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Problems in town
Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 1:23 pm
by DarKnyht
I think I have enough information to at least start talking about what is going on in town. Everyone here knows about the Old Douglas Farm. There have always been mysterious noises heard coming from the woods, and past owners have claimed to see fires that disappeared and hear noises with no source. They have all recovered small dolls made from twigs, and all of them mysteriously get ill and die. Currently the place is owned by was inherited by someone who simply refuses to set foot on the property.
Anyways, the trouble started when the small twig dolls started appearing here in town. Everyone that has received the dolls was someone who was in a heated argument with someone else the day of or before, and they have all since gotten ill with something no one can figure out.
This of course has everyone spooked, and a lot of people just refuse to talk to people because they don't want to get the doll. Sort of makes me feel bad about the way I treated the waiter the other night, I guess I will have to tip extra well tomorrow.
Anyways, no one knows where these things are coming from or how to stop them. A part of the town has just packed up and moved away for the time being trying to get away from it. If anyone has any ideas what is causing this I would appreciate the advice.
Re: Problems in town
Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 12:42 pm
by Hannah
Hi DK,
That sounds really creepy, but also kinda sad. I think somethign wants people to be nice and get along, I don't know if it realizes what it's doing is hurting people.
PS: What do they get sick and die from? Maybe the dolls have some germs on them.
Re: Problems in town
Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 8:43 pm
by DarKnyht
Sorry for the slow reply. Things are getting a little strange here as the sickness is causing people to bring out the worse in people. The doctors here cannot figure out what is going on, nor can the CDC Rep that is here. However, the town is unofficially in quarantine since no one is willing to come in.
Right now it isn't a big problem because the local farms still have food to provide and the power is not being interrupted, but if basic services get stopped it probably is going to get downright ugly. I've visited the homes of some of the people affected and there is a terrible feeling surrounding them. The dolls also seem to radiate a dark power, but I cannot figure it out right now.
I am going up to the old farm later this weekend with Sheriff Bodie and a few other concerned citizens. It's funny how we just all gathered together with the same idea. I will fill you in as much as I can when I can.
Re: Problems in town
Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 7:48 pm
by DarKnyht
We made our first trip out there, went in broad daylight with the permission of the owner. The house looks like it hasn't been used in twenty years, and it is surprising the place is still standing. The barn isn't in much better shape.
Most of the property is overgrown and it took us a while to get to the general area where the lights originally were. The place felt wrong. We found a lot of the twig dolls there, although none had that dark feeling around them and most looked burned. When we started to leave I was forced to the ground and started getting all kinds of images and voices in my head. One of the things was, "Two days from now we take over the town." So we are heading out again tonight.
As far as the town goes, there has been no more outbreaks of the sickness but quite a few people were hurt and even more are scared. The official count is at 20, but there are a few people that are just missing. We are not sure if they left town or died without anyone knowing it.
Also in related news, some of the bodies are now missing. It appears they just got up in the middle of the night and left the morgue. Most people in town don't know that fact, and they are hoping that most don't. The panic it would cause would be considerable.
Re: Problems in town
Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 8:08 pm
by Willie Long
DarKnyht wrote:Everyone that has received the dolls was someone who was in a heated argument with someone else the day of or before, and they have all since gotten ill with something no one can figure out.
Before you head back to the Douglas Farm, I suggest you meditate until you are serene and at peace. Then burn the place down.
Re: Problems in town
Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 8:11 pm
by DarKnyht
Willie Long wrote:Before you head back to the Douglas Farm, I suggest you meditate until you are serene and at peace. Then burn the place down.
Well, we did the meditation and all but unfortunately we got your advice to destroy the place too late. We went out there that night and are quite frankly happy to be alive.
As we made our way down to the area we found earlier this week the fire were there. Appearing and disappearing as we went. I could feel the evil radiating from ahead so fortunately we approached slowly. Finally we got to a spot looking down on the ring from a hillside and saw the event of a lifetime.
