Like last time the festivities last throughout the entire weekendand inlcude food, fun, and fishin'. They opened a new B&B that overlooks the cove and the CG says that Cove Beach should be cleared for visitors long before then.
The lake is also stocked and teamin' with planty of trout and bass this year; caught me a bunch this past weekend.
Plus as an added bonus Kelly has The Brick up and runnin' plus we expanded into the old feed store next door. Put in a huge wide screen TV, expanded the bar, and put in a WiFi hub.
Also Carter is quite happy with the work that Joe's doin' and has been in contact with the Robert Joseph Mach of The Lazlo Agency about making the Annex an offical branch of The Lazlo Agency.
Mr. Mach may even be comin' up here that weekend to inspect the Annex and talk business with Carter.
Way to go Carter.

Well thats it for now. Hope to see ya'll there.