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Red VS Blue

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 2:42 pm
by Grace
I would ordinarily post this under war stories but I think the content is more suitable for the conspiracy section. YMMV.

Ever start thinking that you know a person only to find out that you were totally wrong? Sometimes, people deliberately try to foster this sort of thing. I should know as I've done so at this very site.

It really shouldn't have come as a surprise that others might attempt to misrepresent themselves for various motives. I guess it's because I've been trying so hard to be trusting and to give others the benefit of the doubt.

All of this came about during the summer. It started innocently enough. I was having a tea and a muffin at a little place that had a open air patio. I was reading a novel. It was nice.

Then someone obscured my sunlight. Looking up, I saw a suit. A black suit. Eyes hidden by dark shades. An ear piece. Get the picture? I frowned up at him, "what?"

Without invitation, he sat in the chair opposite me, "I represent a group of people who would like to hire you."

A file folder landed between us.

I opened it. A familiar face stared back at me from the photo paper clipped to a stack of paperwork. Then I closed it and slid it back to him. "No."

"You haven't even looked at the file." The man said as he slid the file back to me. "I think you'll find the sum being offered to be quite impressive."

Again I opened the folder and flipped up the photo to view the sticky note underneath. My brow went up. It was a rather sexy number. All the right zeroes in all the right places.

I shouldn't have looked. It just made sliding the folder back that much more difficult. "Still no."

"Why?" He seemed to be genuinely curious.

"Because I know him." I replied.

His immediate reply is not fit to print. It was followed by this, however, "your relationship is professional at best and by all accounts it is mostly hostile. So why the hesitation?"

"I don't kill humans anymore. Only monsters." I shrugged, "why do you want him dead anyway?"

"Because he is a monster, and we can prove it." The man insisted. "Read the file and you'll see for yourself. The facts can all be independently verified. Go ahead and look into it. Then get back to us. If you still don't want to take the job we'll leave you be, find someone more professional. But if all it takes for you to take a job is to put your newly developed conscience to rest, then I guarantee that looking through that file will suffice."

Sighing, I opened the file once more. "I'm not making any promises."

He nodded with little emotion and then stood up. "We'll be in touch." Without further ceremony, he departed.

From the file in my hands, Mr. Blue stared back at me.

Re: Red VS Blue

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 2:47 pm
by Grace
Was Mr. Blue a monster? I guess that depends on your definition of monster as well as your perspective.

He might not be human. It seems for example, that he has rather in-depth knowledge of extraterrestrial beings. There are other visual cues as well that might have a reasonable explanation or might be something else. It's not the sort of thing that I can in any way confirm or deny about Mr. Blue.

Was he a monster?

I saw for myself that he was able and willing to execute a prisoner without due process. Sure the prisoner was a dangerous psychic alien psychopath but still, did that make it right? I hadn't been able to do it even though he had hired me to do it.

Come to think of it, it seems that he was keeping track of that investigation before intervening directly. Had he seen what happened to that family? Had he tried to stop it? Had he even been a part of it? All interesting questions to which I lacked the answers.

Using the file as my guide, I began my investigation. Many claims that he had made, I found evidence to indicate were actually lies.

One thing was true though. He did work for the federal government and had been for some time. Apparently he had possessed information about the attacks of 9-11 prior to them occurring. There seems to be some doubt about whether he presented his evidence and wasn't believed or didn't release what he had until after the attacks.

I found further evidence that he was actually somehow blackmailing the government using some sort of sophisticated computer virus. Blackmailing them or perhaps bribing them. It is still a little unclear there.

It seemed that a number of government agencies at several different levels were all investigating the man. More than a few were apparently concerned about his sanity and considered him eccentric at the least and dangerously psychotic at the other end.

There were definite links between this man and the supernatural. It seemed to be something of a specialty for him. Especially when it came to eliminating it. Not a bad thing, right? What about when the supernatural elements being eliminated are human beings?

Time and time again I was coming across evidence that the government was investigating psychic or paranormal individuals. He would be called in on the job and then they would disappear a short while later. I'm something of an expert at making people disappear myself, if you get my meaning.

Maybe these people deserved to be disappeared? Maybe some of them did but who am I to judge?

I can't imagine what the children possibly could have done to deserve it though.

