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Wish You Were Here - The Tall Pines Asylum Investigation

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 4:16 pm
by Holister
Well here it is almost the weekend again, but I eriously doubt it will be as interestin' as last weekend when me and the boys went on out to Tall Pines Asylum to take a look around before she gets demolished next month.

" What's the worst that could happen? " I thought. Man did I have those words crammed back down my throat with a side of humble pie and half my left foot.

Well I reckon I should go back to last Friday afternoon (4/9/10). Joe was still around recuperating' and workin' at the Lazlo Society Annex here in Cypress Cove; Doc Boggs was around checkin' out the ol' Cypress Cove Chronicle building; and I was up to my usual sheriffin' duties respondin' to a cow tippin' and someone parked in the crip space out by the bank.

As ya'll know I posted a thread earlier last week about goin' to take a look round Tall Pines, so since Joe & Doc were around they decided to come tag along. I figured what the heck, the more the merrier, so we decided to make it into a real paranormal investigation with gear, research, the whole shabang.

Well of course this got Carter's interest peeked so he wanted in too, and to my suprise another Lazlo member, Mr. Gabriel Matthews arrived that afternoon to join in the investigation as well.

So I figure what better way to start off an official Lazlo Society investigation that with a few rounds at The Brick and a hearty steak dinner for everyone. We all sat down around 5 o'clock and ordered the frst round and munched on some of Kelly's special recipe boneless BBQ wings and started talkin' bout this and that like fellas do when they get together. Joe was quieter than normal. Been that way ever since we got back from New York.

Anyways, Carter strolls in at about half past 6 and joins us. So now we can finally eat and Boggs orders up a nice round 18 year old McCallan for everyone while Carter starts tellin' us all about the infamous history and most popular legends of Tall Pines Aslyum.

I have to admit, even bein' a local, I didn't know half the history about that place. I always though it was just some creepy ol' nut house hospital in the middle of nowhere squared.

We all finished with dinner bout 7:20 PM and headed back to The Annex so that Carter and Joe could grab some gear. Doc went back to Chronicle building for something, and chatted it up with Gabriel while we stocked up on flashlights, extra batteries, and bottled water. I also brought along my .45 sidearm just in case.

Why? I had to chase vagrants out of that place before, and sometimes they can be dangerous; drunk, drugged up, or just plain nuts. I wasn't the only one thinkin' that way as Doc brought along his signature 9mm Browning and Joe brought along a 12 gauge. He said it was to test out a new ammo, so what the heck.

We all got on the road about quarter to eight and arrived at Tall Pines bout 8:30. It was already dark by the time we arrived. Man let me tell ya'll something, that place was creepy enough in the daylight, but at night the sight of that place just sent chills down my spine.

We stopped briefly at the gate so that I could unlock it. I could feel an ill wind in the air, an for a moment it felt like someone just walked over my grave or something.

I got back in the car as Carter continued on about the stories about the hospital. Before long there we were, parked out front of one of the most notorious haunted buildings in the country, with my headlights shinin' right on the words carved right over the front doors.


Man, I never liked that place.

Re: Wish You Were Here - The Tall Pines Asylum Investigation

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 11:00 am
by Holister
Well there we were, the five of us, starin' at the front doors of the hospital. In the distance we could hear nothing. Not a sound of life anywhere near that place.

And who says Disneyword is the funnest place on Earth.

Well I stared to removed the boards with Joe's help as Carter pointed out the corner stone with a name and date engraved into it


He went on to point out that was the date the new hospital was built where the old one burned down. Oh, thats right, I should probably fill the rest of ya' folks in on the history of that place shouldn't I.

The asylum was built back in 1810 by a doctor Lennox Blackthorne. At the time, the asylum was one of the first in the country that practiced " psychiatric medicine " rather than the more medeival beliefs surrounding mental disorders. However not veryone including the local minister agreed with the medical theories of Lennox Blackthorne.

Many times alledged possesseions, witches, and heretics were brought to the safety of the asylum rather than suffer at the hands of the dated and often brutal practices of the church. The local minister at the time; Father Cylus Grant did not approve of these " acts against God " and often voiced his disapproval publically, and often to no avail.

