Artificial Blood

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Artificial Blood

Post by Cybermancer »

Supposedly victim vampires or vampires who do not wish to feed from humans will soon have an alternative. Blood made from human stem cells will soon be trialed for human patients and ways to mass produce it are already being explored.

Of course, just because there is a human alternative does not mean it will be used. One vampire mentioned a preference for 'fresh' over stored blood due to the preference in 'taste'. I don't think that's an acceptable reason to feed off a human being.

While I think this is a wonderful breakthru that will save many millions of lives, I don't actually see it being used by vampires. There would be no emotion in this blood. There would be no fear.
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Re: Artificial Blood

Post by Ron Caliburn »

I've always thought vampires got more out of the feeding than the blood itself.
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Delta Sierra
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Re: Artificial Blood

Post by Cybermancer »

I would tend to agree.
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"The strong polish their fangs,
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