Re: Red VS Blue

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 2:50 pm
by Grace
The more I followed the trail of bread crumbs I had been provided with, the less I liked Mr. Blue. To be honest, he was never my favourite person to begin with. Entirely too uptight for one thing.

Far too many secrets for another. I know, I'm one to talk, right? Sometimes it's not nice to see a part of ourselves reflected back to us from the faces of others.

But I digress. The straw that broke the camels back, like I alluded to above was when I connected him to half a dozen children who disappeared. They were from all over the place. Both coasts and several places in between. Strange things would start happening around the children such as fires starting up for no apparent reason, objects flying through the air or people hearing strange unearthly voices. Then men in black suits would be seen in the area. Then Mr. Blue would appear. Then the children would disappear.

There were never any bodies and no evidence of where the children (or the adults for that matter) went to. What was really strange was that while I was investigating this, the parents of the children started to disappear as well. I couldn't really make sense of it.

The last straw were some older cases I came across. Similar to these ones, strange things would start happening around individuals (these cases were all of adults). Then the men in black would appear. Then they would disappear. Except that eventually some of these adults would reappear. Or at least parts of them would. Someone within the government was systematically hunting down anyone with what could be considered paranormal abilities, making them disappear and then killing and dismembering them. Not necessarily in that order.

I should point out that these cases weren't ones that I had been provided with by my perspective employers. I dug up these cases on my own. Sort of wish I hadn't.

So was that what Mr. Blue was doing now? Except that he was just better at hiding the bodies? And he was willing to extend his activities to children and then later their parents?

It gave me nightmares for a couple of weeks. I think it was those nightmares that caused me to accept the job. In retrospect, I'm certain of it.

Re: Red VS Blue

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 4:55 pm
by Chalice
Never. Trust. A. Suit. Never.

Especially when they're scared of showing their eyes.

Re: Red VS Blue

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 6:11 pm
by Rowan
I don’t know if I would say never trust a—what do you call them? A suit?—but, I do tend to steer clear of governmental officials. Or anyone else in sports jackets. Or just anyone, for that matter. Probably not for the same reasons, though. Although most of the time, they steer clear of me. :?

Re: Red VS Blue

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 10:07 am
by Grace
Rowan wrote:I don’t know if I would say never trust a—what do you call them? A suit?—but, I do tend to steer clear of governmental officials. Or anyone else in sports jackets. Or just anyone, for that matter. Probably not for the same reasons, though. Although most of the time, they steer clear of me. :?

I actually don't think these guys were government, in retrospect. At least if they were government, what they were up to wasn't officially sanctioned.

Re: Red VS Blue

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 11:47 pm
by Grace
I was in a house I had been watching for some time. The children had gone missing from it a week ago. The parents were still there, dealing with the police and the press and everything else. There were the usual signs. Neighbours had seen some suits in the area. One witness described Mr. Blue for me to a T. Then the children had gone missing.

To say that the parents were distraught would be an understatement.

The house was in a rural area. The nearest neighbour was half a kilometre away. I had been watching it discretely from a small wooded area. Then an SUV pulled up. Out came four men. In my binoculars, one looked like Mr. Blue. Which was a little odd since I took him as someone who worked solo.

While I was deciding what to do, there were two flashes reflected in the windows of the house. I was sure it was gunshots. In the time it took for me to pull the rifle out of my case and get into a good firing position, the four men were already back in their SUV. I got one shot off but it deflected harmlessly off the vehicles armor before it squealed out of the driveway.

It would only be a matter of time before the authorities arrived.

That was why I was in the house. To see what I could before high tailing it out of there myself.

It looked like a murder-suicide. It looked as though the husband had shot the wife and then turned his shotgun on himself.

Wishing I could have spent more time in there looking for evidence, I was operating under the assumption that the authorities had already been called. So I high tailed it out of there. I had to cross the road before following the ditch to where my ride was stashed.

A small red glow caught my attention. Pausing to investigate I found the butt of a cigar that was still slightly glowing. Disregarded by one one of the men, perhaps? If so, it could contain some valuable forensic evidence like DNA or something. So I picked it up and put it into a little glad-lock plastic bag that I carry for just such an emergency. Finally I was on my way out of there.

Now, I'm a hitter so there was no way I could use the evidence myself. But I do have some contacts with the sort of skills that are sometimes useful. I knew just who to call for this one.

I met him the next day in a public cafe where I like to read books and enjoy some tea.

