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American Dollars for return of artifact!

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 11:52 am
by Dr-Akwetee
My name is Dr Kasinda Akwetee, proud spokesperson of The Movement for the Actualization of the Sovereign State of Luba. It will displease my superiors greatly that I have had to use such an indiscreet method in this matter, such as this to complete my assignment. Considering the despicable circumstances surrounding the removed artifact, my actions will be excoriated I am certain. This is a concise warning to any individual, grope, company or nation that has chosen to attack our lands and steal our priceless antiquities. All planed insurgences in to our territory will be brutally crushed by the Mbwiri death squads. All those involved will have there skin removed while they still live, and made to dance on a bed of vipers for 6 days and 7 nights before being dismembered and feasted upon by Mbwiri. I have been allocated a large sum of American dollars, for the payment of any informants with useful information on the whereabouts of both the artifact in question, and the person, or persons responsible for this appalling crime. I wish to keep this matter as civilized as possible, as I do not wish for unnecessary bloodshed. If the sacred Kifwebe is not returned I cannot be responsible for the outcome.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 9:27 pm
by Joseph Darkhold
Do you have any other information for us to go on? If you want help then you will need to provide at least some of us with more information as to the artifacts in question and whatever information you might have on the thieves...

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 10:03 am
by Ron Caliburn
Luba, wasn't that a Canadian pop artist from the 1980s?

Anyway, the talk of death squads, torture and canibalism leads me to think you guys probably didn't deserve to have this thingy.

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 12:58 pm
by Dr-Akwetee
It is not a question of who deserves the blessed mask, simply that it ours, and must be returned to us. To the untrained eye it is a simple kifwebe style carved wooden mask. For those gifted with the sight, it will be obviously powerful. I will stress this most strongly to any foolish arcane dabbler that sees fit to attempt to channel the energy of the kifwebe mask, do so at your peril. Only we have the correct rituals to safely utilize the mask. As for the bandits that stole the holy mask that is unknown to us. All I ask is for are some leads to some of the more dishonest individuals that frequent these parts. Any help will be greatly rewarded, and if cash is not your interest I am shore we can come to some other arrangement. As for the impertinent Mr Caliburn how dare you compare my grate tribe with some Canadian harlot. If you spent more time reading and studding instead of watching your MTV, you would know that the Luba are a vast tribe dwelling within the borders Democratic Republic of Congo. Watch your tone Mr Caliburn, as my tolerance for fools is as short as your time on this earth shall be if you continue to be an annoyance. As for Mr Darkhold your gracious and polite response is very welcome to me. Perhaps if you can help further we can start to do business.

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 9:46 am
by Ron Caliburn
Another day another death threat.

Whatever the name of your tribe, if you be talkin' 'bout death squads and torture and canibalism, you don't deserve anything of power.

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 7:54 pm
by Joseph Darkhold
I am afraid that I will not be of any help to you, sir. I refuse to have anything to do with those who traffic with demons, much less death squads.

And your threats towards Ron are out of line as well.

On the other hand I should thank you, I suppose, for informing us that this mask is at loose.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 3:30 am
by Shadowstalker
Just a question this mask what is able to do in the right hands and what happens if some one who can't use it tries to use it? I get from your comments nothing good. Oh and why do you think it is here in the states? If the good Dr is unwilling to respond if someone eles is willing to supply some info I and others I think would perchance be grateful.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 4:10 pm
by Debunker
Wow, this is one of the biggest cries for help I've ever heard. But I'm glad the rest of the readers see the folly of this post for a change.

There's hope for you all yet, keep up the good work gang!

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:35 pm
by Shadowstalker
Debunker the questions are resonable and knowing the history and legends behind the item might give a idea into motive of why it was taken and if I belive or not is not the question but if someone else belives?
There may be nothing supernatural about the mask at all it's only power that of a symbol but you should know wars have started for less. By the way I do not seek the reward nor would I return the mask directly .I would arrange for it to go to the Smithsoneion and advise the Dr. to send other items to create a cultral exibit and leave it here for a time until safe retrurn is possible oh and also for him to use the reward money towards local I mean his Intr. relief funds. Just my thoughts maybe earn his country some Good P.R. In the intrem.

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 4:37 pm
by Dr-Akwetee
I have come to realize the folly off even bothering to post comments upon this forum. My precious time has been utterly wasted on such dubious frivolities. Although it is not my wish, I will be flying to US soil as of tomorrow evening. I will be intending to my employ extensive diplomatic weight to end this situation as quickly as possible. I am aware that falsehood is rife amongst some of the less honourable participants of this board. Information has been received by my agents about the movements of said participant. Be warned those who would try to hinder my path; I am not a merciful man.