Dr. Blackthorne had a fully staffed hospital that would tend to not only those sick of mind, but sick in body as well. Before long The Blackthorne Asylum earned quite the reputation throughout New England. The hospital was passed down from father to son - Heathcliff Blackthorne, who did not share his father's desire to heal, rather than a desire to make a profit.

Corners began to get cut, health care dropped, doctors were replaced with " orderlies " that were more like thugs. Soon the reputation of the hospital began to slide drastically and the wealthier clientel tried to pull their family members from the hospital. The key word here being " tried ". Soon the health care became methods of torture and the people in the town were terrified to go near the place. This was all the fuel that Cylus Grant needed to launch his camapign against the hospital.

By the 1840s the hospital was running in the red. The more money that Blackthorne lost, the more cruel he became to the patients under his care. Finaly he began the experimentation on the patients. New and untested methods were allowed to be implicated. The patients began to die and bodies began to go missing.

Then on one night in 1847 the hospital was burned to the ground in a mysterious fire and the staff was lynched or arrested to stand trial for their crimes. Dr. Heathcliff Blackthorne was lynched and burned alive by Cylus Grant. Afterwards the good father left Maine and headed west, never to heard from again.

The ruins of the hospital were a grim reminder of the horrors that transpired there. It was not until the fires burned out that they found the bodies of over 300 people disposed of in a gut pile in a hidden chamber beneath the ruins of the hospital.

The grounds were left uninhabited until 1927 when a new hopsital was built by the state; Tall Pines Psychiatric Hospital. During which time the usual urban mythology began to surface about the hospital being haunted along with frequent claims of malpractice.

The hospital was state run until it cut its funding in 1990. In 1994 the main hospital was shut down for good after a patient escaped and brutally murders 30+ people in a killing spree that lasted 36 hours. The patient was killed by local law enforcement (my my own sweet da') but the hospital still lost all state funding due alot of bad publicity and inpending law suits. The hospital director Dr. Malcom Daniels hung himself in his office the night he received word that the hospital was shut down. Only the new building remained open and privately run until recent events.

According to local legends; patient 312 - Adam McNamara did not die and still haunted the old hospital.

Like I said, a real happy place.

Re: Wish You Were Here - The Tall Pines Asylum Investigation

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 12:09 pm
by Holister
Upon our arrival at Tall Pines, it seemed like everyone got that " strange sensation ". Gabe seemed to sense it more from the expression on his face. Upon reaching those doors, everyone had a good case of the creeps, but again, Gabe knew something horribly wrong with that place.

He was the first to touch the old drab grey steel doors and just seemed to zone out for a minute while muttering

" This is no place of healing; it is a place of suffering and death. "

Of course when Joe snapped him out of it and asked him " What was that? " Gabe had no recollection of what he just said. That's just the start of the strangeness. Thats when Doc Boggs tipped his hat back and whistled, "sounds like a fun night."

I tried to get the doors unlocked and had some difficulty. That was until Doc gave me a hand and they opened right up. Through the front doors we proceeded and distributed all the gizmos and investigation equipment along with flashlights, bottled water, and mini-recorders.

I instinctively checked my .45 sidearm out of habit and explained that me and my deputies had to chase derelicts out of this place more than once. As we began our investigation I felt compelled to tell the party some of the more notorous legends about Tall Pines. Since I was a local until the Autumn of 1993, I had some pretty grumesome tales. The worst of them is the story of Adam McNamara.

As urban legend had it, Adam was the only son to the (then) owner of the bank and a fairly sized overseas shipping buisness by the name of Ozbourne McNamara and his wife Marilyn. Ozbourne always wanted a son to carry on the McNamara family name and in 1971 got his wish. However, Adam was not a normal child.