There were about 20 robed figures in a circle around a bonfire. Next to the bonfire are what we think were the missing corpses. They were laying naked around the fire and were covered in some sort of writing. The 20 robed figures all had one of the twig people in their hands and were chanting. The feeling of evil was overwhelming.
About 2 minutes after we got to that point the fire turned blue and the flames shot up 20 feet. The robed figures all threw the dolls into the flames and the bodies proceeded to rise. They then slowly lumbered into the flames. Once they stepped into it, the fire turned blood red and I could hear a voice in my head.
It claimed the price had been paid, the bargain complete and the gateway was unlocked. All that was needed was the energy to open it. At this the 20 people standing there pulled blades and plunged them into their hearts. The feeling of evil became overwhelming at this and I swear I saw a the flames go black and a black pulse get flung from it. However, Bodie said that there was only an explosion that engulfed the people. Either way there was no evidence when it was gone, everything went black.
We sat there for a second and then I felt it. It was cold, like having icy water poured down my spine. Bodie said he felt it too, and then it was gone. We didn't stick around after that. We quickly and quietly made our way out of there. Didn't go back out until the next morning, and by then there was no evidence of anything. Not even the fire, made both of us think we had delusions or something.
I don't know what happened, but the sickness has left as mysteriously as it has come in. In fact it left with a bang, twenty people died mysteriously in their beds that night. Again, not a scratch or sign of anything wrong.
The town has changed though. It is like a cold, dark breeze has blown into this place. People have changed, become colder and less friendly than before. I have a feeling it is going to be a long hard winter here, and not necessarily because of the weather.
Re: Problems in town
Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 8:53 am
by DarKnyht
Well, there is some good news for everyone in town. Dr. Anthony D. Emmi, a Psychiatrist that grew up here, has come back home. He heard the news of what happened and has decided to semi-retire here. He has volunteered his time to council the families of those that died and offer his services at a discount to friends of them.
I think the man has quite a bit of wealth and wants to build a good will in his hometown before his death. In thanks for this, the head of the local academy has offered the Doctor a part-time position. This will include room and board in exchange for teaching a few classes.
All in all I think that his services is well needed. Since three of the victims of the sickness were the pastors of the three largest churches there is a lack of people to council the town. Two of the replacements are so fresh from seminary they barely know where to start and the third still hasn't gotten here yet.
Re: Problems in town
Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 3:44 pm
by DarKnyht
Meant to post this yesterday, but got caught up in other things. While the mainstream media seems to be ignoring the problems the news has hit the local papers and even some of the regional news is carrying the story.
This is how the local weekly put it (even ran a special edition with extra pictures):
In the small town of Caleb's Point, WV, twenty people passed away on the night of October 7th, 2008. The strange thing was that each was in their own beds all across town sleeping when it happened.
The local corner's office declared that all the deaths were of natural causes, after they found no sign of any foul play. The office also ruled out stroke, heart attack, cancer, accidental poisoning, insect bites, and half a dozen other possibilities. Experts from Charleston, WV and Pittsburgh, PA also examined the bodies and have come to the same conclusion.
Dr. David Thomas, a medical expert from Pittsburgh's University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, was quoted as saying, "That so many deaths happened at the same time is odd, and will have conspiracy theorists buzzing for years to come, the fact is it was just their time to go."
There was concern that their deaths were related to the sickness that claimed twenty people in town that still has the experts baffled. However none of these new deaths show any of the signs of the sickness, which included hemorrhaging from the eyes, nose, and ears before collapsing into a coma-like state. The CDC representative, while declaring the town safe, has not been able to explain the origin or the sickness.
The entire events has the citizens of this small community upset and nervous. Some have packed there belongings and headed out of town. One such man told us as he was filling the tank on his U-Haul truck, "This town is going to hell in a hand-basket and I will have no stinkin' part of it." Others such as the elderly Mrs. Grieves feels now is the time for the community to come together. "In times like these, all we have is each other and the Lord."