fishin'.

Besides, I know MacIntire, he's known for his "fish tales". Probly nothin' more than a dolphin got close to his boat while he was nine beers into a case if your catch my drift. Now the poor ol' guy is seein' mermaids and sea monsters. Well I hope that's all it is.

Re: Retirement; its nice and all....but?

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 2:44 pm
by Holister
Greetin's from Maine

Well I sent Will out yesterday afternoon on the ploice launch to go check out the cove. At best he got some pretty desent fishin' in with deputy Newton. He did find a launch though out by the channel buoy just tied up out there bobbin' round. It weren't nothin' more than a rowboat with an old outboard strapped to the back end, but it had some damage along the right side that looked recent. I had em' tow it back into harbor for a better look.

Will did say that just after they started to head back in though that he picked up somethin' on the fish finder bout 3 meters long or so just under the surface bout 2 fathoms down; that's like 12 feet down from what I know bout sailor speak. Anyhow he said it stuck round for a few minutes then just swam off. I got him back out there today seein' maybe if we can find out what it was. I got my money on a dolphin or somethin' like that. At least I hope so.

I not spectin' him back until tonight, so as soon as find somethin' out I will keep ya'll updated.

Re: Retirement; its nice and all....but?

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 11:33 pm
by Holister
Greetin's from Maine

Happy Thanksgivin' everyone.

Re: Retirement; its nice and all....but?

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 8:57 pm
by Holister
Greetin's fro Maine

Well we survived another Thanksgivin' up here at The Cove. I can't really complain much, its always good to be with family round the holidays, that and I ate so much though I was gonna burst. Got to see my borther Tom and my sister Meg so that was ok. All an all it was a good time.

Yesterday on the otherhand...

We I hope ya'll remeber I start tellin' ya'll bout somethin' swimmin' round out the cove. Well after Will didn't find nothin' the last time and the holiday an all, we just sort of skipped over it. We that may not have been the best and brightest idea I ever had. Cause it turns out that three dogs got themselves all tore up down by the docks, and a corpse washed up on the beach. Not exactly sure what happed to the guy, but I reckon it just may be the guy who owns that launch we towed back in a few days ago.

We got the coroner goin' over the bodies now, and from he says, the preliminary report says what ever killed the dogs, killed the guy. I'll know more come tomorrow. Well it looks like I workin' this Sunday. I guess this anin't no fish tale after all.

Re: Retirement; its nice and all....but?

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 11:41 pm
by Holister
Greetin's from Maine

Well got those M.E. reports back today. Coroner deffinitely confirmed that it was the same animal that got that fisherman, killed those three dogs on the docks. According to him the animal had a bite radius of about a foot across, and had three fingered seven inch clawed hands. I made sure to tell him to keep it quiet for now until we have better understandin' of what it is we're dealin' with out there.

I am headin' out to the local oceanographic institute just up the coast to speak to someone there tomorrow to try and find out what it is that might be out there in the cove. Whatever it is, I know it has a taste for fresh, live, meat. Fortunately the docks are normally quiet this time of year, and whatever activity normally goes on this time of year, I squashed by putting a 6PM curfew in effect for the harbor that remains in effect till 6AM. I figure whatever it is, we can either kill it {but since we don't know what it is just yet that may not be an option}, or we can just cut off its food supply. Hopefully whatever it is will move along on its own, yeah right, as if that's gonna happen.

Re: Retirement; its nice and all....but?

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 1:56 pm
by Holister
Greetin's from Maine

Well I just got back from the Fletcher Oceanographic Institute, and boy did they have alot of questions for me. They ran a check on on the dental castin' we took and they confirmed whatever it was was deffinitely shark like, but then came the response - sharks don't have claws. Reptiles, birds, mammale all have absoultely DO NOT have claws. Tell me something I do not already know. So they are gonna run some sort of DNA test next and get back to me tonight.

As for what's been goin' on down here, Will took the launch back out to see if he could find this thing. He's out there now with three other guys ready to skewer that bad fish. I'm just hopoin' whatever it is has moved on.

Well I'll check back tonight.

Re: Retirement; its nice and all....but?

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 12:29 am
by Holister
Greetin's from Maine

Sorry bout not gettin' back to ya'll sooner, damn weather took out the rlay tower, whole town's been without communications until today. Heck, got bout a foot or so of snow on the ground and its been below freezin'. In a nutshell its been fun.

I can't talk lon though, coms may be up and runnin' but they are sketchy at best. I'll try to get on tomorrow to fill ya'll in bout our lil' shark problem that we had, as well as some other wierd stuff.

Be back soon, I hope...