You see Ozbourne was a bully, a heavy drinker, and a wife beater. His wife Marilyn was pregant once before, but it was discovered it was to be a girl, he quite literaly beat it out of her and had the physician " dispose of it with the rest of the medical waste ". Marilyn took up drinking after that, alot of drinking. Ozbourne was a bully and everyone in town knew it. It was because he controlled the bank, and in turn all the money, few people stood up to him. The sheiff at the time was told by the mayor to " Just ignore them domestic quarrels. "

So life went on until one day it was announced that Adam McNamara was born; a month premature but almost 15 lbs when born. His wife Marilyn was physically and mentally spent after that. It took her several months to fully recover while nurse maids took care of the baby.

Ozbourne went on with his work never knowing (or caring) that his son wasn't normal. It wasn't until the child was at the age of four that he began to suspect something was not right with the child. The child was pretty much a mongoloid. Ozbourne was furious that his one and only " heir " was not perfect. He was publically embrassed and went into fits of violent rage often. He kept the boy locked away in their home but it never changed things. He beat the boy often and demanded another child from his alcoholic wife.

People began to suspect Ozbourne was stealing from his own bank. Thousands of dollars were alledgedly missing and the dept of the treasury was called in. Ozbourne was trapped and under indictment for embezzlement, tax and insurance fraud, and money laundering. However, he was never prosecuted because several days before the feds would arrive to arrest him, Ozbourne McNamara was bludgeoned to death by his seven year old son Adam.

Then one day in the fall of 1978 the sheriff was asked to head out to the McNamara home because Ozbourne or his wife hadn't been seen in three days and a mysterious fire broke out in one of warehouses two nights earlier over in Boundbrook (the next town over). They arrived to find young Adam covered in blood sittng n the front step with bloodied fire place poker next to him. After investigating the house, they found what was left of Ozbourne pulverized in his study. The body of his wife Marilyn was found upstairs in bed; she was stabbed to death 17 times with a kitchen knife.

An investigation took place and Adam was locked away in Tall Pines. A seven year old mentally challenged boy, son of an abusive father and alcoholic mother, was put away in a hospital used for the criminally insane. Where he stayed until the night he escaped 16 years later; in 1994.

According to evidence and reports after the fact that have turned up over the years, much about the McNamaras came to sufface in the light of day. One fact was that it wasn't Adam's fingerprints on the knfe that was used to kill his mother. It was Ozbourne's. Another fact that the medical examiner couldn't wrap his mind around was how a seven year child had the strength to inflict the amount brute damage that was done to his father, yet it was Adam's fingerprints only on the poker. For years it was assumed that Adam saw his father kill his mother and finally snapped.

One other fact that was kept quiet; Marilyn gave birth less that 24 hours before she was murdered. Yet there were never any reports of another child. That remains a mystery to this very day.

Then in one night in the fall of 1994; Adam then 23; escape his capitivity and went on a killing spree that claimed the lives of over 30 people in the 36 hours he was running free. The official report only listed 26 victims that he butchered. It didn't inlcude the two deputies he killed and some others whose bodies were never found.

It wass said that Adam was tracked down to his old house and was finally shot dead by police (one of which my father - Sheriff Thomas Rutger Holister). The body was recovered and ordered back to Tall Pines for medical examination and disposal. Some nonsense about him being a patient of the state so it was the state's responsibility. No ME's report was ever found, though a death certificate was printed up for the town records.

Adam's remains were supposedly cremated and his ashes placed in the McNamara family crypt in the Silent Rest cemetery just outside of town.

Other than a death certificate signed off by a Tall Pines doctor (no one ever heard of), that was all the proof that Adam was dead.

Tall Pines was in the red prior to Adam's rampage. After that incident, the hospital was shut down and remained abandonned ever since. There have since been stories and urban legends that the hospital was haunted and that the ghost of Adam McNamara still roamed the halls. The name Adam McNamara is considered the local bogey-man that older kids use to scare their younger siblings at night.

I remember hearin' one night back in 2001, a group of several would be paranomal investigators from Miskatonic University went to the hopital. They were never heard from again. The police investigation turned up nothing.

Then back in 2004, a group of five teenagers spent Halloween night there. They also were never heard from again. The police investigation turned up nothing, again.