“Good afternoon Ms Stewart.” He greeted me while blocking my sun.

“You don't need to be so formal, you know.” I smiled up at him. After all, I was hoping to ask the man a favor.

He took a seat. “I prefer to keep certain relationships strictly professional.”

“Too bad.” I pouted at him. “It can be fun to mix business and pleasure.”

“So which is it that brings me here this fine afternoon?” His face was cool and his eyes hidden behind dark shades.

I sighed. “Business, of course.”

“What is it you want from me, then?” He folded his arms in front of his chest.

“What can you tell me about this?” I tossed the plastic baggie and its contents onto the table between us.

He reached into his jacket in pulled out a small leather case that zipped up. It was about the size of a cellphone. Opening it up, he pulled out some tweezers. Carefully he opened the bag and sniffed the contents. “Montecristo. A premium Cuban brand.” With the tweezers, he pulled out the butt. He appeared to be squinting at it from every angle. “Didn't cut it. Poked the end instead. Less likely that the leaves will come unwound that way. Also, he doesn't chew the end. It's held in place with his lips or his fingers.” Turning it in place, he continued. “I'm guessing from these grooves here that he alternates between holding it between his index and middle fingers to index and thumb.”

“You can tell all that just by looking at it?” I think some astonishment crept into my voice.

“I happen to be something of a cigar affectionado myself.” He replaced the cigar in the baggie. “Was there anything else?”

“I was hoping you could do some tests on it or something. Like DNA or something.” I folded my fingers together and leaned on them.

“Just like that?” His brow was raised over his shades.

“You mean you can't do it?” I raised my own brows in mock surprise.

“Of course I can do it.” He huffed, puffing out his chest. Even geeks have egos if you know where to jab them. “The question is why?”

“I found it at the scene of a double murder.” I admitted. “Last night.”

“You think it belonged to one of the killers?” He inquired with cool interest.

“Maybe.” I said without commitment.

“Awfully sloppy of them.” He returned his small took kit to his jacket pocket and then added the baggie to the same pocket. “Leaving possible DNA evidence at the scene of the crime.”

Slowly, I nodded. “I know.”

He stood up, “I'll let you know what I find.”

I also stood, “what do I owe you?”

He looked at me for several moments, studying me as carefully as he had the cigar butt. “Whatever amount makes you feel better about the transaction.” Then he walked away.

Re: Red VS Blue

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 12:13 am
by Grace
My contact got back to me in what seemed like no time at all. He was able to confirm for me who owned the cigar.

It was Mr. Blue's. No doubt about it. He had been there that night.

How could I doubt now that he was murdering whole families? Some monsters may have gnarly claws and some may have have gnashing teeth. The most sinister look like you and I but all of them come in the night.

All doubt removed, I let the suits know that I would take the case. The advance was put into my account and I set about my business.

The biggest question facing me was how to do the hit. I could just shoot him from a mile away with a high calibre bullet. That just seemed so impersonal though. After seeing that young couple murdered so callously, I wanted him to know it was me punching his ticket. Besides, I didn't want to spend a whole lot of time trying to track him down, follow his movements, do all the setup and preparation. All time where he would be murdering more families.

No, there was an easier and faster way.

I called him.

He had left me contact information I could use after our last little adventure together, dealing with Mr. Grey. It was a piece of cake to set up a meeting. I had just the place in mind. A cul de sac in the boonies by a river. It's actually pretty picturesque. There's a copse of trees there on a mound between the road and the river. It's one of those places that the few people who know it exists, don't like to share in case it gets crowded. Ideal for a little romantic picnic if you're into that sort of thing.

He agreed to meet me there at 3 a.m.

That gave me lots of time to set of the high definition night vision cameras to record the event. I didn't want my employers to have any doubt that the deed was done. Of course, they were arranged so that my face wouldn't be seen.

His SUV pulled up, the headlights were blueish but lit the area up nicely. Thankfully he killed them before turning off the engine. Getting out of the car, he approached me with his hand extended. “Glad to see you again, Nemesis.”

I walked up and took his hand. Shaking once, I pulled my pistol out with my free hand and started to pump lead into his chest. The shots combined with a sudden twist of his wrist put him on the ground. There was no blood of course. He was wearing body armor under his suit. Still, the breath was knocked out of him and he was on his back in shock, confused about what was going on.