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 10:16 pm
by The Traveler King
The threat of violence, my good doctor, is very bad form and a very bad idea. North America is not Africa. The things going on backstage here are very different. I'll tell you what I told the last person who threatened a poster here. If you post here, I can get at you. There's a reason I'm called The Traveler King.

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 9:19 am
by mrloucifer
Dr-Akwetee wrote:I have come to realize the folly off even bothering to post comments upon this forum. My precious time has been utterly wasted on such dubious frivolities. Although it is not my wish, I will be flying to US soil as of tomorrow evening. I will be intending to my employ extensive diplomatic weight to end this situation as quickly as possible. I am aware that falsehood is rife amongst some of the less honourable participants of this board. Information has been received by my agents about the movements of said participant. Be warned those who would try to hinder my path; I am not a merciful man.

Cripes mate! Don't be such a bloody tough guy! Give us a bit more to go on rather than thumping ya chest about it, I got gorilla's in the zoo if I need that rumpus.

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 2:34 am
by adorabilly
Since I am stuck in the deepest china, and wierd things are happening around us, i want to know what this mask looks like, maybe it is causing my problems. There are several dealers in antiquities near here and they have "wonders from around the world" including african tribal masks, and even aztec items. If this thing can cause the problems we have been having, you can have it back. I have kids here, and I want these things gone, and done with.

I'd be willing to find it just to have it removed. What would I be looking for?

Dr-Akwetee wrote:I have come to realize the folly off even bothering to post comments upon this forum. My precious time has been utterly wasted on such dubious frivolities. Although it is not my wish, I will be flying to US soil as of tomorrow evening. I will be intending to my employ extensive diplomatic weight to end this situation as quickly as possible. I am aware that falsehood is rife amongst some of the less honourable participants of this board. Information has been received by my agents about the movements of said participant. Be warned those who would try to hinder my path; I am not a merciful man.

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 9:43 pm
by Ammendment2
Mayhap the good doctor should study his english better, as he accused Ron of "studding insted of watching MTV". His posting kinda became a static rant after that. So, no more studding OR MTV Mr. Caliburn. Now as to the mask, the not-so-subtle anger here is not even that uncommon, some private goverment collector is probably pissed off and decided to pay money to get his "precious" back, and they always seem to want to kill said possessor, then wonder why no one raises there hand and says "oh, here it is". Yeesh, take a lesson in subtleness, or the whole "you attract more flies with honey than vinegar" approach. I for one stopped entertaining the idea of help after the whole "death squad" theme started.....

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 1:44 pm
by The Traveler King
Well, you'll notice he shut up rather quickly. It's been awhile since he has posted.

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 8:13 pm
by A. Pendragon
Hmmm. the coward has gone into hiding.

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 2:02 am
by Ron Caliburn
I can't say I've watched much MTV ever, and I refuse to comment about my studding habits. I am still breathing, which means he had just empty threats.

Though if he has a connection to the man-bat with the glowing eyes the size of basketballs, he might have come really close on my way back from LA in October.

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 6:56 pm
by A. Pendragon
Did he kill everone? The forums have been dead. Hmmmm... maybe Ba'al cultists... or the mysterious Shadowboard are to blame....

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 8:49 pm
by Ammendment2
I have been busy on a few operations, but there indeed seems to be a lull in postings- perhaps we should do some kind of current roll-call and see who responds, and note who isn't responding...

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 11:38 am
by Elijah Sight
Yes, it indeed seems that many of our allies have fallen silent... It would be tragic to disregard their silence.

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 9:09 pm
by The Traveler King
It's the holiday season, folks. Even monster hunters and occult investigators have Christmas shopping to do. Just so you know, even with my connections, I still can't get an Xbox 360. :?

Anyway, I'm STILL sorting through the data from back in the summer. Thankfully, our staff is back up to full strength. I think a couple of our programmers were personally referred by Debunker. If so, they've been a big help.

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 12:30 pm
by A. Pendragon
Not that this is the place for it, but you dont want a 360, not now anyway.

As for our members and the holidays....

Happy "fill in your holiday here"

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 11:59 pm
by Ammendment2 me a workaholic, but tis the season for folks to get preyed on, holiday or not. I'll relax when folks can walk around at night and enjoy the holiday worry-free. If I'm the one that makes it worry free- then there is my holiday. Someone has to mind the store, so to speak. I do wish the rest of you whatever joy the holidays bring you.