After several flawed investigations, Sheriff Marlboro was de-elected and I got the job.

I believe it was at this point that we reached the second floor where as I made the comment...

" And the first one that suggests splittin' up is gettin' left here. "

Re: Wish You Were Here - The Tall Pines Asylum Investigation

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:55 am
by Holister
Howdy folks, sorry for the late continuation I went fishing this weekend. :mrgreen:

Anyway, where was I. Oh yes, we left off on the 2nd floor.

The first one to repond was Gabe whose suggestion was of course that we " Split Up. " I swear if I didn't know he was jokin' round I would have left him strapped to a gerny.

I could tell that despite the joke, Gabe seemed anxious, like a long tailed cat in a room full of rockin' chairs. He kept lookin' over his shoulders, when I ask if he was gonna be alright, he just knodded and offered me some gum.

We proceeded to explore the last of the second floor and moved our way up to the third. I have to say, for an old guy, Doc kept his cool and looked like quite the professional spook hunter. He managed to keep up even after all those stairs. :wink:

Joe was still more quiet than usual, occaisonaly looking around, and seemed to stay focused on the job at hand. That seemed to be his signature as of recently. I guess gettin' kidnapped and almost killed can do that to a fella.

We got about two thirds way through the third floor when we hit a cold spot. I know that when lookin' for ghosts, a cold spot is par for the course, but I mean this was a cold spot. The instruments were goin' nuts and Gabe said he felt something touch him.

We of course looked around tryin' to see if we could see anything. Doc took a few quick photos, Joe checked his EMF gage, Carter was checkin' for EVPs, and I looked like a dick cause I have no idea what was going on.

Thats when Gabe suddenly let out this scream that would curdle cheese and drops to the floor while clutchin' his head. I have no idea what happened, but it scared the crap out of all of us. Doc & Carter snapped him out of it. He just stared at us for a second like he didn't know who we were and just said, " You must leave this place before it is too late. "

Carter ran some smellin' salts under his nose and Gabe came back to us, mutterin' about a headache and some really horrible things he just saw. I reckoned it was pretty bad as it took him another few moments to compose himself enough to move on.

He started telling us what he witnessed, what he felt, and that their were more spirits here than we first estimated; about 300+ really angry ghosts that had been driven insane before they died.

*groan* It was gonna be one of those nights.

We finished explorin' the third and fourth floors as Gabe told us everything he saw.I think as he talked, it helped expedite our investigation. The whole time, things were movin' on their own, strange noises echoed from dark corners, random cold spots, and even a strange cloud of vapor appeared once or twice.

At that time just about everyone (myself included this time) had been using the recorders, taking pictures, or some other gizmo. Joe kept checkin' the equipment, and even smacked the side of his scanner once or twice. When I asked him what was wrong, he told me that there was so much spiritual activitity that it knocked out his scanner. Things just keep gettin' better an' better.

There were multiple EVPs, temperature and EMF fluxs all over the place, random cold spots, occaisonal items that were caught moving on their own, strange lights and sounds, and even a few ectoplasmic manifistations caught on tape. Doc had a sly smile on his face and told us " Boy'os, we have ourselves one Hell of a haunting on our hands here. "

Carter pointed out at that time that we had enough diffinitive proof that there was in fact life after death (and similar rants). That this place was a virtual cornocopia of paranormal investigation.

If it wasn't for this overwhelming sense of forboading and dread hanging in the air like heavy fog, I may have agreed with him. That and the fact once we got back down to the foryeur the front doors were bolted and chained from the inside.

After several attempts to gets the doors open, it is apparent that we weren't goin' anywhere anytime soon, and that we weren't gettin' out the same way that they came in. Something deffinitely didn't want us to leave.

So it was after a brief discussion about what to do next that I pulled out a copy of floorplan from my jacket pocket and shined a flashlight over it. There were three more exits on that level and it turned out there was another one is another one in the basement, exiting from a private entrance directly to the cellar ward.

I really didn'y want to go down there, like at all.