“This is for those kids, you b******.” I said before I put one into his face.

His struggles ended.

Quickly I stuffed his body along with dirt he had fallen down on into a massive black bag I brought with me for the job. Then the whole works went into the river.

An hour after I left, a tow truck showed up for the SUV. A body chop shop would make quick work of that loose end.

It was all almost embarrassingly easy.

Re: Red VS Blue

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 10:23 am
by Grace
Of course, if it had all been as simple as all that, I probably would have posted in War Stories or perhaps not at all.

And of course nothing is ever as easy as it first appears.

I dropped off the video evidence in the drops that had been arranged (after making sure my face and features were properly distorted of course). Then I had to wait in order to meet my cigar contact again.

I'm half tempted to call him Cancer Man but that would be too expected. Instead I think I'll call him Leo.

This time our meeting took place in a public library. I was reading a trashy romance when he sat down opposite me. He removed a hat and placed it on the table between us.

"It's done. Just as planned." I informed him.

"I know." He nodded.

"I'm still not sure about this." I confessed.

"A little late for recriminations now. Besides, Mr. Blue had to die."

"If you say so."

"It's simple." Leo explained, "Mr. Blue was actively interfering with certain shadowy elements. They were aware of him and the danger he represented in exposing them. This of course sent them further underground, covering up their tracks even more than before. Now they'll feel free to act in a more open manner. This will make them vulnerable to us."

"So you say." I put the book down. "They don't know about you. They know about me and it's a sure bet they're going to want to wrap up this particular loose end."

"Indeed." He nodded. "But you knew the danger when you got invovled in this."

"So what do we do now?" I asked. Leo had yet to let me in on the full plan.

"You post about Mr. Blue's death on Lazlo. If that doesn't get them after you, nothing will."

Ever wonder what the worm on the hook feels like?

Re: Red VS Blue

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 4:59 pm
by Chalice
Nemesis wrote:Ever wonder what the worm on the hook feels like?

:evil: Hate it. Sucks too, doesn't it?

So, did it get their attention?

Re: Red VS Blue

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 1:30 pm
by Grace
Indeed Chalice, it did.

I've been on the run pretty much non-stop since I posted that bit about Mr. Blue's death. At one point, I was even posing as a dancer at a gentleman's club both to generate some cash and because it seemed like the last place they would look for me. It was Leo's idea. Of course he took it on himself to 'watch over me' while I was there; along with an old goat posing as a human being that was Leo's drinking buddy.


Leave it to me to find a club that had no less then three supernatural creatures involved with it. That is a story for another time however. Suffice it to say that when the dust cleared, I had drawn sufficient attention to myself that it was once more time to move on.

This part of the job at least, didn't require me to kill or even maim anyone. I just had to surface occasionally, get the suits after me and then try to vanish before they punched my ticket. Naturally evading these jokers meant being able to identify them, which was really what it was all about.

See, Leo's pretty smart and is as good at making plays as the next guy. He can even hold his own on a field op. But when it comes down to the real dark and dirty nitty gritty of a cat and mouse game, he lacks the sort of skills and instincts that someone like me has developed over a life time of staying alive. So he works his magic and I work mine.

So as I went about my way, the agents of the enemy (we'll call them the agents of evil or AOE, since I'm the protagonist this time) revealed themselves.

You must be asking yourself why you haven't read or heard about a string of murders in government agencies in the news? That's because we weren't killing them. Weird, huh?

Nope, the plan was just to identify them and then let them know they were compromised and now being watched. I guess that's as effective at neutralizing them as any other method. A few of them went underground but they got to stay there now. They get seen, they get busted.

The AOE are not dumb. They figured all this out. They decided to solve their little red headed problem with a red head of their own. Some of you may recall Cybermancer mentioning an assassination attempt made on him by a red head? Same chick.

Truth be told, I've been sort of looking forward to tangling with her. If she had been successful, I wouldn't have minded her trying to frame me, but to fail? Such things are bad for a girl's reputation.

Re: Red VS Blue

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 11:28 pm
by Hannah
Wait so you were working for Cybermancer while you were in Long Island all without letting me know you were following me?

I'm not getting any happier about this.


PS: About Mr. Blue, I thought you and he, well, yeah, let's not pursue those thoughts.

