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Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 3:40 pm
by Red Thunder
Hello Lazlo peoples.

My name is Red Thunder, though people I know call me Red for short. I'm from Pine Ridge, South Dakota, though through strange circumstances I still don't quite understand, find myself in the Chicago area.

For some time now I've been acquaintances to a poster of these boards, one KT. I wanted to let those who call her friend know that she is okay for the moment, but quite busy. She is currently not allowed on the internet for reasons that I may or may not get into in the future. Please take solace in the fact she is healthy and well.

Anyway, a bit about myself, I have a background, I guess you can say in mysticism, but I wouldn't call myself an expert shaman. KT has been really helpful and given me instruction on the 'magic' thing, but I think it's a work in progress. I've been dealing with the supernatural to varying extents since a young age. From what I understand, it runs in the family. Lately I've been making money working in a new age store selling crystals and ouijia boards to to young yuppies with disposable income. I suppose one does what they have to do to make a living in this town.

Re: Hello!

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 2:23 pm
by Cybermancer
Hell, and welcome to the Lazlo site.

I suspect that the thing most people will want to know about here is KT. Last we heard they were dead so there is some interest in confirming their well being.

Re: Hello!

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 8:43 am
by Hannah
Hello Red,

Welcome to the boards.

Like my husband said. many of us are eager for news about KT.

Hannah Knight