Much to my own disapproval it was eventually suggested that we do actually split up and try to find an open door somewhere on this floor. So off into various corridors and rooms everyone went. Me, I stood by the door and once everyone was gone, started to beat the bloody Hell out of it with an old pipe.

I REALLY didn't want to go down into the cellar.

Re: Wish You Were Here - The Tall Pines Asylum Investigation

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 5:02 pm
by Doctor Boggs
Ugh, don't remind me about the stairs, that was the real nightmare!

Re: Wish You Were Here - The Tall Pines Asylum Investigation

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 4:14 pm
by Joe Smith
And you guys made fun of me when I recommended that we burn the place down - before we went in...

I don't think I am going to listen to Ben anymore when he says things like "Its just a little ghost investigation. What could be dangerous about that?"

Re: Wish You Were Here - The Tall Pines Asylum Investigation

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:36 am
by Gabriel Matthews
This was my first REAL ghost investigation and I must say... I'm still recovering from it. It was a rush, don't get me wrong... I'd do it again... but for now I'm happy that I'm not even in the same country as that place anymore.

Re: Wish You Were Here - The Tall Pines Asylum Investigation

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 7:32 pm
by Holister
Hey, I told ya'll it wasn't a nice place. Well it's a heepin' pile of rubble now.

Sorry for the delay in postin' the rest of this tale. Sheriff duties have had me quite occupied. So where were we...

That's right we had split up and I was cussin' like a long shoreman at the front door and beatin' the ever lovin' daylight out of it with a length of ree-bar.

I didn't take Carter and Doc to long to get back. Carter said he couldn't find anything and Doc just said " he found an exit but the
door was convienantly misplaced. " That I reckon meant it was bricked up. He tipped his hat and nodded politely.

A short while later Joe got back, white as a sheet and his hands were shakin'. Not to sound to apathetic, but I guess he saw a ghost. He was missin' his shotgun and just looked at me and said, " I should have stayed in the car. " Joe didn't quite say much after that, he just went on to start tamperin' with that lantern thing he brought along with him.

Gabe was the last one back. He looked a bit less frazzeled than Joe, so I didn't quite reckon to take that as a good sign, or a bad one. He just sought of glared at us vacantly, and headed toward the cellar door.

Doc let out a chuckle, patted me on the back and said " Looks like we go down. " I just hung my head and sighed deeeply. I really, really, did not want to go down there.

Well for what ever choice we had we followed Gabe down the stone steps into the basement. The cold, damp, dingy, and totally terrifying basement. As for the decor think " House on Haunted Hill; the one with Ali Larter & Ty Diggs. Complete with shock therapy rooms, submersion tank, padded cells, and a " Psychostrobe Chamber " for kicks.

Gabe said that the feeling of evil, suffering, fear, and death is much stronger in these lower levels than anywhere else. That each room held onto tormented spirits, destined to be forever tortured by unseen captors. Each new corridor we took gave us all a sense of forboading dread.

I may not be psychic, but I just felt that there was deffinitely something down there with us, watching. Something..not human.

We continued deeper and deeper into the bowels of the haunted asylum, nerves on edge, senses sharp to anything that would appear as a threat. That is when we came upon one of the ol' opperatin' rooms. Inside we found a bloodied opperating table, several bloodied surgical tools from like the turn of the previous century, oh and did I mention the pools of fresh blood upon the floor, walls, and ceiling.

Gabe again went fuzzy on s and said " he has seen the past events of the room, the horrors that took place there, and the recent deaths of the men from CK International who dared to enter this acursed place. "

He then went on to say " I also saw a large man in a blood stained dingy lab coat and a burlap sack upon his head covering his face. Only a single eye hole was cut on the left side. He uses the tools not with percision, but with the grace of a butcher obsessed. Again a flash of a bloodied metal door with the number 312 upon it. "

Thats about the time Gabe snapped out of his trance because we all heard some blood curdling scream from somewhere further down in the darkness.

Gabe insisted that we check we rest of place. Afterall there was a scream, someone else had to be down there. Joe just pointed down at the blood and Doc just looked away. I just shrugged, looked at the others, and we moved on.