Re: Red VS Blue

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 11:35 pm
by Cybermancer
We have accomplished what we set out to do so it's now safe to say that Darcy was in fact working for me the whole time. Her intervention in your activities was her idea. If it makes you feel better, you may blame me for her silence on the matter until recently.

I wouldn't worry about Mr. Blue. He's gone on to a better place and I'm sure, has been justly rewarded for his actions in this world.

Re: Red VS Blue

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 1:32 pm
by Ron Caliburn
You try and shelter them; you try to steer them to a life of happiness and safety and then they chose to dive into the deep end with a backpack full of rocks.

Cyber, Darcy, thanks for making sure this lesson in what she was getting into was non-harmful. I only hope it sticks.

Re: Red VS Blue

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 6:05 pm
by Hannah
Seriously? That's what you're going to go with here.

Gah, Ben was so right about you!

Re: Red VS Blue

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 6:53 pm
by Cybermancer
To be honest, this was never about teaching Hannah anything. It didn't really have anything to do with Lazlo except that both Nemesis and I post here. Well, that and we were actively feeding misinformation to our opponents using this resource.

I didn't want any contact with other members of this board but at the same time I knew it would be pointless to dissuade Darcy from watching out for someone as important to her as Hannah is.

The reason we were avoiding heavy Lazlo involvement is that this wasn't a supernatural matter. What's more, I had concerns that the spooks we were dealing with might try to get to Darcy through her friends here. A concern that would only have grown worse if they had known I was involved.

As those with experience in these sorts of cloak and dagger operations can attest, the actions that Darcy took in helping Hannah and Mel were dangerous enough. Direct contact was out of the question. Not only for their safety, but for ours.

My only regret in all of this is that in feeding our enemies misinformation, we deceived our friends and because of that deception, caused pain. For causing that pain, I apologize. For everything else, I stand by my decisions.

Re: Red VS Blue

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 8:40 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Oh I know you weren't trying to teach her a lesson. I just hope she learned one all the same.

If she is going to get herself into this sort of thing, sooner or later she's going to find people she trusted doing things that look and feel like betrayal. Best that it happens in a form that doesn't involve a bullet, blade or claw.

Better still if she decides this isn't the life for her and finds something less dangerous to do with her life.

Re: Red VS Blue

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 12:34 am
by Cybermancer
I hope she learns that sometimes her friends have to do things without always telling her or including her.

I also hope she learns that doesn't mean they're not still her friends or that she can't trust them when the chips are down.

Re: Red VS Blue

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 2:43 am
by Tms3
Ron there is one problem with what your saying. She knows what goes bump in the night. She also becouse of what she is smells really tasty to what goes bump in the night so she has two choices she will ether have to go deal with them on her terms or do nothing and they will come deal with her on there's...

I would suggest the first because in the latter she is more likely to get eaten

Re: Red VS Blue

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 3:21 am
by Grace
All drama aside, it's time I finished this tale.

I was at a cafe, waiting for my meeting with Leo, who you all know was really Cyber. He was late which is really unusual for him. So I looked up with some aggravation when a shadow finally fell over me.

You may have inferred from my last post that it wasn't Cyber standing over me. It was a certain malignant red head. And she was wearing my face. “This seat taken?” She asked as she took it, not even mildly interested in my ascent.

I studied her carefully. She wasn't my exact twin. She didn't have my freckles, for example. The shade of her eyes was wrong as well. The shape of her eyes was wrong as well. They were narrower, as though they spent too much time squinting at the world.

There were other differences as well. She was taller than me and for the most part, thinner with less muscle development. At the same time she managed a more classical, 'womanly' image. Something about the way she moved screamed “Tiger!” to me.

“Nice face, shame it looks better on me.” I said after a bit.

She laughed. “You don't need to be that way, dear. I'm not your enemy here.”

“Is that so?” My tone was no doubt sceptical as my attitude certainly was.

“Oh sure I was no friend of that horrible Mr. Blue.” She graciously conceded, “but that doesn't mean we have to be enemies. I'm an admirer of your work. Especially with regards to the previously mentioned Mr. Blue.”

“And why is that?” I asked, wondering what was keeping Cyber.

“Because you succeeded where I failed. I read about it on that little site you enjoy sharing your exploits on.” She pouted, “seemed a little too easy to believe though.”

“Sounds like jealousy to me.” I said with as little emotion as I could.

