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Evil Without a Name

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 12:31 am
by Azrael
Hello again my friends. I am now in a small roadside cafe in a small in Germany. I have read of the foul and sinister deeds that have befallen you, my Society bretheren. I appoligize for my absense, and I carry a heavy heart for not being able to aid you until my return to your country.

I do have however very grim news. News of something evil that can not name. Something void of form or face, void of name or soul. It was a dammed thing that was nothing yet had the power to attack me with the strength of many men.

My sword sliced through it as though it were merely shadows and smoke acting as one. It left behind a brackish blood that reeked of death and decay, and was nay as black as pitch. This blood, for I can think of nothing else to call it, was not from any wound. For I was not able to inflict any harm what so ever upon this foul specter even with Deathkiss. It was not until the foul thing placed that ichor upon my flesh that it was obvious it had tried to consume my dammed soul.

If not for the rising sun, I may have been lost to it before it fled into the retreating shadows. I have not seen it again since, but its shapeless visage will be forever burned into my memory, as well as the words it spoke that still echo in my very mind......

We have not forgotten.

I can only wonder what it meant or what it wanted, but the sheer hatred, rage, and madness that was this being was all but obvious to me. I fear that whatever this entity is, we may see it again, and sooner than I dare hope.

Re: Evil Without a Name

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 12:38 am
by Cameron Thorne
Even sooner than that I am affraid my immortal friend.

Re: Evil Without a Name

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 1:31 pm
by Holister
You are no one's friend here Thorne, so take your prophecies of doom & gloom somewhere else.

Re: Evil Without a Name

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 7:57 pm
by Cameron Thorne
It is coming for you all. It knows no pitty, no remorse, no mercy. It can not be bargained with and will not stop until blood has been spilled.

"From death and darkness it shall rise

For I saw the hellfire and felt the flames;

Behind a shroud of shadows with buring eyes

Vengence onto to those who it doeth blame."

Re: Evil Without a Name

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 8:06 pm
by Azrael
Your visions are as cryptic as ever Thorne. You claim to have seen that which I have encounted in another post here on these boards.

Then why hide in the shadows seer. If your visions can aid those here, why chose to remain in the shadows. You obviously care for these people or why else would you warn them.

Your behavior makes it hard for those here to trust you. That lack of trust plants the seeds of doubt of your words.

That doubt in turn may or may not lead us down a road to ruin with open arms.

I am coming to Belfast seer. We will discuss your " prophecies " when I arrive in two days time. Until then, learn what you can about this thing that I encountered.

Re: Evil Without a Name

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 2:38 pm
by GhostSpider
All right, time to collate.

Az, you've got these words "we have not forgotten" ringing in your head? Ben, or rather one of his deputies, said he had got an e-mail with those exact same words in it.

Thorne's speaking of something with burning eyes, well, Jersey Guy stated he saw something with burning eyes. He thought it was the Jersey Devil. Then, he starts acting like an ass and making sinister remarks. Is it just me, or does it seem like maybe it was two different people posting.

Also Az, I've met Thorne. He may be a cryptic ass, but doesn't mean he isn't right.

That bad feeling just got a whole lot worse.

Re: Evil Without a Name

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 2:46 pm
by Grace
GhostSpider wrote:Thorne's speaking of something with burning eyes, well, Jersey Guy stated he saw something with burning eyes. He thought it was the Jersey Devil. Then, he starts acting like an ass and making sinister remarks. Is it just me, or does it seem like maybe it was two different people posting.

There definitely seemed to be a change in Jersey Guy's posts.

His profile suggested an affection for alcohol. I would suggest that the difference could be attributed to being drunk. Or perhaps being drunk made him more susceptible to other influences?

I'm afraid that's all I got on this.

Re: Evil Without a Name

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 2:24 pm
by GhostSpider
Is it just me, or does it seem like maybe it was two different people posting.

Now been confirmed. Not to mention the words "we have not forgotten" were found at the scene of the crime here too. What the hell is going on?