Gabe looked back once at the coagulatin' blood on the floor, and quickly joined us as we proceeded further down.

Re: Wish You Were Here - The Tall Pines Asylum Investigation

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 1:07 pm
by Holister
Ok here we are...second to last chapter.

We made our way down further into the depths of the asylum. The air wass rank and reeked of dampness and age. Rusty water dripped from overhead pipes and the occasional rat scurried off into the shadows. We had arrived into The Cellar Ward.....

It was here that the most dangerous and depraved souls were kept. Abominations of both the mind and body. It was here these wretched souls became the perfect subjects for the inhuman experimentation that took place. Their screams of agony would go unheard and their suffering would continue for years.

As we explored the Cellar Ward, we found pools of fresh blood that lead off to no where. Doors that have been bolted shut with skeletal remains locked away within. Within this maze of corridors and rooms we finally came across a bolted door marked " No Entrance ". Of course Gabe reaches out and touches it and slips into one of his trances.

Suddenly without cause or reason Gabe starts tearin' at the door, beatin' an poundin' at it, beggin' for it to be open beofe " HE " returns. Well me & Joe join in tryin' to get it open. That's when Doc walkes past us, says " Excuse me Gents " knocks on the door once, the chains drop to the floor and the door opens. Inside lies a grizzly sight that we all just stared at for a moment. Doc summed it up best , " Well Dang. "

Inside the room, beyond the bolted door, was a laboratory of horrors. In the center of the room is a machine of rusted iron, cables, knobs, and cervos. It wass the dark heart at the very center of that place. Not one of flesh and blood, but one of iron and energy.

Carter pointed out that somehow, someway that horrid device what was keepin' all those imprisoned these souls there. Gabe walked past us again and tocuhed it. This was gettin' to be a bad habit with him, but why stop him now.

He again slipped into a trance, but yet was able to speak to us,
" The vision dates back many decades, perhaps centuries. The device was the mad dream of a twisted mind who began to construct it. Even after his own death, his depraved soul possessed one after another throughout the years to see his device completed. One madening thought echoing throughout his deranged mind, " I too can harvest souls, then I too must be equal to God. "

At that point Gabe stepped back from that dammed thing and spoke out a single name....Lennox Blackthorne.

Gabe went on to tell us " It was all a lie. The hospital, its was never meant to be a place of healing. This place, this device. It was a madman's plan to harness the souls of the dead for power. "

That is about the time when I heard an echo comin' from down the corridor...the sound of metal being hit. I rentered the corridor and looked around. At the end of the hall there was a door, an old rusty, blood stained door with the number 312 upon it. Somethin' was in there bangin' away at the door until it finally blew open.

Adam had fianally come.....

Re: Wish You Were Here - The Tall Pines Asylum Investigation

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 4:31 pm
by Hannah
Sounds like the asylum that Dad and Gabrielle used to be in. The whole harvesting souls thing.

Did this thing have a giant spider in it too?

Re: Wish You Were Here - The Tall Pines Asylum Investigation

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 5:03 pm
by Holister
Sorry darlin' just an axe wieldin' psychopath that really didn't exist. Or did he?

Re: Wish You Were Here - The Tall Pines Asylum Investigation

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 5:33 pm
by Doctor Boggs
My ribs think it bloody well existed! What a day that was

Re: Wish You Were Here - The Tall Pines Asylum Investigation

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 8:54 am
by Randolph_Carter
Due to sheriff Holister's urgent family matters, it was left to me to conclude the telling of this tale.

Within the dark and dank corridor we could hear the sound of metal being dragged across the cold stone floor. Ben could be heard saying; " Cypress Cove sheriff's department, put the weapon down and stand back! " With no response, Mr. Boggs, Mr. Smith, and myself were able to get the doorway in time to hear Ben repeat himself with more intensity with his .45 leveled at a figure approaching in the darkness; " This is the Cypress Cove sheriff's department, put the weapon down and stand back! "

In the shadows, lurching foward a hulking brute standing almost seven feet high wearing a bloodied lab coat and a dingy burlap sack over his head with a single eye hole cut out. In the brute's left hand an old bloodied fire axe.