She laughed easily, “perhaps dear. Perhaps. I think perhaps that the people who hired you misjudged you. We'd like to change our current... arrangement.”

“How so?” I asked.

“Well, for one, the people I represent stop hunting you. For another you start taking contracts from them. Exclusively.”

“Why would I want such limited employment?” I asked, feigning a slight interest.

“It's simple.” She said with a breezy smile, “each assignment will have a seven figure cheque with it. Plus expenses of course.”

It probably was all just that easy in her mind. The scary thing is that a few years ago, it would have been for me as well. I don't miss the person I was.

“Did you know that Septimus was dead?” I asked suddenly and bluntly.

It had the desired result. For just a moment her smile dropped and there was genuine surprise in her eyes. Just for a moment though. “What makes you think that name means anything to me?”

“He's the man that raised you, isn't he, Miranda?” I hope that my tone was someplace been mocking and curiosity. “And you are the same Sinistry that hired me to kill your mother?”

The humour went out of her face. “How did you find out these things?”

“I started looking into it a few months ago when I learned your father died. If he was in fact your father. Though I started sending out feelers after I met the man. I sort of thought I owed it to him to find the other person responsible for the death of his wife. Imagine my surprise when I learned that it was actually his daughter that was responsible.” As you can see, there are a great many things I don't post or otherwise reveal on this site or to its members. At least not before the correct time.

You would have thought a gorgon had stared her down, her face was that stoney. Her next question was telling. “Who killed him?”

“You didn't?” I asked with an arched brow.

“No.” She snarled.

“Because he was your father?”

“No.” She snarled again. “He raised me but he wasn't my father. That's why I left him alive. To suffer with that knowledge.”

“You're quite the piece of work, you know that?” I leaned back in my chair. “Anyway, it doesn't matter. Here's what going to happen. You're going to end your association with the people who are looking for me. Also, you're not going to tell them anything about where I am or what I am up to. In fact, it would be best if you found the deepest hole you can, climb in and pull the earth over you.”

“Why would I do any of that?” She demanded of me, “you're just a mortal murderer.”

I wanted to point out that I was a murderer that was good enough to kill her 'biological' mother but that didn't fit with my current desire to change my own self image. “That's right, I'm a mortal. And I answer to a mortal superior. Who would very much like to pass along your role in hiring me to off your mother. To your real superiors.”

“Very well, mortal.” She stood up, “you realize that you've guaranteed for yourself the worst sort of fate imaginable?”

From a monster that had her own mother killed and psychologically tortured the man who had raised her, that was saying something.

“Couldn't be worse than being a creature caught forever between heaven and hell.” I looked up at her to give her one more knowing smile. She favored me with just one more snarl before departing with hasty foot steps.

Minutes later, Cyber joined me. He pulled out one of his cigars. “How'd it go?”

“That information you provided from the other place hit home, no doubt.”

He lit and then puffed on his stogie. “I love it when a plan comes together.”

Re: Red VS Blue

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 4:19 am
by Grace
Okay, I'll try to wrap as many other loose ends as I can so this chapter can be closed.

You all may be wondering why these pseudo government goons (or PGG's) had such a hate on for Mr. Blue. Well as it turned out he was either part of or associated with a top level, secret government organization. That organization was tasked with investigating certain activity. When said activity was deemed a threat to either American citizens or national security, it was their job to intervene. They were not the Men in Black and were required at all times to obey the laws of the USA including and especially the constitution. If they engaged in illegal activity and were caught, they were on the hook for it.

You might imagine that they took a certain perverse pleasure in shutting down illegal government operations.

Mr. Blue was especially... adamant about clinging to the rule of law and shutting down illegal operations. But it was leading to difficulties. These illegal operations were, as Leo/Cyber told me, going further and deeper underground, making them harder to route out.

Cyber, especially had reason to want to route out everything to do with this operation. Part of the problem was that it was something of a grey area. While a secret operation, it wasn't technically illegal which made it nearly untouchable. The fact that it was located in Canada only complicated matters further.

Part of the problem was the company that certain project heads were keeping. Our dear Miranda from my above post, for example. The fact that the operation had an 'accident' that brought forth some sort of demonic beastie was no coincidence. It was part of a deliberate attempt to invade our world.

While that attempt was put to an end, the fact remained that the US government (and maybe others) was actively pursuing technology capable of accessing other worlds. Technology that could very well be used to invade our world by hostile aliens of various sorts.

