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Lazlo Agency help requested in Glen Gardner N.J.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 1:35 pm
by Tabloid Hound
This came in my email news this morning and thought I should forward this one on. This seems rip with magical purposes of the wrong kind;

Rotting Animal Parts found in New Jersey High School

Glen Gardner N.J. - Discovery of a bag full of rotting animal parts hidden in the ceiling above the school lunchroom forced the closing of Voorhees High School on Monday.

Officials said the school would remain closed Tuesday to allow workers to sanitize the area and health inspectors to clear the cafeteria to serve food.
"An unusual odor led to the discovery of decomposing animal parts that had been surreptitiously placed in the drop ceiling," Lebanon Township police Patrolman Larry Campbell said.

The bag was found about 7:30 a.m. Monday; students were dismissed at 11:55.

Police believe the bag was hidden over the weekend, Campbell said. He would not say what kind of animal the parts were from or how much was hidden.

The Hunterdon County Prosecutor's Office is investigating.

-I know nothing about witchcraft, paganism, Satanism, or whatever else may have interest in using animal parts in their practices, but I believe this deserves an inquiry by the Lazlo Agency, if not someone from the Society.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 6:40 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Animal parts huh?

I sense cover story, this was probably pieces of somethign more bipedial.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 3:24 pm
by Tabloid Hound
Well, it wouldnt be the first time of a cover story. You may be on to something Ron!

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 3:51 pm
by Dr.JamesRasmusson
Animal parts eh?
I'd have plenty of theories if not for the plastic bag.

Possibility of cultists disposing of parts... but why in the school? Not like someone would break into a school to hide what could be dumped in some farmers field.

Another posibility is some very maladjusted kid did it for a prank. Or has started animal mutilation for "fun" and disposed of the parts in a comfortable area. Again a student could be one of the possible cultists by that note.

This is definately something that needs investigated.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 4:41 pm
by Huntress
I suspect the sack of parts was hidden there in a hurry, probrably so whoever it was wouldnt be caught with it. There are a lot of sicko's out there and I'm really not suprised by stories like this anymore, especially since I've seen and killed things that would make most men run home to their mama's while pissing in their pants.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 5:54 pm
by Ron Caliburn
I think the plastic bag of animal parts is just a red herring.

They needed a convienint explanation for the smell of rotting flesh in the cafeteria.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 11:03 am
by Huntress
If its a herring, makes you wonder what really was rotting away in there, I think an investigation is getting more urgent all the time on this one. :)

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 5:49 pm
by Dr.JamesRasmusson
Another possibility is these animal parts where meant as some kind of focal point for some magic.

Seeing as it was in the cafeteria it could have been placed over a student (group of students) favorite spot. An attempt at cursing or casting a spell on someone specific?

What kind of creature was it?

Might help in determining possible reasons this animal was used.

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 11:22 pm
by DevilNuts
you know, before I joined the Marine Corps I had heard rumors in my high school in Bridgewater NJ of students being expelled for trying to synthesize hormonal and adrenal supplements using small animals in the chemistry lab.

it was later discovered that they were part of a small cult-ish group, all honor roll students and all biology/chemistry whizzes. according to the stories, they were able to manufacture psycho-active drugs from animal carcasses and also gained an athletic edge while using the drugs. the leader of the group was sentenced to 5 years at Rahway for possession, distribution and other charges.

I wonder if he got out of jail and picked up where he left off...

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 3:17 pm
by The Watcher In Shadows
I am no expert in the area of magical rituals and the like, so I cannot be much help here. I do, however think that an ivestigation is definately called for. I suggest that we try to find more information and then launch a proper investiagation.


Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 2:37 pm
by KonThaak
I'm still relatively new around here, but as an active druid, I can hopefully give some insight as to what it *could* be...

First of all, necromancers and dark druids both oftentimes use the pain inflicted on others to fuel their spells. Animal or human, the body parts could simply be the "by-product" of some necromantic ritual. If that's the case, then watch that school very closely, because most likely, the ritual was cast in that vicinity...