At about 5 yards away the brute stopped his walk, lifted his head up, and suddenly raises the axe. Ben shot once, direct hit, center mass. The figure just stood there, looked down at its chest, then backup, and then proceeded to throw the axe at Ben. The axe missed Ben by mear inches as it cut deep into the wooden backside of the chamber door.

Without thinking, Ben shot three more times at the brute. Again, direct hits center mass. The figure dropped to the floor this time with a thud as Ben turned to see if everyone is alright. Mr. Boggs by this point had his Browning 9mm drawn and Mr. Smith had his weapon ready as well. Mr. Matthews and myself were both looking for a means to defend ourselves, but something about the device kept drawing Gabriel's attention as if something had lead him there.
While in some kind of a half trance he spoke " The device is the key. It must be destroyed. "

Well out in the corridor the brute was suddenly back on his feet; Ben, Joe, and Boggs shot several more times at the shape but to no prevail as it moved ever so closer and much quicker this time.

Mr. Boggs promenently suggested " a strategic retreat " and urged everyone back into the room. No sooner than Ben and Mr. Smith got the door closed and sealed than the pounding on the otherside began. Mr. Smith was the first to acknowledge " The door won't hold that thing at bay for long. " Ben simply nodded as he looked for something to help prop up against the door, while the eyes f the others turned toward me for answers.

All I could do was look at the others, rub my his head, and say, " I believe that the maniac on the other side of the door is a manifestation of some kind. A physical representation of the evil and madness that occured here. Sort of a supernatural watch dog created by this place in order to deal with unwanted tresspassers I'm assuming. "

That is when Mr. Boggs looked at me and asked " So how do we stop it then? "

All I could reply was, " I don't know if we can. Your bullets have no affect as it is like shooting at smoke. Banishing it may work, but I doubt it because this place created it so its already here where it originated. "

That is when Gabriel turned and looked at everyone; " This device is the cause. That thing out there was created by this device to protect it. The spirits of this place are trapped here because of this thing as well. If we destroy it, we destroy that thing out there and set these tortured souls free. " He than ran over, grabbed the fire axe that was stil lodged in the door and darted back to the device, " Please help me, that door won't hold Adam back for long. " as he swung the axe, causing sparks as the blade struck the device.

At this point Mr. Smith and myself go help to destroy the device while Mr. Boggs and Ben watched over the door that is slowly being bashed into match wood.

Mr. Matthews, Mr. Smith, and myself started tearing into that machine. Ripping at hoses, tearing out cables, smashing anything we could to try and disable it. I looked at Gabriel and asked " what is going to happen when we destory this thing? Doesn't it contain the spiritual energy of over 300 trapped spirits inside of it? "

With that, a realization dawn ed upon us....destroying the device would be like seeting off a spiritual energy equivalant of a bomb. Once it is destroyed, we wouldn't have much time to escape. Every second would have to count. With that in mind, everyone nobely agreed that the device must be destroyed regardless of the consequences. I can see why these men are considered heroes now.

It did not take ong for the door to shatter apart as Adam entered into the room. Mr. Boggs got a shot or two off before being backhanded by the brute that sent him sending him sprawling to the floor. Ben tried to shoot but him as well but had his gun knocked from his hand and was suddenly grabbed by the throat.

At this point Mr. Smith tossed the lantern device he was working on earlier to Mr. Matthews to shove inside the device best he can and activate it while stating " I have something to take care of. " He then grabbed a large piece of the machne that had broken off and lunged at Adam like a man obsessed, smashing him across the back with the piece of iron. Adam dropped Ben who was gasping for air and hanging on to consciousness and turned toward Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith met Adam's gaze and then proceeded to beat the madman mercilessly with the iron rod all the while screaming out " DIE DIE DIE!!! ".