It was Cyber's and my goal to put an end to, or at least set back these programs as much as we could. That is another reason we were in the Long Island area. We were investigating a secret base.

I can't actually say what we did without implicating people in various unsavoury activity.

Suffice it to say, when the dust cleared, we had set back their project at least five decades.

We hope.

Re: Red VS Blue

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 4:49 am
by Cybermancer
Very good Darcy. It was a... pleasure working with you on this.

I'm chiming in here just to address the issue of Mr. Blue. Both to set to rest certain concerns for those who may suspect his identity and also as a warning for those who think that they are now somehow free to peddle their evil.

Mr. Blue is not dead. Neither is he here any longer. He has gone home.

There is quite a bit about Mr. Blue that few people here knew. For example he had a rather large family including two daughters. He was currently unattached but wasn't looking for new attachements because he was still mourning a loss close to his heart.

He never meant to become very involved in things transpiring here but he did. Despite mounting pressure by his friends and family to return home to deal with increasing difficulties there, he felt he couldn't just abandon this place with things left undone.

Then he met me and an oppurtunity presented itself. I won't go into it too much but suffice it to say we discovered that the two of us had far more in common than two individuals have a right to. After some discussion we agreed that I would take up his mantle here as Cybermancer.

My first post here was this.

I will be continuing the posts in the WWVLD? thread because I experienced everything that happened there just as Mr. Blue did. Indeed the end of that story is in many ways my beginning.

But that is a story for another time.

Some of you are no doubt wondering why Mr. Blue did not say good-bye.

Part of the reason is that he had to lay low in order to assist Darcy and I in our activities. The other reason is that while he is gone, it doesn't mean he'll never be back. For him this was not good bye, it is more of, "See you later."

He can be contacted, if necessary. Messages both ways are liable to suffer from delay as the means is not instantaneous.

I do apologize for the deceptions that have been involved in this transition. They were all very necessary. Or at least they seemed to be at the time.

I hope this answers everyone's questions about what has been going on.

Re: Red VS Blue

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 4:26 pm
As Louis would write, "curiouser and curiouser". I will not even pretend that I understand what has transpired here. The references to two or three Mr. Blues is obviously not meant for me. I met Cybermancer once before, and didn't have a chance to say aloha then either, but I digress.

I am posting now because elements of this story seem oddly familiar to me. I am referring to Mister-insert-color-here. It could be coincidence of course or the popularity of Reservoir Dogs.

I don't know much myself. Mr. Green is an expert on astrophysics and extra-planetary life forms. He is located somewhere on the Gulf Coast, possibly in Alabama, Georgia, or Florida where he is rumored to be held captive. He has been a huge source of information recently for some individuals, but these genuinely seem to be a completely different and unrelated set of people to his captors who are either military or g-men. I know, that part doesn't make any sense to me either. I hesitate to even mention this because I do not want anyone else to actually investigate Mr. Green. The last time I had someone look into it, my contact vanished. My other contacts in the area -- whom I had not called yet -- vanished or some got intimidated enough that they are no longer my contacts. Does anyone here know of a Mister Green or how he relates to this case?

Oh, and Nemesis, you must let us know when you will be next be dancing again.

Re: Red VS Blue

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 6:00 pm
by Grace
I don't suspect I will ever be dancing like that ever again. Those who missed it will just be out of luck, RAVEN.

I can't say I know anything about this Mr. Green or if he does or does not relate in any way to this case. It's a big wide world so you never know. I am curious about him now.

You're not going to arouse a girls curiousity and then leave her with no satisfaction, are you?

Re: Red VS Blue

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 12:49 am
I would! As the French say, "the sexiest part is the walk upstairs." Actually, they say it in French.

Re: Red VS Blue

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 1:12 am
by Grace
You sir, are a bad man doomed to die alone.

Re: Red VS Blue

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 3:00 pm
by Professor Ali
Ah, you have met him!

Mister Davenport, do not stress about this Mister Green. As it so happens, I have just relocated to the Tampa era. I have finally acquired my new dream job, teaching at a university where the snow never falls. If this Mister Green is anything but an urban legend, I will let you know.

As for the events detailed in this thread, I would like to thank both Nemesis and Cybermancer for their service. If either of you find your way to the Gulf Coast, drop by and see me. Dancing is optional.