While many of the Llewellyn-age witches will be very quick to tell you that "real" witches don't do "icky" things like what you've described, there are dark witches out there who, like necromancers and dark druids, will use parts of animals (or people, if they need that much power) to fuel their magics, as well.

Eastern and European sorcerors have been known to use animal parts in their castings, as well, though I'm a bit less informed as to how they do it. While I'll admit that I've dealt with things like this in the past, I do still find the acts rather "icky", myself, and don't tend to enjoy the gory details... (I hope this means I'm still human, and not just a pansy.)

In any of these cases, I find it very unlikely that it's a student involved. While it seems logical at first, if the bag was stashed over the weekend, and the faculty didn't report broken locks or windows, it'd be very difficult for a student to get into the school over the weekend without being seen. I'd suspect the faculty or janitorial staff first... Janitors, it should be pointed out, often resent their place in life, so that might be a logical start for investigations.

However, I would like to point out, as someone else has, it could be nothing more than a prank, played by some student who wanted his laughs and half a day off from school. Which is not to say I don't think the case should be investigated...

Hopefully, this was of some help...

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 3:54 pm
by Elijah Sight
I think you're all assuming that it was a plastic bag. The article doesn't specify. Perhaps it was a cloth bag, or a sackcloth bag? Maybe it was even the shredded and decomposing remains of clothing...

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 9:51 pm
by KonThaak
A friend of mine just suggested that the body parts could've been there a while longer than just a weekend... The tiles in the drop-ceilings of those schools do tend to be rather thick, so it could take a while for the rancid stench to really seep through enough for them to pinpoint where it was...

Though for myself, I don't know. I grew up on a farm in Kansas, so I know how rancid a rotting corpse can get. I don't know how long tiles could hold back a smell like that, but I suppose it is possible...

Re: Lazlo Agency help requested in Glen Gardner N.J.

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 4:30 pm
by Deacon Ash-Shaytan
Brett Favre pulls gross prank in New York Jets' locker room

Frank Della Femina/ wrote:Brett Favre pulls gross prank in New York Jets' locker room
by Frank Della Femina/
Wednesday October 08, 2008, 9:49 AM

Chris Faytok/The Star-Ledger
Brett Favre's latest prank punk'd teammate Eric Barton.In all his years with the Green Bay Packers, Brett Favre developed a reputation for his intense, somewhat grotesque locker room pranks. Favre's most recent prank in the New York Jets' locker room falls right in line with his pre-existing history of taking some fun jabs at teammates.
As mentioned on The New York Times' web site, the details surrounding the incident are sketchy. But here is what they do know:

[Jets' linebacker Eric] Barton could not remember whether it happened last week or the week before. Nor did he know exactly what kind of dead animal Favre shot (presumably), bagged and dumped inside Barton's locker.

Some teammates believe it was a wild turkey, but regardless, they all gathered around Barton's locker and engaged in fits of laughter. The dead animal was inside a bag that was filled with blood and guts.

Is this his idea of locker room leadership? Hey, perhaps it's working...

Sounds very similar to me.

Do you think it’s a prank?

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 10:40 am
by Clarity
_____Do you think it’s a prank then, Mr. Deacon? The only other similarities I can see are the body parts and the bag. One was in a school cafeteria, the other in a boy’s locker room. Both are disgusting, too. Animal body parts belong in the animal, not in a bag.
_____P.S. Welcome back.

Re: Lazlo Agency help requested in Glen Gardner N.J.

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 10:51 pm
by alpha wolf
It does sound logical that it would be faculty or staff and remember, demons of a canine nature will often stash rotten left overs in a conspicuous place in order to intimidate their prey and mark their territory.

To the average, unmotivated human, anyway. Who would go to

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 2:41 pm
by Eilonwy Solstice
But is “hidden in the ceiling above the school lunchroom” a conspicuous place, alpha wolf? While the smell would make every thinkable place “conspicuous,” a ceiling doesn’t sound like a readily accessible avenue in any event. To the average, unmotivated human, anyway. Who would go to that much trouble?

Then again, who knows what a diehard prankster would do. The stunts my brothers used to pull . . .