Back at the machine Mr. Mathews and myself were able to break open the spherical iron core of the device and insert the device. Inside were countless imprissoned souls, and at the center, a beautiful young woman bathed in haunting blue azure. She looked at Gabriel....." Thank you may savior. We can now rest in peace. " With that the Mr. Smith's device exploded. The room filled with a blinding light as the trapped spirits erupted from the ancient machine like lava from a volcano.

Countless spirits passed through Adam, immobilizing him as Mr. Smith was able to impale him through his heart. Adam dropped to his knees and simply vanished like smoke on the wind. Mr. Boggs had gotten back to his feet and helped Ben get to his, looked at the rest of us and said " I believe its time we move along now, wouldn't you agree. "

We made a mad dash for the door, down the corridor, and out the rear entrance that lead secretly into the cellar ward. All around us the building shook and debris fell. Hundreds of spirits were making a mass exodus around us. We continued quickly into the adjoining tunnel and ran upward some 40 feet to another door that Mr. Smith and Ben simply smashed through into the light of morning.

Once outside we could see the old hospital implode upon itself, collapsing into a heap of rubble as the last of the spirits make their way skyward to their final rest. One spirit remained and approached us, it was the woman's spirit from the device. Her azure glow washed over us, healing our wounds. Inside my mind, and those of my friends I could see by their expressions, we could hear her voice, " My name is Fiona. Thank you all. This place of darkness created by my my husband Lennox all those years ago has finally fallen to the light. May you all find the peace you rightfully deserve. "

With that said she dispersed into twinkling lights. Not wanting to overstay our welcome we returned to Ben's jeep and headed back to town for some breakfast at The Brick.

The End.

I'm no stranger to shame!

Re: Wish You Were Here - The Tall Pines Asylum Investigation

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 11:37 pm
by Holister
Thanks Carter. Sorry ya' couldn't come along on this lil' shindig but i appreciate ya' lookin' out for my family like ya' are.

Nice finish to this tale. ya' did forget to mention that Joe's " ghost light bomb lamp thing " fried all our gear we managed to take back with us. The only proof of anything that actually happened is locked away in our heads.

That I could have lived without for the rest of my natural born life, but what the heck right. Remind me to just take the fellas out for beer and lobster next time they come to visit.

Re: Wish You Were Here - The Tall Pines Asylum Investigation

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 4:35 pm
by Joe Smith
I will call the field test of the "spook light" a failure.

One of the things that Carter failed to mention was that when it went off, it not only overloaded the machine and blew the core open so that Gabe did whatever he did, but it also dropped all of us to the floor.

At least it threw Adam a good 20 feet into a wall. Too bad he got right back up and found his ax. I remember him standing up and coming towards us and then he froze. I couldn't move and he was standing over us - like a statue. I didn't stab him in the heart. I don't know who did. I couldn't even stand.

I had the worst vertigo, and no coordination at all for 10 or 20 seconds. That thing really messes with the human nervous system. Understandable I guess considering it was designed to disrupt the energy signature of etherial supernatural critters.

How did you get back up so fast, gabe?

Re: Wish You Were Here - The Tall Pines Asylum Investigation

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 8:43 am
by Holister
I honestly do remember much at this point, most of everything was either a blur or seen through a tainted haze me tryin' to catch my breath or tryin' to shake off this feelin' of vertigo, kind a like tunnel vision in stereo.

If you didn't do it Joe, who did? I recall seeing ya' on the floor not too far from where I was layin', but..then?

Thats it, no more hauntin's for me.

Re: Wish You Were Here - The Tall Pines Asylum Investigation

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 1:02 am
by Gabriel Matthews
Finally! Sorry I kind of fell off the face of the Earth. Ya know, for a guy who fixes computers for a living I seem to have some pretty awful luck with them. First my phone died after the night in the asylum and then when I get home my PC up and croaks. Fancy that eh? (No cracks)

Anyways. I never did share my personal experience when we decided to go all Scooby-Doo and split up. However as I believe the events that occurred there are responsible for some of the "fun" I'm having now and it'll take a while to write everything out I think it'll have to wait until morning. Was just waiting for Linux to finish installing on my new system to test it out but I'm exhausted. I've got a lot to tell, and I need my sleep. Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm alive.