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Nemesis Compromised.
Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 12:14 am
by Technocrat
As per security directions left by Mr. Nemesis, I am reporting publicly that there is every reason to believe that they have been
compromised.They are not emotionally stable.
It is likely that they have been compromised in other ways as well.
Do not approach.
Nemesis should be considered armed and extremely dangerous.
I should have cut them out of the picture
sooner. Than some of this could have been avoided maybe.
I have an idea . . .
Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 2:53 pm
by Eilonwy Solstice
Hold on, Techno. I have an idea . . . if it works, I’ll tell you about later.
Re: Nemesis Compromised.
Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 3:36 pm
by GhostSpider
If you need some help Eilonwy, let me know.
Re: Nemesis Compromised.
Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 6:17 pm
by Technocrat
Please excuse the following rant.
I do not know where Nemesis is.
I could find out but have no desire to paint a big old target on my butt. Mr. Nemesis' accomplice, Steph, is still unaccounted for and may have instructions for the eventuality that I give up Mr. Nemesis' location.
It's great that you all have wonderful powers that let you deal with someone like Nemesis and their lackeys. I don't. And I haven't forgotten that despite the good they're trying to do this one time, no doubt for their own selfish reasons, they are a killer for hire at the end of a day. Someone who could look at me and tell me what I'm worth in a dollar value. Get it?
Unless there is proof that Mr. Nemesis is about to take human life, I intend to keep my mouth shut about what I do know.
I am, however, at the disposal of anyone who wishes to take over this investigation. I am not a field agent. I'm a geek with an expensive computer rig and a van.
I'm scared but I'm still trying to help because I know lives hang in the balance. But there is a limit to what I can do. I am only human. I won't even try to be more.
Re: Nemesis Compromised.
Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 5:08 pm
by Cybermancer
I have to wonder if Nemesis is just one person?
Typically what you have isn't some lone wolf hitman but a cell organization. Roles would include:
The Face: This is the person who arranges contracts, sends banking data, 'advertises' and generally interacts with the clients. They'll almost never do anything directly illegal however. Definitely won't be present at any hits.
The Tech: See also Geek. In the modern world this is the person who handles hacking and cyber-crime for the group. Not to mention communications and networking. The tech and the face can potentially be the same person.
The Triggers: You need two, minimum. No way around it. If sniping is your thing then you have a shooter and a spotter. Even if you go in with silenced pistols, you're going to be going in with someone watching your back. One of these can also be the tech but neither will ever be a face.
The Driver: You need at least one of these and they won't be a trigger. They could be a tech but it's too dangerous to fill this role with a face. If you have men to spare, two drivers is better so you have an alternate escape route ready.
The Snoop: This guy gets information. Usually good at talking to people and being other people when required. Often doubled up with a tech or a face. Might work as either a trigger or a driver as well.
The Demolitions Expert: Not every team has one of these but those that do appreciate their skills. Might also be a trigger or a tech but never a face.
As a minimum, I can't see a cell operating effectively with any less than three people and some of them are likely to wear multiple hats. A very new cell may have as few as a couple of people however. They would be looking for a couple other members they could trust though.
If "Nemesis" is a new or small cell, the loss of a single member would cripple the team.
Even if they're split up, they're likely trying to find ways to communicate with each other again. It may be tricky if they feel information has been given up to the enemy, compromising their existing protocols.
Re: Nemesis Compromised.
Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 2:42 pm
by Holister
From the way he talked, I think is is just one person.
Re: Nemesis Compromised.
Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 2:46 pm
by Kolya
Nemesis was actively engaged in misinformation. Impossible to say from what is publicly known.
Re: Nemesis Compromised.
Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 2:47 pm
by Holister
I thought about that. His extreme distrust and moral dillema about that job in Dubai makes me think otherwise.